soldier rushing forward

Chapter 200, rushing to the enemy's position

I don’t know if readers remember, but in the previous chapters, I introduced how the Vietnamese army dealt with dead bodies. ╚ ?^╝Sometimes after a battle, it is clear that there are dozens of Vietnamese troops here.However, after the enemy was wiped out, there were not many corpses to be found on the enemy's position.When the Seventh Company attacked the main peak of Laoshan, our army also encountered these problems.

On the enemy's forward position, it can be seen that a lot of enemy corpses have piled up. However, there are no good guns, not even ammunition.Those who love to watch movies must know the feat of smashing guns in "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain" and not leaving the gun to the enemy until death.The Vietnamese army is not ignorant of these heroic acts.

Over the years, the Vietnamese army has been exposed to a lot of Chinese culture.It can even be said that they are the Vietnamese army trained by the older generation of revolutionary soldiers in our country.Therefore, their developmental forms, tactical skills, and strategic skills in warfare are very similar to the Chinese style of play in many ways.Today, the Vietnamese version of "On Protracted War" can often be seen on the enemy's positions conquered by our army.

Then, a nation that admires heroes, a country that is warlike, and a government that loves martial arts, even if it loses, it will not show weakness to its opponents.From daily education to pre-war mobilization, the entire education system of the Vietnamese Army is filled with the fighting spirit of trapping, disturbing, and fighting to the end.Therefore, how could they leave their weapons to the Chinese Communists on the battlefield.It was at the last moment, a few minutes before death, that they had to draw some personnel to deal with supplies.Unless, our army doesn't give them a little time, a fierce attack and annihilation with lightning, so that they have no time to mess around.

After the Seventh Company took down the enemy's first line of defense, there was really nothing to use here except for the guns that were discarded on the battlefield and were blown up.It can be seen that the enemy did a clean job at the last moment, and it is also possible that they were not here as a reserve.

At this time, the machine gun blocking Hao Wei and the others was still firing.

A machine gun, if the position is quite good, such as guarding an intersection, with the continuous rain of bullets, the gun will not be able to pass through alive.If he forced his way in, he would poke a few holes in his body.However, the current geographical conditions are not like that.In front of the enemy is a very open hillside.The enemy's vision is good, but the opponent's evasion range is also wide.Therefore, although the enemy's machine guns fired fiercely, Hao Wei and the others still had a place to hide and a place to run.As long as you don't stop, don't foolishly wait to make a target for the enemy.No matter how accurate the enemy's machine gun is, the accuracy rate will not be very high for people running sideways.What's more, the slope here is relatively steep, and there are blocks of rocks blocking it, so there is no chance of escaping from the enemy's guns.

Hao Wei rushed forward, and after a while, he hid under a stone and looked behind.At this time, he found that only half of the soldiers who followed him rushed forward, and the other half of the soldiers were blocked by the enemy's machine guns under a hurdle and could not raise their heads.

"Hey! After all, they are recruits and have no combat experience." Hao Wei regretted that they did not dare to charge forward.

Hao Wei said to the people around him, "You can go through, run forward," pointing, "That's Qilian."

As soon as he finished speaking, these soldiers rushed towards the Seventh Company with their ammunition on their backs.

When the enemy's machine gun finds someone jumping out from the suppressed side and running forward, it is too late to adjust the muzzle to stop it.They could only watch as a dozen soldiers carrying ammunition jumped into the trench and entered the Seventh Company's position.

"No way! There are people behind! Let them come anyway. They are all ammunition that Qilian urgently needs on their backs." Thinking about this, Hao Wei felt that there was no other way, and had to rush forward.The only way to dodge the enemy's machine gun is to make it fast.So, Hao Wei jumped out from the hiding place, jumped out suddenly, and ran back towards the original road.

At this time, the enemy's machine gun turned to Xu Weiguo and the others who were hiding under the ridge.

"Da da da" Although the enemy's machine guns kept buzzing, no one was hit.Because these people were suppressed by him, no one dared to come out.

After fighting for a while, the enemy also felt that there was no way out, but they could only persevere.Even if you don't come out, it still has to fight.

The enemy knows it very well.As long as the machine guns stop, these people will jump out.Seeing that they are not far from the intended target.As long as one runs fast and a few vertical jumps, he can quickly get out of the shooting range of the machine gun.At this time, if you wait for the machine gun to find the target, then aim and shoot, it will be done in one go, and the time difference is also difficult to grasp.Therefore, this machine gun fired vigorously at the ridge and stone edge where the Chinese soldiers were hidden.In this way, an opportunity was created for Hao Wei.

Hao Wei was looking for an opportunity, waiting for the moment when the enemy changed the magazine.The opportunity came.The enemy's machine gun is a light machine gun, and the magazine must be changed after a period of time.When they replaced the magazines, they watched Hao Wei make a few vertical leaps and rushed over.Unwillingly, the enemy's machine guns chased and chased after Hao Wei, and they could only shoot a few white spots behind Hao Wei, leaving behind a few clouds of smoke and dust.

Hao Wei jumped under the ridge, buried himself, and said to Xu Weiguo rudely, "Old Xu, why are you so slow, why don't you hurry over."

Xu Weiguo pointed to the soldiers around him, "A few of them were injured and couldn't run."

Hao Wei thought for a while, "I see it this way, let the injured stay here and don't move. Those who can move, rush over with me."

Xu Weiguo quietly raised his head and peeked in the direction of the enemy's machine gun.As soon as he showed his head, the enemy bullets shot over.He was so scared that he quickly retracted his head.Then he said to Hao Wei, "The enemy is so fierce, how can we survive!"

"What is fierce, follow me." Then Hao Wei said to the others, don't get together when running for a while, two or three people run together, stop after a few steps, don't let the bullet stop your head. "

After Hao Wei finished speaking, he glanced at the two soldiers beside him, "You two follow me, I run, you also run, I get down and you get down too."

"Yes" said the two soldiers together.

Hao Wei replaced a wounded ammunition box on his body, tied it up, and said, "Run." After finishing speaking, he jumped out like an arrow, but ran vigorously in the direction of the Seventh Company.

When the enemy's machine gun found someone coming out, it immediately turned its gun and swept across at Hao Wei without even aiming.

The flying bullets "cracked and crackled" behind Hao Wei.

After running a few steps, Hao Wei judged that the enemy might be intercepting in front, and suddenly stopped and lay down on the ground.

After the enemy's machine gun fired two bursts, he found that he could not catch up with Hao Wei, so he moved the muzzle forward slightly, preparing to shoot a wall of bullets on Hao Wei's way forward.Unexpectedly, Hao Wei stopped suddenly.In this way, Hao Wei ran and stopped, changing his posture constantly, and the enemies couldn't do anything.After a few rounds, Hao Wei spent all the enemy's bullets on Hao Wei.

Taking advantage of this effort, Hao Wei got up quickly and jumped into the Seventh Company's position in a few steps.

Because Hao Wei drew away the enemy's machine guns in front, the two soldiers behind ran easily.Hao Wei arrived at the destination, and the two fighters followed suit.

Although not all the ammunition has been delivered yet, the current ammunition is enough for the soldiers of the Seventh Company to use for a while.After a while, all fighters were replenished.

"Hao Wei, let your platoon prepare for the battle." Li Sen said.

Most of the people who sent the ammunition over for the first time just now were soldiers in the second row. Therefore, it is no problem for them to switch roles and continue to attack.

"What about the ammunition?" Hao Wei asked Li Sen, looking at Xu Weiguo and the others who were still blocked by enemy machine guns.

"I don't have time to worry about it. I believe that after we take down the enemy's position, they can keep up." Li Sen held a submachine gun in his hand, and said to the 0 recoilless gun and [-] bazooka shooter, "Aim The enemy's machine gun fire point, hit."

After Li Sen finished speaking, two 0 recoilless guns and three [-] bazookas fired at the enemy positions on the second line of defense.

Now, because the troops are very close to the enemy, our artillery dare not fight.In case of intensive artillery fire, it is likely to hurt one's own people.Therefore, when the infantry attacked, it could only rely on the battalion artillery assigned to each company.As for whether it is used properly and whether it can play a role, it depends on the command skills of the military commander of each company.Properly commanded, its power is no less than those heavy artillery.After all, it is bombarding the enemy in front of the eyes, and the accuracy rate is relatively higher than that of those heavy artillery.

After a round of artillery fire, coupled with the addition of guns, a large firepower attack was immediately formed on the enemy's formation.

Before the smoke from the bomb cleared, Li Sen gave an order, "Comrades, it's time for us to show our faces, go."

After shouting, Li Sen was the first to jump out of the ditch and bravely rushed forward.

Tong Zhiyuan saw that Li Sen was leading the charge, which was fine.How could the commander of a company be so reckless, in case something goes wrong, who will command the battle.So, Tong Zhiyuan shouted after him, "Li Sen, come back."

It's not that Li Sen is not afraid of death, but that there are not many people in the Seventh Company right now.After the first round of fighting, his more than 100 people lost half of them.Except for a complete platoon reserved for the reserve team, the other platoons were beaten by the enemy and were incompletely organized. In some squads, there were only two or three people left.What kind of cadres do you call without soldiers? Who do you rely on to fight without soldiers?Therefore, when a cadre is out of troops, he is a soldier.Without the squad leader, the platoon leader will have to go, and without the platoon leader, the company commander will have to rush.It was with this thought in mind that Li Sen led the soldiers forward.

Cadres are not afraid of their lives, but soldiers are not afraid of death.

The soldiers of the seventh company saw that the company commander was the first to charge forward, who could still lag behind.Ever since, with a "buzz", there was a sound of shouting and killing on the battlefield.No one took the lead, no one called, it seemed to be from the same belief, the same idea.How can they let their company commander block the gun for themselves, that is the commander on the battlefield.Even if he is dead, the company commander cannot be harmed.

Crowds of soldiers jumped over Li Sen with shouts of killing, shouting, charging, and shooting at the enemy.

This momentum came too suddenly.The enemies hidden in the second line of defense thought that the Chinese Communists did not dare to rush upwards, and did not dare to risk their lives to advance, and stopped, and they might be waiting for reinforcements.

Since the squadron has suspended their attack, they also have to rest.

The battle is two-sided, and no one can rest easy.Although the enemy is hidden in the fortifications, they have to keep resisting, shooting, and moving ammunition, and everyone is under intense fatigue.What's more, these enemies who take on the blocking task are always in a state of high tension.Because the success or failure of this battle is not only related to their national interests, but also to the Laoshan position, and more importantly, it is related to the lives of each of them.If you lose, you have nothing.Therefore, how could the enemies guarding here not struggle desperately.

During this period of time, for this group of Vietnamese soldiers, let alone whether they were tired or not, the nervousness and anger alone made them all breathless.

After finally having this opportunity, can they not hurry up and rest for a while without the attackers attacking?Even for a few minutes.

Due to ammunition, Li Sen gave the enemy too much time.However, after the enemy organized a counterattack, they did not come down.This also gave Li Sen a chance to wait.

Over time, the enemy has relaxed.Some of them are going to drink water, some are getting lazy.After all, the battle had been fought for hours.

When they were not paying attention, there was a sudden cry of killing on the battlefield of the Chinese army.

Three or four Vietnamese soldiers stuck their heads out and looked out, "Oh my god! Why did they hit it again?"

This time the battle was fought at dawn.Of course, they could clearly see the Chinese and Vietnamese soldiers rushing up.For some reason, some Vietnamese soldiers were afraid.Don't look at the dark night, you can't see what kind of people rushing up, you only know that they are enemies, just shoot at the shadow.But it's different now, what they saw was one by one with a murderous look, with recklessness, with the ruthlessness of not fearing death if they all died together.

This kind of bundled, group charge made the enemies in front of them terrified.Due to the large number of gunmen, everyone who rushed up was running, shooting, and shouting desperately.The earth-shattering shouts flew together with the bullets, and at the same time, they rushed towards the enemies on the ground.

The first thing to react was a machine gun in the bunker.

"Da da da" the machine gun roared, and immediately awakened the stunned enemy.So, one by one, they quickly took their guns and opened fire on the Chinese soldiers who rushed up.

After all, there are a large number of light and heavy openers on the enemy's position.There is also a squad, or a platoon of troops.It is more than enough to guard an area with dozens of people.For a while, the enemy began to shoot out from the bunkers, caves, and trenches.

Bullets mixed with various weapons flew outward at the same time, and in a short time, they produced an effect of an ax chopping firewood in the formation of the Chinese army rushing up.I saw one by one of the gunmen being slashed by the bullets, and people in the charging crowd kept falling to the ground.

"You son of a bitch, just sweep if you have the guts to see how many bullets you have." The one in front fell down, but the one behind still refused to flinch, determined to collide with the bullets.

Li Sen saw it, how could this work.If this style of play doesn't take long, his company will be wiped out.So he hurriedly gave the order and shouted from behind, "Lie down, lie down for me, everyone."

Seeing that someone was still rushing forward desperately, Li Sen rushed forward in a few strides, and knocked several soldiers to the ground one by one.

Under Li Sen's furious yelling, the soldiers stopped charging desperately and lay down on the spot waiting for the next opportunity to attack the enemy.people

Soldiers, can you hurry up!I heard that several other highlands have been captured by our army.Some highlands took only 9 minutes, but it took them two hours to rush to the enemy's second line of defense.

Life is unnecessary, but honor cannot be lost.Hence the play.

Li Sen saw that the enemy's firepower was too fierce, so he prepared to attack with firepower, so he kept shouting, "[-] no, [-] no."

The infantry soldiers rushed so fast that the two gunners carrying Baerwu couldn't keep up and were left behind.

Two 100 recoilless gunners came up.Li Sen pointed to the machine gun that was still screaming, and said, "Target, [-] meters ahead, machine gun."

"Yes" the gunner agreed, and he was ready to shoot.

However, the slope here is too steep to find a suitable place.

"Don't fight here, find a suitable place." Li Sen found a large group of soldiers crouching behind the gunner.If there is no sound at all, everyone within a dozen meters will be burned if the fire is aimed.

The two gunners also realized the problem, so they quietly sneaked to the side.

Li Sen added, "You two don't need to rush, set up the gun and cover for the brothers."

The two [-] recoilless gunners turned to the right after five or six meters, and hid behind a big rock.The first gunner lifted the barrel of the gun and said to the second gunner, "Reload."

According to common sense, shooting from a cannon is much more accurate than shooting from a shoulder.But in this case, it is difficult to find a flat ground, which gun to go to.Let alone a cannon, even the cannon frame alone is enough for one person to carry.Therefore, during the charge, the artillery squad leader had already asked the deputy gunner to throw away the gun mount, and replaced that burden with ammunition.

Although it is more difficult to shoot against the shoulder, it is easy to meet the enemy, which is good for aiming under various conditions.Whether it is standing, kneeling, or lying down.However, that is easier said than done.Carry a heavy iron pipe on your body, aim, endure the fire, and destroy the enemy.Therefore, this is not something anyone can do.

A gunner carried the barrel loaded with ammunition on his shoulder, and aimed at the enemy through the sight. He felt that the angle was not good, and the shell would be blocked by a stone in the past.So, he rubbed to the right again, ready to find an excellent position.

His movement was unexpectedly discovered by a Vietnamese army.

Seeing that someone was going to sneak attack, the Vietnamese soldier hurriedly turned his gun and fired bullets at a gunner.

This is terrible, how can he fight with the enemy guarding him.

In order not to be hit by the enemy, the first gunner had no choice but to retract his body temporarily, and waited in a good posture, "I thought to myself, I don't believe that you can't finish shooting, there is always time to change the magazine."

It really made him guess right.After the enemy hit a shuttle, he didn't know whether the opponent was killed by him.

"It doesn't matter whether he is killed or not, anyway, I will press you with bullets so that you can't get out." This is what the Vietnamese army thought.Hitting and hitting, the bullets ran out.There was only a "click", and the submachine gun in his hand stopped firing.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, the [-] recoilless gunner knew that the enemy's gun was out of bullets.

No matter how high the technology of the Vietnamese army is, no matter how fast the action is, it takes more than three seconds to change a magazine.With this time, it is enough for him to fire this shell.Then, a gunner suddenly flashed out half of his body, and opened fire towards the bunker where the enemy machine gun he had already known was hidden.

With a burst of flames behind him, the shells that flew out of the muzzle directly entered the bunker.

With a "boom", a big hole was blown into the cover of the enemy's bunker.A thick puff of smoke burst out from the roof and the firing holes at the same time.

A hole was blown out of the top cover, needless to say, the enemies inside would surely die.

At this time, on the enemy's position that lost the cover of the machine gun, the gunfire immediately weakened.

"Comrades, go!" Li Sen yelled, and the Chinese soldiers jumped up from where they were lying on their stomachs again, rushing towards the enemy like a tide.

Next to it was the sound of 0 rocket launchers and [-] recoilless guns.

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