soldier rushing forward

201. Hit you son of a bitch

A friend asked: Why didn't Wu Jianglong participate in such a big battle?

Here is a brief introduction. ㊣(╯▽╰). co? We mentioned last time that there was a group of Vietnamese army agents sneaking into China. Although most of them were wiped out, there were still remnants of the enemy who went into the jungle and couldn't come out.Several large-scale search and suppression campaigns by the Chinese government have had little effect.There is no way, we can only find and eliminate this group of enemies with the method of small group to small group, agent to agent.

After various considerations, the superior still entrusted this task to Wu Jianglong.Therefore, when Laoshan fought, Wu Jianglong didn't know where he was squatting in the deep mountains and dense forests to deal with the enemy.The chiefs have made up their minds, "No matter how difficult it is, we must wipe out this group of enemies, and we must never let them do evil in our country.

Now, let's go back and continue to pay attention to the battle on the main peak of Laoshan.

Li Sen, the commander of the seventh company, used almost all the small artillery, 0 bazookas, rifles, and light and heavy weapons in the hands of the soldiers in the company, and smashed at the enemy's position.

Immediately, gunpowder and smoke rose from the enemy's second line of defense, the sound of explosions rumbled, and bombing points arrived one after another, turning the whole into a burning ammunition depot.Although the enemy occupies a favorable position, they are few in number, and no matter how many weapons they have, they cannot use them all at the same time.Therefore, the Chinese Communists have a huge advantage in numbers, making the enemies here completely powerless to fight back.

Under fire suppression, the enemies here can only be cats at the bottom of the cave, or sneaking into the trenches.With the firepower of the Seventh Company not stopping, they absolutely did not dare to raise their heads.

As soon as the enemy's firepower was weak, Li Sen was even more unreasonable. He led the soldiers to charge and fight, and charged upwards without stopping for a moment.When approaching the enemy's trench, another grenade was thrown.The entire charging process is close-range artillery attack, close-range shooting, and close-range bombing.This is also in wartime, in desperate situations.If it is in normal times, this is the most dangerous training method. For the sake of safety, the superiors absolutely prohibit it.

At this point in the war, either you die or I live.If you are still timid, you will be killed by the enemy's madness if you are not killed by the enemy's bullets.Therefore, in the case of being unable to attack for a long time, the soldiers ignored everything. There was only one word, "fight" means to fight for this life, and to drive the enemy out of the trenches and caves.

After a dash, the situation of the enemy's trenches was already clear at a glance.The soldiers who ran to the front could already see the enemies still huddled in the trenches.These enemies may still be immersed in the sound of artillery and gunfire, and may be frightened by this formation.

Some veterans among them have also fought against the Chinese Communists.But I have never seen this kind of desperate, long-distance, and not afraid of his own grenade.Anyone with a little military common sense knows it.In battle, as long as the opponent's grenade is thrown, in order to avoid damage, you must always dodge.But these Chinese people are different.As soon as they shot their own grenade, they rushed forward without stopping.Isn't this intentional courting death!Never seen it, really never seen it.

If you pinch the time.It takes five seconds for the grenade to hit from the shot to the explosion.It's okay to throw it at a distance of more than 30 meters, and the shrapnel will never fly back.But now, the distance is not 30 meters at all.At such a short distance, people rush up before the grenade explodes, so they are not blowing themselves up!What is it if it is not suicide?

The enemy thinks so, but the soldiers don't think so.They know that the enemies standing in their way are experienced veterans.If the grenade can't kill them, they will get out of it as soon as the gunpowder smoke clears, and will shoot at the shotgun at the fastest speed.At that time, the enemy is ready to charge up again, can they charge up?Even if you go up, you have to pay a high price.Fortunately, it is better to take this risk than to take that risk.As long as you hit hard, let the enemy realize the danger and hide, and take the opportunity to attack.This can be unexpected.The purpose is to catch the enemy by surprise.Let the enemy not even have the chance to return the phone.It is to find the best time to break through the enemy's line of defense at the most dangerous moment in the chaos.

"Drop the bomb, drop the bomb." Li Sen shouted as he ran.

At such a short distance, a gun sweep is of course not as effective as a grenade.Charge upwards with a gun in hand, and the enemy will shrink their heads to hide when they see the threat.Once the body is buried, nothing can be hit.When the Chinese army approached, or approached the trench, the enemy suddenly appeared from inside again.Towards the shooting man who came up, a bullet was fired.The sudden attack was too dangerous for the Chinese soldiers rushing up.Therefore, bullets are not as good as grenades.

A burst of grenades was thrown, and the smoke immediately covered the trench.With the sound of the explosion, the human bodies and guns in the trench were blown up together.

After seeing this excellent effect, the soldiers who rushed up were extremely excited.At this time, they don't care whether there is danger inside or whether there are living enemies.Running at the front, I saw the few soldiers running at the front jump down like a whirlwind.He kept shouting, but nothing came out of his mouth, only a series of "ah".People follow the gun, eyes follow the bullet.

In order to prevent the enemy from sneak attacking, they only shoot at places with high concealment, and shoot at densely smoked places.Crackling bullets sparked in the ditch.

At this time, I don't know when Li Erzhu replaced the submachine gun with a light machine gun.The whole body was covered in blood.I don't know if it's the enemy's or his own.He held the gun in both hands, straightened his chest, screaming all the way, all the way forward.The machine gun kept trembling on his body, and the flames from the barrel seemed to be pouring out anger and cursing the enemy.Li Erzhu kept shooting forward, the purpose was to use the machine gun to open the safest and smoothest way to attack.

With this burst of shots, he estimated how many enemies in front would have to be killed by him.

After this fierce killing and beating, almost none of the enemies in the trench escaped.Those caves and bunkers were also disposed of by 0 recoilless guns and [-] rocket launchers.And that firearm, I don't know how many enemies were burned to death.A soldier carried it on his back, and the flames were still sizzling.

The enemy's second line of defense was finally taken.

Li Sen took a breath.But when I looked back, I saw that most of the soldiers were crowded into the trench.Li Sen realized that this was very dangerous. What if the enemy counterattacked and fired at this place?

Li Sen just thought of this, and sure enough, the enemies on the top of the mountain started to fire here.Not only was it swept with a gun, but it was also smashed down from above with grenades mixed in.

"No, the enemy is going to counterattack." After Li Sen realized the problem, he shouted, "Spread out and prepare to meet the enemy.

The enemies on the mountain were also in a hurry.If Li Sen and the others are allowed to stand still here, they only need to rest for a while, and then with a little effort, they may attack the top of the mountain in one go.Therefore, no matter what the cost, they will take back the second line of defense.

Suddenly, Li Sen realized that the enemy's second line of defense they occupied was very unfavorable to the Seventh Company.

The enemy is condescending, as long as the enemy on the mountain sticks his head out, no matter which direction he looks from, he can see every move of Qilian very clearly.If you put the gun on the top and lower it at an angle of more than 40 degrees, all the bullets will fall on the top of the seventh company without any effort.

The enemy's light and heavy weapons hit Li Sen and the others for a while.There are mortar shells also joined in.A round of shells fell straight towards the position.

After the enemy's guns and cannons smashed indiscriminately.Qilian really couldn't stand it anymore.Soldiers can't just watch being shot by enemy bullets, so they have to find ways to run and hide.However, with such a large land, and it is completely exposed to the enemy's sight, you can run wherever you can run, and hide wherever you can hide.

Li Sen was really anxious.However, there were only two paths before him.One is to continue to rush up to take down the top of the mountain and destroy the enemies on the mountain.The other way is to withdraw quickly and return this position to the enemy.

Of course Li Sen would not choose the second path.Not to mention withdrawing from this position and returning it to the enemy, even taking a step back, that is all escape.That's nothing else, that's crime, that's funk.Unless you are ordered by your superiors to retreat, you cannot leave even half a step.Therefore, under the current situation, until the superiors give the order to withdraw, they will stick to it, and if they are exhausted, they will stick to it.What's more, Li Sen didn't report this situation, and his superiors didn't even know about it.Even if they knew, they wouldn't let Qilian give up their position to the enemy.

Why are so many soldiers here? Isn't it to destroy the enemy and take back the old mountain!

Therefore, Li Sen decided to stick to it.No matter how difficult it is or how many people will die, we must persevere.

Li Sen began to call for artillery fire.

"What heavy artillery?" Chi Yongjie was a little surprised when Li Sen asked for artillery support.So he hurriedly asked, "Li Sen, how far are you from the enemy?"

"Just under the enemy."

"No, heavy artillery is too dangerous, we should use regimental artillery."

"No, the angle is too big, our cannons can't hit it."

Chi Yongjie thought for a while and said, "Once the artillery fire passes, it will probably hurt you."

"Chief of Staff, don't worry about us, just shoot. It's better for us to die by our own hands than to be killed by the enemy." Li Sen finished speaking in one breath.

Now that this is the case, it can be seen that Li Sen and the others are very dangerous.There is no need for bombardment.So Chi Yongjie gave an order to the artillery, asking them to fight as accurately as possible.

However, the main peak of Laoshan is too high, and it is difficult to hit the top of the mountain with heavy artillery.Artillery asked the question.

"I don't care about it, you guys have to find a way." Chi Yongjie almost gave the order to die.

The battalion commander of the [-] Howitzer Artillery directly called Li Sen of the Seventh Company.

"Seventh Company Commander, we will send the test firing first, and you will be in charge of the command."

"Okay, go ahead and fight!"

Soon, a shell flew over and hit the hillside six or seven meters away from the main peak with a bang.

"It's low, go up another ten meters." Li Sen observed and commanded with a telescope.

Immediately afterwards, another shot flew over and hit the top of the mountain directly.

"Yes, yes, just fight like this." Li Sen shouted excitedly.

At this time, after the artillerymen corrected the target, they adjusted the gun angle to the maximum, or in other words, it was beyond the scope of the outline.No matter what the rules are or are not, what dangers are not dangerous, as long as you kill the enemy's positions, this is the best outline textbook.

At the command of the artillery battalion commander, a dozen heavy artillery pieces that were closest to the front and most conducive to attacking the main peak of Laoshan opened fire together.Immediately, fireworks lit up on the main peak of Laoshan.In an instant, the enemy's machine guns, small artillery and other weapons stopped attacking.

At this time, a soldier shouted, "The enemy is coming up."

Some people were confused, the enemy was obviously above, logically speaking, even if they attacked the Seventh Company, they should attack from above, and would never come up from below.But why did this soldier say that the enemy came up.

Li Sen turned his head and saw that more than 20 enemies appeared from under the front at some point.The action was very strange, with a cat on his waist, he sneaked close to Li Sen and the others.If this soldier hadn't turned around and happened to find these enemies, he might have been attacked by them.

"Fight," the second row closest to the enemy opened fire first.

As soon as these enemies encountered our army's firepower, they knew that it would be useless to covertly engage the enemy.So, they changed the sneak attack into a strong attack.

These more than 20 enemies turned into five groups at once, with four people in each group, divided into several small piles, staggered back and forth, and rushed towards the seventh company.

This group of enemies seems to be equipped with very strong firepower, and all of them have high fighting qualities.They shoot and drop bombs, and they don't even need to dodge.A grenade was thrown over, and a burst of bullets swept up.The soldiers in front of the direct attack did not dare to show their heads.

"Damn, what kind of enemy is so fierce." Hao Wei scolded.

"Li Erzhu, order your people to suppress this enemy." Hao Wei turned his attention to the fourth squad, which had weaker enemy firepower.

"Yes." Li Erzhu agreed, "Fourth Class, follow me."

Li Erzhu held the machine gun and hid aside.

Seeing the enemy's fierce firepower, Li Erzhu stuck his head out in the rain of enemy bullets, that's not courting death.He found that the side is not the enemy's attack direction, and it is very suitable to catch the enemy by surprise from here.Therefore, he wanted to take six or seven people to move to one side and attack the enemy from that direction before the enemy discovered their squad.

After Li Erzhu led the four squads of soldiers to a place, he asked,

"Are you ready?"

"Ready." Several soldiers replied together.


Li Erzhu suddenly pushed his body outwards, first stuck his head out of the trench, quickly put the machine gun on the ridge, and fired at the enemy.

A light machine gun and five submachine guns suddenly attacked from the side, and the torrential rain of bullets immediately knocked down several enemies.

Li Erzhu and the others fought too suddenly, completely out of the expectation of these enemies.They thought that all the attacking Chinese soldiers had gathered at one point, ready to attack the top of the mountain.Therefore, they chose this angle and prepared to wipe out all the Chinese soldiers who attacked in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, this fight by Li Erzhu and the others immediately disrupted the enemy's position.The outermost group of enemies is the worst.Without any precautions, almost all fell to the ground.

After Li Erzhu pulled the enemy's firepower here, Hao Wei and the others finally had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.Taking advantage of the weakening of the enemy's gunfire, he also raised his head from the trench, stretched out his gun and shot at the enemy.

Gunshots, mixed with the sound of grenade explosions, fell into the enemy group one after another.

The Vietnamese troops who rushed up were not given in vain.Because of their special formation, it's not like a grenade can kill a few enemies no matter where it is thrown.Each of their combat groups has a certain distance between them. If one group is attacked by a grenade, the other group may not necessarily be damaged.On the contrary, they will take advantage of the opportunity when the opponent throws a grenade and expose their body and shoot quickly.

After watching those eliminated enemies fall, there were still two combat groups of enemies approaching Hao Wei and the others.

The enemies who rushed up were the first to have two light machine guns, and the others were equipped with different equipment.The most hateful thing is that under them, behind a stone, there is a rocket launcher hidden.This guy doesn't rush upwards, he just sneaks up from below, and when he finds that there are many people in the army and which places are difficult to attack, he will launch in that direction.

Every time a rocket came over, several Chinese bombers must have been killed.

"No, I have to kill this guy." Hao Wei thought so.

Since the enemy came up in a sneak attack situation, they always had the upper hand.Therefore, the firepower of the second row is under their control.

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, and the rocket launcher staring at it in the distance, the soldiers' counterattack was greatly affected.Under such circumstances, if you stick your head out desperately and think about jumping out to fight the enemy recklessly, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

"Grenade." Hao Wei shouted, and the soldiers put down their guns and took out grenades.

"As it is." Hao Wei shrank his body in the trench, raised his hand back, and threw a grenade out.

The other soldiers understood, and followed Hao Wei's example, throwing the grenade.

Grenades exploded among the rushing enemy group.Shrapnel flew across, gunpowder smoke was everywhere, and the enemies who rushed up were also blown up.

At this time, no matter how fiercely you shoot the gun, no matter how fiercely you shoot the 0 bazooka, it will not be able to stop the explosion of the grenade.

In an instant, there were continuous explosions and the screams of the enemy on the front edge very close to the position.

Taking advantage of the gunpowder, the soldiers finally had a chance to look up.So he used the weapon in his hand to the extreme again.It doesn't matter whether you can hit the enemy or not, just sweep at the place where the gunpowder smokes.

This group of enemies was wiped out, but Li Sen had a question, "We have taken the position below, so how did the enemy come up! We must figure it out." So Li Sen shouted,

"Hao Wei, take a few people down to have a look."

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