soldier rushing forward

202、Bullet opens the way

Between the enemy's first and second lines of defense, Hao Wei found a hole. 【-】The hole is hidden behind a big rock.It is on the side of the Seventh Company's attack.The entrance of the hole is a cover made of bamboo and wood, which is camouflaged. If there were no enemies coming out of it, the soldiers on the battlefield would not have deliberately looked for it.Even if you step on it with both feet, you may not necessarily find that this is a secret exit for the enemy.

"Company commander, there is a hole here." Hao Wei shouted at Li Sen.

Li Sen ran over from the second ditch.

A soldier stepped forward to uncover the hole, but was stopped by Li Sen, "Don't move." Because at some point, the two enemies who were secretly firing rockets disappeared.Li Sen estimated that the two enemies might have gotten into the hole.If you go up to expose it rashly, you may just hit the enemy's trap.

Li Sen glanced at the cover and ordered, "Blast it with a grenade."

A fighter puts the unstringed grenade on it.Later, with a bang, the cover was shattered, exposing the hole inside.

Li Erzhu said rashly, "I'll go down and have a look."

"Wait a minute," Li Sen stopped again, and continued, "Put the bomb in again."

A soldier threw a stringed grenade in again, and as the grenade exploded, a musty heat wave rushed out from inside.Everyone was rushed by the heat wave, and they all backed away one by one.At this moment, a rocket bomb followed from inside.After the rocket flew out, because it didn't touch the wall of the cave, it flew straight into the sky and fell down the hillside to explode.

Oh, it's dangerous.Li Sen realized that in this situation, it was still unclear how many enemies were below and where the hole led.Since the top of the mountain is about to be taken, it's better to wait until the enemies above are dealt with.However, one thing must be noted that the hole must not be allowed to remain here.

"A gun." Li Sen shouted.

A soldier ran over with a weapon on his back.

"Spray out the enemies inside." Li Sen said fiercely.

The soldiers faced the entrance of the cave and sprayed flames into it.

Don't look at the fact that the grenade can't blow up, but once this explosive device is used, it is much more powerful than the grenade.As long as the gas and oil can be sprayed, it can splash to every corner, no matter how cleverly you hide it, you will also be burned.Unless, you stand far enough away.However, judging from the rockets fired by the enemy just now, the enemy here is definitely nearby.If the sprayed flames go in, I'm afraid they won't burn you.

Sure enough, after the soldiers came for a round, there were cries of crying father and mother.

"Give up your guns and don't kill", "Come out", "Surrender quickly." The soldiers shouted almost all the Vietnamese dialects they had learned, but the enemies inside just couldn't come out, they just kept howling.

After a while, there was no shouting inside, nor outside.A silence began to appear under the quiet mouth.

"Forget it, the battle is so tight, there's no need to waste time here. Since we don't come out, we'll wait to be wiped out completely." After thinking about it, Li Sen said to Hao Wei, "Blow up this hole."

The soldiers brought two shells from elsewhere and threw them into the hole.Someone tied a bunch of grenades and threw them in.

With two earth-shattering explosions.The entrance of the cave was completely blown up.Not only is there no black hole here, but there is also a big pit on the left and right of him.

"Okay, let's go." Li Sen left with these people.

This hole was already prepared by the enemy.According to the battle design, the enemy is preparing to use it to assist the attacking enemy in the main position when the Chinese army is attacking.According to their vision.When the enemy attacked the second line of defense, after being attacked by the firepower of the guards above, the attacking enemy would inevitably be suppressed on this open ground.At this time, the enemy hidden in the cave came out quietly again, and flanked the Japanese from behind and from the side.

Under the front, back, left, and right blows, it will definitely deal a heavy blow to the Japanese in this part of the rush.

As a result, the enemies in the cave did not expect Li Sen and the others to attack so quickly. When they passed through the cave on the top of the mountain, descended here, and came out of the cave, Li Sen and the soldiers of the Seventh Company had already captured the second line of defense. .

This group of enemies saw that their own people had lost their positions, so they wanted to carry out a sneak attack alone and take the positions back from below.

Unexpectedly, their move was discovered by the soldiers.

Discover it!Anyway, my weapons and attack ability are very strong, if I don't believe it, I won't be able to take back the position just occupied by the squadron.Therefore, relying on the arrogance of not taking the Chinese in the eyes, the enemy turned from a sneak attack to a strong attack.

I didn't expect that, once they fought, these Chinese Communists were not what their superiors described. "The Chinese Communists have no combat experience, and they are all child soldiers. They will be defeated if they fight." They don't retreat, and their tactics are diverse, even less afraid of death than them.

After a fierce attack, he saw that he was about to attack the top of the mountain, but was suddenly fatally hit by an invisible grenade.All of a sudden, the enemy's offensive was blocked.

Seeing the companions around him die one by one, even attacking twice in a row had no effect.Just in response to that sentence, the enemy's spirit of "fighting again, exhausting three times" is gone.

Seeing that if they don't retreat, they will be hit by both sides of the Chinese army, and there is a great possibility of destruction.As a result, this group of enemies finally couldn't hold on anymore and began to retreat.

On their attack route, they could only leave behind the corpses of their companions and run away on their own.It is impossible to get the dead body back now, and it is too late to destroy it.Don't say it's about death, it's alive, and it's not easy to escape.

I saw these jumping and jumping enemies, jumping and quickly slipping back into the cave.They also want to learn how the Chinese People's Volunteers fought in the Shangganling Battle, and have a tunnel battle with the Chinese Communists who rushed up.As long as you hide inside and don't come out, as the saying goes, "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."Waiting for the Chinese army to pass through this dense passage when they are not paying attention, or at the last moment when they attack the top of the mountain, and then attack the Chinese troops.

Unexpectedly, the geographical conditions here are different, and the location of the structure is not so special.Therefore, they were not only found by the Japanese, but also easily destroyed the entrance of the cave.

After a burst of explosions, the enemy's channel was completely blown up.But how many enemies have been eliminated, and what murderous intent is hidden inside.Since no one has been there, it is not known yet.I only know that there is such a battle story.

At the moment when Li Sen led people to destroy the entrance of the cave.The enemy on the mountain also began to organize troops to counterattack the second line of defense down the mountain.These enemies are not afraid of death, maybe they see the end coming.As long as this main peak is lost, the soldiers here will be hard to explain when they go back. They are not heroes, but bears, and they will definitely be judged by the Vietnamese government. "What kind of soldiers are you to easily lose a piece of land that you have won so hard?" Therefore, the enemies here still want to take it back.

After that, it was only on the position close to the main peak of Laoshan, including the time when our army took down the main peak.The enemy and the enemy conducted a total of six repeated battles.

At this time, a group of enemies jumped out of the smoke from our artillery fire.If you don't make a detailed distinction, you will think that they are mountain monkeys that came out of a certain savage mountain in some dynasty.All of them were ragged and unkempt.However, what they held in their hands were all AK47 submachine guns.

When the enemy came down from the mountain, his jumping movements were very fast, and his flashes were so dexterous that he could even avoid the fierce bullets fired by our soldiers below.

This group of enemies rushed down while roaring loudly, and at the same time, a certain number of bullets flew out from the muzzle of their guns.

I just wiped out the enemies below, but unexpectedly, the enemies on the mountain also came down.This really made some fighters overwhelmed.Especially seeing the enemy coming fiercely and moving so skillfully, some soldiers in our army, those young soldiers who had never fought before, were dumbfounded. , Even forgot to put the gun.

"Comrades, fight!" Tong Zhiyuan hurriedly gave the order to shoot at the enemy.

When the battle reaches this point, let alone the outcome, maintaining morale is extremely important.Therefore, no matter what, the enemy cannot be rushed down, and no matter what, the enemy cannot be allowed to approach this enemy.Never give the enemy any chance.If the enemy succeeds, Qilian may not be able to gain a foothold on this hillside.Everyone understands what it means to be defeated like a tide.

The cadres roared desperately and took the lead in shooting, finally suppressing the panic of the soldiers.As soon as they came back to their senses, they howled and desperately shot and beat the charging enemy.

After a while of beatings, the enemy was finally stopped.

After this group of enemies rushed out for a while, under the fierce firepower of our army, they could no longer move forward half a step.

However, these enemies finally made some gains and occupied a certain territory. Therefore, although they were blocked, they did not retreat, but built fortifications not far from the Seventh Company's position. From the looks of it, they were To defend here, I want to build a trench here again to prevent the Chinese from attacking.

How can this be possible? Seeing that Qilian is about to attack the enemy on the top of the mountain, no enemy should be allowed to exist in front of his eyes.

Li Sen discussed with Tong Zhiyuan and decided to clean up these enemies first.

Li Sen called Hao Wei over, pointed to the side, "Take your people, go around, wait for us to start the attack, and then attack.

Look at Hao Wei and the others running over quickly, it probably won't be long before they are in place.So Li Sen gave the order to attack.

The soldiers still use the old method, first fire, and then rush forward.

After all the firepower on the Seventh Company's position fired at the same time, shells, grenades, and bazookas smashed at the enemy. Suddenly, the enemy hastily built up the position, and the sound of explosions sounded like smoke.

Despite being hit like this, Dan and this group of enemies showed a strong ability to resist.They actually withstood the fierce blow of the Seventh Company, and instead shot a rain of bullets at the soldiers who rushed up.

The soldiers rushing to the forefront kept falling.

Not only that, but the enemy's troops continued to strengthen, and their firepower became more and more fierce, so that a group charge by the Seventh Company and the Eighth Company failed.

If the fight continues like this, there will be no good results, so Li Sen had to give an order to stop the attack.

With an order, these soldiers who rushed forward had to retreat to the second line of defense again.

"Damn it, where did Hao Wei go, why didn't he attack forward." Li Sen cursed angrily.

But how did he know that shortly after Hao Wei passed by and was about to attack this wave of enemies, Hao Wei was shot by enemy machine guns from unknown directions.

Under the sudden attack of the enemy, three soldiers were lost in one fell swoop.After Hao Wei reacted, he discovered that on their side, there was actually a one-man bunker hidden by the enemy on a cliff.The machine guns in the bunker were pouring out dense bullets, posing a huge threat to the second row.

At this time, under the threat of this machine gun, the second row, not to mention going to support Li Sen and the others, is not easy to survive.

The platoon led by Hao Wei was suddenly in a dilemma.The soldiers were so crushed that they couldn't lift their heads.

The enemy is condescending, has a wide field of vision, can have a panoramic view of the attacking troops, and is under the range of machine gun fire, so the enemy can fight as he wants.

Seeing that Li Sen's attack in that direction failed, Hao Wei saw that there was nothing he could do.If you want to go to help, you have to get rid of this enemy bunker first.

"Platoon leader, I'll go over and kill this machine gun." Li Erzhu said angrily.

"What do you use to kill the enemy? The enemy is on the hillside, and there is a cliff going down from the dark fort. It's a steep cliff. Don't mention it empty-handed, it will take a lot of effort to pull it with a rope." Hao Wei looked at the enemy and thought about how to solve it. The only way to kill the enemies here is to touch them. However, the flat place that can be bypassed has been blocked by the enemy that hindered Li Sen and the others. Li Sen and so many people did not In the past, how could Li Erzhu rush forward."

Hao Wei was thinking about it when the 861 radio on his body rang.

"Hao Wei, what's going on? Why didn't you attack?" Li Sen also found the enemy's machine gun on the county cliff at this time, so he asked.

"Company commander, there is an enemy bunker here, and we are suppressed." Hao Wei said eagerly.

"Get him down for me."

"If you can't go up, there is a cliff below."

"Wait, I'll let Ba Er Wu pass by." After Li Sen finished speaking, he turned to the Ba Er Wu recoilless gun squad.

"Go over with a cannon and support the second row."

Two gunners carried the barrel and moved towards the second row with the shells on their backs.

As soon as they came out of the trenches, they were discovered by the enemy on the mountain.In an instant, the enemy opened fire on them.

Due to the steep terrain on the north side of the main peak of Laoshan, there are not many places where you can climb to the top of the mountain through the hillside.Therefore, when the enemy built fortifications, he covered all the areas that our army might pass through with fortifications and obstacles.And on its flanks, on the cliffs that people can't go up, some dark forts have been dug out.Some use natural stone caves, while others use stones to build machine gun shelters with cement, or make several stone caves.

There are not many enemies guarding here, one or two at most.There is a machine gun in each bunker, and the two are resting alternately.

Although there are not many people, the enemy, relying on the condescending advantage, is unable to defend against attack.Therefore, the enemy has a great chance of winning. On the road of attack, it can definitely form a side attack on the only way the Chinese must pass.

Hao Wei and the others were hit like this.Because the enemy's camouflage was too concealed, and it was on a steep cliff, Hao Wei never imagined that there would be an enemy's bunker above.

Seeing that the two gunners were blocked, Li Sen immediately ordered to fire on the enemy.

At this time, Li Sen also realized that if he wanted to wipe out the enemy in front of him, he had to take down the enemy's machine guns on the flanks. Otherwise, even if they went up, the troops behind would suffer heavy casualties.

After the soldiers guarding the second line of defense opened fire together, the enemy's position was full of bullets and gunpowder.After a while of beating, the enemy's vision was finally blocked, so that they could no longer see the two gunners so clearly.

Taking advantage of this time, the two gunners ran and crawled towards the second row.When they finally got close to Hao Wei and the others, they were spotted by the enemy's machine gun again.So, the machine gun turned around again and attacked them both.

After all, the enemy has only one machine gun here.If you want to beat Hao Wei and the others, you have to let go of these two gunners.If you want to block the gunner, you can't take Hao Wei into consideration.

At this time, Hao Wei saw that the enemy's machine gun had shifted direction, and immediately ordered his light machine gun to fire at the enemy's machine gun on the mountain to suppress the enemy's firepower.

As soon as the machine gun fired here, the enemy's machine gun did not dare to attack the two gunners of the [-] recoilless gun without any scruples.He was afraid that if he gave the Chinese rifleman a chance, he would be more accurate in case he aimed.Although the opening of his own hole is very concealed, it is not impossible not to be hit.Therefore, it is better to decide to take both into consideration first.

Therefore, after the enemy's machine gun fired here for a while, it had to turn the muzzle back and sweep in another direction.

Taking advantage of this time, more than a dozen submachine guns of our army, together with semi-automatic rifles and light machine guns, fired at the enemy's perforation.

"Bang bang bang," the bullet blocked the enemy's perforation.

Suddenly, the enemy machine guns stopped firing.

It seems that Hao Wei and the others succeeded.But I don't know whether the enemy was hit or hid back in fright.

If you are lucky once, it is enough, and if you are accurate, it is still not easy to hit an impact point at such a long distance.Although our machine guns were still roaring, the enemy's machine guns rang again.

Maybe the enemy was cornered.After the enemy made adjustments, this time, they no longer stared at the [-] recoilless gunner, but turned to the machine gun beside Hao Wei.

"Wow..." As soon as the bullets fired by the enemy came over, bursts of stones and soil debris flew up on Hao Wei's hidden ridge.

Our machine gunner had to duck his head and wait for the bullets to pass.

At this time, the enemies on the mountain may be crazy, or they may be mad.I saw that they fought without any scruples, and didn't care about anything else. They just vented their anger at our army's machine gun with bullets as much as they wanted.

"After all, we have a large number of people. It's not enough for so many people to hit you with a machine gun." Hao Wei thought so, and asked the soldiers to seize every opportunity to open fire on the enemy.

The result is really not working, don't look at our guns.But the enemy is in the fortress, and as many bullets as we have passed, they all hit the cliff, and very few of them can get into the shooting holes.Unless there are some special shooters, or sniper fighters.

At this time, regardless of whether they hit or miss, as long as the soldiers can show their heads, they will fire at the enemy's machine gun desperately.

In the bunker, the enemy guarding the machine gun was not afraid of death at all, even though there were dense bullets flying towards him, crackling around the perforation.But this enemy just wouldn't let go, never let his machine gun stop.

For a time, the two sides formed a confrontation.

Under this kind of shooting, the one who suffers is of course the middleman.Because, except for the smoldering land below them, no bullets will fly over, the rest of them are all exposed to the enemy's vision.As long as there is too much exposure, it is possible to die under the enemy's gun.

Hao Wei had a lively fight here, and finally gave the two [-] recoilless gunners a chance.

The two of them didn't run directly to Hao Wei and the others, but ran quickly against the cliff.After that, they finally found an available place.So, the two squatted down there.

Two people, one carrying the cannon and the other loading the ammunition.After three strikes, five divisions and two were ready to shoot, the first gunner fired.

A burst of fire erupted, and there was a cannon.

The shell exploded next to the perforation of the enemy's bunker, and with a "boom", a piece of the cliff was blown down.

Even so, the enemy's machine guns still did not fire.

The soldiers in the second row thought that the enemy's machine gun was killed, so some people wanted to rush up, climb up the cliff, and kill all the enemies there.

However, just after a few soldiers ran not far away, the enemy's machine gun rang again.

Two more people were shot and fell to the ground.

"What's going on?" Seeing that the enemy's machine guns were still screaming, the charging soldiers had to lie on the ground again, unable to move due to being suppressed.

After the flying shell hit the cliff, the strong vibration only stunned the enemy machine gunner, and the body did not suffer any major damage.Therefore, the enemy woke up and continued to shoot at the soldiers.

Eighty-two recoilless guns have armor-piercing shells and explosive shells.Armor-piercing projectiles are specially used to deal with tanks. It relies on thousands of high-temperature metal jets to trigger explosives such as shells in the armor and the instantaneous high temperature to kill the enemy.The anti-explosive bomb uses the powerful shock waves and shrapnel caused by the explosion to kill the enemy.At this time, although the [-] recoilless gun used explosive bombs, its explosive power was obviously much worse than those heavy guns, not to mention that it was protected by a mountain-like stone wall.Therefore, if the shell cannot penetrate the hole, it will not cause fatal damage to the enemy inside.

When a gunner saw that the enemy's machine gun was alive again, he became extremely anxious.If this machine gun is not eliminated, it is uncertain how many people will die under its gun.

Then one of the gunners shouted, "Load."

After the deputy gunner loaded the shells, the first gunner knelt on the ground, carried the barrel, and aimed at the enemy's machine gun perforation.This time, he decided to shoot the cannonball in.

The enemy's machine gun has been attracted by Hao Wei and the others, without considering the immediate danger at all.Maybe they lost their target and wanted to find this cannon!But Hao Wei and the others didn't let it go.As a result, he was too busy at both ends.Therefore, a gunner is given sufficient aiming time.

"This time, you must not panic. You must be sure before shooting." The first gunner secretly warned himself.

A little later, a gunner finally pulled the trigger.

I saw flames erupting from behind the barrel, but there was no explosion on the cliff.After a while, I saw a puff of smoke coming out of the enemy's machine gun perforation, and then heard a dull explosion.

The sound of enemy machine gun fire completely disappeared.

At this time, a gunner let out a long breath.He was very sure this time.You don't need to look to know the result of the shooting.

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