soldier rushing forward

225、Fire strafing

The enemy's third attack was thus destroyed by Li Sen. ┃- ┃They want to send troops to take down this tunnel entrance.However, due to its construction on the half wall of the mountainside and the fierce attack of the People's Liberation Army, several attacks by the enemy were ineffective.The enemy who hates is gnashing his teeth, wanting to destroy it with **.Hate turns to hate, but if you can't fight, there is nothing you can do.In the end, I had no choice but to adopt the method of not being able to offend him and hiding away.

However, this tunnel entrance is on the only way to capture the main peak, and there is no way to get around it. As long as you go to the main peak, you will be hindered by it.The several methods the enemy thought of failed to come true, resulting in the tunnel becoming a fishbone stuck in the throat of the enemy attacking the old mountain, stuck on this hillside, and the enemy had no choice but to issue an order to stop the attack .

After the enemy stopped attacking, there were still people shouting guns just now. Those who were torn to death by both attackers and defenders, the bloody hillside suddenly fell silent. Suddenly, there were no sporadic gunshots here.

The soldiers of the Seventh Company, who were in charge of attacking the main peak of Laoshan, rushed out of the attack starting position at zero o'clock until now, and finally felt that they had a chance to catch their breath.

As soon as the gunfire of the battle on the main peak stopped, all ten positions in the Laoshan area originally occupied by the Vietnamese army were moved, which completely marked that Laoshan returned to the Chinese hands again.But it does not mean that the enemy will stop here, and Laoshan is firmly in our hands.Therefore, the bigger battle is still to come, until the enemy's sincere voice emerges from the heart.

On the position of the main peak, Laoshan got his hands, but the cheering scene that should have appeared did not appear, and all aspects seemed very calm.

At this time, the soldiers of our army occupying the position did not cheer and hug, wave guns and shout as expected, and ran to the high position to show off.It's not that they don't want to, but their sad state of mind makes them unable to ignite this passion.Looking at the comrades around him, there are a few familiar faces.Then look at the commanders who lead him, how many of them are his old leaders.Some squads were wiped out, and some platoons were beaten down to four or five people.There are corpses lying everywhere on the main peak, including those of the enemy and ours.Someone simply counted, but we still have more data.Especially those wounded who have not been transported away, some are missing arms and legs, and some have blood and mud stains on their cheeks.On the battlefield that had been torn apart, there were pools of blood everywhere, as well as severed limbs and pieces of flesh that had been blown up by bombs.The strong smell of blood, mixed with smoke and dust that has not been blown away by the breeze, on the battlefield that has just fallen silent, there is no way to make a happy tune.

Those soldiers who were still holding on to their positions were lying in the trenches, not daring to show any signs of arrogance.Even though their bodies were exhausted, and their eyes stabbed by the gunfire were still hurting, they did not dare to relax their nerves.The departing enemy is at the foot of the mountain, just lift the muzzle of the gun, and the bullets will be scattered on the main peak position.Looking at them again, their clothes had long been scorched, stained red with blood, and torn by shrapnel.

As soon as the gunfire stopped, the logistics stretcher team finally had a chance to transport the wounded down.

After Tong Zhiyuan checked the situation of the Seventh Company, he found that 45 people had died and 15 people were missing, including the company commander Li Sen.At present, 80% of these people who are still on the ground have injuries.The severely wounded and those who were unable to fight were carried away one after another and transported down the back mountain.

By this time, a reinforced company full of one man was basically disabled after a night of fighting.Although our army on the main peak still retains the designation of a battalion, it is only three companies in the organizational system.The combined number of the three companies is just enough for half the usual battalion.

Tong Zhiyuan looked at the soldiers remaining on the ground one by one, slapped this one from time to time, and encouraged that one with words.In the case that the superior has not sent follow-up troops to take over, no matter how tired or difficult the personnel are, they must guard the position.Don't look at the gunfire stopped now, I really don't know when the enemy will suddenly attack.

After Tong Zhiyuan turned around, he just sat down in one place when he heard someone shout, "Instructor, the company commander is back."

Tong Zhiyuan jumped up from the ground, stood up and looked in the direction of the shout.

A person came from a distance, and Li Sen could be recognized at a glance from his body shape.

With a submachine gun in one hand and a helmet in the other, Li Sen came up from a ridge down the slope and walked in this direction.If he hadn't answered the password correctly, the sentry on duty almost mistook him for an agent of the Vietnam Army and shot him.

I can see the wheel clearly, and I can see Li Sen's hair and face, which clearly just got out of the stove.A face, except for two eyes that are still shining, is all black and ink.The clothes on his body were even more unreadable. It was nothing but the result of being torn apart by hundreds of people and then burned.

Li Sen jumped over a ditch and was recognized by soldiers from the Seventh Company.Suddenly, many people surrounded him.Hao Wei, the leader of the second platoon, said to Li Erzhu, "Hurry up and tell the instructor."

After the battle started on the top of the main peak, the soldiers never saw the company commander Li Sen appear.At this time, many people thought that Li Sen had died.But Tong Zhiyuan still insisted not, because when they broke up in the tunnel, Li Sen was going in another direction, and there was probably no Shangfangfeng, and it was probably somewhere else.

That is, the battle on the main peak is really too tense, and the enemy is fighting everywhere.It was originally an offensive battle, but later turned into a defensive battle.In the face of the enemy's fierce counterattack, and the lack of troops in busy dealing with the enemy, how could it be possible to divide the troops to find people who have no news.

When the battle on the main peak entered a difficult moment, suddenly the firepower of our army appeared on the mountainside.All of a sudden, it relieved a lot of pressure on the main peak.The enemy's attacks on the main peak failed several times, which had a lot to do with their fire support.The people on the main peak also knew that the Chinese Communists did it, but no one could tell which unit they belonged to.It's fine if it's your own person, there's no need to look at it.As long as the Vietnamese army can be eliminated, there is nothing to think about.The fighters at that time thought so, and hoped that they would fight harder.

At that time, Tong Zhiyuan also thought that these people were probably Li Sen and the others.But he couldn't find a reason for Li Sen and the others who had rushed to the main peak to stay there.

Since there was no news from Li Sen, Tong Zhiyuan was very worried.Specially ask the soldiers to pay more attention when cleaning the battlefield.However, after searching a few times, there was no Li Sen's body.At this moment, Tong Zhiyuan had a bottom line.Since there is no Li Sen, it means that he is still alive.With this reassurance, Tong Zhiyuan was not so anxious.Therefore, he still presumed that the firepower of our army that appeared on the mountainside was probably Li Sen and the others.

Now, Tong Zhiyuan saw this black-headed and black-faced man appearing on the battlefield, surrounded by the soldiers in front again.I am even more sure that this person is Li Sen.

Tong Zhiyuan was secretly happy, but he was not in a hurry to greet him.There are so many fighters!Let Li Sen meet the soldiers!Therefore, Tong Zhiyuan stopped on this side of the trench, waiting for Li Sen to finish reviewing his living soldiers.Tong Zhiyuan kept smiling and watching.

"Company commander, company commander" the soldiers waiting in the trench called Li Sen one by one, as if they thought that Li Sen would lose him without their shouts.

With a wide grin, Li Sen freed up a hand to shake hands with the soldiers who snatched him over.After he had just walked for a short distance, he found that the soldiers in front of him were unfamiliar faces, and occasionally he could call out the names of soldiers from the Eighth Company and the Ninth Company.Li Sen was different. Soldiers from other companies also joined the Seventh Company.

Li Sen turned around, looked at the second platoon leader Hao Wei who had been following behind him with questioning eyes, and asked, "Hao Wei, is that all we have?"

"Hmm..." Hao Wei said this word heavily and then stopped talking.

Li Sen understood, and a light began to flicker in his eye sockets.The forward steps also stopped suddenly.

"Company commander, the instructor is waiting for you there!" Hao Wei deliberately directed Li Sen's emotions towards Tong Zhiyuan.

Only then did Li Sen look up and saw his instructor Tong Zhiyuan not far away, who had been observing him.

A smile suddenly broke out on Li Sen's face, and then he put his hand on the edge of the trench and jumped up from the trench.Take a few steps quickly and rush towards Tong Zhiyuan.

"Old Li." Tong Zhiyuan greeted him excitedly.

"Old Tong." Li Sen also called the old address and ran over, holding his hands tightly.

"You're still alive," Tong Zhiyuan slammed Li Sen's shoulder with his hand, "I sent several soldiers to search for it for a long time but couldn't find it."

"Haha," Li Sen laughed loudly, "Didn't you find my body?"

"Almost!" Tong Zhiyuan said the truth, and then he laughed.

"How is that possible? I haven't beaten those turtles enough, how can I lie down and sleep." Li Sen said death very easily, as if it was just a long sleep of a human being, and there was no fuss.

"Did you fire the firepower down the mountain?" Tong Zhiyuan asked in his mind.

"Yes." Li Sen suddenly lowered his face, "These bastards are really hard to beat, and they killed me a bit." Then he put the helmet on the ground, sat down and asked, "How many more are there in Qilian?" people?"

"You saw it all just now, that's all." Tong Zhiyuan didn't finish his sentence, and nodded casually.

After Li Sen got the answer from Tong Zhiyuan, he finalized the question in his heart, pondered for a long time before saying, "This battle is hard enough!"

"Yeah! I didn't expect it to be beaten up like this, and so many people died!" Tong Zhiyuan sighed.

"How about the other companies?" Li Sen asked again.He wondered a little, if the other companies hadn't been in such a miserable situation, would the superiors think that his command was ineffective because the seventh company had sacrificed too many people.So, he took the initiative to ask.

"It's about the same as us," Tong Zhiyuan glanced in other directions, "It's just that the Ninth Company as a reserve force is slightly better. However, there are also many casualties."

"F*ck, I didn't expect these bastards to be so difficult to fight." Li Sen's face showed joy, "But it's nothing, the final victory is ours." Speaking of this, Li Sen suddenly stopped talking , "Hey, how is the battalion commander?"

"On the side of the Ninth Company. After seeing the Seventh Company and the Eighth Company being attacked by the enemy, the battalion commander sent the Ninth Company as a reserve team. Thanks to the battalion commander for sending these forces in time, otherwise, the main position It's really troublesome." Tong Zhiyuan paused and said, "It's a pity that these soldiers who just came up have no experience. As soon as they came up, they were hit by the enemy's artillery fire. Those who were blown up by the enemy's artillery fire were less than the number of sacrifices defending the position." Be big."

"No way, it's the enemy's heavy artillery." Li Sen just said a word, but was interrupted by the messenger who ran over, "Instructor, the battalion commander asked on the phone if you found Company Commander Li?"

Before Li Sen could speak, Tong Zhiyuan rushed over and said, "Tell the battalion commander that Company Commander Li is back. Company Commander Li attacked the enemy on the mountainside and did not return to the main peak until the enemy retreated." The purpose of Tong Zhiyuan's words was, It was to find a good reason for Li Sen that a company-level commander was not on the scene when the battle on the main peak was the most intense.Otherwise, his company commander is dereliction of duty.If this reason was shared, the battalion commander would not only not blame Li Sen, but would also greatly appreciate it.

When the battle was at its most intense, the main peak position had already seen combat forces on the mountainside launching fire attacks on the enemy.If they hadn't destroyed the enemy's firepower point on the high ridge in time, the soldiers on the main peak might have suffered many casualties.If it is not done well, it may be suppressed by the enemy's firepower, and it may be possible to attack the top of the mountain.

At that time, Jiao Zhiguo asked which company was firing on the mountainside.But after asking the chief officers of the three companies to which he belonged, he didn't know.At that time, Jiao Zhiguo thought it was the fire support of the Second Battalion!

After the call was made, Jiao Zhiguo's original words were quickly sent back, "Tell Li Sen not to go anywhere, I will go to see him right away.

Jiao Zhiguo now understands that Li Sen was neither killed in battle nor dereliction of duty, but with a small number of soldiers, he withstood the enemy's powerful blows, not only completed the task of clearing the tunnels, but also played a huge role in defending the main peak. assist role.Therefore, several conjectures and worries that had always been in his heart and did not dare to confide in others disappeared with a phone call.

"Commissioner, let's go to the Seventh Company." Jiao Zhiguo shouted out of the battalion command post covered by a bunker.

Some of the personnel drawn from the position also began to help the rear ambulance team transport the wounded down.Those lightly wounded soldiers who had lost their fighting ability but were still able to walk began to reluctantly leave their positions under the orders of the chief officers at all levels.Before they left, they took off all the ammunition, weapons, compressed dry food and other items that were useful to the remaining soldiers, and left them to the comrades who stood firm.

Because the fighting has not stopped, the ammunition and supplies on the main peak of Laoshan are in short supply.Although all the ammunition captured by the enemy was collected and distributed to each company, it was still a bit stretched.The two bases of ammunition originally prepared for various weapons have long been exhausted in the non-stop attack.

You must know that to transport ammunition from the safe place under Laoshan to the Laoshan position, you have to go through many jungles, rock ridges, hills, and ravines.Because there is no road here, and there are no vehicles, horse-drawn carts, ox carts and other means of transportation, all of which are carried by people and moved by hand.In this battle, in order to avoid civilian casualties, all the personnel who sent ammunition forward did not have a single civilian.There are two formed companies, which are responsible for the logistics supply in the Laoshan area.However, such a large mountainous area is walking on a very steep hillside.Not to mention carrying any shell boxes, ammunition boxes and other items, even if they come up empty-handed, they will still be panting from exhaustion.

The platoon responsible for transporting ammunition to the main peak of Laoshan has already made three round trips.On the last trip, some soldiers collapsed as soon as they put the ammunition boxes on the ground.As for how to walk and how to get up on the ground, even he himself couldn't tell.

Jiao Zhiguo happened to pass by this group of soldiers, and he couldn't bear to see the extremely tired faces under the helmets.Walking up to a little soldier of short stature, he handed over his water bottle, "Little brother, drink some water."

Hearing someone talking, the little soldier opened his closed eyes and saw that an older cadre wearing four pockets stopped in front of him and handed him the water bottle.No need to guess, I know that this person must be the commander of the main peak of Laoshan.So excited, he stood up from the ground with a bang.

"I'm not thirsty, chief." The little soldier knew that the soldiers who attacked the mountain were suffering more than them.In addition to insufficient ammunition, the most lacking thing is water.Therefore, he saw the chief of the field give him water to drink, and just being excited could reduce his thirst by one-third.

"Drink it! This is my own water." Jiao Zhiguo looked at his dry lips and said.

The little soldier turned his gaze to a young man next to him who was also wearing four pockets.

When Jiao Zhiguo spoke, the young man had already stood up, but he did not speak, but waited for the opportunity to interject.Seeing that the conversation between Jiao Zhiguo and the little soldier stopped, and the little soldier turned his gaze to him, he stepped forward and said, "Chief, we can't drink this water."

"Why can't you drink?" Jiao Zhiguo was a little unhappy.

"You guys have to continue fighting here, and we'll go down in a while. We can drink a lot when we get back to the camp. But you can't do it. So you should stay and drink by yourself!" As he spoke, the cadre took off the water bottle on his body and handed it to the little soldier.

"Wen Xiaojun, if you are thirsty, drink this from me first." The young cadre said with the same chapped lips.

"Platoon leader, I'm not thirsty." After Wen Xiaojun finished speaking, he touched his lips with the tip of his tongue.Wen Xiaojun knew that the water in the platoon leader's hand was the last pot of water in their platoon.After a while they have to go down the mountain, and they have to go through dozens of miles of mountain roads before they can find a place with water.In order not to dehydrate everyone, the platoon leader gathered all the water-draining pots together and prepared to save them for the most difficult time.

Jiao Zhiguo looked at these soldiers pushing back and forth, and was very moved. He asked, "You are their platoon leader."

"Yes, sir." The platoon leader replied.

Jiao Zhiguo looked back at the several seriously wounded people lying on the ground who had not been able to be transported down the mountain due to lack of transport capacity.

"I'm not ordering you, but asking you to work harder."

"You can assign any tasks." The platoon leader stared.

Jiao Zhiguo looked at the exhausted transport soldiers, then turned to the wounded, then gritted his teeth and said, "When you go down, take them away too."

The platoon leader turned to the seriously injured on the ground, and said back, "I promise to complete the mission."

"Okay, then you start now. We can't wait any longer." Jiao Zhiguo was also afraid that the prolonged delay would affect the lives of those injured soldiers.

"Yes." After the platoon leader finished speaking, he turned to the soldiers in his own platoon and gave the command, "All stand up."

Hearing the platoon leader shout to stand up, those soldiers who were lying on the ground, so tired that they couldn't even raise their heads, all stood up suddenly.

"We are going down the mountain now. The task is to transport the wounded."

With a mission, no one dares to procrastinate, let alone transport the hero who captured Laoshan.Therefore, the platoon leader finished speaking.These soldiers quickly dispersed, looking for various things to make stretchers.

Because they are not troops transporting the wounded, they have no handy equipment.If they were empty-handed, those seriously wounded would not be able to get down the steep hillside at all.Soon, several soldiers made several stretchers.Lift up all the seriously wounded, and arrange for the lighter ones to help them.

With the help of these soldiers, the last batch of wounded left the main peak one after another.

Only then did Jiao Zhiguo let go of his worries.If the logistics medical team comes up again, I really don't know what will happen here.

Watching the soldiers transporting supplies and a dozen wounded leave, Jiao Zhiguo led the messengers to the Seventh Company.

As soon as Jiao Zhiguo came up from the back, he saw several soldiers carrying a wounded man out of the front trench.

"What's going on?" Jiao Zhiguo greeted him and asked.

The two soldiers who were carrying the wounded stopped and said, "The enemy is sniping."

Jiao Zhiguo also heard a gunshot, but he didn't know where it came from.Unexpectedly, it was a cold gun shot by the enemy.

"Where is the injury?" Jiao Zhiguo lifted the jacket covering the wounded man's head and looked at it. He was shocked and blurted out,


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