soldier rushing forward

226、Sneaky Aiming

The soldier on the stretcher had already lost his breath, and Jiao Zhiguo presented a face full of pain. ▃ ( v?v )▃

On a pale face that had lost all blood, the eyeball of the left eye flew to nowhere, leaving only a dark hollow on the head.The blood oozing out of it had already congealed, and it was sunken inward like a jelly.On the edges that are not completely sealed, watery things can still be seen seeping out.The right eye opened unwillingly, and the bulging eyeballs were exposed, as if determined to find the murderer who hurt him.

Jiao Zhiguo reached out and wiped off the soldier's right eyelid.Even if our soldiers tolerate the deep-seated hatred for the enemy, they can't just watch them die, and we must use the tenderness of our comrades to arrange for them to go well.

At this time, Jiao Zhiguo felt an indescribable pain.It is really unexpected that such a tragedy happened at the end of the battle.

Afterwards, Jiao Zhiguo put down the jacket covering the soldier's face and asked,

"Where did you die?"

"On the ground." A soldier replied. "The enemy did not attack. Everyone hid in the trench to rest. He acted as a guard. We heard a gunshot, and then saw him fall from the edge of the trench."

"Which company's position is it?"

"Seven companies."

Jiao Zhiguo realized that this was another dangerous signal, indicating that the enemy may have a new conspiracy.Otherwise, they wouldn't have made such a move quietly before launching an attack.

"Let's go," Jiao Zhiguo said, and hurried to the Seventh Company's position with the messenger.

On the Seventh Company's position, the soldiers guarding the first line of defense were lying in the trenches.There were shock holes on many people's faces.For the sniper's style of play, they will not be able to adapt for a while.To be shot down without seeing the enemy is really aggrieved.Some soldiers wanted to rush out, but Li Sen stopped them.He ordered everyone not to show their heads until they received new orders, and to stay in the trench.

Li Sen hid in a depression with two mortarmen, waiting to find the location of the enemy snipers.The gunner must not be exposed until the enemy is spotted.

A soldier is manipulating the gun barrel with both hands, taking aim.Another soldier put the cannonball on the barrel, and only waited for an order before putting the cannonball in.

After Li Sen whispered instructions to the two gunners, he was about to return to the trench.When he looked up, he saw Jiao Zhiguo running in this direction from behind.I thought, it's broken, the battalion commander doesn't know the situation here, if the hidden enemy snipers see it, it will be dangerous.So Li Sen jumped out of the depression and ran to meet Jiao Zhiguo.

Before Jiao Zhiguo came to him, he saw Li Sen and asked, "What happened?"

Li Sen didn't answer, and pulled Jiao Zhiguo down, "Quickly squat down."

Although this is the top of the mountain, the Seventh Company's position is close to the hillside.Looking up from the bottom of the mountain, although you can't see the whole picture of the person above, if you get too close, you can still see the upper half of the person approaching from below.

Jiao Zhiguo was pulled violently by Li Sen and almost fell down.Just about to reprimand Li Sen, what are you doing.Before he could speak, he felt a chill on the top of his retracted head, and a strong wind that hurt his scalp flew over.

Jiao Zhiguo gasped, his face changed slightly.

Before Jiao Zhiguo could speak, Li Sen hurriedly said, "Commander, what are you doing here? It's very dangerous here."

"What's the danger?" Jiao Zhiguo squatted on the ground and asked.

"There may be enemy snipers down the mountain." Li Sen said, "Battalion Commander, hurry back."

Jiao Zhiguo blushed and said angrily, "I'm afraid of snipers. Now I'm watching you, go up and kill him."

"I've tried it a few times, but it doesn't work." Li Sen shook his head, looking very anxious. "The enemy is very cunning, and they can't find the exact location where they hide. As soon as our people show their faces, they will shoot, and they will shoot very accurately."

"Why, someone died again?"


"What are you going to do?"

Li Sen pointed in the direction of the depression, "Get ready, as long as we find out the position of the enemy sniper, we will bombard it with mortars."

"Okay, let's blow up the turtle son earlier." Jiao Zhiguo said, "Come on, let's go into the ditch to have a look. Seeing that Jiao Zhiguo couldn't leave, Li Sen had no choice but to follow him into the ditch.

Li Sen and Jiao Zhiguo bent over, almost sticking their bodies to the ground, and it took a lot of effort to safely jump into the trench of the Seventh Company.

After entering the trench, Li Sen looked out through the periscope.Then, Jiao Zhiguo also looked out for a long time, but he still didn't see the sniper's position.

"Damn it, the turtle is still very well hidden." As he spoke, Li Sen asked for a steel helmet from a soldier, picked it up with a submachine gun, and slowly rose out of the trench.

Only the top of the steel helmet was exposed, and the lower part was not fully exposed.Suddenly, a "dang" sound was heard.

The steel helmet that Li Sen was carrying with his gun was knocked to the ground.

"Over there, over there" Jiao Zhiguo shouted excitedly, "Coordinates, 347, 652"

"Fire!" Li Sen shouted loudly.

In the dusty ground, a mortar shell flew into the air.After the cannonball crossed a steep upward arc in the sky, it suddenly turned, turned a 60-degree angle from the high altitude, and fell straight to the ground, and went directly to the place where the gunshot was just fired.

After an explosion, a puff of thick smoke rose from the grass, and then grass branches and blades flew around with the shrapnel.

Jiao Zhiguo looked there through the periscope.

After the explosion, the place that had just been cleaned by mortar shells was extremely quiet, there was no sound, and there were no traces of anyone being killed.

In order to ensure that no one would be sniped, Li Sen picked up the holed steel helmet from the ground, changed the location, and slowly exposed it from the edge of the ditch again.He wanted to see if the enemy sniper was killed.

As soon as the helmet was exposed, there was another "dang" sound, and with the gunshot, the helmet was knocked down again.Li Sen clutched his numb arm, feeling a little silly.

"Mom, the tortoise is quite persistent." After Jiao Zhiguo cursed, he turned to Li Sen and fired at that location.

"Fire." Li Sen yelled,

Another shell fired in the hollow.This time, with the basic positioning of the previous mortar shell, the shell was more accurate, and another cloud of smoke exploded at the place just now.The fried earth chips and grass foam once again formed a smoke barrier on the hillside.

Although he couldn't see the enemy, Li Sen was still worried, so he ordered the gunners in the depression to continue firing. This time there was a "three rapid fire."

"Boom, boom, boom" three mortar shells flew into the grass on the hillside again, and bombed accurately at the coordinate point reported by Jiao Zhiguo.That's where Jiao Zhiguo saw the enemy shooting.So, also a hiding place for enemy snipers.

After the gunpowder smoke cleared, the hillside returned to silence again.People on the mountain and down the mountain are silent, as if in this space, during this period of time, it seems that nothing happened.

"Li Erzhu, take a few people to have a look." Li Sen was still worried about the grass.But in order to find out whether the enemy was killed, he had to let people go down for reconnaissance.In order to ensure safety in this area, the enemy must be driven out, or killed.Otherwise, there are enemy snipers, and this place will always be the most dangerous area.

"You three come with me." Li Erzhu called several soldiers around him.

When they were about to set off, Li Sen warned, "Be smart, pay attention to concealment, move quickly, and never drag your feet."

"Yes." After Li Erzhu answered, he was about to take people away when he was stopped by Li Sen.

"Wait a minute." After Li Sen finished speaking, he used the periscope to look out again.The observation mirror was stuck on the hillside, and he moved from one location to another. Using the S-shaped search method, he searched all the grass where there might be enemies, but he still didn't see a single enemy.

"You can go down, be careful." Jiao Zhiguo said worriedly.

"Don't worry, Battalion Commander, how did we get there, and how do we come back." Li Erzhu said reassuringly.

"Go up." After Li Erzhu issued an order to the other soldiers, he grasped the edge of the ditch with his hands and jumped up suddenly. After jumping out of the ditch, his body did not pause for half a second. Rolling over, he entered the grass on the hillside.

The second soldier followed his example and also entered the grass without any danger.

Seeing that two soldiers went up the edge of the ditch, none of them caused enemy snipers to shoot.Li Sen's tense mood began to relax.He guessed that the enemy's sniper might have been killed by a mortar.Or they were crushed by mortar fire and had to flee.

When the No.3 soldier appeared, because he jumped out of the edge of the ditch a little slower, another bullet was attracted in the grass.

Hearing the soldier's cry, he rolled several times and fell down the edge of the ditch.

Li Sen was startled, "It's broken." He thought the soldier was killed by an enemy sniper again.Then he ordered the mortars to fire violently in the distance, where the enemy snipers might be hiding.

This time, the mortars carried out the cover shelling.At the position of the impact point, a shell fell every two or three meters. With such intensive artillery fire, it is believed that no matter how well the enemy snipers hide, they will be smashed out by the shells.

The Vietnamese sniper Nong Liefei was curled up in a shaft-shaped bunker.When he fired the first shot, he wanted to leave the area quickly, but he didn't expect that the gunman wouldn't give him a chance to breathe.As soon as the sound of his sniper guns stopped, the mortar shells on the opposite side smashed towards him in an instant.

He knew that no matter how fast he ran now, it would be difficult to avoid the attack covered by artillery fire.But looking at it from another angle, since mortar shells are used to continuously bombard the hills, it means that the sniping has had an effect.

As long as it works, this is the main task of Nong Liefei.The superior ordered him to create panic in a short period of time to the Chinese Communists occupying the main peak position and the various high grounds of Laoshan.The enemy always thinks this way, don't look down on the Japanese occupying this area, but whether they can hold it, and whether they can stay here for a long time, that is the big question.

In order to prevent the shells from blowing up, Nong Liefei curled up his whole body in the individual bunker pit that could only accommodate one person.The decorations on this bunker were all built when the Vietnamese army launched an attack on the top of the mountain.At that time, the sound of guns and guns on the mountain and down the mountain was a mess, and no one noticed what he was doing here.Therefore, after the Vietnamese army withdrew and everything calmed down, the People's Liberation Army on the mountain didn't notice any changes here, so they didn't expect that there was a hidden sniper here.

Therefore, after Li Sen and the others were sniped, they couldn't see the specific location of Nong Liefei, so they could only bombard them in the general direction with artillery.This created a lot of living space for Nong Liefei.As long as the shells didn't fall directly on the head, it would be difficult for the flying shrapnel to fall into this cylindrical individual bunker, not to mention that there were some wormwood camouflaged on it.

When Nong Liefei saw a shell coming, he quickly retracted his head, leaving no trace of exposure on the ground.

When the sound of the cannon stopped, Nong Liefei stretched out his head and looked out, and found that several Chinese soldiers jumped out of the trench and came towards him during the shelling.How can this work? This is what snipers fear the most. In case they are exposed, at close range, with the sniper rifle in their hands, they simply cannot deal with the sudden appearance of the submachine gunner.

When Nong Liefei was about to take aim and shoot, the first person who jumped out dodged into the bushes and disappeared.Just as he was looking through the scope, the second shooter also jumped out.When Nong Liefei thought about it again, he also quickly flashed over.Nong Liefei realized the immediate danger.If there are multiple People's Liberation Army all rushing over, then I will be in a desperate situation.As long as you shoot to expose the target, there will be a rain of bullets, which will be pressed down in an instant. At that time, whether you want to run or fight, it will be very difficult.

Nong Liefei thought to himself that the Chinese Communists below must not be allowed to come over.

If there are only these two, with your own marksmanship, it is not a big problem to solve them one by one.He is not afraid even in the grass.Therefore, Nong Liefei's sniper rifle did not continue to search for Li Erzhu and the soldier in the grass, but stuck the muzzle of the gun firmly on the edge of the trench.

However, he didn't expect that when Li Sen sent out the third soldier, he didn't go out from the previous repeatedly exposed place, but changed to another place.

After the two soldiers went out, although they didn't hear a gunshot or be sniped, Li Sen still felt that it was inappropriate to jump out from one place.If there are enemies guarding it, it will be troublesome.For safety, he arranged for the third fighter to bypass the first two points and suddenly jumped out from another place ten meters away.

At this time, Nong Liefei had already used the scope to cover the place where the first two soldiers appeared. As long as someone showed his head here, or even flew over a bird, he would shoot without hesitation.Moreover, this shot will surely deprive the opponent of his life.

Suddenly, Nong Liefei noticed a flash on the sideline of the scope's field of vision, and another shotgun jumped out from there.And there was nothing where he was wearing it.

Nong Liefei's attention was not there, but he had to deal with emergencies.So, in a hurry, he adjusted the muzzle of the gun.Although the shot was hasty, he still hit the target.

From the scope, Nong Liefei saw the middle-aged man clutching his elbow and rolling down. Before he could check whether the man was dead or alive, the man was no longer in the grass.

Three Chinese soldiers entered the grass in succession.Regardless of whether the latter is hit by himself or not, the combat effectiveness cannot be ignored.From this point of view, the ratio in the grass has become three to one.

Only then did Nong Liefei realize the real danger.If you don't leave this area, you will probably be trapped in the encirclement of the three Chinese Communists.

"No, I've been exposed, I have to move." Nong Liefei reminded himself secretly.The biggest taboo of a sniper is being discovered in a hiding place.If the other party knows where it is, there is only one dead end.If they were not shot to death by the infantry who rushed over, they would be killed by overwhelming shells.

After Nong Liefei had this idea, he quietly climbed up from the bunker, and then covered the abandoned hole with rotten grass.After doing all this, he was still not satisfied, and then made a camouflage on the grass, and then set up booby traps.

After doing all this, Nong Liefei stuck to the ground and slowly crawled deep into the grass.

As expected of a sniper who has undergone rigorous training, he crawled in the grass where he could hardly penetrate, and he was as natural and relaxed as a snake, and soon disappeared.Where his soft body passed, in mid-air, only the slight trembling of the grass could be seen.And these changes are no different from the grass blown by the wind.

Therefore, even Jiao Zhiguo, who had been observing with the periscope, did not notice that the enemy sniper retreated.

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