After the night completely devoured all the light in Hanoi, this city, which was not lively at first, seemed even more lonely.There are countless high-rise buildings that stand out from the crowd, and because of the loss of office hours, they have also begun to darken one by one.

The house where Han Yuan lives is at the innermost part of S Street. Along the way, he can still see sporadic people coming and going in and out of individual shops with their doors open.

The busiest ones are the Hutongkou near the middle of the street.Piles of half-sized children gathered together, sometimes shouting, sometimes cheering.Looking at these young people with disheveled clothes and dirty faces and hands, one can see that studies are not very important to this group of people.

What kind of era creates what kind of people.

In China, it has only been a few years since the resumption of the college entrance examination, and people have only just realized the importance of knowledge.However, due to the lack of schools, only a few people can be admitted to the university.And those urban youths who graduated from high school did not have to go to college, but they did not have to worry about going to the countryside.Those who are well-connected are looking for a job, and those who are not well-connected are waiting for work at home, waiting in line for organization and arrangement.

As a result, in that era, there were especially many idle young people.Every evening, they always get together in different occasions, and it is not uncommon to cause trouble.Fortunately, China's reform and opening up was much earlier than Vietnam, so the movie theaters and video recordings have also accommodated many people.To a certain extent, it solves the problem of excess hormones in young people.

But Vietnam is different.

This is still the case in China, which has gone through the reform process for several years, not to mention Vietnam, which is in the quagmire of war.His economy has not yet fully recovered, the Vietnam-Cambodia war is not over, and there is still a war on the Chinese border from time to time.Under such circumstances, how much better can its social situation be!

Different eras create different personalities.There are heroes and villains.There are those who ride the tide and those who fall into the water.Now here, to be precise, after the night comes, it is another kind of people's world.Drug abuse, prostitution, and robbery are ubiquitous and appear all the time.Those who can carry out this kind of activity, besides the wounded soldiers who have been discharged from the army, are these young people who are making trouble.

In the gloom, Wu Changping came here from the main street carrying a large bag.

When a group of young people standing at the entrance of the alley saw it, one of them whistled, and these people quickly disappeared in the alley.

Wu Changping only cared about walking by himself, not thinking about what would happen ahead.He is a major officer and has lived in the barracks for a long time.Under normal circumstances, he seldom walks on the street.Therefore, there is basically no understanding of the current status of Vietnamese society.In his heart, he thought that in Hanoi, where the army guaranteed everything, everything was safe and peaceful.Only poverty, no crime.

When Wu Changping appeared at the entrance of this alley, suddenly several young people jumped out of it to block his way.

When Wu Changping saw someone appear, his heart was pounding.He wasn't afraid of anything else, he thought it was a Vietnamese army agent who had discovered his actions, so he stepped forward to stop him.

Wu Changping didn't wait for anyone to speak, forced himself to calm down and asked, "What do you want to do?"

One of the taller young men said in a Hanoi accent, "We want to see what's in your bag?"

"Who are you?" Wu Changping immediately became alert.He knew exactly what was in this bag.It's full of things that have lost their heads, how could he lightly show it to others.

"It doesn't matter who we are, we just want to see your bag." The young man said.

The intention of these young people is obvious, that is to rob.When they rob, they don't just rob someone of a bag and get some money to spend.Their goal is to find people who smuggle goods.

At this point, they are clear.Smugglers are most afraid of publicity.Therefore, even if it was a robbery, he would not report it.They are not in danger unless they report the crime, and the things they rob are worthless.What is this called? This is black eating black.If you eat it, you will eat it for nothing.This is called not eating for nothing.

Therefore, when these young people saw that the bag Wu Changping was carrying was very heavy, they thought that there must be something valuable inside, and they might also think that it contained watches.

"If you don't tell me, then you have no right to look at my things." Wu Changping raised his legs, ready to forcefully squeeze past these young people.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these young people seemed to be ignorant, they immediately became angry.Shushua all moved guys, some pulled out iron chains from their bodies, and some took out knives.

Under the dim street light, Wu Changping saw the guy's style in the hands of this group.

According to common sense, most people would be terrified when they saw this formation, and they would have to kneel down and beg for mercy if they didn't run away.But when Wu Changping saw it, he suddenly smiled from the bottom of his heart.

why are you laughing?Because he could tell from the murder weapons that people took out that they were not secret agents.Since he is not an agent, what is he afraid of!Can a soldier be stopped by these young people?

Wu Changping put the bag on his shoulders and said to these young people, "Don't mess around!"

At this time, if he flicked out his work permit, all these people would probably have to run away.But in that case, Wu Changping would be tantamount to self-declaring his family.In case anything goes wrong in the area in the future.For example, the agents found out that the Chinese People's Liberation Army had been here and was also helped by the Vietnamese army.So, do you still need to check for those who help?Anyone can say Wu Changping's name.Therefore, even if Wu Changping forced his way, he would not reveal his identity.

Since he didn't reveal his identity, the young people who wanted to grab something could let him go!What's more, the current ratio is simply more than ten to one.

After Wu Changping took another half step forward, he felt a strong wind hit the back of his head.Without looking back, he also guessed that someone was attacking him suddenly.

Wu Changping lowered his head to give way to the iron chain of the passerby, then pushed away the person who was blocking him in front, and ran forward.

As a soldier, he really didn't want to fight these people.Although he knew that these young people were doing bad things, he was unwilling to use military weapons to deal with them.Soldiers are meant to protect the country.But now, not only did they fail to defend and return home, but they also confused the entire country.

If a country is aggressive, its people will be equally impoverished.The current status quo is the most obvious portrayal of Vietnam at that time.

Wu Changping didn't run so fast, the dozen or so young people behind him rushed after him.

The children here have been wild since childhood.For running, no one organizes them to compete!What's more, there is still a big fish right now.

Although Wu Changping is not very old, he is only around 30 years old.But because he has been in the agency for a long time, his physical fitness is naturally much weaker.In running and chasing, the distance is getting closer and closer.Due to the above reasons, his speed is certainly not at the same level as these young people.

Soon, several fast-running young people caught up.

While chasing and yelling, the young man wielding the iron chain swung the chain up again and threw it at Wu Changping without thinking.He is not used to hitting anywhere, as long as you run away, I will hit you, and no one will admit it if you get hit to death.Big deal, the government stepped in and buried you.There are many people who died in the dark like this.One more is not too much, and one less is not too little.

Wu Changping lowered his head again and hid.He saw that running like this was not an option. If he didn't get beaten to death by them, he would die of exhaustion.

So, Wu Changping put the bag around his neck, then turned around and shook hands with these young people.

After all, they were former soldiers. As soon as they made a move, these young people immediately gained the upper hand.Isn't there that sentence!A hero is hard to beat with four hands, and a hungry tiger is afraid of a pack of wolves.Can't stand others attacking in turn.No matter how capable and powerful you are, you won't be able to stand up to a long battle.Unless Wu Changping had the ability to knock down the people who came up one by one and knock them to the ground, he would never get up.

It's a pity that he doesn't have that ability yet.If you fight, you can only draw a tie, and if you can't run, you can only go to a stalemate.

Ordinarily, when these young people saw such resistance from the robbed people, they sometimes gave up.When they saw that Wu Changping did not leave the bag behind, and it was still hanging around his neck, they were even more convinced that they had robbed a big head, so they made every effort to take the bag off.

Seeing that Wu Changping was overwhelmed, and within two to three minutes, he would definitely be wiped out by these young men.At this moment, a roar sounded from behind the young man. "stop."

It was none other than Zhang Zhong who yelled.

Someone wants to say, the Chinese speak Chinese, can young people understand it?

Don't forget, Zhang Zhong can speak Vietnamese, so of course he has to speak Vietnamese.Otherwise, didn't you take the initiative to expose yourself?

When the young people heard someone shouting, they immediately stopped.However, the circle they formed did not disperse, and Wu Changping was still in the middle.

A few young people on the periphery turned their gazes over, and saw two young men who were also wearing Vietnamese costumes.

A young man secretly compares and compares in his heart, these two people are considered tall and powerful to them.If they do it, they will be able to bear it!So, I turned my attention to another young man.

It seems that this person is their head.

The young man said, "It's none of your business here, go away."

If nothing happened, Zhang Zhong would be lazy to take care of them.This is their own business. It is a contradiction among their people, and outsiders cannot interfere.However, what they robbed was not someone else, but Wu Changping, who was also the person he and Wu Jianglong came out to look for.

Shi Zhuguo and others have been waiting at Han Yuan's house for too long.Until later, Shi Zhuguo realized that waiting like this was too passive.One is that they still can't fully trust Wu Changping. If something unexpected happens, and everyone is bored in the room, it won't be a suffocating cat.Second, I was worried that something might happen to Wu Changping on the way here, so it would be good if two people helped him.Therefore, he sent Zhang Zhong and Wu Jianglong out to have a look.

The two of them went out of the gate, but they didn't see Wu Changping's shadow, so they walked forward along this road.They didn't know where they were going, they just followed the general direction to meet them.

As he was walking, he suddenly found a noise of fighting in front of him.The two approached there quietly.They didn't want to watch any excitement, they just wanted to feel the situation.

Going forward to look, this is not bad, and found that Wu Changping was being beaten by others, only able to parry, not to fight back.

So, let Zhang Zhong export first, and after the persuasion failed, Wu Jianglong was ready to make a move.

Seeing someone meddling in other people's business, the young people on the periphery quit.Although they saw that the other party was taller than themselves, they considered that they had a lot of people on their side, not to mention they had guys in their hands.But the person who came over had both hands empty.

A young man made the first move, relentlessly stabbing Zhang Zhong with a knife.

Zhang Zhong saw that the other party was a young man, so he didn't pay attention to him, and he didn't plan to fight back, he just wanted to let this young man get out of trouble.

His body gave way to the blade, and then to the young man's body.

After the young man made up the gap twice, he became a little annoyed, and now he didn't stab, but swiped the knife around Zhang Zhong non-stop.

If he was tied up, Zhang Zhong would have to hang some color on his body anyway.This is not important, what is important is that his reputation has been lost.An outstanding student from a famous school was actually stabbed by a half-grown man in Vietnam.Not only embarrassing myself, but also embarrassing the school.

Zhang Zhong flashed and issued a warning.But that young man ignored him, thinking that Zhang Zhong was weak and could be bullied!

well!Why are people in this country like this!The more you give way to him, the more he pushes forward.If you don't fight back, he will think you are an idiot, the boss!I think what's wrong with me as a child, I am a child who dares to fight hard and fight.If I make a move, your boss will have nothing to do but avoid me.They really treat tigers like sick cats.

Zhang Zhong saw that he couldn't fight back.If you don't fight back, maybe how long he will be entangled.

"Aren't you endless, boy? So Xing, let you buddies also see what Sanda is." After Zhang Zhong had this idea, he withdrew his body back to let the arm stretched out by the young man, and then put his own He stretched his right arm forward, and immediately supported the young man's arm.It's not over yet, and then Zhang Zhong raised his arms to compete.

Immediately, the young man felt as if his elbow had been carried by someone with an iron rod, grinned in pain, and the knife flew out.Then he squatted on the ground, screaming in pain.

Seeing that their own people suffered a disadvantage, the young people around didn't draw a lesson, and rushed over to see who was coming.

"Zhang Zhong, take a break." After Wu Jianglong said this, without waiting for Zhang Zhong to be willing or not, he took a step forward and covered Zhang Zhong behind.Then close with hand block.Kick with your feet far away.After being busy for a while, these young people lay down on the ground.All of them are ouch.

If it weren't for the fear that there would be Vietnamese agents who could understand Chinese in front of him, Zhang Zhong would have to fight Wu Jianglong.It was originally a side dish in my hand, so why don't you grab it.But he didn't dare, he was startled when he heard Wu Jianglong call out his name.Now, if he yells like this, there may be some troubles in the end.

As soon as the young men here were knocked down, those surrounding Wu Changping quickly dispersed.Up to now, they finally know what there are mountains beyond mountains, and ruthless people beyond people.

At this time, one of the leaders shouted, and everyone dispersed with a whoosh.

Run fast enough without getting hurt.But those who fell to the ground couldn't get up.Seeing him walking towards him, he hid back in fright.Worried that Wu Jianglong was kicking them a few times.

Wu Jianglong didn't bother to pay attention to them, and Zhang Zhong went there to help Wu Changping, and the three left.

Wu Jianglong's attack was also a bit heavy.However, he is still merciful, if this is replaced by the Vietnamese army.It's still not sure what he smashed into!Although he hated the ungrateful Vietnamese, the young people he was facing were not soldiers after all.

But I thought about it again, if I'm not a soldier now, it's hard to guarantee that I won't be in the future.Maybe one day, they will be like those Vietnamese soldiers with guns, and they will still run to the Chinese border to kill and set fire.They will still shoot at the victim.Therefore, it is time to hit you now, but it is a little earlier.

It was after thinking of this that Wu Jianglong increased his strength.

However, Wu Jianglong was happy, but his behavior still attracted the attention of the Vietnam Army agents.

Officials arrived shortly after the fight.Because among the young people who were beaten, there were their own relatives.Good guy, there are so many lads, they were cleaned up by just one or two people.Anyone who is a little vigilant will want to know what these people are doing.

Officials arrived at the scene, and after learning about the situation, they heard that one of them spoke Chinese.Although I didn't understand it, the Chinese language is still different.

After this situation was reported level by level, it quickly attracted the attention of the Vietnamese military secret service.They are worried about not being able to find Chinese secret agents entering the country!Unexpectedly, it was found in this area.

Therefore, the intelligence department of the Vietnam Army was very happy. Not only did they not punish these young people who caused trouble, but they also praised them heavily.Then, they were assigned tasks.The goal is to find these few Chinese who have fought with them.

After Wu Jianglong and Zhang Zhong rescued Wu Changping, the three made a detour to Han Yuan's home.

At this time, Shi Zhuguo was anxious about Wu Changping's delay in coming!I saw the three of them return safely.After a brief understanding of the situation, we will make arrangements to enter the tunnel for reconnaissance.

Now, everyone present is equipped with the weapons brought by Wu Changping.

Some comrades want to ask, is Wu Changping so capable!Do whatever you want!

This is nothing to worry about.

During this period, Vietnam was still in a state where all the people were soldiers, and almost every family had guns.The militiamen can carry their guns home for emergency readiness.At the same time, some ordinary people also have guns in their hands.Their guns, even if they weren't good, were good enough for a few bullets.The guns in their hands were not issued by the government, they were picked on the mountain by themselves, and it is possible to ask others for it.

Wu Changping, as a staff officer of a certain level, it is not easy to get a few pistols.

After the weapons were delivered to everyone, Shi Zhuguo felt that he was almost ready, so he gave an order, "Go into the cave."

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