soldier rushing forward

246. Discovering the Ammunition Depot

After preparing this time, the speed of entering the hole was much faster than last time.After a flash of lightning, six people reappeared at the door of the secret passage.

Shi Zhuguo asked everyone to calm down, and went forward to check the mark he left before leaving.Fortunately, intact.

"Wu Jianglong, come up." Shi Zhuguo called Wu Jianglong over.

"Can you open it?" Shi Zhuguo said to Wu Jianglong who came to him.

Wu Jianglong carefully illuminated the door with a flashlight, then stretched out his hand and fumbled back and forth on the door.

The door is still made of a single stone slab.Judging from the gap, the door is not big, with a height of [-] meters and a width of about [-] centimeters, which can only accommodate the next person to enter and exit.Judging from its installation position, it has always been on the top pole in the cave.Judging from these points, there may be a wall behind this door.Otherwise, if such a door appears in a certain house out of nowhere, whoever sees it must have the idea of ​​opening it to take a look.

The cave is already full of decay, and there is no sign of anyone coming.This means that no one has opened this door for a long time.

So who built it, how can it not restore history to Annan, or the era of Jiaozhi Kingdom!

No one can say for sure.But it can be said with certainty that it was definitely not built by the Vietnamese here after the establishment of the North Vietnamese regime.The standard is not enough for a while.Second, the level of operation is not good.The third is that there is no such funds.

After the war in [-], Wu Jianglong knew these Vietnamese people too well.If you let them dig a hole in the ground like a rat, it's about the same.It is simply impossible to use so many high-quality stone bars to create this useless secret passage.

Since it was not built by the current Vietnamese, the building behind it is not a new type of house, it is probably an ancient site.If it's a ruin, that's not right either.They have all become relics, which means that the walls have collapsed and the houses have been ruined here long ago.So where did the familiar voice Wu Changping heard come from?It's even more impossible to be a member of the staff headquarters as he said.

What kind of house is the General Staff Headquarters.Wu Changping knew very well that it was a row of buildings with strict specifications.

Seeing the appearance of this door now, Wu Changping also began to doubt his original understanding.Since it wasn't the staff headquarters, what was the man he knew doing here?Could it be that there are some military facilities here.

No matter what it is, Shi Zhuguo is determined to open this door, and go out to have a look no matter what.

As of today, Shi Zhuguo has entered Vietnam with a special team for two days.But in the past two days, they haven't come across any useful information.Although Wu Changping went back to inquire about it, and some colleagues in the staff headquarters knew the name of the plan, but they didn't know anything about the specific content.As Wu Changping is not directly in charge of this project, if he is overly enthusiastic, it is likely to arouse the suspicion of the Vietnamese military agents.Therefore, he also failed to get the important value of this information.

Han Yuan's understanding of the situation is roughly the same as that of Wu Changping.Under such circumstances, Shi Zhuguo still believed Wu Changping's original statement that this place might be the staff department.If it is really the staff department, then they are likely to get information from here.It was with this thought that Shi Zhuguo decided to come here.

Looking at it now, all the signs are quite different from the original idea.However, at this point, it can also be said that the mountain is at the end of its rope.When there is no other way out, there is only one way out.

After Wu Jianglong fumbled on the door for a while, he finally found the switch of the door, and after a lot of effort, he opened the door.

The door was opened, but there was still no light in front, as if something was blocking the place.

Wu Jianglong scratched it with a knife, and it felt that it was not as hard as a stone.Then he pushed hard towards Ri, and found that it was a door made of wood.

If it's made of wood, it's easy to handle.

Wu Jianglong squatted into the small dome between the stone door and the wooden door, and dug the wood bit by bit.Judging from this action, it is no different from that mouse chewing wood, but there is no other way except this.You can't kick the door open with a kick!

As the sawdust on the ground continued to increase, the tip of Wu Jianglong's knife had appeared in another space.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong dug the hole bigger and bigger until he could stretch out his hand.He fumbled there for a long time, and suddenly touched a latch.So with a swipe of his hand, he opened the door.

It turns out that the original author of this door set up two doors here, and the gates of the two doors are in opposite directions.No wonder Wu Jianglong opened a door but couldn't open the door inside.

After Wu Jianglong opened the door, he got out quietly.

There is no open air outside the cave, but a large room filled with many things.Wu Jianglong didn't have time to see what these were, he just wanted to see if there was anyone here.If there is no one, then let everyone inside come out.

It is now nine or ten o'clock in the evening. If you don't break into a certain house and there is an owner in the house, then there is nothing to worry about.

So no matter where it is, you can turn it around with confidence.

After the people in the secret passage came up one after another, Wu Jianglong had the time to see what was in the house.Now, they can only conclude that there is no one in the house, and they don't know if there is anyone outside.Therefore, you have to be extra careful when doing activities.

Wu Jianglong held the strong light of the flashlight and tried not to let him shoot.After seeing a few things in the room, I was taken aback.

These are not ordinary things, but rows of wooden boxes.These wooden boxes are stacked so high that all the windows are blocked, so there is no gap.

"Zhang Zhong, what is written on it?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"Zhang Zhong stepped forward to identify it. He could only tell that it was in Russian, but he didn't understand what it was written in." In school, apart from special agent knowledge, Zhang Zhong's major was to learn Vietnamese as well. At the same time, I learned English.He doesn't speak Russian.

"Where's Li Weibing?" Wu Jianglong pinned his hopes on Li Weibing again.Li Weibing came over to take a look, but didn't understand what was written on it.

"Don't worry about it, just open it and have a look." After Wu Jianglong finished speaking, he stepped forward to carry the box.Zhang Bing and Li Weibing helped.

Shi Zhuguo heard movement here and asked, "What are you doing?"

"We want to see what's in it?" Wu Jianglong said while working.

After Shi Zhuguo saw the boxes piled up all over the room, he was also a little dazed, "Where is this place? How can there be so many boxes?" Therefore, when he heard that Wu Jianglong and the others were going to open it, he also came over .

A box was brought down, but the lid was sealed and could only be opened with some iron bar or something.

The situation is urgent right now, with so many people gathered here, if it takes too long, there is no guarantee that there will be no problems.What's more, the ground is bare, where can I find iron rods.

Wu Jianglong became anxious, and said to Zhang Zhong, "Come on, hold down, I'll try."

Wu Jianglong clasped the edge of the box with both hands, trying to open it with force.After trying for a long time, I didn't move.

At this time, Dong Yan walked over from the side and held out an iron rod to Wu Jianglong, "Try this."

Still a woman is careful.He found that Wu Jianglong and the others couldn't break it even with brute force.So I looked around with a flashlight.Suddenly he found this iron rod in the crack of the box.Pulled lightly and it came out.Then give it to Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong looked up and saw that it was an iron rod, and he took it without asking Dong Yan where he found it.Stretch the pointed end to the gap, and push up with both hands.With a click, the lid of the box was lifted.

A buttered cannonball emerged from the box.

Since it is a cannonball, there is no need to guess here, it must be a military supply depot.

"Open the other boxes to see." Shi Zhuguo wanted to understand the situation further, so he asked Wu Jianglong to change places and opened two more boxes.

Among the opened boxes were guns, bullets, and Soviet-style grenades.

Seeing these things strengthened Shi Zhuguo's judgment even more.It seems that this is a munitions warehouse of the Vietnamese army.

Han Yuan was not idle when everyone was busy, he found the door and peeked outside.After he discovered the scenery outside the door, he had doubts in his heart, "This is an abandoned church in the style of Europa, when did it become a military warehouse.

Han Yuan came over to reiterate his thoughts to Shi Zhuguo, and Shi Zhuguo asked, "Has ammunition been loaded here before?"

"No, this church has been empty. You know, we don't believe it. So after the North Vietnamese regime took root, no one dared to come here. After a long time, it will be useless." Han Yuan said, "Here It is a bit far from the urban area, so few people come here. I also know that there is such a building here to understand the surrounding environment of Hanoi.”

"Then why does Wu Changping say it is the staff department!" Shi Zhuguo still wanted to clarify this issue.

So, Han Yuan asked Wu Changping, "Major Wu, Captain Shi asked you, why did you think this was the staff department?"

Wu Changping said, "Because the few people I heard speaking were all from the staff department."

"What do they all do?" Shi Zhuguo asked.

Han Yuan forwarded this sentence to Wu Changping, "What are they doing?"

One is in the combat department, and the other two are in charge of military supplies. "Wu Changping said, "These people have a good relationship with me, and we often drink together. "

"Ask him if he knows when the ammunition was put in." Shi Zhuguo said again.

After listening to Han Yuan’s translation, Wu Changping said, “It’s just recently, not before. I’ve heard from a few of them. There’s a large amount of Soviet-style equipment coming, and I’m worried that there’s nowhere to put it! I asked at the time, but now I don’t fight much anymore, why do I still get these things. The fellow I fought laughed at me, saying that I was a nerd and didn’t understand state affairs. In order not to reveal my identity, I didn’t reveal it and continued to pretend to be an honest person. "

While several people were talking, Li Sen, who was guarding the door, signaled, "Someone is coming."

Think about it, such a large ordnance warehouse is placed here, but there are no people inside, so can you not see the sentinel of the ammunition depot outside!

In the dim light that could be discerned, Li Sen saw that it was really a sentinel with a gun coming over.

The sentinel was originally standing far away, but when he noticed that there seemed to be noises inside, he slowly walked over.

The ammunition depot is surrounded by new wires, and there are outer sentries guarding it. As the innermost cordon, he really has no worries about the safety of the ammunition depot.But for some reason, he suddenly heard a noise inside.So, it came slowly.

After Li Sen sent out the signal, the people in the room quickly put out their flashlights, held their breath and hid in the dark.

As the sentry approached the door, a flashlight flashed behind him.

The sentry put the gun aside nervously, turned around, and asked for the password in the direction of the flashlight.

There was a short creaking sound in the dark place.

After the sentry received the password, he put away his gun and waited for someone to come.

The person who came was an officer of the Vietnamese Army.The officer approached and asked, "Why did you leave the post and what are you doing here?"

According to regulations, warehouses have important prohibitions on fire protection.There are no special circumstances for the sentries on duty, and they are absolutely not allowed to approach the ammunition depot.

Because at that time, more than 90.00% of Vietnamese soldiers smoked.So many soldiers gathered together all day long, and there was no entertainment, so they had to smoke to relieve their boredom.Due to economic constraints, the few military salaries are simply not enough to spend.So, what are these soldiers fishing for?

As long as it smells like smoke, they dare to smoke.Not to mention those leaves and grass blades.

Leaves and grass blades are easy to find, but cigarette paper is not easy to deal with.

I don't know which day, a soldier actually invented the rotten paper wrapped around the gun as a cigarette coat.All of a sudden, the butter-smelling torn paper that was once discarded everywhere became a sought-after commodity.Immediately afterwards, these soldiers who stood guard at the ammunition depot also became popular.As long as there is a chance, they will get some paper like this, and find a chance to give it to fellow villagers, or comrades who are good to them.

Another point is that some soldiers often smoke secretly when they are on guard.This is also the main reason why they are not allowed close to the ammunition depot.

After the officer finished asking, the soldier hurriedly cleared his name, explaining that I didn't come here to get anything, but I heard a noise inside.

The officer gave him a suspicious look, which meant, are you okay?The gate was tightly closed, and there were people watching around, so why would there be noises inside.This is not a grain warehouse, and mice will not come here to find food.

The soldier followed the officer to the door, and the two leaned against the crack of the door to listen.

At this time, the people in the room knew in advance that there were people outside, and they had already held their breath inside. Of course, it was useless to listen, and the room was surprisingly quiet.

Because he didn't notice the situation, the officer gave the soldier a blank look.He said harshly, "Go back to stand guard!"

From then on, the officer began to suspect the intention of the soldiers on guard.

The two Vietnamese soldiers left.The people in the house also jumped into action.Since it is an ammunition depot, it is of no use to the Beiguang project they want to know, and it is easy to cause problems after staying here for a long time.So, go now or wait!

You can walk, but the scene has been messed up by them.It's easy to say, what about the ammunition boxes and weapon boxes that they opened?We can't wait until the Vietnamese army arrives tomorrow to discover these situations, and then start an investigation!

After Shi Zhuguo thought about it, he simply did not do anything, and it would be better to mess with him more.Anyway, their small team is still empty at present!Not a single weapon, it's not always a long way.

According to the original plan.I thought that after I came in, I would ask Han Yuan to buy some heavier firearms on the black market for self-defense.Now that there are so many in front of my eyes, it is useless not to take them.It just happens to be spending for the country's drug saving expenses!

Shi Zhuguo let go.Several young people were busy.Wu Jianglong pried, Zhang Zhong and Li Weibing picked.After a while, he got a lot of weapons.Then they passed into the secret passage one by one.

In the warehouse, all boxes that have been opened are taken away, and the ground is cleaned without leaving any traces.

But here comes the problem again.After everyone entered the cave, what would happen to the wooden door broken by Wu Jianglong?It was a big and bright hole, as long as someone came in, they could find it from afar.After discovering this door, it is not difficult to find this secret passage.

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