soldier rushing forward

Chapter 260, Interrogation

Wu Changping bit the bullet and turned around.At this time, he felt that his neck was stiff, his hands and feet were cold, and the blood in his whole body seemed to be blocked by the heart that stopped beating in an instant.There is no way, the body can only mechanically follow the head, wanting to see who is calling him.

At this moment, he couldn't be more clear about his own ending after coming down.What I said just now must have been heard thoroughly by the person calling out.Any sentence is enough to make him suspected of being a spy. This is the current situation.But admit it!Apart from confessing and surrendering, the only way left is the water prison torture that ordinary people can't bear.

Wu Changping gritted his teeth secretly, and thought to himself, "Torture is torture! Since you have taken this path, there is no room for repentance. If you repent or not, you have been convicted, and you will never recover."

Wu Changping turned his head with a frightened, helpless, death-defying, righteous face.When he recognized the person standing on the stairs at a glance, his heart suddenly jumped.Wu Changping was so happy that he wanted to rush forward, and punched Shi Zhuguo twice, who made him make such a fuss and scared countless cells in his body to death.

"Shi Zhuguo." Wu Changping called out in Chinese.After getting in touch with Shi Zhuguo and others, he learned the language by sound, even though he couldn't speak Chinese, and he could pronounce these three characters.Because Zhang Zhong never changed his pronunciation when he was translating, so after listening to it for a long time, he can certainly say it.

Shi Zhuguo laughed and walked down the stairs.He came over to shake hands and hug Wu Changping, and the others also stepped forward to express their affection.

At this time, Wu Changping was on the verge of tears.

Even though the people he was intimate with were all foreigners, or the intelligence personnel of the enemy country, they were comrades with him, and they were like-minded people who were fighting for a common goal.Therefore, when he met Shi Zhuguo and the others, it was as if he had found a bosom friend, and he could finally have a common voice to express.Don't look at the countless Vietnamese compatriots in his army, but they are not his own.Because he has no common ambition, he has been hiding it all year round.

His situation at this time is also very similar to those revolutionary benevolent people who opposed the Qing and imperialism in the Revolution of [-].Just because they are against the current government, they must not think that he is a traitor, or a judge of the country.To measure such a person, we must also look at the ultimate purpose of what he does. As long as it is not for selfishness, his behavior should be said to be for the country and the people.It's just that the beliefs are different and the means adopted are different.Therefore, although the two were still in a hostile relationship, none of Shi Zhu and the others underestimated Wu Changping and sincerely regarded him as an ally.If it wasn't for the difference in nationality, they would really call him their comrade.

"Why are you here?" Wu Changping asked excitedly.

"Why can't we be here?" Shi Zhuguo said jokingly.

These soldiers are not as strictly forbidden as the underground workers of our army during the War of Resistance Against Japan or the War of Liberation.It may also be the reason why the country has a strong backing, and the money in the pocket is full of confidence!Therefore, no matter how dangerous they are, their mental state is very similar to that of American soldiers in many ways, and they don't care about anything.No, under such a severe situation, Shi Zhuguo wanted to tease Wu Changping a bit, which made him almost collapse.

Wan Shi Zhuguo dragged Wu Changping upstairs while talking.

Wu Changping stopped in his tracks and said, "Since you are here, I will pass on the information to you."

"Isn't it not on you?"

"That's right," Wu Changping said, "One of you will pick it up with me, so I won't have to run back and forth a few times."

"Yes." Shi Zhuguo agreed, then turned to Wu Jianglong and said, "Wu Jianglong, you and Zhang Zhong will go with Lao Wu."

For two days, the Korean won never showed up.After seeing Wu Changping, Shi Zhuguo thought of him again, so he said, "Old Wu, you can ask about Lao Han by the way."

After Zhang Zhong translated the words, Wu Changping was also a little surprised, "What, did something happen to him?" Wu Changping stared at Zhang Zhong and asked back.

Without waiting for Shi Zhuguo to ask questions, Zhang Zhong said directly, "I'm not sure. After he let us live here, he never showed up again."

"Oh!" Wu Changping didn't ask further, he guessed in his heart that something happened to **Korean Won out of ten.

Something really happened to the won.Moreover, the time of his accident was just yesterday.

After He Ruyi, the commander of the 313th Division, brought Won to Gaoping, he ordered several military doctors to form a medical team with Won, and sent troops to treat the rotten crotch disease that he didn't want to be known.

It doesn't matter if he treats a disease. Is Han Yuan a doctor? He is not afraid of how many patients there are.However, he had something on his mind, and he kept thinking about whether the comrades in the squad would stay.Or whether there is any unexpected situation after staying here, so I work half-heartedly.

One gang was sent away with difficulty, and then another gang came.Seeing that it was getting dark, their work was not finished yet.Han Yuan couldn't bear it anymore, so he told a military doctor in charge that he had something to go out for a while.The military doctor agreed.So Han Yuan walked out of an army garrison, found a sidewalk, and went straight to the hotel he introduced to the team.

It's almost time to arrive at this hotel.Suddenly three or four people jumped out from an alley.

These people stopped the way of the Korean won.

Someone suddenly appeared in front of Won, which really surprised him.He saw that the person who came was just standing in front of him, and he didn't do anything like shooting or beating, smashing or looting.Han Yuan's panic gradually calmed down.

"You guys, what do you want to do?" Han Yuan asked tremblingly.

One of the men in black ignored Han Yuan's question, but instead asked, "Are you Han Yuan?"

Won replied without thinking, "Yes, who are you guys?"

"You don't have to worry about it." The speaker snapped at the others, "Take it away."

Han Yuan was a little angry, he didn't believe that he would be kidnapped in this place.Therefore, while being dragged by the visitor, he asked loudly, "Who are you and what do you want to do? I belong to Mr. He."

The person who dragged him and Ben ignored him, only the man who had talked to him stepped forward and said, "Stop arguing, I know you belong to Mr. He."

When Han Yuan heard this, he felt a little nervous, this person dared to provoke He Ruyi, presumably he had something in this person's hands.

"You kidnapped a soldier for no reason. This is nonsense. Hurry up and let me go, otherwise, when you get to Mr. He, you will have no good fruit to eat." Han Yuan also wanted to use He Ruyi's face to let these people know the difficulty And retreat.

Unexpectedly, that person just snorted, "Don't worry, if your story is verified to be true, even He Ruyi will be involved."

Hearing what he said, Han Yuan understood that this person is by no means a soldier like He Ruyi.Without any background, he would not dare to say such a thing to a teacher.Han Yuan's legs were dragged forward, and his mind was thinking quickly.

He was wondering what was exposed, or something happened to the squad, and someone confessed himself.But it's not right!I met the team in Gaoping yesterday, there is no reason for them to have a problem so quickly, even if there is a problem, they will not confess themselves.Because they didn't know that after they came to Gaoping, they went to the army to see a doctor.He Ruyi didn't want to arrange this matter.If it was him, why not start at the barracks.Since they ran to such a place, took advantage of the lack of people on the street and attacked when they were unprepared, and dared to speak rudely to the division commander, it showed that they were not from the 313th division.

If it's not Division 313, who could it be?Han Yuan thought, there is only one possibility.They are the secret service organizations of the Vietnam Army.Since it was a secret service organization, they had no reason to deal with a military doctor like him, unless they found out something about him being a traitor.

Han Yuan thought about it, but he couldn't think of a reason why they wanted to arrest him.

If you can't figure it out, it doesn't mean that people dare not do it.Now that you've caught it, but you can't run away even if you want to, just wait and see the result!

In desperation, Han Yuan kept his mouth shut and let these people take him away.At this time, Han Yuan was still secretly lucky.Thank you for walking slowly.If they were blocked in that hotel, it would most likely cause trouble for the Chinese team.

Han Yuan was pulled and dragged forward by these people. After walking for a while, he finally turned into a courtyard.

As soon as these people entered the courtyard, they then took Han Yuan into a room.They threw him in, locked the door, and they all went out.Nobody cares about the won anymore.

At this moment, Han Yuan was confused again, "What are they doing! Why are they trying to do this without asking any questions?"

About an hour later, there was finally another sound of chaotic footsteps in the yard.

Han Yuan looked out through the window and saw that there were many more people in the yard.In addition to those who arrested him, some people he didn't know also entered the yard.

Then, thinking about the door where Won was being held, a few men in black came in.

Without saying anything, they set up a table and then some stools in the room.At the same time, several pine oil lamps were lit.He was placed in a hole in the wall of the house.

With these lights, Han Yuan had the opportunity to take a look at the equipment in the room.

It was a window house not much better than a stable.The walls are all empty, and there are no decorations.If it weren't for the table and a few stools just moved in, there is really nothing here.

After the Korean won was locked in, the room was kept dark.He didn't know what was inside, and even if there was something, he didn't dare to touch it.Therefore, he squatted on the spot.Now I can see clearly that there is nothing here.So, it didn't look like a room where he was going to be interrogated.

Han Yuan looked at everything in the room, and the men in black standing at the door.Still judging, who are they and why did they arrest him here?

The doorway suddenly became much brighter.

Two men holding pine oil torches came in, followed by two men in black.

The two men in black walked very calmly, unlike those men in black who were busy doing everything in a hurry.

The two men in black who came in sat down on the stool behind the table without saying anything.

One of them said, "Bring him here."

As soon as he spoke, two men in black walked towards Han Yuan, without any explanation, one left and one right, holding his arms and putting him behind the table.At this time, Han Yuan couldn't even come if he didn't want to. His two legs, as if they had been lifted up, were placed in front of the two men.

As soon as Han Yuan came over, people holding torches in the room crowded to all angles, surrounding Han Yuan in the middle.Looking at this posture, Han Yuan immediately thought of the scene where Yang Ziying was interrogated by a mountain eagle in the model play "Taking Tiger Mountain Out of Wisdom" that he had seen in China.So, Han Yuan couldn't help but secretly smiled in his heart.Could it be that he wants to become a hero like Ge Yang Zirong?But these people in front of them are not bandits at all, but out-and-out Vietnamese agents.Just after Han Yuan had this funny idea, he was instantly broken by the voice appearing in front of his eyes.

A man in black sitting behind the table asked, "What's your name?"

"Who are you, why arrest me?" Han Yuan said confidently.

"It doesn't matter who we are, since we arrested you, there must be a reason for arresting you." The man in black said.

"If you are not good people, why should I tell you who I am." Han Yuan showed a gesture of not being afraid of anything.

The other man in black muttered something to the one who started talking.

Then the person who asked the question said, "Okay, then I'll tell you who they are. We are from the Second Division of the Central Secret Service."

Han Yuan knew that there was such an organization within the Vietnamese army.They belong to the Workers' Party of Vietnam, and quite a bit of the Central Unification Bureau of the Kuomintang.It is not surprising to have such an organization in a country, and which party does not have its own paramilitary organization that is completely separated from the army.On the one hand, their function is to protect the security of the party, but also to carry out surveillance on senior officials in the military government.Therefore, when Won heard the name of this organization, he was also taken aback.Afterwards, Han Yuan quickly calmed down again, and said, "I am a soldier, not a member of your party, why did you arrest me?"

"You are a soldier, but you are not Vietnamese." The man in black said to the point.

After hearing this sentence, Han Yuan was stunned and thought, "I must have been exposed, otherwise, they wouldn't have investigated so carefully."

"You guys, what exactly do you want to do? Teacher He knows best whether I am Vietnamese or not." Han Yuan raised He Ruyi again, trying to use this big card to overwhelm him.Unexpectedly, the person who asked the question sniffed and smiled, "Don't talk about him, if your question is verified, he won't be able to escape."

"Tell me, why did He Ruyi drag you into the army?" the man in black asked.

"Mr. He asked me to join the army so that I could treat these soldiers." When Han Yuan asked this question, he immediately gained confidence. After all, he had treated many soldiers in Gaoping. You can ask them all.

"It's that simple?" the man in black asked strangely.

"Yes, it's that simple." Han Yuan said affirmatively.

"I asked him, is residence No. 1 in Hanoi your home?" the man in black asked.

"Yes" Won said without thinking.

"Did you dig a tunnel under the house?"

When Han Yuan heard it was authentic, he thought to himself, "It's over, no wonder these people came to arrest him. It turned out that it was the tunnel's fault." However, he thought again, he didn't dig the tunnel, so what was he afraid of?So he said stiffly, "I don't understand what you said."

After Han Yuan finished speaking, the room fell silent for a moment, and no one asked any more questions.

Suddenly, the man in black who had never spoken yelled loudly, "Damn, don't tell the truth, give him some serious compensation.

As soon as the man let go, the two men holding the Korean won started to fight.

One of them let go of Won, grabbed Won's fist, and hit Won's stomach violently.

After this pause, he saw blood spurting from Han Yuan's nose and mouth.

Since Han Yuan came to Vietnam, he has been living the life of a classy person. He has never been humiliated and hit like this.

Han Yuan persevered. If he was not afraid of revealing his identity, he really wanted to fight head-on with these people in the room.However, in order to cover up his identity, Han Yuan stood up and pretended to be weak. Anyone who saw him would think that he was a weak doctor in a white coat who soaked in alcohol all day.

After being praised for a while, Han Yuan half-truthfully bent down, as if he was completely defeated from top to bottom.As soon as he yelled, Yi Guo begged for mercy, "Sir, I, I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Damn, you still want to pretend," a man in black said angrily, "Your tunnel not only destroyed one of our ammunition depots, but also killed many of our comrades." The man in black almost shouted speak up.

Got it, got it all.No need for the man in black to go on, Han Yuan knew that all of this was done by the shells and explosives in that tunnel.

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