soldier rushing forward

261. Ammunition depot

Not long after the detachment left Han Yuan's house, a Vietnamese soldier discovered the hole while carrying ammunition out of the ammunition depot.After his loud yelling, more spectators were attracted.

An officer stepped forward, and another soldier bravely went to help.The two men opened the board without much effort.However, after the board was taken down, the two of them saw the ammunition mixed with the shells almost at the same time.

Just when the two of them were terrified, a grenade burst out with fireworks.

The officer yelled badly.

After calling, he and the soldier turned and ran out.

However, there are still several layers of spectators around!The two of them knew what was going on, so of course they had to run outside.But these spectators don't know!They thought there was some monster inside!

They thought, there is a monster, and there are so many soldiers standing in front of them, what is there to be afraid of.Therefore, when the officer and the soldier squeezed out, no one made room for them.

When the officer saw that he couldn't squeeze, he became even more anxious, and shouted like crazy, "There are bombs, there are bombs."

This shout was crisp enough and fierce enough.

The people in the innermost layer understood it, so they turned around and helped the official squeeze out together.

But the people on the outermost floors didn't understand.Although they heard it, someone had been arguing, so they couldn't hear what it was.

Originally, this was an arsenal. Of course, there were bombs. If there were no bombs, what would it be called an arsenal?No bullets, no guns, what is it called an arsenal.

Just as these Vietnamese troops shouted and shouted, squeezed and blocked.That mine didn't have the patience to wait for you all to run away before it exploded.Lei Zizi burst out fireworks, seeing that no one paid attention to him, he blew it up on his own.

With a bang, all the ammunition piled up on it were detonated instantly.

The power of the grenade is limited, but the few bombs piled on it must not be underestimated.In addition, the two boxes of bullets that Wu Jianglong used to pile up the entrance of the cave also came in time to join in the fun.

All of a sudden, this small hole was collapsed.The flames that jumped out could be squeezed out vigorously.In an instant, in this small space, like a volcanic eruption, countless flames popped out.

These flames were not just burning the group of people in front of them, but they also fired bullets into the surrounding people with jingle and force.

In an instant, all of these people watching the excitement were brought down.

Not counting after bringing them down.The shock wave generated by the explosion instantly spread to the nearby ammunition.

The huge air wave with high-explosive flames once again triggered the approaching ammunition.In an instant, the ammunition depot was like setting off firecrackers, thinking of continuous explosions.

With the sound of the explosion, the flames and smoke were like imps released from hell, roaring and looking for openings to get out.When there were no more, they forcibly tore many openings from the walls and roof of the church, and then swarmed out.

At that time, the roof of this church was torn off, and his body also showed the ruins of a goddess after shedding flowers. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are thousands of windows and holes.The flames that ran out rose straight into the sky mixed with smoke.

Inside, those wooden boxes that were ignited and exploded were also completely exposed, and the steel bodies of various weapons were thrown away in all directions.

It really complied with the classic sentence, "The city gate caught fire, seedlings and fish ponds"

Bad luck soon caught up with the unprepared Vietnamese soldiers who were guarding the ammunition depot.

At first, they were a little confused when they heard the explosions.When I saw thick smoke coming out of the roof and bursting out of flames as if it had collapsed, I knew something had happened to the ammunition depot.

An officer of the Vietnam Army shouted to his subordinates, and took the only fire-fighting tools prepared in advance to fight the fire.

With Vietnam's economic level and technical capabilities at that time, what good consumer equipment can there be?It's nothing more than tools like iron buckets, face plates, and shovels.

There was about a platoon of soldiers led by the officer, those who carried the water, those who carried the sand, all galloped, foolishly following the officer to the church that was still far away.

The explosion of the ammunition depot is nothing compared to the fire of ordinary people's houses.It’s not enough to bake it with fire, there are countless steel fragments inside!

At this time, perhaps the Vietnamese army officer was worried that he would be punished for dereliction of duty due to the explosion of the ammunition depot, so he kept urging behind him.

Maybe this group of soldiers really has a career spirit of dedicating themselves to the country.They are really not afraid of death, and rush forward bravely.As for whether he will die or live next, no one thinks in that direction, they just keep rushing forward, thinking about putting out the fire and saving the weapons and ammunition.

This precious ammunition, but the high-level leaders of the Vietnamese army, sticking to their faces, said many good things and responded to many things that harmed themselves and benefited others, before signing a "lease law" with the Soviet Union.With this method, people are not afraid that you will not return it.Under the condition of borrowing and repaying, it was finally difficult to get these ammunition back.Otherwise, what would they use to fight recklessly with the squadron.

If it is destroyed now and not robbed and killed, it will be easy.

Seeing this group of Vietnamese soldiers approaching the church.

The house is too high and there is no climbing equipment, so they can only work hard towards the gate.

A few soldiers ran over to hug, but it didn't take much effort, the door collapsed in an instant.In fact, even if they didn't embrace it, the door was already on the verge of falling after the high-temperature burning inside and the continuous slamming of blown objects.Although the iron hoops were not red, they were almost hot to the extreme.Therefore, as soon as the hands of these soldiers touched the door panels with iron nails and iron hoops, their hands were immediately burnt with a layer of fire blisters.

Under the urging of the officers, these soldiers really had the spirit of not fearing death, and they kept moving forward.Just as they were about to continue working with tools, there was another loud bang in the church.Then, the door fell to the ground by itself.

As soon as the door was opened, a heat wave that had been waiting for a long time filled the space at the door, and then violently sprayed out with scorching flames.

With one spray, the soldiers who were crowded at the door seemed to be swept up from the bottom of their feet, their entire bodies were lifted into the air, flew up flat, and fell more than ten meters away following the air wave.

The sudden burst of flames and random blows from flying iron pieces reduced the number of Vietnamese soldiers who were about to go in to fight the fire by half.

It was terrible, no one who saw this scene dared to stand here and persist.So the remaining soldiers turned around and ran back.

With the life left, you can do anything.Therefore, when they encountered life-threatening danger, no matter what the officer yelled, they ran towards the distance without looking back.

This officer may be afraid of being reviewed for dereliction of duty, so he is not willing to retire like this.

Seeing that the soldiers were running backwards, he was helpless.I thought to myself, if others don't go to put out the fire, I have to go.No matter what, I have to set an example and take the lead, so that those who run away can see that this is how I am an officer.The purpose is to let them quickly return to their combat positions under the inspiration of their aura.

Therefore, when he saw the retreating soldiers who couldn't shout, he simply stopped shouting.Picking up the shovel from the ground, holding it with his right hand, he rushed towards the door that had just calmed down.

Hotheaded people are likely to do miracles.But in most cases, it ended in a more miserable failure.The ammunition depot was blown up like this, and they rushed in recklessly without even thinking about self-protection measures. This is really no different from moths flying to a flame.Maybe it was an act of heroism, or maybe he was doing something stupid.

The officer was about to reach the door, when suddenly there was a bigger explosion inside the church.All the walls collapsed in an instant, almost moving the church to the ground.All the objects on the roof and walls were wiped out with the explosion that appeared after a little silence.

The Vietnamese officer didn't even have time to think, his body was wrapped in air waves and flames, and he caught up with the soldiers who had just run away like a cannonball.

Seeing a wave of fire flying over, the smart and nimble people quickly got down and let the wave pass over their heads.

But those soldiers who ran slowly and wanted to watch the excitement were not so lucky.

When they saw their platoon leader flying over in the air on top of the flames, they opened their mouths wide and froze for a moment.Not to mention that they wanted to take some measures, even before they even shouted, they themselves joined in.

The few people who swooped down from the air wave, their bodies were burning, their mouths were opened wide, howling incessantly.Their bodies were quickly worn away in the steam waves.That is to say, within a few seconds, these people no longer exist.

What can be kept is the iron handles, iron basins and other things that are not easy to burn and have already changed their shape when they are in the flame circle.

With the sound of clanging, these deformed iron objects fell to the ground one after another.

Once the storm passed, calm appeared inside and outside the church again.It seems that the ammunition inside should explode, and the ammunition that should be shattered is exhausted, and there are only some objects that have not been burned, or will never be fired.

After calming down for a long time, he lifted the two heads with clean hair from the ground.

They both looked at each other and looked around.

That church no longer exists.The surrounding area also became empty.What kind of trees, grasses, shrubs and other volatile objects have not been swept away.Around him, apart from the two of them, there was no one alive.

In the distance, a lone iron wire can still be seen vaguely through the air.

One soldier began to cry loudly, while the other stood up from the ground stupidly, and walked slowly towards the wire.It looked like the soldier was either stupid or crazy.From his walking movements and body, he could no longer find any normal person's thinking.

After a while, the sound of a car motor was heard from a distance.

Teams of Vietnamese troops rushed here in cars.

When the crying soldier heard the sound of a car approaching, he sat up slowly from the ground and looked in that direction.

At this moment, his body was already the same gray and black color as the ground. If he didn't speak or open his mouth, no one would recognize that he was still alone.

Soon, the car drove into the church.

The Vietnamese soldiers who came jumped out of the car one after another.

An officer of the Vietnamese army who led the team looked at the church that had been moved to the ground, and was horrified at the few remaining broken walls.After a moment of shock, he said to another officer beside him, "Look, are there any alive?"

Soon, several soldiers brought over the stupid Vietnamese soldier who was close to the wire.

The officer asked, "Do you know what happened?"

"It exploded, it exploded." After finishing speaking, he giggled for a while.

"***, nonsense, I don't know it was bombed, do you know the reason?" The officer got angry.

Although he got angry at will, the soldier still smirked, "It's bombed, it's bombed, it's all gone."

The officer still wanted to lose his temper.A person next to him said, "This kid may have been scared out of his wits."

After he reminded, the officer went to see him intentionally.

You can't see any expression on his face at all, because the whole face is covered by black and gray, only the white teeth that were exposed when he spoke just now have not been polluted.Looking at his clumsy look again, the officer believed it.From the looks of it, the soldier was really frightened.So, he said, "Send someone to take him to the hospital."

Two soldiers came over and called away the frightened Vietnamese soldier.

The soldier who was still sitting on the ground saw that no one came to pay attention to him for a long time.I had no choice but to stand up by myself and staggered towards the car.

After a soldier found out, he shouted, "That's still alive."

So, he quickly ran over to several people and brought him to the officer.

The officer was really worried that he was just as frightened as the man just now.After watching him for a long time, I asked, "Which unit do you belong to?"

"Reporting to the chief, I am Ruan Kuan, a soldier in the first squad of the second row of the third company."

Hearing that he was able to report his organizational system, the officer was very happy and thought, it seems that this person is not crazy, so he asked, "Can you tell me what happened here?"

"Report to the chief, I don't know." The soldier replied immediately.

"Hey, why are you talking like this. This answer is no different from that fool." The officer thought about it and said, "Tell me what happened?"

"We were preparing to have dinner when we suddenly heard an explosion in the ammunition depot and saw the flames. Our platoon leader took us to fight the fire. As soon as we ran to the door, we were bombed like this," Ruan Kuan said.

"Where's your platoon leader?" the officer asked.

"Dead, all dead." Seeing the officer asking him this question, the soldier thought of his platoon leader and those comrades again, and suddenly burst into tears as he spoke.

The officer became a little impatient. Seeing that he was just crying and couldn't explain why, it was useless to keep him here.So he said to people, "Take him to the hospital to have a look."

Two more health soldiers came over and took the soldier away as well.

At this time, more and more Vietnamese troops gathered in the open space of the church. After hearing the news, the senior leaders who came from the headquarters also came to check.

After a while, a soldier finally found the entrance of the cave and exclaimed, "There is a cave here."

This shout startled everyone present.

Several officers quickly ran towards the hole.

The entrance of the cave was found, so the Vietnamese army made a preliminary conclusion that it seemed that the explosion was intentional.

So who is it!

"Check, check, we must catch the culprit." The person in charge gave this order.

Then some Vietnamese soldiers went down into the cave.

The hole leading to the church from the secret passage was destroyed by bombing, but the broken bricks and tiles that blocked the hole were quickly removed.As soon as it is moved away, those secret passages that have not been bombed will be exposed.

The people at the scene were all surprised when they saw this secret passage.

In order not to explode again, the Vietnamese army specially dispatched engineers to investigate the secret passage.After opening the way in front of the engineers, the Vietnamese army quickly found Han Yuan's home from the secret passage.Now that the home of the Korean won can be found, it is not difficult to find the Korean won.In this way, the South Korean won was quickly seen by the agents of the Vietnam Army.

After an accident, there is always someone responsible.This has been the case since ancient times.

The person directly in charge of the Vietnam Army at the ammunition depot certainly did not admit that it was his fault, so he wanted to find someone responsible for the matter.Now, since there is such a big clue, how can they not pursue this matter, not to mention that Han Yuan is still a hidden Chinese.

There is another He Ruyi behind the Korean won.Since he can be a high-level official, it is impossible that there are no hostile people behind him.If there is a problem with the Korean won, presumably He Ruyi is also involved.

No matter what the purpose is, and regardless of whether Han Yuan is suspected of the explosion of the ammunition depot, anyway, he is being watched at present.If he didn't tell the truth, the torture that followed would be unavoidable.

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