soldier rushing forward

27. Vietnamese female soldiers

Two men wearing bamboo hats and dressed as Vietnamese entered the command post of a certain regiment. 【 】The chief of staff pointed to one of them and introduced to Chi Yongjie:

"Head, this fellow is our overseas Chinese, a guide sent by the superior."

Chi Yongjie left the map, dropped his pen, and came over to shake hands with fellow villagers, "Are you a local?"

"Yes." The fellow took off his bamboo hat and wiped the sweat from his brow.

"Can you explain the situation on the mountain?" Chi Yongjie asked with an inquiring look.

"Yes, they have a lot of fortifications, and we helped build them."

"Okay, that's great." Chi Yongjie looked joyful, "Come here," the guide followed Chi Yongjie to the map.

The guide pointed to the map, "Here, here..."

The main peak of Shuojiang is 796 meters high. There are six layers of firepower from the bottom of the mountain to the top of the mountain. It is equipped with heavy firearms such as anti-aircraft machine guns, 1 force guns, 122 mortars, and 0 howitzers.The farthest between the two mountains is 8 meters, and the closest is only [-] meters.If you attack directly from the front, no matter which hill you attack, the troops will be shot by the enemy on the opposite side.

The enemy guarding here boasted arrogantly: "Shuojiang's natural barrier is an impregnable steel defense line. To pass here, the Chinese army will have to fight for at least 3 months and use 1 corpses from Pingmengpu to Shuojiang. "

"Chief of Staff, order all artillery fire to support the fourth company." Chi Yongjie realized that this was a head-to-head battle, and decided to use artillery fire to level the enemy's fortifications first to reduce obstacles for the attacking troops.

"Boom, boom, boom"

Another artillery attack began, with landslides and ground cracks, and flying rocks flying into the air.

On the top of the mountain where the four companies attacked, on the right is a bottomless canyon with steep slopes.The left and front are full of shrubs.This shrub is dense and has a long thorn.It is impossible to pass.On the right side of the front, there is a narrow path that can only accommodate two feet wide, and it is impossible to deploy troops.

Shi Zhuguo went to the bottom of the mountain and suddenly changed his style of play.Leaving one platoon in the front for a feint attack, he led two or three platoons across the hill next door, and went around behind this small hill to give the enemy a surprise attack.

In order to confuse the enemy, Shi Zhuguo ordered the platoon to start a feint attack.

"Call for artillery fire." Shi Zhuguo ordered.

"Earth, earth, I am Changjiang, lunch begins, lunch begins." The radio soldiers called continuously.

As soon as the radio soldiers finished speaking, our army's rocket launchers, 152mm concentrated guns, 122mm howitzers, tank guns, and 100mm mortars all fired at the top of the hill with all available firepower.

Fiery snakes ran wildly in the sky, and strings of shells were like splinters connected together, crackling and exploding on the hill.

At this time, the small hill was filled with fireworks, and the dust released was flying around.Thick smoke and fire covered the sky.Xiao Shantou finally couldn't bear the continuous roar and began to tremble.If he was a living object, he would definitely curse the artillery made by humans.

In order to prevent the eardrums from being pierced by artillery fire, each soldier plugged the earholes with cotton balls prepared in advance.

As soon as the artillery fire stopped, the row hidden under the hill shouted and poured all kinds of firepower on the hill, making the illusion of a full-scale attack.

The enemy on the mountain discovered that our army was attacking and concentrated all their firepower in this direction.Anti-aircraft machine guns and various light and heavy weapons fired at the row.

"Okay, follow me in the second and third rows."

After Shi Zhuguo finished speaking, he took two detours and turned to the back of the hill.

The troops were advancing, and the vanguard squad suddenly issued a warning to find the enemy.

"Hidden." Shi Zhuguo ordered softly.The soldiers stopped quickly and lay motionless on the ground.

Less than 30 meters away from them, there are three Vietnamese dressed as ordinary people, carrying bamboo baskets, and they are also climbing towards the top of the back mountain.

A gust of mountain wind blew away the smoke in front of him, and Shi Zhuguo could not force himself to see who was coming.All three of them were wearing bamboo hats, and their undisguised long hair was protruding from underneath.Each also held a submachine gun in his hand.From the weight-bearing posture, it can be seen that the three people are transporting something to the top of the mountain.

"Company commander, Vietnamese female soldiers." Li Sen climbed up to Shi Zhuguo, "I'll take her there."

"No," Shi Zhuguo stopped, "There are landmines everywhere here, and we don't have the time to start, so why not follow them."


Li Sen passed the order down, and the soldiers restrained themselves, making no noise as much as possible.

The three Vietnamese female soldiers passed by Shi Zhuguo without looking back.

When the three female soldiers gradually walked away, Shi Zhuguo waved his hand and gave an order:


Li Sen followed closely behind with five soldiers, at a distance of more than ten meters, sneaking in step by step.

Three Vietnamese female soldiers moved forward while fiddled with the bushes on both sides.Suddenly, a woman at the front stopped, pointing to the ground under her feet and chattering.The two female soldiers behind nodded to show their understanding.Then, the three of them slowed down, raised their feet lightly for a while, squatted down and picked the grass with their hands for a while.

After they passed by, Li Sen squatted on the ground and observed carefully.Only then did I realize that under the gap in the bushes, there was a thin thread, both ends of which went deep into the grass.

Li Sen guessed that there might be landmines hidden inside.So he stretched out his hand and gently touched the inner mold, and touched an iron lump.

"It's so dangerous!" Li Sen thought to himself, "If it weren't for these women to lead the way, maybe a few more soldiers would have to be sacrificed."

After Li Sen found the landmine along the filament, he gently took off the hook.Only then did he make a gesture to let the people behind follow.

Li Sen broke the thunder all the way and moved forward.The others stepped on the road he had cleared and moved forward quickly.Gradually, the troops approached the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, a few submachine gun bullets shot from the bushes in front of him.After the gunfire, the two soldiers on the right shook and fell to the ground.

"There are enemies!" Shi Zhuguo shouted, "Lie down."

All the soldiers quickly fell to the ground.

"Follow me." Li Sen led five soldiers, crawled through the grass, and circled behind the bushes.At this time, they found that the three Vietnamese female soldiers who were still in front of them just now were shooting at the soldiers lying on the ground with their submachine guns.

In order to achieve the ambition of dominating Southeast Asia, the enemy country is still expanding its military without limit, regardless of the fact that the long-term war has caused excessive loss of personnel, and the number of troops has reached 100 million.After our army launched a self-defense counterattack, they faced the dual pressure of maintaining the Cambodian battlefield and competing with our army. They issued a mobilization order to the whole country, calling for all the people to become soldiers.War soldiers come from all levels.Because there were too few men, many young women had to be called up to join the army and joined the local police station and militia organization.Don't underestimate these women. They have accumulated rich combat experience in the Anti-US War. Compared with our young soldiers who have never been on the battlefield, they can be called actual combat experts and battlefield killers. They can not only use various weapons , and he will never be soft when killing people.If you treat them like women, pity, tenderness, and weakness, then you will be miserable.It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that many soldiers in our army lost their young lives in vain.

Li Sen raised his gun and put it down again in an instant. He couldn't bear to shoot at the three women.So he made a gesture of capture alive to several soldiers.Six people formed a group of two and rushed at the three Vietnamese female soldiers respectively.After a fight, the three Vietnamese female soldiers were captured with both hands.Although they were caught, how to take them away has become a big problem.Because Chinese soldiers have always kept women at arm's length.Facing these three female captives, what should we do?Take them away, they are lazy on the ground, stretching out their hands to grab them, and they are afraid of being taken lightly.

While Li Sen and the others were hesitating, one of the female prisoners gave the other two female soldiers a wink.

Suddenly, the three female soldiers all shrugged off their trousers, simply threw off their jackets, and faced these soldiers naked.

A few young soldiers had never seen this formation before, and turned their heads to the side with blushing faces.

When all the soldiers were caught off guard, the three women rushed towards the nearest young soldier.The sudden appearance frightened the little soldier into a fool.Before he could react quickly, he was crushed by three Vietnamese female prisoners, followed by a grenade explosion.The little soldier died together with the three female prisoners for no apparent reason.

Li Sen was so angry that he raised his submachine gun and fired at the corpses of the three female prisoners. His eyes were red with anger, and he said loudly to the other soldiers, "Tell my brothers, whoever wants to soften these Vietnamese women is looking for death." .”

The gunshots on the back hill finally alarmed the defending enemies on the front hillside.They divided their troops into ambush on the top of the mountain, waiting for our army to arrive and wipe them all out.

Shi Zhuguo led the soldiers forward and rushed forward, and they were about to reach the top of the mountain.

Suddenly, the enemies who had already prepared started shooting with submachine guns and machine guns.All of a sudden swept down several soldiers.

Realizing that he was in an ambush, Shi Zhuguo quickly fell to the ground and shouted to the soldiers behind him: "Lie down, get down quickly."

The two slow-moving fighters were knocked down again, with blood all over their chests and backs.

Those who have never been on the battlefield can never imagine the tragedy of the sacrifice.

The fighters who participated in this battle were generally around seventeen or eighteen years old.When they fell on the assault road, some of them were bombed with mutilated limbs, and some were shot by machine guns. The blood gushing from their bodies can be completely described as the situation when the water pipe burst.Especially those who were hit by anti-aircraft machine guns on the arms or legs, watched the wounds torn open by the bullets, the bones were broken in two, but under the connection of the fleshy skin, the arms and legs could still be seen hanging from it.If it is the chest and abdomen, it will be a small hole when it goes in, and a hole the size of a bowl when it comes out. Even the best surgeon cannot rescue the gushing blood immediately. Therefore, many of our soldiers are bleeding With the last drop of blood, his life was lost.

Most of the soldiers who rushed forward were half-armed.Only the platoon leader Li Sen, and several other squad leaders are submachine guns.Without the cover of artillery fire, the firepower of these soldiers could never compete with the enemies holding submachine guns and light machine guns on the top of the mountain.Dozens of people were overwhelmed by the enemy on the top of the mountain and couldn't lift their heads.

"Grenade, grenade." Li Sen reminded the soldiers.

Throwing grenades has always been our army's forte.When attacking at close range, the power of the grenade is no less than that of a 0 mortar shell.

The soldiers pulled out grenades and threw them towards the top of the mountain. With a distance of 30 meters, it can be thrown to the target even if you are lying on your stomach.Amidst a series of explosions, the enemy finally couldn't stand it anymore, left a few corpses, and hurriedly retreated down the mountain.

Shi Zhuguo was not willing to let the dozen or so enemies go, he rushed to the top of the mountain with the second and third platoons, and shot down the mountain from behind.More than a dozen enemies were sent back to their hometown before they got into the bunker.Shi Zhuguo was attacking from behind while cleaning the bunker hidden on the hillside.

At this time, the hilltop was covered by several rounds of artillery fire from our army, and there was almost no grass or tree.All firepower points are exposed in broad daylight.

The row attacking from the front had just rushed through the first line of defense, but was suppressed by the firepower of the multi-barreled anti-aircraft machine guns and heavy machine guns.

"Artillery fire, artillery fire" the third platoon leader commanded the regiment's mortars and fired at several stubborn strongholds.

With a whistling sound, the mortar shells drew a graceful arc and fell vertically from the air towards the bunker.The hit rate is as accurate as a sniper rifle.

A round of mortar shells exploded on the solid concrete fortress.There was a bang, a puff of smoke.Then, it was howling like ghosts and wolves.

Shi Zhuguo led two platoons to press down from above, and one platoon to attack from below.Although the enemy was ready to shoot at the top of the mountain, due to the limited viewing angle and the front and back being attacked, the enemy soon lost the power to fight back.

The enemies on the small hill couldn't figure out how this group of troops crossed the mountain with steep terrain and dense minefields, and suddenly inserted behind them.

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