soldier rushing forward

28. Slaughtered warrior

Leading by several tanks from the first company of tanks, the infantry of the fifth company followed behind. 【】The defensive position on the south line of Shuojiang took more than ten minutes, and then this step tank cooperated with the troops to pass through, driving the enemy from outside the city into the city.

The scattered enemies swarmed in groups of three or four and retreated to the streets, houses, and walls, and the two sides launched street fighting.

Shuojiang is a small mountain city with low and uneven houses.The streets are narrow and full of potholes.There are ruins left by shells everywhere, and in many destroyed houses, charred wood is still smoking.

The tanks continued to shell while they were marching, and every explosion was earth-shattering.In the smoke, you can always see the corpses of enemies flying up in the dust.

There is almost a squad of soldiers behind every tank.They bowed their backs and hid behind the armor in two columns, shooting while clearing out the remaining enemies.

Groups of enemies retreated, using terrain and features to resist tenaciously.One will shoot at infantry soldiers, and the other will throw grenades and Molotov cocktails at tanks.

At this time, an enemy hiding behind a broken wall saw the 105 tank coming, so he secretly aimed and fired a rocket towards the 105 tank,

With a "boom", the 105 tank was hit and caught fire.

This rocket did not completely blow up the 105 tank, and the 105 tank still had the ability to fight back.It turned the barrel and fired a cannon towards the enemy's hiding place.


After the shell exploded, the wall and the enemy who fired the rocket disappeared.

A burst of shelling, a string of gunshots, mixed with the shouts of soldiers on both sides, created chaos on the street.

A shell flew from an unknown direction and hit a house facing the street.In an instant, red flames devoured the roof, doors and windows of the house.

A warrior who was charging forward heard someone shouting in the house, stopped, turned and entered the empty house.After a while, a wounded woman came out from inside.The soldier carried the woman on his back out of the house and ran to a clearing.The soldier ran forward vigorously, not paying attention to what the woman on his back was doing.

Suddenly, the woman drew a knife from her body, grinning grinningly, and wiped the soldier's throat.A stream of blood spurted out from the soldier's neck.In an instant, our little soldier twisted his body and fell to the ground without even humming.

The Vietnamese woman also fell to the ground, got up, stepped forward and pulled the soldier.Seeing that he was indeed dead, he lifted the bloody knife, raised his legs, and sprinted towards another empty house at a sprint speed of [-] meters.

Qu Aiguo, the fifth company commander who was shooting at the enemy, saw it, grabbed the submachine gun from another soldier, and slammed the board without aiming at it. "Da da da" knocked down the running Vietnamese woman .

Because the Vietnamese woman fell to the ground so violently, she threw the wig off her head.What kind of woman is this? It is clearly dressed up by a man.These agents specifically took advantage of the humanitarian spirit of our army to save lives and heal the wounded, and carried out this form of assassination on many soldiers of our army.

"From now on, if you can't distinguish between the masses and the enemy, no one is allowed to act without my order." Qu Aiguo stared at his bloodshot eyes and asked the messenger to convey this order to all squads.

Wu Jianglong got a walkie-talkie from somewhere, and stood on the 101 tank as a liaison officer.Under his guidance, the infantry followed the tanks and counted them one by one.

The 101 tank made a rumbling sound and rushed to the forefront.

With a "boom", a mortar shell exploded behind the 101 tank, and the oncoming air wave lifted Wu Jianglong off the tank, and the walkie-talkie was thrown five or six meters away. rang, lost its last sizzle.

Wu Jianglong got up from the ground, flew over, grabbed the walkie-talkie, turned the switch vigorously, and even clapped with his hands, using all available moves, but the walkie-talkie remained silent without making any sound.Wu Jianglong knew that without a walkie-talkie, the tank would not be able to communicate with the infantry.Once tanks and infantry are out of touch in street fighting, the risk factor will increase exponentially.So, he was desperate to get the walkie-talkie to ring again.

No matter how he fiddled with it, the walkie-talkie just wouldn't ring.Wu Jianglong was so angry that he was really angry. At this time, he didn't care about the three major disciplines and eight precautions, compensation for damages to public property, etc., "Anyway, the instructor is not present, so let it break! He's not ringing!" Thinking of this, he punched the walkie-talkie a few times with his palms vigorously.Under the slamming, the walkie-talkie not only did not ring, but fell apart, and several parts fell to the ground.Wu Jianglong was dumbfounded when he saw it, and then he found a reason to extricate himself, "What a crap, it's not fun at all, and it's not doing anything! It's over. Now that I can't point it, I'm going to rest." With a wave of his hand, he wanted to throw the walkie-talkie away.But he felt something was wrong, "This is public property. What if I can't pay the job back? Anyway, I didn't break it, but the enemy bombed it. That is, ask his son to pay for a new one." Thinking of this, he put Turning the walkie-talkie on his back, he picked up the light machine gun from the ground and fled around in a fight like a child, "Who the hell blew it up for me will pay for it." After searching for a while, I finally found Killed the three enemies behind the broken wall.

Three enemies were hiding behind a broken wall and manipulating a mortar, and they were constantly firing cold shots at the middle man.When they saw Wu Jianglong standing on the tank with a walkie-talkie in his hand, they knew that he was an important person, so they fired a cannon at him.

Seeing Wu Jianglong fall from the tank, the three enemies were very proud of it.When he was happy, he suddenly found that Wu Jianglong had only been lying on the ground for less than two seconds, then stood up again, and even rushed towards them with a submachine gun.

The three enemies are scared.One of them looked like a conductor, pointed at Wu Jianglong, and said something in his mouth.A mortar shell rose into the sky, turned at a ninety-degree angle, rotated the shell, and fell straight on the top of Wu Jianglong's head.At a distance of 30 meters, the ability to hit the shells at right angles shows how rich the combat experience of these enemies must be.

Wu Jianglong heard a whistle above his head and knew that the situation was not good, so he jumped forward suddenly, and then rolled on the spot, and after a lot of tossing, he rolled more than ten meters away.

The "boom" shell exploded at Wu Jianglong's original position.

Seeing that the first shell did not hit Wujianglong, the three enemies adjusted the angle and fired the second shell as it was.While running forward, Wu Jianglong listened to the sound to judge his position. After the shells rose into the sky, he rolled and dodged again.

After rolling twice in a row, Wu Jianglong finally got close to the broken wall. Before the enemy made a new reaction, he jumped onto the top of the wall with one vertical leap, raised his submachine gun and fired continuously.The two enemies who were shooting the cannon fell to the ground. The enemy a little further away saw that the situation was not good, and quickly held a cannonball against his chest, which meant that if you want to shoot, you have to hit the cannonball. No one should live.The distance is too close. Once the shell explodes, both of them have to be reimbursed.

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't want to risk his life with this enemy.

He jumped over the broken wall and stood the machine gun against the wall.Stretching out both hands in a fighting posture, he still said: "Boy, come here."

The enemy saw what he meant, and lightly put the cannonball on the ground, took a step back, bounced his legs, and assumed a boxing posture.

After the shells were removed, Wu Jianglong saw two beans on the enemy's collar.He laughed, "It turns out that you are still an officer, and I'm going to catch you alive now." Regardless of whether the other party understood or not, he asked loudly: "Hey, are you a serious Vietnamese? A foreign game of the American Devil."

The enemy didn't care what he said, and when he opened his mouth to yell, he didn't do anything to show weakness, and then opened his mouth wide, yelling something.Looking at that posture, he was scolding Wu Jianglong.

"Hey, you fucking dare to swear. Only sissy swears at the street, you are a man!" Wu Jianglong leaned forward while talking, not paying attention to this skinny enemy at all.

"Peng, Peng" two times, Wu Jianglong received two punches on the head.

Thanks to the fact that the opponent is not a big guy, his hands are not strong enough.If it was replaced by the strength of the Europeans, it would be no wonder that these two punches did not knock Wu Jianglong to the ground.The left side of Wu Jiang's Longzhong Fist suddenly swelled up.

The enemy smiled triumphantly when he saw that he had been hit with two punches. He nodded his feet, shook his body, stretched and stretched his empty fists, and challenged Wu Jianglong arrogantly.

"It didn't count just now, come on." Wu Jianglong covered his swollen face, shook his head that was almost knocked out, and extended an invitation to the other party.He had only watched boxing in movies, and he knew nothing about the speed and style of boxing.It was only when we fought this time that we realized that boxing was so powerful, and the punches were all deadly.I made a plan in my heart, "When the battle is over, I must learn this style of fighting."

Among the arms of our army at that time, the most important training subjects were assassination and shooting.There are almost no individual combat subjects, and a lot of time is spent on queue training such as stepping and running.A set of immature military boxing is just for show, gaudy, and it is difficult to exert its real power.Therefore, soldiers without guns have almost the same fighting skills as ordinary people.

Because Wu Jianglong didn't have individual combat skills, he just wanted to beat the enemy by hitting and hitting.Wu Jianglong put on a lazy posture, drooping his hands, shaking them for a while, and tapping them for a while, which dazzled the enemy.

The enemy couldn't see what kind of punch Wu Jianglong was, but he still knew a little about Chinese Kung Fu.During our military aid to Vietnam, I also learned some boxing skills from those Chinese people who came to Vietnam.But he had never seen Wu Jianglong's style of play.However, he won the bid with two punches, but he still didn't pay attention to Wu Jianglong, so he leaned over again in a big way.

Wu Jianglong deliberately let the enemy approach him, and after dodging two blows in a row, he took advantage of the enemy's punch and suddenly turned around to go behind the enemy.He stretched out both hands, grabbed the collar with the upper hand, and clasped the buttocks with the lower hand, shouted hard to carry it hard, and immediately copied the enemy.Immediately afterwards, he slammed the enemy's head forward against the broken wall, and the enemy's head hit the stone of the broken wall head-on with a "boom".

"Pfft" like a watermelon falling to the ground, the red and white mixed liquid flowed out from the enemy's head.

Wu Jianglong was afraid that he would not die, so he bumped into him again in turn.After seeing that the enemy's head was completely tilted, he threw the body on the ground.

"If you want to challenge me, it's too early for you!" Wu Jianglong patted the dirt off his body, grabbed the light machine gun, jumped over the broken wall and returned to the street.

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