After the team arrived here, two people had already been sacrificed.In particular, Shi Zhuguo's sacrifice had a great impact on the emotions of his comrades.

Some people clamored to avenge Shi Zhuguo, "If we don't leave, we must fight the Vietnamese army to the end and avenge the captain.

Some people think that sending information is the main thing, and don't get entangled with the Vietnamese army for the time being. "Now is not the time to use loyalty. We must focus on the overall situation."

Just when the two sides were in dispute, Li Sen stepped forward and made a decisive decision.

"No one needs to argue now, everyone listens to me, and I will take responsibility for the consequences." Li Sen said in an unquestionable tone, "Retreat to the border."

Judging from Li Sen's status, among the five people at this time, no one has a higher position than him. Besides, when the team is about to set off, there are also unwritten rules, and replacements will naturally come from top to bottom.Now that Shi Zhuguo has died, it is logical that Li Sen should be the commander.

Therefore, as soon as Li Sen said something, no one dared to put forward any new opinions. It was useless to mention it, and it might leave a bad impression of being self-righteous and disobeying orders.

The five of them tidied up briefly, and quickly disappeared into the depths of the forest.

The Vietnamese army chasing after them was not slow at all. Although they clearly knew that this place was very close to the high ground guarded by the squadron, they believed in their abilities very credulously.Anyway, there were not many Chinese people running away in front of them. As long as they chased down with all their might, they would not be able to escape.Even if you can't catch the living ones, you can relieve your anger even if you kill them.

Based on physical strength, the squad has been exhausted for too long, and in terms of jungle combat capabilities, these Vietnamese troops are not inferior to the squad at all. Besides, they have been familiar with this place for a long time, and they have conducted countless exercises.Whether it is physical strength or the comparison of topography and features, what has been known long ago cannot be re-familiar.After such a long time, the Vietnamese army here only engaged in imaginary enemies against the forest, and many people felt bored, and really wanted to have a real enemy appear.It's not that they don't want to look for something, they are actively looking for some excitement.If they hadn't been held back by their superiors, they might have started provoking the front of the squadron a few days ago.

Just when they were feeling lonely and bored, the Chinese team suddenly appeared. Could this not excite them?Or it can be said that this is pouring cold water on their drowsy heads.

This shock made them go crazy with joy, and even wanted to scold their mothers.

But they never imagined that what they thought was just a game of cat and mouse would turn out like this.Let alone the dead, he was still vomiting blood from exhaustion.However, now, it is impossible to say no to play.Even if I don't want to play, my superiors won't do it, and those dead Vietnamese soldiers don't agree.Therefore, I had no choice but to play to the end, replacing the idea of ​​cats and mice with wild wolves catching chickens, and never giving up until the prey was caught.

As a result, these Vietnamese troops began to chase after them.Even if a dozen of their companions died, they did not flinch, and they worked harder.

With this enthusiasm, if the road is stretched for three to five miles, it is estimated that the possibility of the small team being able to safely return to the other side of the border is really small.

After this Vietnamese army chased here, in order not to attract the attention of our army on the high ground, the actions of the Vietnamese army became more and more careful.Although there were rustling sounds under his feet, it sounded like the wind blowing.The marching speed of the Vietnamese army was very fast. They separated into several levels, spread out in the jungle like a pull, and tracked along the footprints of the squad.

"I can't run anymore, I really can't run anymore." Dong Yan bent down, panting heavily.

As soon as she stopped, no one who could leave would be able to leave. There was no reason to leave Dong Yan alone.

Therefore, people walking back and forth stopped.

According to the theory of nature, a person's final struggle often depends on the potential in the body, a sudden eruption of passion.Once rested, all nerves in the body will collapse and dissipate.Followed by the passive sabotage of various organs.To be precise, the persistent consumption of each member of the team has already seriously overloaded the various parts in the body, and repairs and maintenance have long been needed.If they were given this chance, their physical strength would suddenly be like a deflated rubber ball, it would be impossible to bounce back, and their physical strength would disappear instantly.Once this situation occurs, let alone dealing with dangerous situations, it is difficult to continue normal activities.

"Let's take a break! Let's take a break!" Li Weibing begged.

Li Sen's attitude was very tough, "No, there may be enemies behind, as long as everyone persists and go to the high ground, it will be fine."

"No, no, I don't want to move a single step." Li Weibing simply sat on the ground.After he did this, Dong Yan also sat down.

If it is said that anyone still has the ability to help others, or to carry Dong Yan on his back, it is all hypocrisy.I can't even lift my legs, so how can I help others? Even if I have the heart, I don't have the ability.

At this time, Wu Jianglong had this idea, but he tried, but he couldn't do it at all, so the flash of thought could only flash in his mind, and then disappeared.

Wu Jianglong looked at Dong Yan and Li Weibing, and then at Li Sen who was also panting.Even though Li Sen was persuading others, his own legs seemed to have added a thousand catties, and he wished he could lie down on the ground immediately and never want to get up again.

"Forget it, let's rest here!" Wu Jianglong said, turning his eyes to Ye Zheng, "Lao Ye, let's go ahead and have a look."

Ye Zheng's attitude was very serious, and he never said a word.Looking at this situation, what can he say!I want to say, I will carry you on my back, but I can't do it myself.In other words, it's dangerous here, so we have to move forward.Look at these people in front of them again, injured and tired, how can they have the strength to rush forward!Therefore, he remained silent for the time being.Hearing that Wu Jianglong beckoned him to go ahead and have a look, needless to say, he understood that he was asking him to go and watch.

Ye Zheng agreed without hesitation, dragged his gun, and walked towards the Vietnamese army in the opposite direction with Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong and Ye are lying down in the grass.

Ye Zheng took out a pack of cigarettes from his body, "Old Wu, do you want to smoke?"

Wu Jianglong shook his head with difficulty, "No."

Ye Zheng took out the match from his body, lit the cigarette, and took a light puff.Taking a puff of smoke is really more comfortable than being a fairy.Then, he took a few more gulps.

"The enemy is coming!" Wu Jianglong said alertly when he heard rustling in the woods ahead.

Ye Zheng quickly stubbed out the cigarette, his head came back immediately, and he looked in the direction of Wu Jianglong's finger.

Sure enough, with the sound of footsteps on the leaves in the jungle, several Vietnamese soldiers appeared in front of them in a line.

"Damn it, the turtle came so fast." Wu Jianglong lightly loaded the bullet, "Lao Ye, I'll hit the left side and you hit the right side. You must not let the turtle come up."

"Okay." Ye Zheng also loaded the bullet and put out a grenade.

It's about to go back to the country, and it's really useless to bring this thing back.If it wasn't for worrying about the Vietnamese army's black hands at the last moment, Ye Zheng would have used this thing a long time ago.So, he still keeps it.

Seeing that the border is getting closer and closer, once the grenade is not useful, it will become a burden on the body.Therefore, he still regretted not throwing him out in the last battle.It's all right now, the guy who eats the grenade is here, and he doesn't need this thing to go back to the country.

Ye Zheng was a little excited, so he looked at the opponent mine differently.

"Old Wu, do you want it?" Ye Zheng raised a grenade and asked Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong also raised a grenade and waved it at him.

Ye Zheng thought to himself, "This Wu Jianglong is more sophisticated than himself, I really underestimate him."

Soon, the frontmost enemy got out of the densest jungle and walked towards the sparse forest guarded by Ye Zheng and Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong raised the grenade and gestured towards Ye Zheng.

Ye Zheng understood that this meant that he was not allowed to shoot, and he should be dealt with with grenades first.

After seeing these Vietnamese troops approaching the throwing distance, Wu Jianglong threw the grenade out.With a bang, the few enemies who had just left the dense forest were wiped out.

Before the smoke cleared, there were intensive gunshots from the direction of the enemy.

Since what Wu Jianglong threw was a grenade, and the enemy didn't see clearly which direction the grenade came from, it wasn't clear where the person who threw the grenade was hiding for a while, so they had to shoot indiscriminately.

"Da da da' the dense bullets scurry through the woods like hail.

At this time, the most unlucky ones belong to those trees.They get hit hard for no reason.Some are broken down and some are discounted.The bullets that lost their strength also fell into the grass and bushes.

At this time, Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng had already left there. After Wu Jianglong threw the first grenade, the two retreated five or six meters before the smoke cleared.When the Vietnamese army had almost finished fighting and was about to charge forward, Ye Zheng threw out the second grenade.Since the enemy's attention was more concentrated this time, as soon as the pistol appeared, the Vietnamese army shouted, "Danger."

After the shouting, most of the Vietnamese soldiers lay down on the spot, rolling and shooting towards Ye Zheng.

This time the enemy had a general target, and the attack position was quickly determined.In an instant, light and heavy firearms fired at Ye Zheng instantly.

The flying bullets pressed Ye Zheng into the grass, making it difficult to move forward or backward.

Wu Jianglong, who was several meters away from Ye Zheng, saw that Ye Zheng was in distress, and shot at the enemy from another direction.As soon as the gunshot rang out, another part of the enemy attacked him.

Although the enemy's troops are scattered, but they have a large number of guns, and they use more than a dozen guns to deal with two guns, and their fire suppression ability obviously has the upper hand.Therefore, the enemy fights without any scruples.

Li Sen, Li Weibing, and Dong Yan were still resting behind.He suddenly heard gunshots in front of him, and knew that Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng had encountered the enemy.In this case, no matter how tired your body is, you still have to support yourself to stand up if you don’t want to move anymore.Standing up is not to escape, but to go to rescue your comrades in arms.

Li Sen shouted, "Li Weibing, take Dong Yan and retreat first, and I will meet them."

The battle has been fought so far, so there is no reason to run first.Even if you sacrifice, you must be ahead of your comrades-in-arms.When Li Weibing heard Li Sen yelling like this, of course he was not happy.It doesn't matter if you don't like it, Li Sen didn't let him run alone, but put a burden on him.This burden is of course Dong Yan.

Li Weibing glanced at Dong Yan and said, "Dong Yan, run forward by yourself! Have you seen that mountain bag? As long as you get on that mountain bag, there will be our people there."

Dong Yan ignored Li Weibing, thinking, 'You men look down on us lesbians too much.ah!As long as you know how to fight, if you will work hard, we women will not. 'Dong Yan just thought about it in her heart, but she didn't say anything, knowing that it was useless.It's better to say than to do.

She picked up her own submachine gun from the ground, and ran towards the direction of the gunfire regardless.

Li Weibing wanted to tell Dong Yan, but just as he was about to say the next sentence, he suddenly found that Dong Yan had already taken a step ahead of him and rushed forward.

Li Weibing wanted to stop him but couldn't, so he shouted, "Dong Yan, come back."

Dong Yan doesn't care about this, you call your name, I'll run mine.keep going.

Seeing that Dong Yan didn't listen to him, Li Weibing thought to himself, "Why don't I worry about it, let's go and destroy the enemy first." Li Weibing followed Dong Yan's back and rushed up.

Li Sen, who came first, quickly approached Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng.When he saw that both Ye Zheng and Wu Jianglong were suppressed by the enemy's firepower, he became anxious all of a sudden.Holding the gun regardless, he shot fiercely at the enemy.

Li Sen was injured in one arm, so he had to half rely on his body and shoot at the enemy upright.

Since it was in the jungle, Li Sen's sudden appearance was completely unexpected by the enemy.Therefore, as soon as Li Sen fired his gun, the enemy's firepower was of course weakened.

Seeing that there was a surprise attack, these enemies couldn't just suppress Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng, regardless of the bullets flying towards them.

Although the accuracy of Li Sen's one-armed shooting was not high, the bullets hitting the tree pole made a frightening sound.Based on this alone, the enemy's vigor suddenly became much weaker.Dodge involuntarily.In this way, the power of their bullets became much weaker. In this way, Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng bought time to escape from the strangulation of the bullets.

Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng rolled on the spot and dodged to the side.

Wu Jianglong stood up from the ground and found that Li Sen was leaning against a small tree and shooting at the enemy, with most of his body exposed.

Just now, it was because the enemy didn't find him that Li Sen caught him off guard.It's different now, the enemy has slowed down, and if they see Li Sen still like this, they will quickly counterattack.At that time, it would be impossible for Li Sen to continue fighting so comfortably.

Wu Jianglong discovered Li Sen's danger.Inexplicably, after leaving the original woods, he flew towards Li Sen again.When he got close, he couldn't help but pull Li Sen to the ground.The two tumbled together.

That is to say, in an instant, Wu Jianglong and Li Sen had just left, and a string of bullets hit the position where Li Sen had just left.

Wu Jianglong turned up from the ground, pulled Li Sen up again, and shouted, "Company commander, why are you here?"

Li Sen, "Save you."

At this time, escape is the most important thing, even if there is any gratitude, it can only be said later.

The enemies who shot here did not look away, and they kept staring, so they quickly swept the bullets towards Wu Jianglong and Li Sen.

The bullets that flew over hit the two of them, and the blades of grass flew horizontally, making a "poof" sound on the ground.

"Company Commander, retreat." Wu Jianglong pulled Li Sen back and ran, "Ye Zheng, what the hell are you waiting for, don't retreat quickly."

Wu Jianglong couldn't see where Ye Zheng was, and he was afraid that he would show some kind of personal heroism somehow.So while running, cursing wildly, the purpose was to draw the enemy's attention to him and let Ye Zheng try to get away as much as possible.

The moment Ye Zheng shot Li Sen at the enemy, he finally got rid of the enemy's suppression.He also rolled on the spot.However, the place where he rolled was not as lucky as Wu Jianglong, and he almost rolled down the mountain.Ye Zheng grabbed a handful of shrubs on the ridge, struggled for a long time, and finally came up again.

After coming up, he was a little confused, not knowing which direction was right.Just when he didn't know which direction to run, he heard Wu Jianglong's scolding, and thought to himself, "This kid has already reached this point, and his mouth is still so stinky, let's see if I don't settle with you when I go back."

Ye Zhengxin thought so, and stepped towards Wu Jianglong's shout.

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