soldier rushing forward

288、Return to Highland

At this time, the Vietnamese army was almost crazy.Since they met the first member of this group, and tossed until now, the dead must be at least one row above.But he only killed two Chinese Communists.The obvious casualty ratio is out of balance, can they not fire?Furthermore, if the gangsters in front of them can't be wiped out now, then they won't even think about it in this life.Therefore, the commander leading the team yelled frantically, "Go, go, go for me."

And those Vietnamese soldiers who have fought against each other until now are also very angry. Seeing their comrades in arms die one by one, they died at the hands of these people in front of them.But for some reason, these people seemed to have amulets on them, and they couldn't be killed no matter what.One by one got angry, "Damn, I don't believe in evil anymore, if I can't catch you today and kill you all, even if I send you to Kunming, I will take you back and avenge my comrades.

Don't look at these Vietnamese soldiers who don't have much culture and have never been to China. They don't know how big China is.They only know that there is a big city on the other side of the border, which can accommodate one of their provinces.Therefore, I always think about it in my mind, and one day I will be able to travel to Kunming and take a stroll there.In this way, Kunming is almost the highest goal in life that they think about day and night. It seems that visiting there is more proud than visiting the capital of Hanoi.

The Vietnamese soldiers rushed forward again in a swarm, chasing after them, and kept shooting at Li Sen and the others while running.

Just when they beat Li Sen, Wu Jianglong and Ye Zheng to the point where they could not fight back, Li Weibing and Dong Yan suddenly appeared again.

Cheng Yaojin, who came out on the way, was not very capable, but the suddenness was something ordinary people could not bear.

The bullets fired suddenly by Li Weibing and Dong Yan intercepted the chasing enemy.

The momentum of the enemy's pursuit has weakened slightly.

Li Sen, Wu Jianglong, and Ye Zheng had already run to Li Weibing and Dong Yan.Seeing that the two of them didn't know how to turn around and run, but continued to shoot stupidly, as if the enemy on the opposite side was a straw target.

Wu Jianglong yelled, "Run back." Seeing that the two did not respond, he grabbed Dong Yan, and Ye Zheng also grabbed Li Weibing at the same time. The five of them wrapped together and quickly retreated towards the border. .

Although there is no boundary marker here, according to the traditional concept, Wu Jianglong and the others have already returned to the border.According to the norms of international law, if the Vietnamese army pursues them again, it will be a border crossing.

But this is different from the normal period, now that the two countries are at war, regardless of international law or not, as long as they are not against humanity, they dare to do anything.

If someone stepped forward to mediate now and said to the Vietnamese army, "You have crossed the border, retreat quickly, otherwise, we will shoot." That is really mentally retarded and ignorant.At this time, the Vietnamese had already classified Laoshan as their own territory.You said he crossed the border, but he also said you invaded.Can they hear it?The only way is to see whose arms are thick and strong.

There is no need to guess or analyze what is urgent at the moment. The Vietnamese army chasing over is very clear that the advantage is on their side.As long as they put in more effort, it doesn't matter what the border is or not, just catch these Chinese Communists back.

The Vietnamese soldiers were no longer silent, and no longer just ran without shouting, but screamed and circled upwards from three directions.As long as there are one or two more minutes, the five Chinese soldiers running forward may be caught.

If they are caught this time, Wu Jianglong and the others will not be able to escape even if they are extremely capable, because they have almost run out of bullets, not even a single martyrdom left.

Wu Jianglong was so anxious, he saw that his destination was about to arrive, but he couldn't move his legs, and he didn't have the strength to fight back.

Seeing that the speed of the five people in the small team was getting slower and slower, the distance of the Vietnamese army's pursuit was getting closer and closer.Wu Jianglong was almost in despair, he really wanted to scold, "Everyone on this highland is dead, why are they just waiting for death!"

The five people ran, ran, and suddenly disappeared.Plop, plop, all fell into a ditch.

Wu Jianglong thought to himself, "It's over, this will really fall into the enemy's trap."

Before Wu Jianglong opened his eyes, he heard countless gunshots around him.

Wu Jianglong opened his eyes in surprise, and saw more than ten people beside him.

These people paid no attention to him, they were all staring at the enemies rushing forward, shooting angrily.

Wu Jianglong understood at a glance, so he grinned, not knowing whether to cry or laugh, "Haha, I'm home."

These people are none other than soldiers guarding the 197 Heights.

In fact, they had heard gunshots a long time ago and wanted to go out to have a look, but after reporting to their superiors, the superiors only ordered them to stay put and make all preparations for emergencies.Because the Chinese squadron has also suffered from Vietnam's losses in this regard several times, so it's better to be more cautious.

So did the team receive the telegram sent back by the team?Got it, of course I got it.

However, considering the overall situation, the superior still thinks it is better not to cross the border!This is some of the differences between the Chinese army and the western army.I don't know when we will catch up.Their characteristic is that in order to save the lives of their own people, they never care about morality, death, or international influence.What to be afraid of if there is an impact, and it will be resolved slowly later.The top priority is as long as one's own interests are not harmed.

It can be said that for one purpose, any means are dared to be used.If you don't believe it, just look at the old US, old law, and NATO's attitude towards Libya.

Isn't Gaddafi just disobedient!Don't they just stand up sometimes, jumping on their feet and yelling at the US government as a global boss!Isn't it just not to give French oil!But what about now.These countries finally seized the opportunity, taking advantage of the emergence of opposition groups in Libya, and said what they wanted to do to get Gaddafi out of power.At this time, who can find a suitable reason for the United States!

Differences in politics will have different effects in military affairs.Its approach will of course be more different.

So the superiors finally decided not to cross the border to pick up the squad?Let them figure out their way back.

Superiors have their own considerations.Originally, some people were secretly sent to go deep into the enemy's territory to carry out reconnaissance activities.To put it better, this is to detect the enemy's situation and to know the enemy's self.On the ugly side, this is called a spy.Sending spies is not a glorious thing.No matter in the past or now, no country treats spies politely and hates them to the bone.Once this happens, if it is found out, the light ones will be deported, and the serious ones will be strictly discussed.

China and Vietnam have been at odds since [-].But after the counterattack, there were not many large battles between the two countries.Regardless of the fact that there are often small-scale contacts, they are only limited to a certain local place, or for some kind of benefit.What's more, there are still people in the international community who are constantly mediating.Under such circumstances, both parties are looking for reasons to defend themselves, so how can the other party seize the opportunity to say that they have violated some conditions, and give them some excuses!

Out of these considerations, the superior decided not to go through the border after research, and asked them to find ways to retreat.However, not responding outside the country does not mean that there is no action within the border.

No, although the superiors did not allow the people on the high ground to attack, they also arranged for them, and arranged a series of support lines on the possible return route of the squad.As long as the squad sets foot on this land.They are considered safe.

Previously, if the team had problems in Vietnam, there was nothing they could do about it. Who made them not skilled and capable, so they couldn't accomplish anything!But back to this side of the border, if there is another problem, then the response troops will be fully responsible.

There is about one squad of PLA soldiers guarding this line of defense, and the squad leader is Cui Shuli.

They have been here for a day and a night.When they heard gunfire in front of them, they really wanted to rush out and beat the Vietnamese army by surprise.However, considering the repeated requests from his superiors, Cui Shuli still suppressed the excitement of the soldiers.

"Don't move, be ready to respond." Cui Shuli stopped the soldiers who wanted to go out.

They dug out the ground and covered it with branches. From a distance, there was nothing here, just a gap in the jungle.

It is precisely because the concealment work is done very well that even Wu Jianglong can't distinguish it when he gets close.If you don't see the trap under the rotten leaves, there is no reason not to fall.

Wu Jianglong felt happy when he fell, because someone finally fought for him.Someone has to replace him, so of course he has to take a good rest.This is just his own wishful thinking.It's useless.A few people from Li Sen came over.Next to him was a soldier and a cadre.

"Wu Jianglong, follow them and send the information to the headquarters." Li Sen said to Wu Jianglong.

Now that I'm back, I still need to run errands by myself to deliver the information, not to mention that I have a self-sufficient person in front of me.Wu Jianglong really didn't want to move, especially he didn't want to leave this high ground.So, Wu Jianglong found an excuse: "Company commander, I sprained my ankle, let Ye Zheng go with me!

At this time, the cadre of the People's Liberation Army interrupted and said, "The superior has an order. Once you arrive, you will be taken back."

"Where are you going?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"Go back and fix it."

Wu Jianglong thought for a while and said, "Repel the turtle sons first, and then leave."

"No need, there are other people guarding here, you just follow me and retreat." The cadre couldn't help but say.

"Okay!" Wu Jianglong turned his head and saw the high ground, "My feet hurt too much, let's go up and have a rest first."

No one can refuse this reason.Because if you want to withdraw, you have to go through that highland, which is the 197 highland.

Under the leadership of this PLA cadre, the small team quickly climbed to the top of the highland along the traffic trench dug in advance.

Besides, the Vietnamese army, which had been chasing from behind, was about to get the five of Wu Jianglong and the others, but suddenly received a heavy blow on the surface.

The sudden firepower was absolutely different from what they had encountered when fighting the squad before.There are not only machine guns, but also rocket launchers and [-] mortars.

Under the attack of fierce firepower and without any precautions, the Vietnamese army rushing to the front lost control all of a sudden, screaming "ohhh", and ran everywhere.

The Vietnamese army was in chaos, Cui Shuli didn't care about it, this is what he wanted.The more chaotic the Vietnamese army, the sooner the battle will end.Therefore, he directed the soldiers to straf the enemy desperately, throwing shells and rockets.

The Vietnamese army finally couldn't bear the long blow.At the beginning, I wanted to find a place to resist, but then I couldn't stand it anymore, so I hid in all directions.

However, no matter which dead corner these dispersed Vietnamese troops ran to, they would be attacked by artillery fire.All the Vietnamese troops kept falling in the jungle.

Even so, Cui Shuli felt that it was not enough.If there were no jungles blocking this place, on the open ground, he would surely be able to keep all the Vietnamese soldiers here alive.

Seeing that China has such a strong firepower, it has been prepared in advance.After a brief assembly of the Vietnamese army, they were also preparing to launch an offensive.However, the more they think about it, the more they feel wronged.I will never be careless again, and I will never dare to speak out loudly and clamor to capture these five Chinese people alive.The top priority is that they can save their own lives.

Or the commander of the Vietnamese army had the foresight, and if he saw that it was not good, he would retreat.

"Withdraw, withdraw" the commander leading the team shouted incessantly.

Since the leaders let them retreat, which Vietnamese army does not cherish life, and who is willing to throw their lives here for nothing.

The Vietnamese army in front retreated, but the Vietnamese army behind them was still pressing forward.This time, people from both sides crowded together.The noise was endless.

Immediately, the formation of the entire Vietnamese army was in disarray, and there were noisy and chaotic groups everywhere.

At this time, if a Chinese army comes out, it will definitely wipe out this Vietnamese army.Even if it is not wiped out, 80.00% of them are wiped out.

However, the Chinese Communists guarding in the trenches still focus on defense.Although they saw that the Vietnamese army was in disarray, they were just looking at it. However, they continued to fire two shells to add a little atmosphere to the chaotic formation of the Vietnamese army.

After the buzzing in the jungle was noisy for a while, the sound of the guns gradually faded away.

Soon, the Vietnamese army retreated, and the jungle became quiet again.

The enemies are gone, why are we still here.Therefore, Cui Shuli issued an order to retreat.


Cui Shuli led his squad to retreat to the 197 high ground.

After reaching the height of 197, Li Sen found that Wu Jianglong's feet really couldn't walk anymore.Wu Jianglong also wondered, it was just a casual talk just now, how could it come true.This time, the problem is big.Wu Jianglong couldn't leave, so he had to be carried.But Wu Jianglong said nothing.In the end, Li Sen and Wu Jianglong reached a compromise.Wu Jianglong was left to recuperate on the high ground.The others go back.

Wu Jianglong stayed, and Dong Yan also clamored to stay.

That's right, Wu Jianglong is the wounded.There must be a doctor to take care of the wounded!

There are more than a dozen fighters on the high ground.Although there is a certain degree of medical insurance, it is just a health kit. If they carry out large-scale medical treatment with a slightly more complicated technology, they will not be able to do it.

Li Sen thinks about it too. Dong Yan is Wu Jianglong's fiancée, so it's right to stay here.With such a woman by his side, maybe Wu Jianglong will be more honest and won't make any big troubles.

Wu Jianglong and Dong Yan stayed behind, while Li Sen, Ye Zheng and Li Weibing followed the cadre and rushed back to the headquarters to report.

Before dawn, the highlands became lively.

Why is it lively, because many people came from the direction of the main peak. These people not only brought a lot of supplies, but also added some weapons and equipment to the highland.

Not only that, on the line from Laoshan to Songmaoling guarded by our army, there are mine-laying vehicles "swishing" to mine various defensive positions.

The more Wu Jianglong looked at it, the more he felt that something was wrong. He called the highest commander on the high ground—Squad Leader Cui Shuli, and said, "Xiao Cui, you have to reorganize your troops. It seems that there is going to be a big war?"

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