soldier rushing forward

319. Fierce Competition

Immediately after the first explosion, there were continuous explosions on the 167 high ground.All of a sudden, on the top of the mountain, it sounded like thousands of raindrops hitting the water surface.In a larger area, waves were set off.

Can't see anything here either.The smoke and dust were wrapped in earth chips and gravel began to fly.The flames from the bombardment of explosives can also be seen everywhere.

After this sudden attack, the soldiers guarding the position were busy taking cover on the spot.There were also soldiers who were hit by shrapnel because they could not dodge enough, so the number of casualties increased slightly.

"Enter the cave, enter the cave, quickly enter the cave." Wu Jianglong shouted wildly while standing in front of a slightly larger cave entrance.

This time our army attacked Highland 167 with the intention of destroying it, not occupying it.Although this high ground has been captured now, it should retreat quickly.However, due to the short time, the preparations were not sufficient, and there were still many things to be done.For example, prisoners need time to be escorted to the rear, and wounded need to be evacuated.Then these tasks need people to complete from time to time.In the process of completing these tasks, someone must act as a cover, and there must be strict organization.Therefore, it is simply impossible for so many people to come up at once and then withdraw all of them at once.It needs to be done step by step, little by little.In this way, the time to retreat will be delayed, and the enemy will still attack.Such an outcome is inevitable.

After the Vietnamese army learned that this highland was occupied by our army, they hadn't guessed our army's true intentions.I just think that if this highland is occupied by our army, it will be extremely disadvantageous to them.Therefore, the Vietnamese army must take back this high ground when our army has not gained a stable foothold.

After the retreating Vietnamese army made some preparations, they didn't even take a breath, and immediately gathered troops from several other highlands to attack the 167th highland.

Before the attack, they also had to prepare for artillery fire routinely, and they also wanted to use infantry to assault upwards after the artillery fire flattened the top of the mountain.

It's a pity that the Vietnamese army moved too fast. If it was a little slower, maybe this goal could be achieved.It refers to the process of our army's retreat.

After Wu Jianglong went to the high ground, he soon discovered that there were several garrison holes on several corners of the high ground.So, after he personally led people to clean up all the Vietnamese troops inside, he stopped the soldiers from bombing the holes.Let them blow up when they withdraw, not now.

Wu Jianglong expected that before the troops left here, there would probably be a fierce battle with the Vietnamese army.Save these few holes, they may come in handy at that time.

Sure enough, after Wu Jianglong and the others reached the top of the mountain, they did not receive the notice from their superiors ordering them to retreat. Therefore, there was this defensive battle.

Guard here, if there are no these caves, the bare mountain top will not be able to withstand the enemy's artillery fire at all.Now, I am not afraid of having these holes, they are just for my use.When you leave, it is not difficult to blow it up again, just put some tnt on it and it will be solved.

While the soldiers rushed to repair the fortifications, Wu Jianglong went into these holes and circled around.It's not bad to see, the facilities inside are very complete.

As soon as Wu Jianglong came out of the cave, he was catching up with the Vietnamese army to start shelling.Therefore, Wu Jianglong called the soldiers to quickly enter the cave to hide.

The most advanced hole is of course the first team that serves as the reserve team.The third team can't enter, don't look at the enemy's artillery fire, maybe the Vietnamese army will sneak up under the cover of artillery fire in this gap.Therefore, some personnel still need to stand firm.

Sure enough, a soldier noticed an abnormality from the smoke and shouted, "The enemy is coming up, the enemy is coming up."

This Vietnamese army really dared to work hard.The shells they fired over hadn't stopped, and fragments kept flying up on the ground. If they got a little closer, they might be injured.But the Vietnamese soldiers who came up didn't care about this, as if the shells they fired were dogs they had raised, and they only bit others and not themselves.So, they rushed up without fear.

The soldier didn't care whether he hit accurately or not, he started to shoot at the shadows in the smoke with his machine gun.

If you have never been to the front line and have no personal experience, you can feel it in the game of Crossing the Line of Fire.

There are enemies passing through the smoke, but I just can't see it. The only thing I can do is to sweep blindly at the smoke.You can't do it without sweeping, if the enemy really pops out of the smoke, it will be very close to you.At this time, if you want to fight someone again, it may not be easy. If you don't do it well, three or five enemies will come up at once, and you really can't deal with it.At that time, the only one who is unlucky is himself.

How could the soldiers who fired the guns not understand this principle, so they didn't care how many enemies were in the smoke, they just shot the bullets with all their strength.As long as the bullets are dense enough, it doesn't matter how many people you have.

At this time, although the area of ​​smoke was large enough, there were quite a few soldiers left in the trenches.If dozens of guns fired together, it would be a wall and a rain of bullets.Regardless of whether you are a wheat field or a rice field, you have to be cut off without a single root left.

And that's true.The dozens of Vietnamese troops who came up were originally members of the Death Squadron.They came up with the shells, just to use our army to rush to the high ground at the moment of avoiding the shells.

After reaching the high ground, as long as some people stabilize here, other personnel will rely on this base to expand the scope of the position, and finally the Chinese dare to go down.

The idea of ​​the Vietnamese army was just to rush, and they didn't expect that our army would take the initiative to retreat.If that's the case, they'll be done waiting, why bother to work so hard.

After all, face is very important.How can a military power that claims to be the third largest in the world tolerate others taking away its position in less than 10 minutes.Not for the position, but for the sake of face, the Vietnamese army must take back the position within the same time.

It turned out that as soon as our army's attack on Height 167 started, the Vietnamese army reported the situation here.The senior officials of the Vietnamese army wanted the Vietnamese soldiers on the ground to hold on for a while, so that the Soviet advisers could come up to see how the Vietnamese army repelled the squadron.Unexpectedly, after their meeting was notified, before it started.The position is lost.At this time, the consultant also came, and the position was lost in an instant, which was so embarrassing.

Therefore, the Vietnamese army wanted to regain the position before the division, so as to add some spices to the meeting later.This is the main reason why the Vietnamese army must take this highland back without delay.

After the artillery fire of the Vietnamese army subsided slightly, the smoke on the high ground also became thinner, lighter, and sparser.As soon as the smoke receded, the Vietnamese troops coming up were completely exposed to our soldiers.

We are not afraid when there is smoke, not to mention that there is no obstruction of smoke now.

After seeing the target clearly, the soldiers scanned more accurately.

As the bullets shot past, there was a cry of pain in the Vietnamese army camp, because as soon as the bullets arrived, it was almost to the point where someone fell down.

The officer in charge of the Vietnam Army did not see it well.If it goes on like this, in less than 3 minutes, all of his more than 20 people will have to be reimbursed.So he hastily issued an order to retreat.

In this attack, the Vietnamese army invested a total of one platoon, plus two squads of troops.

Use a platoon of troops to attack from the front of the 167 Heights.On the one hand, we must win the main position of the highlanders.On the other hand, it is also convenient to contain our army's strength while creating conditions for the enemies of the two squads who have strengthened from the 506 Heights and the 164 Heights.

The two squads of Vietnamese troops were not in this direction, but in the stone forest near the east side of the highland.When the Vietnamese army attacked the highlands, they also attacked the stone forest.

This group of enemies believes that the Chinese soldiers are not familiar with the situation here, and they will not use the caves in the stone forest.As long as they occupy this place, they can use this place to continue to attack the main peak of the highland.

Unexpectedly, when they approached the middle of the stone forest, countless bullets were suddenly fired from the stone caves that had been well built by the Vietnamese army and had not been destroyed by our army.

The bullets flying over immediately lay across the front, completely blocking the Vietnamese army's offensive route.Not only bullets, but also grenades flying out from nearby places from time to time.

It was originally my own fortification, but why was it used by the Chinese side.

Seeing this situation, the commander supervising the battle was so angry that he waved his pistol and urged the soldiers to charge upwards desperately.

Although the Vietnamese troops who came up suffered a loss, they did not flinch and fought tenaciously.

The attacking Vietnamese soldiers, roaring, strafed and threw grenades in the direction of gunshots and bullets flying towards them.

After all, it is the fortification of the Vietnamese army itself. They can freely walk around in it, and they will not go wrong wherever they go.They know too well which road is easy to go and which road is blocked by caves. Therefore, when attacking the Chinese side, they show that they are familiar with the road everywhere.

The Vietnamese army attacked and bombed all the way.After some fighting, it really posed a great threat to the second team guarding here.

In less than 10 minutes, there were several emergency situations in a row.The hole was either sealed or bombed.

Everyone knows that the cave here is not very deep, and once it is bombed, the soldiers inside will have very little ability to survive.

At this time, in the depths of the stone forest, two Vietnamese soldiers blocked a hole.

Although it was blocked, he neither dropped bombs nor fired a gun. Instead, he shouted into the hole in Chinese, "Hand up your gun and don't kill."

The Vietnamese army was lucky, and they had other ideas.

It is naturally more valuable to capture two Chinese soldiers alive than to kill them.Therefore, the two had a whim and insisted on doing this.

After the two Vietnamese soldiers shouted a few words towards the entrance of the cave, no one inside responded.The Vietnamese army was puzzled, "Obviously saw someone shooting here, why did it disappear!"

Although I also looked here for a while, I didn't see any people inside being killed, and I didn't see any Chinese soldiers coming out. What's going on?The two Vietnamese troops were puzzled.

In order to catch a living, the two of them outflanked from the other side.

After the two arrived at the entrance of the cave, they were afraid that the Chinese soldiers would act aggressively.Instead of taking drastic measures, he shouted inward.They gritted their teeth and concluded that there were still people here.

However, if someone belongs to someone else, the people inside neither answer nor shoot.

Although there was a vigorous fight outside the cave, there was no sound inside the cave.

After shouting for a long time, the two Vietnamese soldiers looked at me and I looked at you.That means, "Should we still live!"

Don't make life easy, just throw a grenade into it.But if you want to get a job, you have to go in and see for yourself.

A Vietnamese soldier said, "Go, go in and have a look."

He also thought that the people inside were probably stunned or dead.If there are these two possibilities, spending it outside is not an option.Therefore, the Vietnamese army who was speaking boldly stepped into the cave.

After entering the cave, the Vietnamese army stabbed with a spear in front, and the body was behind, bending down to enter the cave.While walking forward, he kept shouting, "Hand in your gun and don't kill, hand in your gun and don't kill."

The Vietnamese army also learned some Chinese before the battle, especially the language of the battlefield, and most people can also get a few words.

It was obvious that his whole body was submerged in the hole.

Suddenly, a stone flew out of the hole.

The Vietnamese army turned their backs to the light and their eyes to the darkness. Even if a stone flew over, he couldn't see it.Therefore, the flying stone just hit the forehead of the Vietnamese army.

Not counting the impact of the stone, another body rushed over, and at the same time as the body rushed over, there were still Chinese cursing, "Day your ancestor, ****."

The Vietnamese soldier felt that something had hit his head hard.While he was in a daze, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards the front door.

The Vietnamese army's situation is not good, and they must have been plotted by the people inside.It was impossible to turn around and run, so he pulled the hammer eagerly.

The entrance of the cave is very small, only allowing one person to enter and exit.In such a narrow place, when two people meet, not only the brave one wins, but also whoever makes the quickest move has the upper hand.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the rushing wind suddenly stopped.

"Riyou Zongzong, you shoot black guns." The one who cursed was the black shadow inside.

The Vietnamese army had been stunned by the stones and couldn't see who was coming.He pulled the trigger, but it was only a conditioned reflex.However, it was this conditioned reflex that gave him the upper hand.

The people inside were hit by bullets, and they were immediately ashamed.

The Vietnamese army noticed that the danger in front of them disappeared, so they looked inward.

It was a Chinese soldier who fell to the ground.The submachine gun was gripped tightly in his hand.The bayonet was about ten centimeters away from the Vietnamese soldier.

Look at that submachine gun, the Vietnamese soldier was lucky not to be stabbed.

Someone may ask, since the Chinese soldiers had guns, why didn't they shoot at the Vietnamese soldiers entering the cave?

Why didn't this soldier want to shoot, but unfortunately, he had no bullets in his hand.

According to the number of carrying, no matter how much you carry, it is nothing more than four or five magazines.After fighting the enemy for so long, the bullets have long since run out.As for whether there are bullets, there are, but they are still on the top of the mountain.Now, the stone forest is full of enemies, and the entrance of the cave is blocked by the Vietnamese army. It is almost impossible to go back to replenish the ammunition.

What about the transport team?

As soon as the transport team reached the top of the mountain, they were blocked on the top of the mountain.

There are wars everywhere, and it's impossible for them to go back and forth to replenish.In this way, once the soldier's bullets are exhausted, the submachine gun in his hand will of course be difficult to function.

When he found out that he had no bullets, he was also very anxious.I wanted to go back to get it, but when I saw that the entrance of the cave was blocked by the Vietnamese army, even if I had this idea, I couldn't realize it.

He had no choice but to retract his body and wait for the enemy to pass by.Unexpectedly, the two Vietnamese soldiers did not leave, but stared at this place to death.

After seeing the Vietnamese army enter the cave, the soldier wanted to smash him into a daze with stones, and then snatch the guns and ammunition from the Vietnamese army.But he never imagined that the Vietnamese army, in a daze, would pull the hammer and shoot down our soldiers.

Once the soldier fell to the ground, he did not die immediately.He couldn't let the Vietnamese soldier succeed, so after falling to the ground, he still endured the great pain and squinted his eyes to stare at the Vietnamese soldier to see what he wanted to do next.

The Vietnamese soldier had a clear view of the situation in the cave by the light coming in from outside the cave.

There is only one Chinese soldier here, no one else, and he was knocked down by himself.So, he started to panic, boldly, and lowered his body, trying to see if the person who fell on the ground was alive or dead.

Yue Jun bent down and exposed his lower abdomen.

The soldier who fell to the ground saw it very clearly, and thought to himself, "You son of a bitch, I want to grab a back when I die."

Suddenly, he swiped his right hand inward, and the bayonet tip of the submachine gun was all on his chest.After the Vietnamese army reacted, the tip of the knife stabbed fiercely into the Vietnamese army's chest under the fierce shoving of the soldiers.

The Vietnamese army yelled in pain, "You, you..." the body tilted and fell to one side.

Another Vietnamese army behind him also saw this.In a hurry, he aimed the submachine gun at our fallen Chinese soldier, and with a flick of the muzzle, a shuttle of bullets shot out.

The bullet "Puff" hit the soldier's body.The young soldier died after a shock.

Tao Chuan, who was in charge of directing the battle here, saw the enemy succeeding again and again, his eyes were red with anxiety.Seeing the stone forest, our position retreated quickly.If it is pressed down at this speed, the enemy will be able to reach the top of the mountain in ten minutes.

Tao Chuan jumped out from behind a stone pillar, holding a block of tnt explosives, and threw it in the direction of the enemy.While casting, he yelled into the microphone, "Comrades, use dynamite and blow the turtle back to me."

As soon as he reminded them, the soldiers dropped their guns, but vigorously threw the explosives on their bodies towards the enemy.

Suddenly, there were explosions in the stone forest, and amidst the rumbling sound, smoke was everywhere.

This isn't a war, it's clearly blasting stones.

After the explosives exploded, the huge power formed collapsed the stone pillars one after another.

The collapse of the stone pillar not only blocked the enemy's advance route, but also the flying gravel formed a greater lethality, smashing the Vietnamese army trapped in it and howling.

If they didn't withdraw at this time, the Vietnamese army that came up would have to be buried in this stone forest like rubble.

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