soldier rushing forward

321 , Fire Arrives

"Wei Xuechang, what's going on?" Li Wei asked anxiously on the phone after hearing the gunfire.

"The son of a turtle is coming up."

"How's the situation? Can you hold on?"

"Yes, don't worry, captain, people are on the ground."

Wei Xuechang moved forward while answering Li Wei's questions.At this time, he found that from the top of the cliff, several Vietnamese troops had already reached the high ground, but they were blocked by the mines laid in advance, and they could not clear the mines for a while, and they were looking for a way out there.

Wei Xuechang laughed, "You son of a bitch, there is finally something to restrain you."

When the Vietnamese army attacked Wei Xuechang's position, three or four Vietnamese troops also began to climb from another point.

This site is steeper than the place Wei Xuechang and the others guarded.It is precisely because of the steepness here that Wu Jianglong put a little force in this direction.Now it seems that he still underestimated the enemy.

Enemies appeared in two directions at the same time, which really made Wei Xuechang a little flustered.Two people, guarding a battle line more than ten meters long, facing an unknown enemy, really don't know what will happen next.

Wei Xuechang saw these enemies hesitating from a distance, staring blankly at the corpse on the ground.Neither dare to move forward nor retreat.

After the mine was blown up, the Vietnamese soldiers who came up knew that this place was not easy to leave.According to preliminary assumptions, their ideas are almost the same as Wu Jianglong's.Everyone thinks that it is not easy to go here, and there must be few people guarding it, so they plan to sneak attack in this place.When the battle broke out at Wei Xuechang's place, the enemy thought of this breakthrough point.So, I selected a few Vietnamese soldiers with good skills, and climbed up from here in Lengshi.After coming up, they saw the flat plains in front of them, and these Yuejun soldiers were really happy. Next, they just wanted to rush over and cut off our army's position at the top.But after a landmine exploded, they didn't dare to underestimate this place.Since there is a thunderclap, it means there are others.So, the enemy guessed that this is a minefield, otherwise, why didn't some people guard it! .

"Demining," a small leader of the Vietnamese army ordered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a Vietnamese soldier bowed his head and began to search on the ground.

When they came up, the Vietnamese army didn't expect that there were landmines here, and they didn't even bring a mine detector. Why should they clear the mines!

However, the Vietnamese army has its own tricks.There are plenty of native methods.

I saw a Vietnamese soldier took his bayonet from his body and began to stab it lightly on the ground.As long as you encounter a hard place, pull out the soil layer to see if it is thunder.

The Vietnamese army also thought too simple.Don't look at the fact that there is no one here now, is it possible that no one will come over?What's more, the thunder of the explosion had already called the police.

Wei Xue saw that the Vietnamese army began to clear mines, so he quit.Your demining is an illegal act, and I don't agree.

Wei Xuechang adjusted his posture a little in a place where the enemy could not see, then took a piece of TNT explosives from his body, pulled the catheter, ignited it, and threw it towards the enemy.

The distance was very close, and even though there was a thicket of grass, the explosives were accurately thrown in front of these Vietnamese soldiers.

In an instant, the explosive exploded.It didn't count if it exploded, and it even ignited several anti-personnel mines on the ground.

Then, several explosions sounded one after another.

The sound of repeated explosions set off a column of smoke several meters high on the ground, and all the Vietnamese troops were trapped in it.With such a great power, it would be a god if the Vietnamese army was not killed by the bombing.

Before the smoke cleared, Wei Xuechang suddenly found that the gunshots from Xiao Li's direction had stopped.I secretly screamed in my heart that it was not good.He suspected that something would happen to Xiao Li.Therefore, Wei Xuechang didn't care whether the Vietnamese army here was wiped out or not, he turned around and ran in that direction.

Xiao Li died, because he was killed by a grenade from the enemy.

It turned out that just after Wei Xuechang left, several enemies appeared on the edge of the cliff.

As soon as Xiao Li saw the enemy coming up, he hugged his gun and started shooting.

This time the enemy was prepared and knew that someone was waiting above.So, as soon as they came up, before Xiao Li could shoot, they rolled forward and fell aside.

Xiao Li's bullet went empty.However, the bullets fired did not give these enemies a chance to breathe.Xiao Li shot fiercely at the enemy.

The enemy was suppressed by the bullets shot by Xiao Li, and they didn't even have a chance to raise their heads.

But Xiao Li did not dare to relax.Because the enemy is just behind the bushes, maybe they will come out at any time, and they will shoot at him abruptly.Xiao Li didn't dare to neglect at all, and continued to blockade with suppressive means.

It may also be the reason for the panic, Xiao Li even forgot to use a grenade to blow it up.Once the grenade is thrown, is the enemy still alive in such a small range!

However, Xiao Li didn't use the grenade.He was useless, but the enemy saw this opportunity.

I saw a Vietnamese soldier lying down and throwing a grenade in the direction of Xiao Li.

The grenade exploded beside Xiao Li, and with a bang, Xiao Li died.

As soon as Xiao Li died, the three enemies stood up from the ground unscrupulously and approached in the direction of Bu Li.

At this time, Wei Xuechang flew back and ran back.

While running, he took care of Xiao Li's situation.When he saw several Vietnamese troops approaching the position with guns and waists, but there was no sound from the position, he had a premonition that the situation was not good.I guessed in my heart that Xiao Li also died.

Wei Xuechang was careful during the detour. Instead of heading towards the Vietnamese army, he went straight from the center.In this way, the Vietnamese army paid attention to the front, and did not care about Wei Xuechang who came halfway.

After a while, the sound of Wei Xuechang's running in the grass still alarmed the several Vietnamese soldiers who passed by.However, it is too late for them to find out now, because they have already left their backs to Wei Xuechang.

With such a good opportunity, Wei Xuechang accepted it without hesitation.The submachine gun in his hand suddenly exploded.

The bullet passed through the grass pole, and with a crackling sound, it really rushed towards these Vietnamese soldiers.

The three Vietnamese soldiers didn't even react at all, and fell to the ground in an instant, crying and mourning.

Seeing that the Vietnamese army was knocked down and could not move, Wei Xuechang ran back to the original position.When he went over to take a look, Xiao Li's sacrifice was not counted, and the two wounded were also sacrificed.

Now, Wei Xuechang is the only one on the battlefield.

At this time, Li Wei's questioning voice came from the radio again, "Wei Xuechang, how is your place, can you still hold on?"

"Yes, I can withstand it."

Enduring his grief, Wei Xuechang staggered in the ditch, gritted his teeth and answered.

He decided to avenge his comrades-in-arms and fight the enemy desperately. It was originally a task for six people, but he had to complete the task without increasing the number of one person.

At this time, there were grenades, dynamite pieces and bullet clips piled up around him.

Why don't people support him, because Wei Xuechang also knows very well that Li Wei has limited troops.Both the front and the east are in urgent need of manpower. At this time, he didn't want to cause Li Wei any more trouble, and decided to be a lone hero here.

Wei Xuechang was right.The current situation is just as he expected.

Our army attacked Heights 167 just to teach the enemy a lesson and destroy the fortifications here.Now that the goal has been achieved, the next step is to arrange for the withdrawal of this force.Unexpectedly, the enemy counterattacked very quickly and bit the reconnaissance brigade tightly.

Faced with this situation, the superiors did not plan to increase troops here, and asked Wu Jianglong and the others to retreat after defeating the enemy's attack.

Do you just withdraw?The enemy can follow closely behind!If you don't do it right, you will become cannon fodder before you get to the bottom of the mountain.

With this order, Wu Jianglong became anxious after looking at the situation in front of him, so he decided to invest all his troops to beat down the attacking enemy.Only by defeating the enemy can one have the possibility of withdrawing.

But now with such a small amount of troops in hand, it is difficult to face three directions.

Wu Jianglong thought for a while and decided to divide his troops for assistance.

After repeated questioning, Wei Xuechang said that his place was okay, so Wu Jianglong believed his words and threw others into the front and east.

Li Wei took some people to support the third team, and he took another part to support Tao Chuan and the others.

Wu Jianglong led his men to brave the shells fired by the enemy from time to time, and soon moved to the stone forest.At this time, the battle at Shilin was very intense.Regardless of the fact that the frontal fight on the high ground is very difficult, this place is also undergoing fierce shelling by the enemy time and time again.

In the last attack, the Vietnamese army suffered a loss in the Stone Forest area, and it cannot be said that they were not angry.The fortifications that were originally built by themselves are now being used by the Chinese side.It is precisely because of these high-density defense settings that our own people have suffered a lot.Therefore, the Vietnamese army had the idea that it would rather be broken than be used by the enemy.It was decided to baptize this place with shells.

So as soon as the enemy's second attack started, the Vietnamese army brought in several heavy artillery pieces to bombard here, intending to use artillery fire to flatten this place and blast a path of blood.

"boom boom"

The earth-shaking artillery bombarded the area, and within a short while, the stone forest was turned into a chaotic rock hillock.Although there are many caves here, many of them are built around stone pillars.One east and one west.Some are connected, and some hang alone on the stone pillar.If this is used as a tourist attraction in normal times, it must be very fun.People drill around in it, look at this, look at that, can't you be happy!

But now, hundreds of tons, thousands of tons of explosives are falling overhead.

Cannonballs flew wildly above his head, and gravel fell beside him one after another.In such a situation, there is no reason to look at the scenery. The cat is on the ground and cannot hide.

The enemy's shelling caused great damage to the original fortifications in the Stone Forest area.Some of the soldiers guarding each section of the road were buried and some were wounded.

Wu Jianglong took a closer look, and the enemy's artillery fire was too fierce, and he couldn't get in with Ben.My heart is angry and anxious.So, he shouted to the radio soldiers around him, "Call for artillery fire, and shoot down the enemy artillery."

In fact, when the enemy's artillery fire rang out, our army's artillery fire also rang out, preparing to cover the enemy with artillery fire.But the artillerymen of the Vietnamese Army did not stay at all.They adopted the method of changing a place by firing a few shots.As soon as our army's artillery fire arrived, they immediately covered the artillery and turned off the fire.On the surface, the enemy's artillery fire was suppressed by our army.But it was suppressed here, and it popped up in another place.Not only that, but the Vietnamese army used cannons and small cannons together, which made it difficult for our army to focus on suppression.

At that time, there were no satellites, and the anti-aircraft radar alone was very limited. The most important thing was to observe with the naked eye.

How difficult it is to observe the target with a telescope among thousands of clusters.Moreover, the artillery of the Vietnamese army is distributed on many high grounds, and they have already calibrated the range of the 167 high ground.But we have no way to mark these artillery positions.In this way, it is difficult for the scouts who have penetrated into the enemy's area to report the location of the enemy's artillery in a short period of time.

The Vietnamese army played hide-and-seek with us by virtue of this style of play.

Shilin suffered a huge blow from the enemy's artillery.

However, although the blow was heavy, this place is not flat, no matter how fierce the bombing is, there is still a place to hide.

Tao Chuan hid next to a larger stone cave and used binoculars to observe the movement of the Vietnamese army.Through the binoculars, Tao Chuan saw dozens of Vietnamese troops finally walk out of the jungle, over the tall grass, and began to advance towards their defensive position.

Tao Chuan shouted into the microphone, "Attention all squads, the enemy is coming."

For some reason, this time the enemy changed his previous concept of attacking with artillery fire, and launched an attack after the artillery attack stopped.Although Tao Chuan was a little puzzled in his heart, he thought again, "That's his personal behavior, and it's useless to think about it. It doesn't matter! You just hit it when you come up."

After Tao Chuan issued the order, he himself came out of the cave, found a bunker, prepared the bullets, and prepared to fight the enemy to the death.

At this time, Wu Jianglong led people to move to Tao Chuan, "Tao Chuan, are there many casualties?"

Tao Chuan turned around and saw that it was Wu Jianglong, and felt sore in his heart, "Brother, Guizi's artillery fire caused us many casualties."

"Pay attention to preserving your strength," Wu Jianglong urged, "If you defeat the enemy this time, prepare to retreat."

"What, retreat." Tao Chuan was a little anxious, "The position that was finally laid, why did you throw it away?"

"This is an order from the superior, just obey it," Wu Jianglong stopped explaining.

As the two were talking, the soldiers at the front had already engaged the enemy.

The sound of shooting from various weapons such as submachine guns, machine guns, and pistols intertwined, and grenades were also mixed in from time to time.

For a while, the stone forest was in chaos again.

The attack again surprised the rushing Vietnamese army.According to their commander, the stone forest has been bombed flat, and there are not many Chinese soldiers left on it. As long as you charge up, they will have to kneel and surrender if they don't run.But the Vietnamese soldiers who came up felt that this was not the case. Not only did they not run away, but they fought fiercely. It would be impossible not to deal with them seriously.As a result, this Vietnamese army paid more attention to it, used its various skills, and began to attack the soldiers in the stone forest formally.

Although the stone forest was bombed by artillery fire, it does not become its own stone forest, but its broken stone foundation is still of great use value. As long as people lean on it or hide behind it, it can still be regarded as a natural fortification.

The soldiers strafed fiercely at the approaching enemy.The bullets flew randomly on the stone, bursting out countless sparks.But still failed to stop the enemy.

Soon, the attacking Vietnamese army jumped through the grass and entered the pile of rocks.

As soon as they entered the stone forest, the enemy had something to rely on, and they also wanted to use the cover of the stone to compete with our army.

The enemy and us started shooting bullets against these stones.

Wu Jianglong saw that the general situation was not good. If it continues like this, it will be very unfavorable to us.Maybe the superiors issued an immediate retreat order at a certain moment.Once the order is issued, it is impossible not to withdraw it. If it is not withdrawn, it is disobedience to the order.But if they were to withdraw, how could they be able to withdraw with so many Vietnamese troops following behind them.It is naturally impossible to go around from the stone forest to the back mountain, so you have to go up to the top of the mountain.Once at the top of the mountain, there is a long open field, not only will it be bombed by enemy artillery, but these followers alone will be enough for me.

"No, the turtle sons must be killed."

"Give me the microphone." Wu Jianglong took the microphone from the radio soldier and shouted, "Thunder asks for artillery support, Leiting asks for artillery support."

Thunder is the code name of Wu Jianglong's reconnaissance brigade.This operation was called Operation Double Shield, and the attacking force took such a code name.The purpose is to give the enemy a thunderbolt, and after the fight is over, it will disappear.

The attack was successful this time, but the defense was very difficult, and it cost a lot.

A friend wants to talk about why such a good army is brought out in such a battle.As we said earlier, the current battle in Laoshan is based on the method of round warfare.That is, in the whole army, people from all branches of the military and arms are brought to Laoshan to have a try and experience what real combat is.We haven't fought a war for many years!Then let the troops who have not fought to experience it for themselves.Therefore, each army attaches great importance to it, and the people who come up are the backbone, and every reconnaissance brigade formed is excellent. Therefore, whichever unit is its turn to complete the task, then don't say anything, just work hard.

Sacrifice is inevitable.After the battle is over, it is enough to learn lessons and sum up experience. It is our fundamental goal to train troops and cultivate will through this battle.

As soon as the artillery unit received Wu Jianglong's call, it responded immediately.

"I am Rainstorm, if you have something to say, please speak, please speak,"

"Ask for artillery support"

"OK, tell me where you are"

Wu Jianglong squinted his eyes, stretched out his hand, and began to report the coordinates, "6457 2453"

Originally, this is Wu Jianglong's housekeeping skill. Although he has not used it for a long time, the foundation is still there, and he is very familiar with this map. Therefore, after measuring the distance by hand, he does not need any ruler Go to measure, and immediately reported the location of the Vietnamese army below.

After reporting the coordinates, Wu Jianglong said to Tao Chuan, "Let the brothers retreat."

After hearing the order to retreat, the soldiers on the front line threw tnt explosives out one after another, taking advantage of the enemy's space to avoid the bombing, and quickly retreated.

That is, in less than three to two minutes, there were strange sounds of poisonous snakes spitting out their cores in the air.

It's not that the artillery fire came too late.These three or two minutes were a tacit agreement between Wu Jianglong and the artillery, and they were specially reserved for the retreat.

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