soldier rushing forward

347. The oriole is behind

"You son of a bitch, you still want to sneak attack." Yu Xiaolei got angry, if he was wiped out by a wounded soldier, it would be too embarrassing.Therefore, he did not wait for the Vietnamese soldier to make a second move.Yu Xiaolei stepped forward, raised the butt of his gun, and slammed the Vietnamese soldier on the head.

The Vietnamese soldier had a wound on his neck, but now that Yu Xiaolei gave him such a force, the Vietnamese soldier's head was thrown back, and the wound on his neck was instantly shattered.

The Vietnamese soldiers felt that the big thing was not good, so they quickly blocked it with their hands, but they couldn't stop it.When the artery ruptured, a gust of fresh blood rushed out, a foot high.

Don't look at the bleeding, but the Vietnamese soldier is not dead, covering the wound with one hand, still shouting, "Help me quickly."

The words that came out of his mouth were so loud that he couldn't hear clearly, even if he could hear clearly, Yu Xiaolei didn't know what he was talking about.

Yu Xiaolei was also dumbfounded when he saw a red line jumping out from the neck of the Vietnamese soldier, thinking, "I smashed the head, but didn't cut the neck, how could there be blood!"

Thanks to Xiaolei's hard work, the blood on the Vietnamese soldier's neck stopped flowing, his hands were put down, and his head was turned to one side.

Seeing that he was not moving, Yu Xiaolei stepped forward cautiously and looked down at the wound on the Vietnamese soldier's neck.

"Hey, this kid is really fucking alive, he didn't die with such a big wound." Yu Xiaolei said to the soldier who came over.

"Are you dead now?" the soldier asked worriedly.

Yu Xiaolei put his hands on the Vietnamese soldier's nostrils again and felt no breath at all, "It seems to be dead now."

"Don't seem like it, be sure," said the soldier.

"You have a try." Yu Xiaolei took a step back.

The soldier stepped forward and poked the Vietnamese soldier's nostrils, "Well, I think he is [-]% dead."

"Go, chase the captain and the others."

Only then did Yu Xiaolei realize that the two of them might be falling behind.So, the two left the dead Vietnamese soldiers and ran out of the forest in a hurry.

When the two came out of the forest, they were dumbfounded, they couldn't even see a middle-aged man in front of them.

"Oops, the troops are gone." The soldier blurted out.

"No way! The trainer knows we are here, so there must be someone to take care of him!" Yu Xiaolei said and looked around, but there was really no one around.

As soon as the big troops came over, they were busy moving, and it was impossible to stop here and wait for the two of them.On the marching road, it is normal for one or two people to fall behind.It doesn't matter if you fall behind, as long as you catch up quickly.

Yu Xiaolei understood this truth.So he said to the soldier, "Go forward, maybe someone is waiting for us."

Yu Xiaolei was right.After Wu Jianglong came with a large force, each team counted the number of people.Tao Chuan found that Yu Xiaolei and a soldier were missing, so he hurriedly reported to Wu Jianglong.As soon as he said it, Wu Jianglong also remembered the matter of Yu Xiaolei going to escort the prisoners.

Li Sen explained, "The prisoner died, and I asked them both to bury him."

"Oh." Only then did Tao Chuan realize that the two of them hadn't crossed the river.

Team [-] and [-] began to penetrate deep into the jungle along the path.But Tao Chuan's team didn't dare to leave because they were missing two people, so they just waited here.But after waiting for a while, there were still no two figures, and Tao Chuan became a little anxious.If you don't leave, you won't even be able to find the brigade in a while.There was no other way, so two soldiers had to stay on the spot to respond.

Someone is going to ask, "Why don't you go back and look for it?"

In such a big mountain, if one person is missing, don't go back and look for you know where he isWhere can I find it?Even if you know where it is, you can’t find it.Because they are mobile, if they move, they may lose any chance to find them as long as they brush aside in the jungle or grass.At that time, the two times will go farther and farther, and the purpose of finding someone will be counterproductive.

Therefore, the two soldiers did not dare to move, so they had to stay where they were.It is estimated that Yu Xiaolei will definitely come in this direction after he finds out that the large army has left.

The two soldiers waited and waited, but they didn't dare to stay in the middle of the path ostentatiously.In case the Vietnamese army comes over, isn't this an active exposure!So the two entered the grass by the side of the road and hid themselves.

After Yu Xiaolei and the soldier left the body of the Vietnamese soldier, they searched along the possible direction of the troops.

Although there are no coordinates on the road, there are still traces of being trampled on.Based on this alone, the two cannot fall behind.

After they had just walked four or fifty meters, two people jumped out of the grass suddenly.

As soon as the two came out, Yu Xiaolei and the soldier were really scared.Because their four eyes were all on the ground, and they didn't look at the grass at all.It was too late when someone came out.If it was the Vietnamese army, the two of them would have been stunned long ago.

When Yu Xiaolei was at a loss, the person who came out said, "Where did you two go, and why did you come here?"

When Yu Xiaolei heard the voice, he raised his head and saw the two of them, and he was happy at the time, "Isn't this Wu Xiaoping and Monk Erchun from the same class?"

"Hey, why are you here?" Yu Xiaolei asked back.

"Why are you here, waiting for you!" Shang Erchun said.

"Where are the captain and the others?" Yu Xiaolei looked inquiringly.

"Don't ask, hurry up and go to the troops." Wu Xiaoping urged.

The four of them ran forward quickly.

After the path stretched forward for a while, it turned at a mountain pass.The four of them just ran forward without even looking at the grass next to them.If you look closely, those weeds that have been knocked over by people will definitely give them a hint.

It's a pity that they didn't look to both sides, but only fixed their eyes on the path. In this way, they lost contact with the main force.

Running, Yu Xiaolei felt that the situation was wrong. After the path was cut off, a slightly wider road appeared in front of him, and there were a few Vietnamese people wearing bamboo hats walking on the road.

"No," Yu Xiaolei stopped and said to the others, "it's impossible for a large army to go here."

"Why?" Shang Erchun asked.

Seeing the people in front of them walking towards them, Yu Xiaolei pulled Shang Erchun, "Quick, go into the grass." After entering the grass, Yu Xiaolei told them what he thought.

There are Vietnamese in front. If a large force passes through here, they will definitely run away in panic. How can they still walk here calmly.

They dared to come here, which shows that the large army did not take this route.

"Which one will it be?" Wu Xiaoping asked.

Yu Xiaolei thought for a while, "It's very possible that we went wrong at that mountain pass."

"What should we do?" Wu Xiaoping asked again, "Can we still find that way?"

"We have to try if we can't find it, otherwise, we will fight alone."

When they heard that they were going to fight alone, none of the people present could not afford goosebumps.A brigade entering Vietnam, such a small force is like throwing pepper noodles into the sea.If it became the three of them, it would be worse than a drop of water.Pull a group of Vietnamese soldiers from anywhere and they'll be roasted dry.Therefore, no one is in a hurry when they hear that they have lost contact with the main force.

While the four were discussing, the Vietnamese who came over got closer.

From a distance, they were wearing common people's clothes, but when they got closer, they all had a chapter pinned to their black clothes.No need to ask, these people are all soldiers from the police station.

The difference between Gongantun and the regular army is that the regular army wears light yellow military uniforms. When there are too many people, they are crowded together, like sand in the desert.While the people in Gong'an Village stood together, it was completely dark, as if it was the distribution center of the Crow Kingdom.The equipment is also very different.The regular army can use whatever is good, and it is definitely super powerful in combat.Most of the police guns are eliminated, or weapons that lose their sense of quality after years.

Although the equipment can't keep up with the regular army, its combat effectiveness is not bad at all when fighting.During the self-defense counterattack in [-], when our army conquered each highland, [-] to [-]% were guarded by the public security troops.Just like this, my young Republic Army suffered a great loss.

When these people approached, Yu Xiaolei counted them quietly in the dark, there were as many as eight people.

Where are all these people going?This signal quickly flashed through Yu Xiaolei's mind.

The eight Vietnamese who came here were all armed with weapons, some were submachine guns, some were semi-automatic, and some had grenade bags on their backs, no guns, but a machete in their hands.

Wu Xiaoping couldn't stand it any longer, and turned his gaze to Xiaolei, as if asking, "Do you want to kill them?"

Now these four people belong to Xiaolei Bing's old age.According to unwritten rules, in the absence of leadership, veterans generally have the final say.But this is not a rule. If there are outstanding young people in the crowd, it is possible to become the leader.But right now, the quality of these few people is no better than Xiaolei's.Therefore, the determination can only come from Xiaolei alone.

Yu Xiaolei shook his head, motioning them not to do anything.

The purpose of the reconnaissance brigade crossing the border is not to destroy a few more enemies, let alone these police stations that serve the people in peacetime and serve as soldiers in wartime.If you want to eliminate them, it can only be in the case of danger to our army.It hasn't reached that point yet, so Yu Xiaolei decided not to do anything.

Eight soldiers from the police station walked slowly past the four of Yu Xiaolei.

After they passed by, Yu Xiaolei jumped out of the forest and looked behind.

The back was empty, and there was no one there anymore.Only then did Yu Xiaolei wave his hands at the three of them with confidence, which meant to follow.

Why keep up?Because the place where the eight Vietnamese soldiers went was in the direction of the outpost they had just left.

Yu Xiaolei and the others had to go back the same way in order to find the main force. This was the first reason.The second reason is that the disappearance of large troops in this area will inevitably leave some clues for the enemy.In case of exposure, Yu Xiaolei and the others will follow behind the enemy, and they may be able to plug the loopholes then.It was because of this thought that Yu Xiaolei and the others followed from behind.

After walking for a while, the eight soldiers from the police station came to the mountain pass.

At this time, a Vietnamese soldier who was walking in the front did not leave, but stopped on the ground and looked at a piece of grass in the distance.

As soon as he finished shouting, the other seven people immediately took out various weapons from their bodies vigilantly and pressed towards the grass.

Yu Xiaolei, the oriole, couldn't hear what the Vietnamese soldier was saying, but from his movements, he could tell that the Vietnamese must have discovered something.Then he took a closer look in the direction the Vietnamese were rushing past.After looking at it, it suddenly dawned on me, "Why didn't I pay attention when I came here, the fallen grass, needless to say, is also the trace left by the reconnaissance brigade passing by." But now I know, it's too late.Because the road ahead has been blocked by these Vietnamese.If you want to pass, you have to wipe out a few of them.

After the eight police stations approached the grass, the one in the lead squatted on the ground and scraped through the grass, trying to find something out of it.But after searching for a long time, there was nothing.So, he raised his head and continued to look deep into the grass.

The grass is not very big, but the grass is very dense.Behind this piece, there is a dense jungle.

A Vietnamese soldier asked, "Captain, do you want to go in?"

The Vietnamese soldier in the lead didn't answer immediately, his eyes were still searching forward.Obviously, he was looking for the most convincing evidence.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, "Go, go in and have a look."

After finishing speaking, he strode towards the grass with big strides, followed closely by the seven people behind.After a while of treading grass, eight Vietnamese soldiers entered the jungle.

What caused the suspicion of the Vietnamese soldiers!

On a tree near the edge of the jungle, someone had tied a strip of cloth to it.Although there is nothing written on the cloth, but based on the place of origin, it can be seen at a glance that this is not made by Vietnamese.

The leading Vietnamese soldier walked over, took off the cloth strip, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, and felt that there was a bad smell.Frowning, he held up a strip of cloth for others to see, meaning to ask, "What is this?"

Another Vietnamese soldier took it over, smelled it too, shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it's not ours, it must have been left by the Beikou."

"What? Beikou?" The Vietnamese soldiers in the lead immediately became alert.Looking around with a gun in hand.

"Suddenly, he said, that." After speaking, he quickly ran in that direction.

After the Vietnamese soldiers found two strips of cloth tied to the tree in succession, no matter how stupid they were, they would have thought of who left the mark.Either for the people behind to see, or for yourself as a road sign.

The Vietnamese soldiers were right.After the reconnaissance team entered the jungle, they were worried that Yu Xiaolei and the others would not be able to find them, so they made marks along the way.

What are you doing?If you carve a mark on the tree, I'm afraid Yu Xiaolei and the others won't be able to understand it.Because this method is too old, and the indigenous Vietnamese here will definitely do it, Yu Xiaolei and the others are not used to it, so they may miss it.Later, someone thought of a way to use cloth strips.

However, I didn't bring this thing with me when I came out, so I can't tear off my clothes, let's do this!

A soldier thought about it, took off the scorpions on his feet, cut them into strips with a knife, and tied them to the tree.Yu Xiaolei and the others knew it immediately.

Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaolei and the others didn't go this way, but let the Vietnamese take the lead.

After the Vietnamese soldiers felt something was wrong, they wanted people to go back and report.So, one of the Vietnamese soldiers returned, and the other seven continued to move forward.

Don't look at Yu Xiaolei and the others who didn't get close, but from a distance, they also got a general idea of ​​what happened there.

When several people were thinking about how to pass through these Vietnamese, they found that someone was separated from them.And head towards them.

Yu Xiaolei suddenly understood, "You son of a bitch, I want to go back and find someone."

After Yu Xiaolei figured it out, he quickly gestured to the other three people.

Immediately afterwards, four Chinese soldiers quickly disappeared in the grass.

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