soldier rushing forward

348 , Gunshot Protrudes

Now that we understand that the Vietnamese soldier is going back to find someone, of course we can't let him go.

Wait until the Vietnamese soldier approaches the hiding place of the four of Xiaolei.Yu Xiaolei suddenly appeared from the front.The Vietnamese soldiers found someone and looked up in horror.It's amazing to see when a Chinese man appears in front of him.

Yu Xiaolei had already jumped in front of the Vietnamese soldier with a frightening effort.

When the Vietnamese soldiers noticed that someone was coming, they didn't bother to shout, and were busy raising their guns to shoot.

At this time, Wu Xiaoping, who had appeared behind him, did not dare to neglect at all, stretched his right hand holding the dagger forward, and slashed fiercely at the Vietnamese soldier's neck.With a knife in his hand, he saw a blood injection on the neck of the Vietnamese soldier.

The Vietnamese soldiers died without making a sound.

Now, Wu Xiaoping is merciless in his strikes, and he is skilled in knife skills, wiping his neck cleanly and neatly.Because he never forgot the Vietnamese soldier who almost escaped before.If one blow could not kill him now, even a shout would attract the rescue of the remaining seven Vietnamese soldiers.If that happens, they will fight the enemy recklessly in a four-to-seven ratio.

These four Chinese Communists are all from the reconnaissance brigade, so there should be no suspense in dealing with the seven Vietnamese soldiers stationed by the Public Security Bureau.But, I'm afraid that if people don't come with you secretly.If it is really shooting with a gun, it will not be easy to solve it for a while.In case the gunfire attracts more enemies, this is the biggest taboo of the reconnaissance brigade.

After killing the Vietnamese soldier, the four quietly pulled the body into the grass to avoid being seen by other Vietnamese soldiers.

Even so, it aroused the suspicion of the Vietnamese soldiers who entered the jungle.

I don't know if Yu Xiaolei and the others moved too loudly and made noises, or the enemies in front were worried and wanted to see their companions.

At this time, the last Vietnamese soldier who entered the jungle turned his head and looked here.

Seeing an enemy looking at them, Yu Xiaolei and the others quickly stopped their movements and buried them deep in the grass.

In order to let the enemy see the situation here, he deliberately pulled the grass with his hands to make it shake aftermath.In this way, even if the Vietnamese soldiers who look back cannot see their companions, they will think that he has passed through.

After three or four seconds, the Vietnamese soldier who looked back turned his head back again, and his figure was quickly submerged in the jungle.Obviously, he followed the others to continue searching forward.

Wait until the Vietnamese soldier disappears.Yu Xiaolei and the others quickly jumped out of the grass.Taking advantage of the shadows of these enemies not completely disappearing, they also followed into the forest.

As soon as he reached the edge of the forest, Yu Xiaolei found the strip of cloth tied to the tree that had not been taken off by the Vietnamese soldiers.

Yu Xiaolei stepped forward and removed the cloth strip, holding it in front of his eyes for a closer look.

"What is this?" Wu Xiaoping asked.

"Military thread." Yu Xiaolei recognized the cut silk thread at a glance.

"Let me see." Wu Xiaoping reached out and took the cloth from Yu Xiaolei.Just when I was about to put it in front of my eyes, I felt a bad smell rushing towards my face.

"Why is there still a bad smell?" Wu Xiaoping involuntarily shrugged his nose and almost sneezed.

"Of course it stinks." Yu Xiaolei snatched it from his hand and put it in his pocket.

"Hey, why are you still putting it in your pocket?" Wu Xiaoping was puzzled.

"This is the road sign that the captain and the others gave us. We can't stay here and guide the enemy!"

What Yu Xiaolei said meant that the enemy later would not see it.But right now, the enemies in front understand better than them, and Yu Xiaolei is a little bit deceiving.

However, it doesn't matter, Yu Xiaolei thought of killing people.

who to kill?Of course it was the seven Vietnamese soldiers in front.

"Comrades, the enemies in front have already yelled at us, and nothing can make them run away." Yu Xiaolei said to the people around him.

At this time, Shang Erchun, who had gone to the front as a scout, came back and greeted, "Hurry up, the enemy will disappear in a while."

"Let's go." Yu Xiaolei took the gun and rushed into the forest first.

Once in the jungle, the light quickly dimmed.But it doesn't matter, the object can still be seen clearly.After the four chased in the woods for a while, they saw cloth strips on the trees.

Seeing the cloth strip, Yu Xiaolei said to the others with confidence, "Don't worry, I can't lose a few bastards."

Wu Xiaoping asked, "How do you see it?"

Yu Xiaolei stretched out his hand and tore off the strip of cloth again, put it in his pocket, and said, "The enemy follows the strip of cloth, and they left the strip of cloth not for us, but for the enemy who will come later. But they didn't expect that we would kill the people they sent, so there would be no reinforcements. As long as we follow the cloth, we can find these turtle sons."

"But if we keep following, it's not a solution, just get rid of it." Shang Erchun said.

"With the strength of the four of us, we can't kill these turtle sons at once. It will be easy when we enter Laolin and are not afraid of being exposed." Yu Xiaolei said, "At that time, there may be a large army help us."

"Yes, let's do it like this." Wu Xiaoping agreed first.

The four of them moved on.

After the seven Vietnamese soldiers entered the jungle, they moved quickly along the tied cloth strips.Because of the guidance of this road sign, there is no need to worry about getting lost, so the progress is very fast.

Soon, seven Vietnamese soldiers entered an old forest.

Although they are all locals, they rarely step here.But in the old forest, the rotten grass is a foot thick, not to mention the ankle, sometimes even half of the leg is gone.Walking in such a jungle, no one does not worry about when a poisonous snake appears under their feet.In case of being bitten, it would be fatal.

In low-lying places, occasionally a circle of stagnant water emerges.Dead branches and leaves fell inside, polluting the water so black and smelly.The generated ozone desperately rises from the bottom of the water, forming countless small water bubbles in the water.If a person walks here and suddenly hears the sound of gurgling in the water, he will think that some monster has appeared.

When this group of Vietnamese soldiers came to this place, they searched left and right, but couldn't find a way out. One Vietnamese soldier pointed to the mud and said, "Look there, there are traces of people walking by."

Others followed his fingers and looked in that direction.

Deep in the jungle, a fault layer suddenly appeared.Under the fault layer, a ditch protruded horizontally, which was filled with sewage.

Although this ditch is not very wide, no one dares to touch it when seeing the viscous sewage in it.

However, the ditch is not a dead end, because there are six or seven dead tree trunks across it.

It seems that these trunks are more than a hundred years old.Not to mention the huge body, those cracked grooves are enough to fit a person's fist.

If you look carefully, there are many mud prints on these big tree trunks, and there are also new stubbles that have been recently touched with a knife.

"This is the road the Beikou took. Let's chase after it." A Vietnamese soldier said.

After coming here, the Vietnamese soldiers never found any new cloth strips.If there are no traces on the trunk, it is still uncertain whether someone has passed by here.But with these mud as witnesses, even without searching, one can see that the traces on it were left by the people who just passed by.

The seven Vietnamese soldiers wanted to go there, but they all went there. After the responders came, they couldn't find what to do.So, some of them stayed.The remaining six Vietnamese soldiers, stepping on a big log, began to move towards the opposite bank.

It's not that there is no one on the other side, there are five pairs of eyes looking here.They were also taken aback when they found six Vietnamese soldiers in sight.Originally, the purpose of their waiting here was to meet Xiaolei and the others, but unexpectedly, they waited and waited, and unexpectedly found six Vietnamese soldiers.

Squad leader Li Xiaochun said to a soldier beside him, "Xiao Ding, go and report to the squad leader."

The reconnaissance brigade walked through the jungle, and could not walk side by side, but could only move forward in a column.Tao Chuan's third team came last in the sequence, which was also the reason why he had to wait for his fighters.

A soldier caught up with Tao Chuan, "Squad leader, there are enemies behind."

Tao Chuan was startled and thought to himself, "Yu Xiaolei and the others should be behind. How could there be an enemy? The appearance of the enemy at this time is likely to be a big problem for Yu Xiaolei and the others. Only when they are killed by the enemy can the enemy surpass them .” Thinking of this, Tao Chuan felt sour in his heart.Unexpectedly, before the real battle started, he lost four soldiers.

Tao Chuan soon came to the spot where the enemy was found.Looking across the ditch through the bushes, there were indeed six Vietnamese soldiers preparing to cross in this direction.

"Let the turtle sons come over, and kill them one by one." Tao Chuan ordered, and he also had the idea of ​​revenge for Yu Xiaolei and the others.

Tao Chuan saw that there were a lot of enemies coming, and he was afraid that one squad would not be able to wipe them out for a while, so he sent the eighth squad over.

Ten soldiers hid behind trees, rain pits, bushes and other places, waiting for these Vietnamese to come.

Among the seven Vietnamese soldiers, there are really many smart ones.Let some people go to try it first, and when there is no problem, others will come over.

Therefore, after the three Vietnamese soldiers in front stepped on the dead wood, the people behind suddenly stopped moving.I only heard one of the Vietnamese soldiers say to the people in front, "You guys go over to scout first, if there is no situation, the others will go.

Three Vietnamese soldiers stepped on the tree trunk and quickly reached the opposite bank.

Tao Chuan also found that something was wrong.If we attack at this time, although the three enemies who have crossed the ditch will be killed, the ones behind them may take the opportunity to run away.At that time, it will be difficult to think about chasing them across the ditch.At that time, the secret whereabouts of the reconnaissance brigade will be disclosed to the Vietnamese.

In this way, it will not benefit the reconnaissance brigade at all.

There was no other way, so Tao Chuan had no choice but to order the people on the shore to retreat 20 meters, leaving behind those few people who were lying in the sewage pit and could not be easily exposed.

Three Vietnamese soldiers went down the dead tree and landed with guns.

After landing, the three quickly separated and searched in different directions.After looking around, they didn't find anything suspicious, so they sent a signal to the other side that they could come.

Thus, the remaining three Vietnamese soldiers also began to cross the ditch.

Soon, all six Vietnamese soldiers who were following them came to the south bank.Just as they were about to look for traces and continue to chase the Chinese People's Liberation Army crossing the border.Suddenly, the three Vietnamese soldiers who had come before disappeared.

When the three Vietnamese soldiers who had just crossed the shore were surprised, they flew three throwing knives at them from different directions.

Until now, Tao Chuan still didn't want to use guns on the Vietnamese soldiers who came over.

Although it is fun to sweep with a gun, there is still the possibility of revealing whereabouts.Therefore, he still chose close combat and attacked suddenly.

As soon as the three flying knives arrived, three Vietnamese soldiers fell to the ground one after another.But one of them didn't die immediately.The Vietnamese soldier felt that something was wrong, covered the wound with one hand, and stood up from the ground with difficulty. It seemed that he wanted to escape.

The person throwing the knife hadn't rushed over yet, which gave the injured Vietnamese soldiers a chance to shout.

The Vietnamese soldier staggered forward a few steps, shouting towards the opposite bank, run quickly.

This sound startled everyone present, and also surprised Tao Chuan, "Could it be that there are still people on the other side."

"Quick, kill him in the past." Tao Chuan didn't care about it at this time, he had to let the son of a bitch die.

A nearby soldier rushed over quickly.

When the wounded Vietnamese soldier fell to the ground, he threw his gun aside, and now it was too late to go back to get the gun.So, as soon as he turned, he ran towards the dead logs on the ditch.

The soldier who came over was even more anxious. If he was allowed to pass by, where would he be caught!The warrior rushed over at a gallop, and within three strides he reached the dry tree trunk.

Although the Vietnamese soldier was wounded, he ran quite neatly.

When our soldiers appeared on the edge of the dead wood, the Vietnamese soldiers still stepped on the dead wood.

The distance between the two is only about two meters.If it is on flat ground, all it takes is a soldier to catch a rabbit with an eagle.But now he dare not, if he is not careful, he may fall into the ditch.

Although the ditch is not wide, the mud stored in the ditch is absolutely creepy.As long as one is not careful, if it falls, no one can guarantee whether it will come out.Because no one has fallen into the water yet.

When the soldiers saw the Vietnamese soldiers on the dead wood, they were anxious and wanted to chase after them, but they were afraid that the dead wood would not be able to bear it.

He looked down and suddenly had an idea, "***, don't you want to run away! Then I will send you back to your hometown."

I saw this soldier with a cat waist, and picked up a dead wood with both hands.Screaming with both hands, he insisted on lifting the dead wood up.

At this time, another soldier ran over, "Wang Xiaoming, what are you doing?"

"Throw the turtle son down." Wang Xiaoming said almost as if he was breastfeeding.

After the soldiers who came over understood what he meant, they also followed to help.Two men lifted the log up.

The Vietnamese soldiers who stepped on the dead wood were in a hurry.At this time, his body not only tilted, but also slid straight down.

After all, it was a Vietnamese soldier who was born and died in the big forest, and he didn't fall down even though he was leaning up thirty corners.

Wang Xiaoming saw the fire, and said to the soldier, "Turn."

The two men turned the lifted wood vigorously in one direction.

This turn, the Vietnamese soldiers can't stand it.After stepping on it a few times alternately, he fell into the ditch with a plop.

As soon as the Vietnamese soldiers entered the water, they pulled their limbs up and down.

Now, he doesn't care about any wounds anymore, it's a big deal to keep his mouth shut and prevent sewage from entering.

Unexpectedly, this ditch is very deep.

It looked calm on the surface, but after the Vietnamese soldiers struggled for a while, their bodies sank vigorously.It's okay if you don't work hard, the more you fold your spine, the faster you will fall.

The Vietnamese soldiers were about to drown their heads, but they were still screaming.It looked like he wanted to surrender and let Wang Xiaoming fish him up.

It's too much trouble to let you die, who can catch you with this kung fu.Even if you want to catch it, you can't do it like a guy. If you go with bare hands, no one has that ability.

"You son of a turtle, you still want to live, but you don't have a door. Let's go back to our hometown!" Wang Xiaoming said on the shore.

While Wang Xiaoming was tossing the Vietnamese soldier, the Vietnamese soldier who stayed on the north bank also saw the situation.

At the beginning, when he saw his companions ashore, he turned around and walked into the forest.

Just as he was entering the jungle, he heard shouts from the other bank.So, the Vietnamese soldier staggered in place, turned around and ran towards the shore again.

When he came to the shore, he happened to see Wang Xiaoming throwing the Vietnamese soldier into the water.

The Vietnamese soldiers on the shore wanted to go down to rescue them, but he didn't have the guts to see a Chinese gunman on the other side.So he raised his gun and shot at Wang Xiaoming.

At this time, the four of Yu Xiaolei had already chased after them, and of course all the situation on the other side had come into view.

When he saw the Vietnamese soldier raising his gun, he cried out inwardly.

At such a short distance, if a shuttle of bullets passes by, someone on the other side will definitely be shot.

As soon as Yu Xiaolei appeared, he rushed towards the Vietnamese soldiers raising their guns without hesitation.

People arrive, gunshots go off.

However, Yu Xiaolei's body that rushed over had already touched the Vietnamese soldier, so the bullets that flew out of the gun immediately lost their aim.

The bullet passed over Wang Xiaoming's head, startling a large group of birds in the forest.

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