soldier rushing forward

385、So you are here

Vietnam is a small country, most of the land is in the mountains and jungles, and there are very few decent big cities.Its population is basically distributed among the various branches of the mountain.In such a living environment, it is difficult for people to live in collectives with small villages as the unit.In this way, his medical hygiene will naturally be a big problem.Although they don’t engage in family planning, you can have children if you can. It’s a very free thing to have more children.However, life is born, how to raise an adult is a problem.

Since ancient times, in such Vietnamese families, it has been common for three or two children to die young.After a long time, the survival rate of Vietnam's population is much lower than its birth rate.Therefore, their population has not flourished.

Coupled with dozens of continuous wars, the shortage of men in Vietnam is even greater.If a country wants to continue, how can it grow without seeds, and the lack of men will inevitably affect the development of the country.However, no matter how influential it is, it cannot miss the military.No way, when a man reaches adulthood, the first thing to do is to serve as a soldier.It's fine if you die, but if you can't die, you have to continue.As for when he can go back to the village to farm, it depends on whether the war is tight or not.

Over time, the men who returned to the village were either too old to serve in the army, or disabled with missing arms and legs.It can be seen how important strong men are in Vietnam.

Now, if Li Zhiming sets up such a death squad, he is a man who wants to be a man who wants to be a hero. If he is not such a person, he will not be able to join the death squad.If you join the Death Squad, you have to put your life and death at risk.As soon as the battle started, one of them charged up, and few of them could come back.Therefore, they are also very sorry for this behavior.

Let's fight!The purpose is to win, how can the undead be successful.To win, someone has to sacrifice.Who will sacrifice at the most critical moment?Who is going to work hard?Of course, these people who are not afraid of death.

Li Zhiming respected and felt helpless towards these people. He really had no choice but to give up.If these people are not allowed to work hard, who else can they count on.At this point in the battle, Li Zhiming had no choice but to exchange the lives of these people for his own victory.

After the Death Squad smashed the bowl, there was a burst of yelling, which was neither Vietnamese nor Chinese, and no one could understand it.However, through this momentum, they can feel the kind of anger before the desperate.I reckon, what they shouted must be primitive people, and before they had words, they made an oath to challenge the half-human and half-beast.

Don't worry about him, we have the right to treat him as a demonstration.

After the death squads finished shouting, Li Zhiming pointed to the mountain with his hand, "Let's go."

Judging from his movements, he seems to be directing a group of dogs who only know how to charge forward, regardless of life and death.

After hearing the order, the group of death squads each had a submachine gun and a machete behind their naked backs.This machete is not a common large blade. It is a kind of woodcutter with a wide back and a narrow blade unique to the Vietnamese.

The death squad rushed out of the woods, screaming and galloping towards the mountains.

From the few battles just now, we have already felt that this hillside is not smooth, and it is very difficult to climb up, how can we still run fast?

Expendables?Of course, his physical fitness and other aspects will be different from ordinary people.Since they don't even want their lives, their training quality and physical muscle can be wrong!It's not a problem to climb a steep cliff, let alone a hillside.No matter how steep the hillside is, it is like walking on flat ground in front of them.

The soldier in charge of observation shouted, "The enemy is coming up."

Li Wei, who was at the forefront, looked down and was shocked to see this group of death squads from the Vietnamese army coming forward with bare backs.No need to ask, Li Wei guessed that this was the Death Squadron of the Vietnamese Army.

Regarding the speed of the Death Squad, Li Wei had heard from Wu Jianglong that he must not wait until they are close before fighting them.Due to their fast impact speed, if they can't handle it well, let them attack with one charge.

At this time, the death squad's rushing distance is still outside the effective range of the submachine gun. It's not that they can't fight, but the hit rate is not high after hitting.

In order to save bullets and effectively kill the enemy, Li Wei called for artillery.

However, how did he know that our artillery is close to exhaustion.

After coming out of the country, they fought a few more battles, even if everyone carried a shell on their backs, it was not enough to fight like this, let alone other supplies.Therefore, the number of shells of these small cannons is not much.There are really not many shots so far.

Hearing Li Wei calling for artillery fire, Wu Jianglong didn't let the artillery fire. He was reluctant to use it until the most critical moment.

Artillery can't be counted on, but anti-aircraft machine guns are still possible.

A book friend once asked, how heavy is an anti-aircraft machine gun!How can it be brought here?

I'm talking about a [-] anti-aircraft machine gun, not a [-] double-barreled anti-aircraft machine gun.This kind of machine gun is used to fight with infantry and suppress the enemy with its powerful firepower.I have dedicated it in the first few chapters.It can be disassembled, and three or four people are enough to carry all its parts, no matter how far you go, don't worry about its weight.I was born as a platoon commander of the [-] machine gun, so I still understand it.

Well, let's get back to business.

Two [-] anti-aircraft machine guns mounted on high places immediately opened fire on the attacking death squad.

The firepower of the machine gun is fierce, and it can hit far enough, but its geographical location is very inconvenient.Since he couldn't go forward, the mountain formed a certain dead angle for him, so in terms of firepower, he couldn't hit every aspect.In this way, the Vietnamese Army Death Squad still has an angle to attack forward.

Seeing that the death squads of the Vietnam Army were less than 50 meters away from Li Wei's first-line position.Suddenly, the shouts of death squads became bullets.Every Vietnamese soldier erupted with a hurricane like a storm, spinning fine bullet holes densely like a sieve on the position in an instant.

The sudden blow really surprised the soldiers.The soldiers never expected that the Vietnamese army's attack would be so violent.

The trenches were all covered by the waterfall of bullets fired by the Vietnamese army. If you came out at this time, you had to drill a few holes.

The passive situation that appeared for a while made it impossible for the first team to turn around.

The enemy took the lead, of course the enemy took the initiative.

Li Wei lay prone in the trench and shouted into the microphone, "Artillery, artillery, blow me up!"

At this time, Li Wei felt that apart from the artillery that could solve their crisis, nothing else could be done.Unexpectedly, Wu Jianglong yelled on the phone: "Li Wei, there are not many cannonballs left, and there is no share for you. Find a way for yourself!"

Hearing what the captain said, Li Wei was also dumbfounded.Since you can't count on artillery, you have to think of other ways.

any solution?Of course, it is still the old way, relying on grenades at critical moments.

But throwing it blindly doesn't work, you can only fight when the enemy is close.At the very least, the madness of the enemy must be smashed down.

Li Wei raised his head quietly, wanting to see the situation outside.However, as soon as the top of the steel helmet on his head was exposed, he felt that someone hit it hard with a brick, and suddenly he felt his head humming, and his eyes were full of stars.

Li Wei quickly retracted his head, and was terrified of it.If he stretched out even two inches more, once he formed a perpendicular angle with the bullet, his head would explode.

In this situation, Li Wei had no choice but to lower his body as much as possible, and then shouted to the soldiers, "Get ready to drop the bomb."

Don't be unable to see how far the enemy is, but based on his feeling, he estimates that the enemy is within 30 meters.At this distance, if the enemy has not been beaten down, as long as they charge again, they may jump into the position.

After Li Wei shouted, more than a dozen grenades rose from the trench in an instant.After these grenades soared into the air, they fell parabolicly towards the death squad camp.

The successive explosions immediately blew up countless puffs of smoke on the hillside.Big trees were split open, small trees were knocked down, pieces of turf, together with the flesh and blood of the death squads, danced wildly around.

After the first batch of grenades were thrown out, Li Wei felt that he was still not sure, so he continued to shout, "Minus one, cast."

As soon as the words came out, a bird-like grenade appeared in midair again.These grenades are not far from the forward position, in order to prevent the enemy from approaching the position.

The grenade hit the ground and exploded one after another.Li Wei has not seen the effect of the two batches of grenades after they are thrown out.He didn't see it, but Wu Jianglong, who was hiding in a higher place, saw it clearly.

Wu Jianglong couldn't help but said, "That's right, just fight like this."

This time, Wu Jianglong did not use a telescope, but a sniper rifle scope.When the Vietnamese army dared to attack, Wu Jianglong also realized the danger of the forward position. He wanted to use the length and accuracy of the sniper rifle to give Li Wei favorable support at the critical moment.

However, the attack speed of these death squads was too fast, and they were constantly moving around in the forest, which made it difficult for Wu Jianglong to shoot a certain Vietnamese army.When he had selected his target and was about to shoot, suddenly, the target disappeared again.He had no choice but to look for a second target. He had just selected it, and before he clicked the trigger, the target disappeared again.

Wu Jianglong doesn't fight whoever he catches.The targets he chooses are all the most popular ones, and they may be Vietnamese army figures like little bosses, or activists who take the lead in attacking.

It was only a short delay, and the Vietnamese army rushed to the half-hillside, and they were about to approach the front.

When Wu Jianglong was in a hurry, he saw a grenade flying out of the trench.Moreover, the grenade played a very good role, and finally slowed down the attack speed of the Vietnamese army. Not only that, but several Vietnamese troops were blown up one after another.

"Okay, okay, let's fight like this." Wu Jianglong secretly applauded.

Ordinarily, after being bombed by the Vietnamese army, the death squad should retreat first, take a rest, and then attack.However, the enemy is not like this. In less than a minute, the death squads of the Vietnamese army emerged from their hiding place again and continued to charge forward.

Just as Wu Jianglong was surprised, he found a Vietnamese army member who looked like a key member, waving and shouting at the same time.Every time he finishes an action, he can see the reaction in these daredevils.

"Turtle son, so you are here?" Wu Jianglong cursed, and then stuck the reticle of the sniper rifle on the head of the Vietnamese soldier.

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