soldier rushing forward

386、The Death Squad Has Arrived at Our Army's Position

Any army has its own organizational system, whether it is a few, dozens or hundreds of people, it must have its main leader, who can deal with problems on the fly, or conduct combat command, as small as a team leader, squad leader, platoon leader, etc.Without the most basic command personnel, such troops may become scattered and leaderless.What's more, what appeared in front of me was a death squad of more than 30 people.After they left Li Zhiming's control, there were still no fewer than a few people in the team commanding, and there must have been many small organizations.

After Wu Jianglong estimated this, he wanted to knock off the leader first, so that they would attack without a commander without a commander.However, since these people are all barebacked and holding the same submachine gun, it is impossible to tell which one is an official and which one is a soldier.No way, only from the action analysis.After finally catching a few suspects, they ran away in an instant.At this moment, Wu Jianglong felt like he had caught a special object, so he couldn't let him run away no matter what.

Just as Wu Jianglong was about to pull the trigger, the Vietnamese soldier dodged and hid behind the tree again. It seemed that he realized that his aim was wrong, and he always realized that someone was plotting against him.

In fact, the Vietnamese army has rich combat experience, and they come and go to conflict on other frontier positions. Can the people on the mountain not shoot at him?He did it just out of instinct, common sense.

But it was this natural instinct that allowed him to escape Wu Jianglong's first shot.

Unexpectedly, once the hunter finds the target, he will not throw it away lightly.The same is true for Wu Jianglong. At this time, he managed to find this little leader (I don’t know how old this Vietnamese officer is, so let’s give him a title like this. From the perspective of Li Zhiming’s importance, the official position of this little leader should not be below the company. Such a force would be personally controlled by a regimental commander.)

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't even look at the other Vietnamese soldiers, and focused all his attention on his eyes, looking for this Vietnamese soldier through the scope.No matter how fast the Vietnamese army's dodge speed is, it is not as wide as the scope of the scope.

When Wu Jianglong found an arm protruding from behind the tree and kept waving it, Wu Jianglong smiled, "Good boy, you are here."

The sniper scope immediately locks on to this position.

After the Vietnamese army commanded the other death-death team members to rush up, they didn't realize that they were in any danger, so they stuck out their heads and prepared to rush up the mountain with the team.The moment he stretched out his head, Wu Jianglong's gun rang out, and with a "bang", a cloud of blood mist appeared beside the tree pole, and then the Vietnamese soldier fell headfirst to the ground.

Following Wu Jianglong's gunshot, Li Wei also seized the time to call on the soldiers to shoot at the enemy.

The aftermath of the grenade explosion has not yet dissipated, and a group of soldiers who hid in the trench bravely stuck their heads out of the trench, and under the cover of the parapet, they fired fiercely at the Vietnamese army.

Originally, the Vietnamese army had suppressed the position on the mountain with continuous fire of submachine guns and machine guns.But after such an explosion of the grenade, the enemy's overall offensive was immediately shredded.When they wanted to reorganize the firepower again, it was too late, and the initiative was in the hands of our soldiers.Now that they regained the initiative, the soldiers did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately poured bullets like a gust of wind at the enemy.

The distance was already very close, but they were hit by sudden firepower, and the charge of the death squad was immediately suppressed.However, these Vietnamese troops did not retreat because they were hit by our army, they lay down abruptly on the spot, and wanted to find new fighters.

The Death Squad is indeed prepared.Just when their offensive troops were blocked and unable to advance, suddenly, there was the sound of machine gun fire from the woods.

With the roar of the machine gun, bunches of bullets rained down on our army's position, even two soldiers were shot.

The frantic sweep of the "da da da" machine gun immediately made several gaps in the position.

Why is there a gap?The bullets are coming, can you not hide?If you want to hide, you have to shrink your head. Once you shrink your head, the firepower will of course be gone, and then there will be a gap.

Those Vietnamese soldiers who had just been lying on the ground and were not killed by our soldiers saw the opportunity. Suddenly, they jumped up and down neatly as if someone shouted a password, shouting "Wow!" .

In an instant, there was another roar on the battlefield.

When these Vietnamese troops came together, they still wanted to shock our soldiers with a language that no one could understand, and then waited for an opportunity to charge forward again.

Amidst the shouts, the death squads of the Vietnamese army unleashed the power of their submachine guns, and then shot towards the mountain.For a time, the two sides formed a confrontation.

At this time, the situation on the position was very unfavorable to our army.The soldiers were determined to deal with the enemy in front of them, but the machine gun on the hillside continued to harass them.If you want to kill the enemy's machine gun, due to its special position and its long distance, it is not easy to deal with it.If you search for a long time, you may be killed by the death squad of the Vietnamese army in front of you.

Wu Jianglong saw it in his eyes and was anxious on his forehead, sweating immediately.While cursing in my heart, I went to find the shooting position of the enemy's machine gun.

The Vietnamese army was really cunning. At some point, they built a machine gun bunker in a depression.The cover is behind a bush.It's really hard to see without a magnifying glass.Not only that, but there were two big rocks in front of the bunker, and the machine gun perforation was in the middle of the rock crevice. If he didn't use precise shooting, the strafing would have no effect on him at all.

After Wu Jianglong found the position of the machine gun, he instantly zoomed in on the scope and saw the enemy's face clearly.

"You son of a bitch, I'm calling you crazy." Wu Jianglong cursed, and the gun in his hand went off.After a shot, the enemy's machine gun really stopped firing.However, within ten seconds, the enemy's machine gun roared again.

"Turtle son, it's not over yet." Wu Jianglong shot again.After he eliminated two enemies in a row, he didn't stop the enemy from shooting at the mountain.

Wu Jianglong understood that this was because the enemy kept changing shooters.It seems that the enemy is on top of him. If you kill one, I will change another, but you can't stop shooting.

Wu Jianglong thought about it carefully, this is not going to work, although more enemies have been eliminated, it is still not good for him, so he has to use other methods to get rid of this machine gun.He turned his head just in time to see the recoilless gunner who had been waiting beside him.

"[-] Wu, get rid of that machine gun for me." Wu Jianglong thought of the [-] recoilless gun.

The two gunners were already scratching their heads anxiously. Seeing the comrades firing like this, they were already very anxious. Now that the captain finally gave an order, the two agreed, picked up the cannon, and ran to the side.

Some people said that if you can’t fight here, you can do it, so why run to the side.

Eighty-two did not fire a cannon, but it is not the same as a weapon such as a firearm.Once he fires, he will form a stream of flames several meters long behind the cannon.If the fire hits a person, it will burn immediately, so the two of them had to choose a place where there was no one behind them.

After the two moved ten meters to the side, they found an open space and immediately set up their guns, aiming at the enemy's machine gun firepower point.

At this time, the machine gun felt that no one was shooting at them anymore, so it felt particularly excited, thinking that the fearless heroism had finally overwhelmed the cruelty of the enemy.Therefore, this shooter feels that he is very great, that he is immortal.So, grabbing the machine gun, he frantically fired towards the mountain.

Suddenly, he saw a flame erupting from the left side of our army's position, followed by a cloud of smoke on the position.Just when he didn't know why, he saw a black thing flying towards him like a bird of prey.

The machine gunner felt the danger, even though he hadn't figured out what it was.In order to save his life, he also wanted to throw away the machine gun and run away, but this thing came too fast, and it was in front of him in a blink of an eye.Don't talk about running now, it won't make you think a little bit more.

With a bang, the stone was lifted, and the enemy's machine guns and machine gun shooters disappeared. Then, in this depression, six or seven Vietnamese troops ran out.

"Turtle son, so there are so many." Wu Jianglong kept staring at this place, so he saw these enemies from the misty smoke.

Wu Jianglong did not dare to neglect, and fired repeatedly with a sniper rifle.It's a pity that these Vietnamese soldiers were brought down one by one like being chased by a hunter.

At this time, the death squads of the Vietnamese army were separated from the machine guns covering them. Although Wu Jianglong defeated several Vietnamese soldiers and the [-] recoilless gun also killed the enemy's machine gun, the charge of the death squads did not stop there. .

Li Wei and the soldiers shot at the death squads, and the Vietnamese death squads also made desperate resistance.After fighting for a while, a group of Vietnam Army death squads stood up against the dense submachine gun bullets.

After the death squads of the Vietnamese army stood up, they held their guns flat and swept towards our army's position on the mountain.Under a surprise attack, they really tore a hole open.Seeing that the opportunity had come, the Vietnamese army stood up one after another, rushing towards this direction desperately.

The savage-like wah-wah scream resounded through the mountains for a while.

If this is not a battlefield, and there are not so many people here, I am afraid that everyone will think that a certain cliff exploded, and the primitive monsters jumped out of it. Habit.Ordinary people would definitely run away when they heard this.

In order not to let our soldiers have another chance to stop, the Vietnamese soldiers threw grenades towards the top of the mountain again.The soldiers, who were under the pressure of these bullets, were out of breath. Coupled with the explosion of the grenade, it really wiped out the front line.

How do you call it missing?

As a defensive position, there are generally three layers of defense.

The first layer is the forefront, and it is also the forefront of contact with the enemy, and it is often very easy for the enemy to break through.Therefore, when building, the input power is not very large, as long as it can withstand the enemy's bullets, and generally do not put any heavy weapons in it.All rely on second and third line fire support.

It is different after the first line, that is the core of the position, where the center is.Once the front line cannot withstand, the soldiers can also retreat to the second and third lines.Therefore, as long as a large number of enemies can be killed here on the front line, the goal will be achieved.If you really can't hold it anymore, you generally don't fight the enemy here.

Seeing that the Death Squad attacked so fiercely, and the soldiers were exhausted, Li Wei also felt that going on like this would be really bad for him.So, he had to order the soldiers to withdraw from this position.

As soon as they withdrew and turned back to the passage leading to the second position, the front line was bombarded by grenades from the death squads of the Vietnamese army.

As soon as the dense grenade came up, the front line was completely changed.

The death squads of the Vietnamese army finally rushed to our army's position.

At this time, they were so proud that some even boldly climbed onto the parapet to demonstrate to the Vietnamese troops down the hillside, telling them that we have succeeded, you come up quickly.

There is never a good thing that the world has seized in vain. How could the Chinese Communists hand over this position to you lightly.Even if it is given to you, it is also temporary, and the control will be taken back.

Li Zhiming used a telescope under the hillside to see this place clearly.Can he be unhappy when he sees his men in the main positions of the Chinese Communists?

In order to expand the results of the battle, Li Zhiming immediately ordered the whole team to press on.

After several battles, this was the first and most satisfying result of the Vietnamese army.

However, they never thought that a more bloody scene was waiting for them.

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