soldier rushing forward

387 , The Vulture Captures Food

Soon, a large number of Vietnamese troops, encouraged by this victory, swarmed towards the hilltop position.The momentum and the majesty of the crowd are very similar to the scene of a ball game riot.You don't care about me, I don't care about you, as if whoever walks slowly will lose his life.It's also like the crowd on the street, when they find a cash box on the street, they rush forward desperately, even ignoring life and death for money.

It was in this situation that the Vietnamese army rushed towards our army's position on the mountain like a tide, with great momentum.

"Guizi, I have been waiting for you for a long time." Wu Jianglong grabbed the microphone, "Every position listens to my orders."

Soon, each position responded, "The artillery is ready, the first team is ready, the second team is ready, and the high plane squad is ready."

"Okay, you've spotted Guizi, call me." Wu Jianglong excitedly took the microphone and issued the order that decided the life and death of the reconnaissance brigade.

Wu Jianglong had long expected that if the reconnaissance brigade wanted to get rid of this group of enemies, they had to give them a fatal blow. Otherwise, these Vietnamese troops would be like jackals on the African continent. They will follow wherever they go, and even spare no effort to attack.Even a fierce lion couldn't stand their stalking and biting, and finally had to throw the food to him and hide away to save his life.Therefore, Wu Jianglong first wanted to set a trap for the Vietnamese army here, even if he didn't kill them all, he had to make them lose their vitality.Only in this way can they return home peacefully.Otherwise, before they reach the border line, they will have to be supported by them, and if they fail, they will be flanked by the enemy from front to back.

What Wu Jianglong was afraid of was that the enemy would use the old cow's war method to rush out one by one, which would exhaust the soldiers and not gain much.If you want to do it, you can fuck him as a big guy, if you want to beat him, you can beat the Vietnamese army to death with a stick.

Now, this effect has come, you say, can Wu Jianglong be unhappy!

Seeing that the enemy is in such a chaotic and crowded formation, let alone bombing with shells and grenades, even throwing a few big stones at random, there is a [-]% chance of hitting the enemy's head.

At this time, Li Zhiming really underestimated the strength of the opponent on the mountain.Therefore, when he saw the death squad rushing to the enemy's position, he felt that the enemy's power was over.At this time, there is only one effort to devote all the troops to occupy all the hills, and the enemy will have no danger to defend.At that time, they will not be able to run away even if they want to.If there are fewer people going up, if the enemy runs away, the current achievements will be wasted. If not, it will be another endless pursuit.It's better to just wipe out the opponent cleanly, so that the troops can return to the camp early to repair.

It was precisely because of this kind of thinking that Li Zhiming threw all his troops up.Including his combat headquarters, it also began to move forward with the personnel.

Li Zhiming's illusion just met Wu Jianglong's combat requirements.As the saying goes, "Heaven does evil, but it is still forgiven; man does evil, and he cannot live." You, Li Zhiming, have done many evils for a long time.Although it has not been so cruel to the Chinese, it has committed heinous crimes against the Cambodian people.To clean you up at this time is to avenge your class brothers at that time.

Seeing that the enemy is getting closer and closer, most of them have walked out of the woods and are completely within the effective range of our army.

All of a sudden, it was as if a rolling thunder rumbled across the sky and earth, and immediately, large and small explosions sounded on our army's position.What followed was a row of vultures suddenly appeared in the sky. They headed towards a target, calmly fell from the sky one by one, and went straight to the place where the Vietnamese army was densely populated.

At this time, our army's two [-] anti-aircraft machine guns on the top of the mountain did not dare to neglect, and they aimed at crowded places.At the same time, on our army's position, several machine guns that could reach the target also joined in the fun.What's more worth mentioning is that the four rocket launchers, which had never been fired before, turned the armor-piercing projectiles into explosive bombs, and they were also fired at densely populated places.

All of a sudden, a series of explosions sounded in the camp of the Vietnamese army charging upwards.

At this time, the Vietnamese army was not prepared to attack upwards at all. How could they have imagined that a small army that was about to be defeated by them still had such great energy?It was precisely because the Vietnamese army was unprepared that they were caught by Wu Jianglong.

That's why before he understood what happened, the bombed body was gone, and the limbs were flying.

Outsiders saw it, how could this be a war, was it simply a massacre?

But then again, if you are not cruel to the enemy, then it is tantamount to false kindness, and you are seeking your own death.Only by being ruthless to the enemy can the enemy be afraid of you and become honest.Otherwise, it will always be the weak who are oppressed.Whoever makes you bullied is because you have no guts. If you don't have the guts, you dare not fight. If you don't dare to fight, the enemy will treat you as a persimmon.

Look at the weak and small countries in history, as long as their nation is brave, victory will belong to them sooner or later.The people are not afraid of death, so why should they be afraid of death.

Therefore, the reconnaissance brigade of our army, which is at a disadvantage, can only win the battle by using this style of fighting, desperately fighting, and killing the enemy.

This time there was a burst of bombing and sweeping, and the dense crowd on the hillside immediately had a large area of ​​loss, just like a large patch of baldness suddenly appeared on the brain of the dense hair.

Just alopecia areata is not enough, the thick hair must be shaved clean, not leaving a single enemy.Wu Jianglong's determination is big enough!

There are six mortars in the reconnaissance brigade, and each gun fires three rounds, that is, eighteen rounds.Eighteen shells exploded in an area of ​​less than [-] square meters, and its destructive power can be imagined.Coupled with the continuous replenishment of several rocket launchers.For a time, there was hardly any good land on this hillside.

Those Vietnamese soldiers who were alive did not hide quickly, but had the bodies of their comrades in arms to block the shrapnel and the shock wave, so they had to live.The rest of these people are basically like this.

If it was just bombing, the Vietnamese army would not be so miserable.But there are anti-aircraft machine guns with eyes on the top of the mountain!

The anti-aircraft machine gun shooter is looking at where there are many enemies, and he will shoot at that place. Wherever there are enemies running, he will shoot there.

With a violent sweep, the enemies he hit were even more panic-stricken.

At this time, everyone knows the value of life.Parents gave you this life, after playing, there will be no second time, cherish it or not, it's all up to you.So, the Vietnamese army is running!However, no matter how fast a person runs, he can still run as fast as a machine gun bullet.As long as the shooters of our army on the mountain find that the enemy is not pleasing to the eye, they will move the barrel of the gun a little, and the bullets will fly there obediently.

At this time, I saw those enemies who were shot by machine gun bullets, and some had an arm torn off by anti-aircraft machine gun bullets.A thigh was shot, which was not much better than being hit by a shell. It was not broken, but half of the leg had to be torn off with the flesh.

Anti-aircraft machine gun bullets are drilled out of [-] calibers. Just because he is thick, can his bullets be smaller?If the caliber was larger, it would be a [-] anti-aircraft gun.There are also [-] anti-aircraft machine guns.However, in [-], I was eliminated from the Shijiazhuang Lu Academy before I graduated.Therefore, a weapon thicker than [-] is the [-] anti-aircraft gun.

From this point of view, how powerful the [-] anti-aircraft machine gun should be!

In battle, coupled with his powerful inertial force, even five or six people lined up in a column, it can penetrate.From this point of view, is it okay for the enemy to encounter it?

Faced with such powerful and fierce firepower, the Vietnamese army preparing to attack the top of the mountain was really helpless and at a loss as to what to do, except to wait for death on the spot or retreat down the mountain.

If you want to retreat at this time, it is unlikely, unless the bullets and shells have not come, or the movement is slow, and you have not walked out of the woods, and you are still alive if you pass the big tree.Among them, Li Zhiming was included.

Due to the late action of Li Zhiming, he moved the headquarters after all the Vietnamese troops attacked.It was a little later that he took a life, otherwise, once he was on the hillside, he could plunder the machine gun bullets and artillery shells as long as they were lives, no matter how big they were.

The sudden blow was beyond Li Zhiming's expectation.Seeing this situation, he didn't bother to call the Vietnamese army to retreat, and he didn't have time to issue any orders. He just hurriedly held his head and went into the woods before it was too late, so he didn't care about his fellow brothers.

Li Zhiming was terrified, and under the escort of some staff officers, he retreated in horror.He is back, but it will be difficult for those Vietnamese soldiers who have traveled too far before to come back.What if I can't come back?What else can I do, I have to resign myself to fate.If you are not bombed or swept by machine gun bullets, then your life will be checked.If you have such an opportunity, then run back!

Ever since, the Vietnamese army, who did not die, retreated to the starting position again.

However, coming back is coming back, and the returning Vietnamese army is considerably less than the original enemy who went up the mountain.It would be difficult to launch such an offensive again, at least, it would have to be four or five hours later.

Why four or five hours?Because it is difficult to launch an attack again with the troops at this time, we can only wait for the superior to replenish the personnel.

At this time, the Vietnamese troops rushing to the high ground wanted to wait for the large troops to come up and attack together.

They were really tired.What's more, in a team of more than 30 people, there are only a dozen people left.If you want to rush again, you have more than enough energy but not enough energy.Therefore, the leader of the Vietnamese army hurriedly shouted, stop attacking, take a breath, and move forward.

These death-defying members of the Vietnamese army hadn't thought of any danger to themselves at this time.Now that the enemy's position has been taken down by him, there is nothing to worry about. As long as he launches another attack next, the second line of defense will be taken down as well. What's more, they have already escaped from the defense at this time. With this half-deep trench as cover on the hillside where they were hiding, they were no longer afraid of their opponents on the hill.

Just as the death squads of the Vietnamese army were thinking a lot, suddenly, a group of shells flew over their heads, and then all kinds of weapons attacked the Vietnamese army down the mountain together, but none of them fell on their heads.

These Vietnamese troops were surprised and did not understand how our army fought.Obviously he attacked the position by himself, why didn't he stop it, but went to fight the Vietnamese army who were climbing up the mountain?

The death squad of the Vietnamese army was surprised, and in a hurry, they couldn't help turning their eyes down the mountain.When they saw that their companions were bombed with flesh and blood flying all over the place in less than a few minutes, and there were countless casualties, they were so anxious!It was this urgency that made them at a loss, not knowing how to fight next.

Why are you at a loss?

After the death squads of the Vietnamese army rushed to the first line of defense of our army, their mission was basically completed. Next, it depends on the Vietnamese troops who responded.However, when they saw this result, they knew that they could not expect anything.If the follow-up troops can't come up, relying on these dozen or so death-defying players, even if they attack, they can only seek death.

However, the battle has been fought to this point, and it is impossible for them to retreat down the mountain and hand over the front line to the Chinese Communists again.In that case, wouldn't those dead Vietnamese soldiers die in vain!No, our rush means that we don't have a large army, and with a dozen or so people, we must take down the positions of the Chinese Communists and avenge our comrades-in-arms.

How crazy is the Vietnam Death Squad?

Someone in the ranks shouted, "Comrades, rush up the mountain to avenge your comrades."

"Revenge," said more than a dozen people in one voice.

How did they know that on the second line of defense, someone had been watching this group of Vietnamese soldiers.As long as they don't move, our army on the second line of defense doesn't move.Because we don't have more energy to deal with them.However, if the enemy moves and we don't move, wouldn't that be too passive.

Seeing that the death squads of the Vietnamese army relapsed, some soldiers immediately reported to their superiors.

"Okay, let's do it." Li Sen, who was in charge of the position command, ordered.

How to do it, of course it will not be a treat or a gift.

As soon as Li Sen spoke, countless vultures flew out from the trenches of the second line of defense.These are not real vultures, but grenades that look heavy on one end and bald on the other.

The second line of defense is only 30 meters away from the first line of defense.

With such a short distance, the grenade could fly accurately whenever the soldiers shot casually.In our training, we not only train the soldiers to shoot long shots, but also train them to shoot accurately.

Therefore, in an instant, the flying grenade fell into the first-line trenches with exactly the same accuracy as the artillery shells.

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