soldier rushing forward

399、The scene before the farewell

The sound of bullets behind him told Tao Chuan that the enemy was close at hand, and if he didn't leave quickly, the pursuers would arrive soon.Therefore, Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu did not dare to neglect when they entered the woods.

The trees are dense and shadowy, and the thick rotting leaves cover the gaps, and the feet are soft when stepping on them. Even if they step forward suddenly and continuously, no matter how hard they struggle, they can't move a few meters for a long time.

Xiao Liu was very anxious. If he proceeded like this, the enemy's bullets would fall on him in a short time.

"Squad leader, it's too difficult to walk, when do we have to walk?" Xiao Liu complained as he stepped back.

"Try again. If it's still like this, we'll turn around." Tao Chuan didn't know what to do when he said it was a turn. There is a vast forest, can he get out of it by turning?At this time, Tao Chuan also lost his mind.Not to mention that he didn't have a map in his hand, even if he had a map, he couldn't tell where he was going because he couldn't tell the north, south, east, and west.At this point, there is really no other way.Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, you have to go to the tiger mountains.

However, although the road is difficult, there are no enemies after all.Going on like this, there is no guarantee that there will be no way out.Therefore, Tao Chuan still had a glimmer of hope.At this time, Tao Chuan was looking forward to some terrain changes ahead, even if there were water currents or hills, it would be easier to walk than the cotton-like ground.

The two stopped talking, and the forest was silent for a while, except for two series of "creaking and creaking" sounds.

Tao Chuan felt that he should explain the situation to Xiao Liu at this time, so he took a few big steps from behind to keep parallel with Xiao Liu, and then said, "Xiao Liu, we may fall behind."

"Yeah." Xiao Liu replied softly.In fact, Xiao Liu has realized this since the moment he entered the grassland.If they were not left behind, it would be impossible for them not to see the shadow of the brigade for such a long time.Since you can't see your comrades for a long time, you are separated.Walking through the mountains and jungles, you may lose contact if you follow closely, not to mention seeing no one for a long time.But Xiao Liu didn't dare to say it, and he blamed himself very much.Who is to blame!Blame myself for being reckless.If he hadn't rushed out by himself, Tao Chuan would not have been in danger along with him.

After having this idea, Xiao Liu felt sorry for Tao Chuan, so in the next few battles, he always rushed to the front, taking the initiative to meet the bullets with his body, trying to create every chance for Tao Chuan to survive.Hearing what Tao Chuan said, Xiao Liu didn't know what to say, but just hummed.

"Are you afraid?" Tao Chuan turned his head and glanced at Xiao Liu.

Xiao Liu had just entered, and for such a young soldier, if he faced a lonely battle, it was hard to guarantee that he would not be timid and panicked.

"Don't be afraid, I've been in the army for almost two years." Xiao Liu replied easily, "Squad leader, it's all my fault. If I hadn't run around, you wouldn't be here."

"Silly boy, what are you talking about." Tao Chuan said roughly, "The battlefield is unpredictable, and you can still be sure when you fight the enemy!" After a pause, he continued, "Your boy is very brave, I am happy to see it."

Xiao Liu was very happy to hear Tao Chuan praise him like this, "Squad leader, if we go back, tell me, the team leader will blame us for falling behind."

"No." Tao Chuan said affirmatively, "As long as we can go back, the captain will definitely comfort us with stewed braised pork."

"Then the relationship is better," Xiao Liu smacked his lips, "It's been a long time since I've eaten, I'm so greedy!" There was a very longing look on his face.

Tao Chuan couldn't help laughing because of Xiao Liu's naivety, "Okay, okay, as long as you think about it, you can eat it."

"No way!" Xiao Liu tilted his head and asked, "If that's the case, people will want to eat when they are hungry, and who will be hungry."

"Okay, let's stop talking." Tao Chuan stopped, "When we go back, I'll tell you a story about 'looking for plums and quenching thirst."

"It's idle now, why don't you talk about it?" Xiao Liu really wanted Tao Chuan to continue.He was hungry and tired now, if Tao Chuan kept talking to him, he would really have lost all of this.

Looking at the woods in front of him gradually thinning out, Tao Chuan realized that the terrain was going to change, so he wanted to distract Xiao Liu's attention and try not to think about what was going to happen next.

Suddenly, Xiao Liu stopped and said, "Squad leader, how do we go?"

The dense forest, as if someone cut it with a knife, a large section suddenly appeared, and it disappeared in front of the eyes.Stretch your feet forward a little, but there is short grass that is no higher than your ankles, and it stretches straight forward.Seeing this scene, Tao Chuan was also shocked. If he was in such a position, once the enemies from behind chased him, needless to say, both of them would be exposed to the light of the sky, and there would be nothing to cover them at all.

"Let's go, go back." Tao Chuan thought for a while, thinking it's better not to take this risk.However, as soon as he finished speaking, he heard a faint voice coming from the waves of trees in the jungle, "No, the enemy is chasing us."

If we go back now, it will be impossible to avoid the enemy who came over. If not, the two armies will have to meet again.Look at the bullet pouch in your hand. With these, let alone entanglement with the enemy, it is difficult to break through.

Xiao Liu looked at Tao Chuan and said nothing. He knew that Tao Chuan was thinking of a way.As a soldier, it is best not to speak indiscriminately before the leader makes a decision, otherwise it will not only lead to a reprimand, but also interfere with the leader's thinking.

"Xiao Liu, run forward." Tao Chuan gritted his teeth and said.At present, they only have this move. Although the front is open, but they rush over quickly, there is no guarantee that the other end is not a more hidden place.

Before Xiao Liu could reply, Tao Chuan pushed him and charged forward with a gun in his hand.

Now that the leader has made this decision, why do I hesitate, just follow along, even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead, I have to fight hard.Xiao Liu then also ran up.

As soon as the two of them stepped into the low grass, they were like galloping horses galloping on the prairie, floating up like a gust of wind.The shredded clothes and trousers were blown by the wind, and the colored stripes on the American Star-Spangled Banner were thrown back all the way. There was nothing in my mind, only the sound of the wind in my ears.

Xiao Liu ran timidly.Since entering Vietnam, they have been stuck in the dark, damp, and difficult to walk all day in the jungle. How can these people who are used to staying in the wilderness bear it?Now that there is such a good place to go, how can we not have fun and go wild.If it wasn't for his stomach growling, Xiao Liu really wanted to run like this forever.

Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu just ran 100 meters when they heard someone shouting behind them, "Where is Beikou?"

It was followed by fierce shouts like waves.

The enemy yelled in Vietnamese. Although it didn't sound very real, the chirping sound always made people feel creepy.

"Stop, don't stop and shoot." The Vietnamese soldiers shouted and shouted.

This is the waiting Vietnamese army and the soldiers from the police station. Hu Lala all stood at the edge of the woods, looking at the two Chinese running wildly in the field from a distance.

Seeing that Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu had no intention of stopping at all, several soldiers of the Vietnamese regular army clattered and loaded bullets, and raised their guns to shoot at Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu.

It’s hard to see the Chinese in such a good place, if you can’t catch them, then kill them.The Vietnamese soldiers who were about to shoot thought so.

At this time, a Vietnamese soldier from the police station in black raised his hand and shouted, "Wait, don't shoot."

Vietnam, who raised his gun, looked at him suspiciously, "Why, if you don't shoot again, the enemy will run away."

"Can't run away, there is a cliff ahead."

As soon as the words came out, all the Vietnamese soldiers laughed wildly, "Haha, we caught someone alive."

A Vietnamese soldier lowered his gun and said to the crowd, "Go, catch the alive."

As soon as the Vietnamese soldier walked ahead, everyone else followed.In an instant, a large group of Vietnamese personnel in yellow military uniforms and black clothes appeared on this wide grassland.

Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu realized the immediate danger the moment the enemy appeared in the woods.However, they did not expect the danger ahead, but were worried that the enemy would attack from behind.Even though the distance is already a hundred meters away, if dozens of guns are raised together, it will surpass several machine guns.If they were swept away like this, the two of them would have to be beaten into a pile of rotten cotton.I thought so, but neither of them cared about it.Now that we have come to this point, there is no other way but to go forward. Wanting to go back and fight the enemy is not a way to survive, but to hit a wall, and the only way out is to go forward.Don't look at the enemy's bullets, if they can't hit, isn't there still a possibility of escape?Therefore, the two of them didn't look back, and continued to move forward vigorously with luck.

After the enemy shouted, Tao Chuan didn't hear the gunshots, nor did he see any bullets flying over. Tao Chuan was a little puzzled, what kind of evil is the enemy playing?

Running and running, Tao Chuan turned his head inadvertently.

Tao Chuan looked back and saw a large group of Vietnamese soldiers at the edge of the woods walking in the direction where the two of them were running, walking unhurriedly.Although Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu were running, the enemy did not look anxious, and walked very calmly.

It's too abnormal for this situation to happen. You can clearly see the enemy running, but the pursuers are not busy chasing them.If you don't want to let go of the enemy, there is only one possibility, the front is a trap, or an encirclement.

When Tao Chuan thought of this, he murmured secretly that it was a dead end.Just as he was about to call Xiao Liu, he heard Xiao Liu say from the front, "Squad leader, it's bad, there's no way ahead."

Only then did Yinchuan turn his head around, and ran a few steps to Xiao Liu's side. He looked down and saw that two meters in front of the two of them was a steep hanging rock, which was straight and straight and always 40 meters high.

"***, Vietnam is weird, how come there are cliffs on the flat land." Tao Chuan couldn't tell whether he was angry or frustrated.

"Squad leader, what should we do?" Xiao Liu lost his mind and looked at Tao Chuan in a daze.

"How many bullets are there?" Tao Chuan took off the clip from the gun and ejected the bullets with a bang.As soon as three cartridges were ejected, the magazine was empty, "Damn, God won't help us."

At this time, Xiao Liu also finished counting the bullets, and said to Tao Chuan, "Squad leader, I still have five bullets."

"Well," Tao Chuan gritted his teeth, "Leave it all to the enemy."

"Then us?" Xiao Liu swallowed the second half of the words.

Tao Chuan looked at the approaching enemy, then at Xiao Liu, "Xiao Liu, are you afraid of death?"

"Not afraid." Tears welled up in Xiao Liu's eyes.

It is a lie to say that you are not afraid of death.But people are forced to a certain extent, and it is impossible not to die.It is the basic principle of a soldier to be undisciplined and keep honor.Xiao Liu is not yet 20 years old, and his real life has just begun.Sacrificing now, and voluntarily throwing away his life, isn't it a lie to say that he is unwilling?Therefore, at the last moment of life and death, Xiao Liu had tears in his eyes, which shows that he is a young man with love and righteousness.

"Xiao Liu, if we kill two more enemies, it's enough." Tao Chuan had already seen Xiao Liu's tears, but he didn't try to persuade him, but used fighting to motivate him.

"Yes, team leader." Xiao Liu shrugged his nose, trying to control his emotions, but crystal tears still flowed from his eyes.

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu didn't lie down on the ground to hide themselves, it was obvious that they were desperate.Both of them stood upright, the gun body was at a ninety-degree angle to the body, and the trigger was placed on the burst.At this time, if the Vietnamese army shoots, two people will be shot in the body. As long as you move your finger lightly, the bullets in the gun chamber will still shoot at the enemy.If the enemy does not shoot, they will still send bullets to the approaching enemy under more certain circumstances.

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