soldier rushing forward

400. The Hero Jumps off the Cliff

The Vietnamese army is getting closer and closer, 100 meters, 80 meters, 50 meters...

Although the Vietnamese army did not shoot, neither did Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu, but the depressing momentum was heavier than a mountain, and it was so heavy that people could not breathe.In the face of life and death, anyone may become the victim of the first shot.

The wind stopped moving, and the entire mountain seemed to be as cold as the South Pole, and it froze instantly.The thousands of plants did not make any noise, and there was no noise at all. Except for the approaching Vietnamese army and the two Chinese soldiers standing facing each other, there were no other signs of life.

At this time, the gray sky was short-lived, and a ray of sunlight shot out from the clouds, just hitting Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu with golden light.Immediately after the golden light was on the upper body, two golden Buddha-like men appeared on the side of the mountain and on the low grass, shining brightly and standing majestically.

Since the Qin Dynasty, Vietnam has been a vassal state of China, so many of its habits are almost the same as those of China, so Buddhism is also well-known here.Although they are remote and don't know how to worship Buddha, the villagers here always have a heart to respect ghosts.Vietnamese soldiers who were born in such a family, no matter how much red education they receive from the government, the belief in ghosts and gods cannot be erased no matter what.It was for this reason that the Vietnamese army who came over were really taken aback when they suddenly saw the changes that had happened to Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu.

The five Vietnamese troops walking in the front stopped suddenly, and so did the ones behind.

"Come here! Turtle sons, come here if you have the guts. Grandpa is waiting for you." Tao Chuan didn't notice any difference in himself, but felt that the sunlight was a little glaring.When he saw that the enemy was not moving, he was worried that they would play other tricks, fearing that he and Xiao Liu would not be able to fight for a while, so he deliberately teased the enemy to end the battle as soon as possible.That's why Tao Chuan yelled deliberately, he wanted to stimulate the Vietnamese army to move forward.

Now that he had reached the point where he could only die but not live, Tao Chuan was no longer afraid of anything, what he was worried about was not being able to kill a few more enemies, making one enough to make money, and making more money counted as earning.With these enemies in sight, three or five bullets will surely kill a few of them.

When Tao Chuan called out, Xiao Liu followed suit.

Just as the two were arguing, the ray of sunlight was once again blocked by clouds, and the light disappeared for a while, and the two of them regained their original appearance in tattered clothes.

After seeing the real Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu, a Vietnamese soldier laughed, "I thought it was some kind of god! They are nothing more than two beggars. Comrades, don't be afraid, go up and catch them."

His yelling to catch him alive, others have already made it clear that they are not allowed to shoot.However, if you don't shoot yourself, what should you do if your opponent shoots?

The Vietnamese soldier said angrily again, "Didn't you see how strong they are? If there are bullets in the gun, you can wait until now. Don't be afraid, just charge forward."

Now that the other side had come to the end, the Vietnamese army in front of them suddenly felt that there was no longer any threat, so they yelled loudly again.With the shouting, the pace of action also began to change from slow to fast, and finally he started to run.

For a long time, the Vietnamese army did not shoot, neither did Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu, and the two sides remained silent.Now the situation has suddenly changed. If it is not dealt with immediately and no action is taken, the consequences will be really unimaginable.

When the enemy was less than 30 meters away from Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu, their guns finally fired.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, several enemies running at the front of the camp fell to the ground one after another.Those who were shot were all the remaining Vietnamese soldiers who Yizhen pursued Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu.Almost all of the five Vietnamese troops were shot after Xiao Liu and Tao Chuan shot.They were unlucky, they didn't even catch up with a chance to make a fortune, so they finished playing like this, and gave the results to others.

After the five Vietnamese soldiers were shot and fell to the ground, the people behind suddenly woke up, and someone shouted, "They still have bullets."

These black-clothed police officers stopped rushing forward and immediately lay down on the ground and shot at Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu.However, the bullets fired did not hit the two of them. Some hit the ground with a "Puff", while others grazed Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu's bodies in the air.

Tao Chuan was stunned for a moment, he really didn't know what the enemy wanted to do.

After defeating these Vietnamese soldiers, Xiao Liu still felt that it was not enough, and he really wanted to let the bullets pop out of the gun, even if it was just one shot.However, no matter how much he pulled the trigger, no bullet jumped out.

"Squad leader, I'm out of bullets," Xiao Liu still held his gun straight, and turned to look at Tao Chuan.

"Damn, what are these turtles playing? Why don't they hit us?" Tao Chuan stared at the enemy in front of him. At this moment, he thought, if he could fly, he would use his body to meet the bullets actively, no Will be wasting here, waiting for the bullets to come.

"Captain, are they trying to capture us alive?"

"That's right, smash the gun and back off to the edge of the cliff."

"Yes" Xiao Liu agreed, picked up his submachine gun, and slammed it at a rock.After dropping the gun, Xiao Liu ran to the cliff.

Tao Chuan didn't drop the gun immediately, but slowly stepped back and asked, "Xiao Liu, how far is it from the cliff?"

"It's not far, just a few steps."

"Okay, jump off the cliff." Tao Chuan said, turned around to look at the edge of the cliff, and smashed the gun down hard.

The police and Vietnamese soldiers who were shooting at Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu guessed that the two men might really be out of bullets when they saw that Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu didn't shoot any more bullets.

So, a small leader shouted, "Comrades, Beikou is out of bullets, rush over and catch him alive."

His shout immediately woke up the terrified public security soldiers.So these people stopped shooting, shouted, and swarmed towards Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu.

Tao Chuan turned around and cursed at the Vietnamese soldiers surrounding him, "Turtle son, there is no door for those who want to catch alive." After cursing, he turned around and ran forward a few steps, flying towards the cliff in the air , after his body ascended to the sky, he could still hear his voice calling Xiao Liu, "Xiao Liu, jump."

Just as Tao Chuan turned around, Xiao Liu was already standing on the edge of the cliff.When he saw Tao Chuan get up, he also raised his legs, and his body jumped upwards, as easily as triple diving, and his whole body fell straight and fast towards the cliff.

A miracle appeared immediately above the cliff.Two black shadows flew down from above.At the same time, there were a large flock of flying birds Hulala flying high below him.A spark flashed in Tao Chuan's brain as he volleyed down, "Oops, there are trees below."

Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu ran to the top of the cliff in a panic. In their panic, they only saw that it was a cliff. As for how far it hangs, they had no time to take a closer look.Since it is called a cliff and it is tens of meters high, no matter what kind of heavy object falls from it, it is unlikely to remain as it is, let alone a naked human body.

Therefore, after Tao Chuan discovered that the desperate situation was a cliff, he had the idea of ​​jumping off the cliff to die for his country.There is no need to consider other things, whether it is water or road below, there is no possibility for people to survive if they jump off the top.Tao Chuan had fully considered this point.Death is not scary, but the most fearful thing is that you are half dead, or you are still breathing, and you are taken back as a prisoner by the enemy. That would really be the tragedy of a soldier.

Tao Chuan thought that if he and Xiao Liu jumped down, they were [-]% sure that they would not survive.That's why he had to shoot out the bullets, smash the gun, and leave no spoils to the Vietnamese army.

With such a cliff in front of him, death is very easy, there is no need to waste an extra bullet on himself, it is better to leave him to the enemy.Therefore, he and Xiao Liu finished shooting all the bullets in the gun, and handed over the right to life to this cliff.

But the moment he fell, he found the bushes below, and Tao Chuan really panicked.If there were sails at this time, he would definitely shake his body against the hard rocks, let them smash his body, and never give the Vietnamese government a chance, even if there is no bone left on his body.

Tao Chuan knew this very well. Whenever the Vietnamese army captured prisoners, they would always make a big splash on newspapers and radio stations, forming a powerful domestic and international public opinion offensive, blowing up the legend that the Vietnamese army was invincible.Therefore, Tao Chuan didn't want to be this victim, and would rather smash himself into mud, so that they would not get any benefit.

However, things backfired, and what happened next was beyond Tao Chuan's expectations.

There is neither water nor land under the cliff, but an endless stretch of green and verdant trees that flourish like a carpet that can't be seen at a glance.Not to mention sharp and hard stones, you can't even see the ground.With such a carpet, how can a person fall to his death if he falls on it?

After flashing his thoughts, Tao Chuan stretched out his hand to the dagger at his waist

"If I can't die from the fall, I will kill myself." Tao Chuan was still determined to die.

Before Tao Chuan could withdraw his hand, he felt that his body had bumped into something, and then he heard "crash" and "kaka".Without looking, he also guessed that it was the body crashing into the treetops.

Tao Chuan intuited that his body continued to sink, and no matter what actions he made, he couldn't change the direction.No choice but to let it go.

When a human body falls from a height of tens of meters, the acceleration can be imagined. At this time, the weight falling to the treetop is by no means a few hundred catties, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he has the strength of thousands of catties.Since it was so heavy and fell so violently, how could the treetops bear it, let alone the treetops, I am afraid that even smaller tree trunks would be broken.

After falling into the bushes, Tao Chuan completely lost control, allowing his body to thump on the treetops, followed by the crackling sound of branches snapping.Although there were bushes following, the speed of descent was not slow.

Except for the whistling wind in his ears, Tao Chuan felt nothing but his body continued to fall.

Suddenly, with a bang, Tao Chuan felt a pain in his head. After that, he lost consciousness, and immediately let go of the right hand holding the dagger, and relaxed all the other limbs, letting it scatter around.

Tao Chuan's head hit an adjacent tree pole firmly.No matter how hard a human's brain is, it can't compete with a solid tree. In a collision, it must be a human being who suffers, not to mention Tao Chuan was still unprepared.Even if he was prepared, he couldn't control this one-on-one duel.

The most pitiful thing is that after Tao Chuan's head hit the tree pole, his body didn't fall to the ground. His legs were entangled by the dense branches on the tree's waist, and he hung such a person upside down in the air.In this case, even if Tao Chuan was not knocked unconscious, it would take a lot of effort to get down from above.

Little Liu was luckier than Tao Chuan. After falling all the way, he was not hindered and landed straight on a bush.

After a series of sounds of "click, click", Xiao Liu felt a pain in his waist, and he couldn't help but let out an "ouch", and then his body stopped moving.

Xiao Liu was blocked by a tree pole and hung sideways in the air.However, Xiao Liu did not faint.

Xiao Liu pushed aside the branches in front of him, and looked at the ground with his head.Only then did he realize that he had been stopped on the bushes. If he wanted to get down, he had to jump down or climb through the branches.Xiao Liu took a deep breath, concentrated all his strength on his hands, and wanted to move his body away from the top with his hands.However, after he moved, he realized that his waist was already weak, and he couldn't use any strength, let alone move half a minute.

"No, I have to go down." Xiao Liu thought to himself, "If you don't leave here in a short time, it will be difficult for the Vietnamese army to come over later.

The Vietnamese soldiers on the cliff were taken aback when they saw Tao Chuan and Xiao Liu jumping off the cliff. They never thought that the Chinese soldiers were so fierce and would rather die than surrender.

There were no more victims on the cliff, so they swarmed forward, wanting to see what happened to the two people who jumped off the cliff.When they found the large bushes below, the little leader of the Vietnamese army laughed and shouted repeatedly:

"Comrades, hurry up, go down and catch alive."

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