soldier rushing forward

4. Gratitude and resentment

Shi Zhuguo checked his watch habitually, guessing that Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong had arrived at the predetermined position, so he ordered the messenger to sound the charge horn. 【 】

"Beep beep beep beep beep beep" the high-pitched charge horn sounded again.

The three mortars assigned to the fourth company selectively fired at enemy positions.The gunfire kept on, the smoke was still there, and the mortar shells that exploded "Dong Dong" extended upwards a little bit.

The fourth company launched the last round of charge to the 400 Heights.

The soldiers circumnavigated the obstacles, rushed across a gentle slope in a close-range shooting posture, and flew towards the halfway up the mountain with loud shouts.

The few bunkers that were not wiped out by the artillery fire suddenly woke up and desperately opened fire on the Chinese soldiers who rushed up.

The soldiers who were charging towards the high ground fell to the ground with a clatter.The machine gun bullets fired by the enemy "swish" and jumped over the soldiers.After the bullet lost its resistance, it shot down the mountain in a straight line.

The soldiers were neither hit by enemy bullets nor completely afraid of enemy shooting, but learned the revolutionary principle of saving themselves and destroying the enemy wisely.This is completely the offensive principle that Shi Zhuguo rigidly instilled in the soldiers of the whole company when the attack is approaching, and it is also a newly created tactical evasion action.

As soon as the soldiers got down, two Japanese soldiers appeared at the forefront.After they crawled over, two flames shot out from the hiding place, and they went straight into a nearby enemy's bunker.Immediately afterwards, screams like howling ghosts and wolves were heard from inside.

Suddenly, two enemies escaped from the bunker with flames, and ran to the top of the mountain desperately.

When the soldiers lying on the ground saw it, they shot at the enemy without waiting for an order.

At this time, the soldiers were already red-eyed. It doesn't matter whether you run away or go home, anyway, the enemy will resolutely destroy it.

After a burst of intensive gunfire, the two enemies fell headlong on the hillside.

Seeing that the dark fort in front of him was cleared, Li Sen jumped up and shouted, "Come on!"

The soldiers lying on the ground stood up again and continued to charge towards the top of the mountain.

Because the slope was too steep, the fighters almost used climbing movements to move forward step by step.

There are five trenches in the 400 Heights. During the half-hour artillery preparation of our army, very few enemies hidden in the trenches were bombed.But the remaining enemies are still resisting tenaciously. Although the number is small, the gunshots from Lingxing still have a lethal effect on the assault troops.

The soldiers rushed forward while shooting.There was a gunshot, and several machine gun bullets were fired at the same time in an instant. The enemy's firepower on the 400 heights completely lost the power to fight back.

After the soldiers rushed through the third trench, they were once again exposed to the enemy's view on the two hills.

At this time, the anti-aircraft machine guns on the two hills rang again.

"Da da da"

The howling anti-aircraft machine gun warheads were wild and mighty, as if I was number one in the world and no one could do anything to me, and rushed towards the high ground fiercely.

As soon as the bullet approached the ground, it made a terrible sound of "popping" hitting the ground.

Anti-aircraft machine gun, as the boss of the gun family, was originally used to deal with low-altitude flying targets due to its rate of fire and intensive firepower.However, a certain country used anti-aircraft machine guns against human weapons in this war.They borrowed from the U.S. military's position-holding style of play, implemented close-to-far cooperation, supported each other lightly and heavily, and used heavy firepower to suppress over-distance.Under normal circumstances, they hide the anti-aircraft machine guns in the caves on the top of the mountain, which can not only suppress fire from a high position, but also avoid the bombardment of our army's artillery.Made the attacking infantry suffer.

Since most of our offensive troops use light weapons.The distance is far, and the firepower of light machine guns and heavy machine guns is helpless against it.Even if the "[-]" recoilless gun is used, it will not be effective due to its short range.At that time, our army's infantry were rarely equipped with anti-aircraft machine guns, and they could not carry out mutual shooting.This is like fighting with a dagger and a long sword, fully revealing the strong and weak of the gun family.Therefore, the enemy's anti-aircraft machine guns guarded the top of the hill, playing their best.

As soon as the anti-aircraft machine gun fired, Shi Zhuguo shouted, "Lie down." Obviously he was mentally prepared and decided to cooperate with Hong Lei tacitly.

Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong, who were hiding in a position with a good view, finally ushered in the best time to snipe.

"You hit the left side, I'll hit the right side." Hong Lei told Wu Jianglong softly, "Remember, after the gunfire, be careful to avoid the enemy's attack from the opposite side."

"Crack, crack,"

There were two gunshots in the grass.After the gunfire, the anti-aircraft machine guns on the two hills shut up almost at the same time.

Hong Lei turned his head and stretched out his thumb to Wu Jianglong. Without saying a word, he made a good evaluation of Wu Jianglong.

After a while, the enemy replaced two anti-aircraft machine gun shooters, and the anti-aircraft machine guns called out again.

Immediately afterwards, two more gunshots came from the grass.After that, the enemy's anti-aircraft machine gun locked the throat again.

Although the enemy on the hill was under attack, due to the loud gunshots on the high ground, it was difficult to make a correct judgment for a while, and it was still impossible to estimate the direction of the bullet.

But the enemy is not a fool. They have learned from years of combat experience that there are snipers nearby.

After an enemy officer realized this, he grabbed the binoculars from his side and searched in front of and behind the mountain in the direction of the bullet against the direction of the bullet.

Although the top of the mountain is very high, it is only 300 meters away from the ambush position of Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong. Otherwise, if it exceeds this distance, the performance of the semi-automatic rifle will not be able to achieve the sniper effect at all.

The enemy officer stopped when he saw Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong hiding.He felt that the grass on this slope was a little strange.Before that, they were familiar with the terrain here, and even a slight change would cause alertness.

After staring at it for a while, the enemy officer seemed to see something.He gestured and said something to an enemy beside him.

Hong Lei kept staring at the enemy.When I saw this officer talking to the people around me, although I couldn't hear what he was saying, I guessed that it must be a bad thing, maybe the enemy discovered them.At that time, he issued an order to Wu Jianglong to "withdraw".

The two of them flinched and slowly stepped back, entering a bomb crater behind them.

As soon as Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong left, anti-aircraft machine gun bullets shot at the place where they were lying.The wormwood, shrubs, and stones there were blown everywhere, leaving a mess in an instant.

Wu Jianglong took a peek at Hong Lei, and thought to himself, "Thanks to the instructor for discovering it early, otherwise, I would have been smashed to pieces."

After firing the anti-aircraft machine gun for a while, it stopped dumbly.Although the gunfire stopped, the enemy officer didn't take his eyes away, he was still staring at that place.Because he did not find the bodies of Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong, he was looking for them, determined to kill the Chinese Communists hiding here.

Shi Zhuguo, who organized the attack on the hillside, was also not idle.After he found that the enemy's anti-aircraft machine guns were silent, he guessed that Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong might have succeeded.Stand up and shout, "Comrades, go!"

Without the suppression of anti-aircraft machine guns, the soldiers were relieved, and finally rushed through the enemy's blockade and jumped into the first trench.

We covered it earlier.The trenches built by the enemy are extremely concealed. Whether it is its depth or width, people who enter it can feel safe.In the absence of artillery attacks and anti-aircraft machine guns, what do the soldiers worry about.One word, "Chong".

Li Sen carried forward the exemplary role of revolutionary cadres rushing to the front, rushing to the front, and reckless, and was the first to rampage in the trench.As we advance, we shoot, with a desperate drive to kill those who touch me and those who stop me.

The enemy commander on the hill on the left was angry that Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong could not be found.When he found that Shi Zhuguo was rushing towards the 400 Heights with his men, he had to turn the anti-aircraft machine gun fire to the attacking soldiers again.

"Da da da" anti-aircraft machine gun bullets swept towards the charging crowd.

With the sound of "Dang", Hong Lei hit the anti-aircraft machine gun shooter on the hill on the left again.

When the enemy on the hill on the left was fighting with Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong, the machine gun on the hill on the right didn't fire for a long time, and they didn't know what the enemy was doing.

After the machine gun on the hill on the left was killed, the two hills fell completely silent.

"Instructor, the enemy's machine guns have stopped firing." Wu Jianglong said excitedly to Hong Lei.As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly found more than a dozen enemies in front of them, and Wu Jianglong added, "Instructor, there are enemies coming."

"I see." Hong Lei said calmly, "Don't think that the enemies are all fools. They don't speak, which means they are thinking of new ideas." Hong Lei moved his body, "Don't move, I will lure the enemy away, you lie down Just don't move."

Only then did Wu Jianglong realize the danger in front of him, "Instructor, I'll go."

"Stay still. This is an order." After Hong Lei finished speaking, he stood up suddenly and slammed a barrage of bullets at the charging enemy.

"Da da da"

Hong Lei retreated while fighting, and more than a dozen enemies chased in the direction of Hong Lei's gunfire.The two enemies almost stepped on Wu Jianglong's body hidden in the grass.They were only chasing after Hong Lei, but they ignored the fact that there was another shotgun in front of them.

Hong Lei retreated in the direction of the 400 Heights, while shooting at the chasing enemy.

The enemies on the hills on both sides also fired anti-aircraft machine gun bullets after they spotted Hong Lei who stood up.On the one hand, it is chased by the condescending bullets, and on the other hand, it is the pursuit of the enemy on the ground.For a moment, Hong Lei was in danger.

In addition to dodging and moving, Hong Lei had to keep burying his body, jumping and lying down, using the tactics of rabbit hiding from eagles.

Wu Jianglong looked at it quietly for a while, and couldn't bear it anymore.He would rather sacrifice himself than let the instructor be chased and beaten by the enemy.

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't know what danger was.He stood up, turned around, raised his semi-automatic rifle and fired continuously at the back of the chasing enemy.

"Da da, da da" two bursts of fire hit three enemies.

Hong Lei realized that the enemy was no longer chasing him, turned around and found Wu Jianglong firing from behind the enemy, and cursed inwardly, "Damn boy, I told you not to move, why did you still shoot?" There was nothing to worry about, so he also fought.

The enemy who was chasing Hong Lei heard the gunshots behind him and realized that he was ambushed by our army. He panicked all of a sudden, lying on the ground and shooting randomly to both sides. He didn't talk about any tactics.

Under the attack of Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong, there were not many enemies left in an instant.The few enemies who were not killed knew that they could not return to the top of the mountain, so they jumped into the trench and fled desperately to the top of the 400 height.

Hong Lei and Wu Jianglong followed and jumped into the trench to pursue these enemies.

After Shi Zhuguo led the soldiers of the fourth company to rush through three trenches in a row, they finally occupied the fifth trench and rushed to the top of the highland.

As soon as the soldiers stopped, they suddenly noticed several enemies rushing from the other side. They thought it was enemy reinforcements, so they bent down and gave these enemies a head-on blow.

The bullets formed powerful firepower in front of and behind these enemies, and were temporarily compressed in the trench.

These few enemies never dreamed that the 400 Heights, which they had occupied for a long time, would be captured by the Japanese in less than two hours.

The last two enemies alive had to drop their guns, raise their hands, and emerge from around the corner to become Chinese prisoners.

After conquering Heights 400, the soldiers were still under heavy fire from enemy anti-aircraft machine guns on two hills.

Shi Zhuguo became angry, "First platoon leader, you go and take down the hill on the left."

"Yes," the platoon leader agreed and led the men along the trench to the hill on the left.

"Second platoon leader, lead someone to take down the one on the right." Shi Zhuguo then gave Li Sen an order.

"Yes." Li Sen shouted to the soldiers in the second row behind him, "Follow me."

Hong Lei smiled wryly at Shi Zhuguo, and said, "I never expected that the enemy here is really tenacious." He glanced at Wu Jianglong, and said to Shi Zhuguo, "This job is because Wu Jianglong and I didn't do a good job, let's go!"

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