soldier rushing forward

5. Bloody bayonet

The magical subtropical climate is in the palm of your hand. 【 】

By two o'clock in the afternoon, the curtain of gloom had already been removed without a trace.The naked sun hangs alone in the sky, raising his fiery warmth to the highest level, burning every plant and tree on the mountain with the flames of arrogance, contempt, nobility, and arrogance.

Every soldier on the battlefield, after being washed by the cold rain in the morning, began to squeeze the stored sweat from the body.The constant running, fighting, anger, and fear have reduced the moisture in the subcutaneous tissue to a minimum.Excessive fatigue makes movement have a mechanical inertia; excessive hunger and thirst loses the need for water.

The four hours of continuous charging almost drained all the energy in everyone's body.But the outcome of a war often lies in who can bear the greatest suffering, and whoever can win the final victory.

Shi Guozhu is very aware of the physical fitness of the soldiers at the moment, but he understands better the principle of "it is advisable to be victorious and brave to chase the poor". If the enemy on the 689 highland is given a chance to breathe, then the 230 and 457 highlands will be in danger.Therefore, he asked the soldiers to climb to the 689 Heights, and to gnaw down the 689 Heights.Cut off the snake's head and completely open the way for the large troops to pass through.

Determined, Shi Guozhu called up the reserve team, preparing for a horizontal attack on the 689 Heights.

The 689 highland is a mountain ridge composed of three hills, which is three kilometers long in the longitudinal direction.The grass is deep and the forest is dense, the bushes are overgrown, the cliffs are covered by trees, the traps are covered by thick grass, bamboo sticks and landmines are all over the front positions, and danger is everywhere.

Rows upon rows of trenches.Ming Fort, Dark Fort and Maoerdong are located on the hilltops and mountainsides of the three highlands.Seven deep trenches with a height of two meters and a width of more than one meter cut the mountain into eight sections, like seven boa constrictors coiled in the depths of the grass, with their cold and black mouths open, ready to devour everyone who approaches them people.

The five 100mm mortars brought up were first prepared for artillery fire.Mortar shells fell into the ground formation with the whistling of the wind, and thick smoke rose instantly from the front position of 689 Heights.

Dozens of soldiers from the third company were divided into combat groups of five according to the best formation for mountain combat, and the horizontal distance between each group was controlled at about seven meters, so that it was convenient to communicate with each other and support each other during the advance.One was attacked by a dark fort, and the other was quickly outflanked.

For this attack, Shi Guozhu did not set up a reserve team, not even a single reserve soldier.Although he committed a military taboo, time does not wait for him, and battlefield discipline does not allow him.He has issued a military order to the head of the regiment, and he must take the 689 Heights before dark.Therefore, he will fight to the death.

He looked up at the sky, then at the watch on his wrist, and before the artillery fire stopped, he ordered:


The troops marched towards the three high grounds, pulled into a line and began to attack.

The first row is responsible for the unnamed highland on the left, the second row focuses on the peak of 689 highland, and the third row is responsible for the unnamed highland on the right.

The second row moved forward in a valley.Although the wormwood that was higher than the head blocked the enemy's sight, it also caused great difficulties for the soldiers to move forward.The thick blades of grass are connected by roots and vines, either tripping over or getting stuck in rotting grass.

After the enemy on the mountain discovered our army's intentions, they immediately dispatched artillery fire to shell the grass.

"Boom, boom, boom"

The shells that fell into the grass uprooted the wormwood, and the smoke from the explosion filled the grass.

The enemy huddled in a circular ditch at the protruding part of the front, confident that the road was narrow and steep, the fortifications were strong, and the thatch covering the slope was as high as a man's cover, so he proudly exposed half of his body, poked his head out, and looked down the slope. , As long as the wormwood moves down the slope, it will shoot.

"Da da da" two machine guns kept firing, and the second row was crushed in the tall grass downhill.

Because the wormwood is too deep and dense.The soldiers were blocked by the enemy's bullets, so they couldn't get out of the grassland, and they couldn't see the target clearly. They could only hear the bullets rubbing against the wormwood, and "swish" flying over their heads and around them. "Papa" crispy.

The soldiers couldn't tell where the bullet came from, and they didn't know which direction to fire back, so they were completely passive and beaten.

Two fighters were hit by bullets.The health worker and another soldier stepped forward to rescue, but were also hit by flying bullets.

Wu Jianglong couldn't bear it any longer. He stared at the flying bullets, identified the general direction of the enemy, and threw a grenade forward.With the rising smoke, he jumped out of the grass and hid behind a big rock.

The grenade flew out of the grass, deviated from the direction, and did not cause any damage to the enemy after the explosion.

The three enemies in the trench laughed and laughed, and boldly stuck their heads out, shooting without any hesitation while looking for the direction of the grass.

Wu Jianglong hid behind the stone, gritted his teeth and scolded: "F*ck, make you beautiful." He suddenly stretched out his submachine gun, and after shooting one by one, he saw an enemy's head slap, like a stone hitting a watermelon Blood burst out.

The enemy guarding one side saw his companion's head drooping suddenly in the trench, so he moved forward on the ground for some unknown reason.Since the gunfire was too dense and the shooter was not seen, I thought this guy was tired and fell asleep to rest.

Wu Jianglong then made two more bursts.

Reaching out to pull other people's enemies, and the guy who was watching all of a sudden lowered his head.

The few remaining enemies thought that our army had snipers, so they shrank their heads back into the trench in fright, and dared not stick out again.

The soldiers who were suppressed in the grass finally found an opportunity to attack.They bravely rushed out of the grass, throwing grenades into the trenches as they ran.

Taking advantage of the gunpowder smoke after the explosion of the grenade, Wu Jianglong jumped to the edge of the trench and shouted:

"Nao (P) Songkongmuyi (Ge)" (Pay your gun and don't kill!)

The four enemies in the trench found that Wu Jianglong was the only one standing on the edge of the trench, so how could they be willing to capture him without a fight.An enemy nearby suddenly reached out and grabbed Wu Jianglong's submachine gun, and dragged him down the trench with both men and guns, trying to capture him alive.

The moment Wu Jianglong fell into the ditch, he shrank back and distanced himself from the enemy.After dodging the enemy's blow, he slammed the gun into his arms, then sent it forward again, and stabbed the bayonet into the enemy's lower abdomen fiercely.

The enemy who was stabbed into the lower abdomen by the bayonet was holding on to the barrel of the gun and yelling at his accomplices, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

His accomplice saw an opportunity, so he raised his gun and shot across the enemy.

Wu Jianglong knew that he couldn't hide, so he could only find a shield to block the bullet.Thinking that the enemy in front of him was the best human shield, he clapped his hands and vigorously picked up the enemy who was grabbing the gun with the bayonet, and used the enemy's body to meet the incoming bullets.

"Da da da" a shuttle of bullets, every one got into the enemy's body.

Xiao Yong rushed over, shooting the enemy with a burst of rapid fire.

After a burst of fierce blows from the soldiers, the enemy in the trench couldn't stand it anymore, so they had to leave the trench and retreat while fighting.

Xiao Yong ran forward after chasing the enemy, but suddenly tripped and fell to the ground.He turned his head to see what had tripped him up and saw a telephone wire.He thought that the telephone line must be connected to the enemy command post, and if he cut it off, the enemy would become blind.

"Turtle son, I let you talk."

Xiao Yong cursed while cutting the phone line with a bayonet.But after cutting for a long time, I didn't cut it open.He became angry, "Damn, I don't believe in that evil, I can't fix you." He dropped the bayonet, grabbed the telephone wire fiercely, put it in his mouth and began to bite with his teeth.His mouth was pierced, and blood trickled down the corners of his mouth, but he still refused to flinch.After a while of biting, the telephone wire was bitten off by him.Xiao Yong spat a few mouthfuls of blood, and threw the broken telephone line to the ground, "Turtle son, I'm telling you to be hard." He picked up the submachine gun on the ground and continued to run forward, chasing the person in front.

At this time, the row that attacked the unnamed high ground on the left was about to rush to the enemy's first line of defense.Suddenly, the enemy's machine gun hidden in the bushes rang out, and the two soldiers who rushed to the front were hit by the machine gun and fell to the ground "poof".The entire row was crushed under the slope.

The platoon leader looked at the soldiers who rushed to the ground in front of him, and suddenly recalled the company commander Shi Guozhu's stare at him and the sentence he scolded, "xxx is an old woman peeing." My heart still hurts.yes!If a person who leads troops doesn't look good in battle, what kind of cadre is he?He was so beaten by the enemy that he couldn't hold his head up, he was so useless, what kind of soldier was he.There is nothing wrong with the company commander calling you an old woman peeing.However, company commander, you are scolding at that time, not now.Now, I'm going to put on a show to show you that I'm by no means an old woman. "

"Squad leader, come here." A platoon leader shouted.

The squad leader climbed over.

"If I am honored, you will be in charge of the first row." A row of long hair said fiercely.

The squad leader looked at him in amazement, "No, we have to live together."

"Stop talking." The leader of the first row glared, "Give me another grenade on your body."

The first squad leader reluctantly handed the grenade to the first platoon leader.

"Remember my words!" After speaking, he jumped out of the slope.

As soon as the platoon leader jumped out of the slope, he was targeted by the machine gun.He made two vertical leaps in a row, but he couldn't dodge the machine gun bullet. He was hit in the left leg and fell to the ground with a puff.

He dragged his injured leg and continued to crawl forward.

"Da da da" the enemy fired fiercely, and two more bullets hit his right leg.Seeing him lie on the ground and stop motionless.After a while, he raised his head again, and strenuously put his elbows on the ground, moving forward inch by inch, getting closer and closer to the enemy.Suddenly, he straightened his chest and threw a grenade forward with all his strength.

"Da da da" the bullet hit his chest again.He paused, raised his hand, and threw the second grenade.

After two "boom, boom", the enemy's machine guns stopped firing.

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