soldier rushing forward

412、Searching in the Darkness

The sky is dark and foggy.Outside the jungle is a chaotic world.Can't tell which is the sky and which is the earth.At first glance, it is no wonder that Wu Jianglong regards the torch as a star.

Facing many stagnant torches, Wu Jianglong guessed what happened?

"Could it be that the Vietnamese army is having a bonfire party?" As soon as this idea flashed across, Wu Jianglong rejected it immediately. "Absolutely impossible. In the face of these infiltrated Chinese soldiers, the Vietnamese army will not have such a carefree mind. Even if there is, he has to see if there are guns pointed at him around him. Is this place safe? If it is not this , so why on earth?"

Wu Jianglong thought about it for a while, and suddenly realized that the Vietnamese army would not place so many torches with great fanfare. Could it be that they were looking for someone?By the way, who are they looking for, and who could it be!Wu Jianglong suddenly thought of You Ziwu and the others, and secretly shouted, "No, the enemy is coming towards You Ziwu and the others."

Looking at it from here, the lineup of torches is very regular.The periphery is a large circle, and the center is dark.

It seems that the problem lies in the dark place, but where can there be anything, is it really You Ziwu and the others?If it was really them, and the Vietnamese army was in such a strong momentum, why didn't they attack anywhere, but they didn't enter.What's in it?Wu Jianglong continued to guess.

At such a long distance, the visibility is very poor. Even with a [-]-power telescope in his hand, Wu Jianglong couldn't see the church.Therefore, he still doesn't know what is surrounded by the Vietnamese army.However, judging from the lack of light, there must be something special in the darkness.

"It seems that You Ziwu and the others are in danger!" Thinking of this, Wu Jianglong couldn't help but startled.

If so many Vietnamese troops were to surround him, how could You Ziwu and the others rush out with their guns.

"No, I have to find a way to rescue them." Wu Jianglong secretly made up his mind.

It's a good decision, but it's hard to do it.He had no more than ten guns in his hand, and no heavy weapons.If it was placed in the past, calling for a burst of artillery fire would have solved everything.But the times are different now. Their mission is reconnaissance, and there is no reason to ask their superiors for fire support. Even if they ask for instructions, their superiors will not rashly send him a few cannons.

However, without artillery, with the strength in his hands alone, not to mention saving people, it is a big problem whether he can escape after the Vietnamese army finds out.Wu Jianglong continued to be in a fierce ideological struggle.I prayed secretly in my heart: "You Ziwu, You Ziwu, it's best to think of a way to come out by yourself. Right now, all I can do is to welcome you here."

It was as if time had also been pushed into the darkness, and it was hard to tell what time he had gone.

You Ziwu opened his eyes after taking a nap, stood up slowly, and looked out the window.

Although it was dark outside, there were torches to illuminate them, and the Vietnamese army would guide them in any direction they might go out.Looking back, the inside of the church was pitch black, with no light at all.

Although he couldn't see anything, he could guess that the soldiers were all guarding their posts.There was no sound, no voice.Everyone remained silent, waiting for the attack of the Vietnamese army.

It's fine for others not to move, but You Ziwu can't be idle.In addition to the quick search for relief in his mind, he also had to solve the problem of food and drink for the soldiers.

Running around continuously, I ate all the compressed biscuits and drank all the water.

Now that they have found a safe place, they can gain a moment of peace, but this is also temporary.Everyone understands this—tonight can survive, but tomorrow, there will definitely be a desperate battle tomorrow, and the Vietnamese army will not let them stay in peace like this.

So everyone understands that whether they can survive tomorrow is the key.

Now that you have time to rest, stay still and recover as much energy as you can.

However, the soldiers who had just rested soon encountered a bigger problem, which was how to comfort their growling stomachs.

If you go outside, get some edible grass roots and leaves, and drink some river water, you can still deal with it for a while.But now it's no longer possible, I can't go outside, and the inside is so empty that it's not as good as wild.This is how to do?Nothing, fantasy can not solve this problem.

You Ziwu couldn't sit still anymore and woke Li Xiaohua up.

"Li Xiaohua, let's go."

Li Xiaohua, who was exhausted, said: "Squad leader, where are you going? Let's take a rest!"

You Ziwu said: "We have to go to the basement to see. I don't believe it, those old men don't even leave a retreat."

There may be some truth in what You Ziwu thinks.Judging from how long the church has been abandoned and its location, this church has a lot of history.Calculating forward, every period of Vietnam's history is in turmoil.In a turbulent age, if people want to survive, the first consideration is self-protection.Although the church is well-defended and organized, once he is surrounded by people from the outside, he will be trapped to death over time.The builders of that era would not be so stupid as not to leave themselves a retreat.Therefore, You Ziwu believes that there must be some mechanism in the church.

The second floor did not dare to have light, because it was afraid of a surprise attack by the Vietnamese army outside.When they saw a light, they might shoot in and throw grenades.Because there are windows here.

The first floor is completely enclosed, so people outside can't see it.So, it's okay to light a fire.What's more, You Ziwu couldn't work without lighting the fire.

So, You Ziwu found some rotten wood, set up a fire on the ground, and made another torch with the light, and then he took Li Xiaohua to walk in one direction—the hole leading to the basement.

The opening is located at the innermost corner of the first floor.It was originally covered with a stone slab.Now, the stone slab was carried away to block the door, so a dark hole was left here.

During the day, You Ziwu and Li Xiaohua came down once.After digging around in the basement, they found nothing, except for some musty, messy broken objects, nothing useful.

This time it was different, You Ziwu came here with a purpose, so he would naturally look very carefully.

You Ziwu held a torch in front, and Li Xiaohua followed closely behind.

Through the downward stairs on the first floor, the two walked towards the basement step by step.

In the previous chapter, we were busy introducing the situation of the enemy army, so we didn't have time to introduce this basement.Now, let's focus on explaining, let's follow in the footsteps of You Ziwu and Li Xiaohua!

There is a long passage in the basement, leading directly from the first floor to the underground.

After You Ziwu opened the iron door, a musty and musty smell came to his nostrils.You Ziwu is okay, the children from the countryside have never suffered.But Li Xiaohua is different. He comes from a medium-sized city, and he has never been exposed to such things.Therefore, no matter how prepared he is for such an occasion, subconsciously, he will still feel very uncomfortable.Involuntarily covered his nose.

You Ziwu looked back at him, said nothing, turned his head, and continued to walk down.

As the stairs descended, the damp, stench became more apparent.No one wants to explore such a place unless it is absolutely necessary.Except for the Raiders.

Torches whistled in the airless basement.

The further you go in, the more dim the light is, and you are about to die, like a dying old man, flickering feebly.

Li Xiaohua: "Squad leader, the torch is about to go out." He was afraid, but he didn't dare to say it back, so he could only use this as an excuse to try You Ziwu's tone.

You Ziwu: "If you are afraid, go back."

Although these soldiers are soldiers, they are all about seventeen or eighteen years old.If a person who has just grown up has not experienced any major setbacks, his will must be fragile.His courage has not been well tempered, and it is inevitable that he will be afraid when encountering unexpected situations.

Regardless of the fact that the soldiers of the reconnaissance brigade have undergone training in various subjects and have survived in the wild many times, they are not afraid to go deep into an underground black cave that is more than ten meters below the ground, full of horror, depth and coldness. That is lying.

Human instinct is like this, sometimes he is not afraid of death, but he is always full of fear for ghosts and other strange things.Only when he fully understands it and adapts can he face it bravely.Perhaps, this is an instinct of advanced animals, and no one can deny this law.If you don't believe me, just try it.

Hearing what You Ziwu said, Li Xiaohua obviously felt the monitor's dissatisfaction towards him.So, he changed his tone and said, "It's not because I'm afraid, but because I'm afraid that our efforts will be wasted again."

"I have to look for the useless." You Ziwu replied impatiently.

Li Xiaohua has always been afraid of this monitor who is only two years older than him.Seeing that the squad leader was angry, he didn't dare to say anything, so he had to imitate You Ziwu and silently followed him to touch the wall.

As the light moves, we see piles of debris piled up under the walls.

These may be human bones, or they may be wood residue turned into soil, otherwise, there would be so much musty smell.

The walls are made of stone strips, and there is not even a gap to be found, let alone a hole.The only possibility that exists is under these debris on the ground.

The eyes of You Ziwu and Li Xiaohua began to move from the wall to the ground.

After staying for a long time, most of the air was consumed by the torches.You Ziwu also felt a kind of suffocation.

You Ziwu began to despair, thinking: "It seems that this is really a basement for storage." But he was a little unwilling, and wanted to persevere.You Ziwu turned his head to look at Li Xiaohua, and felt that his panting was a little rough, and he knew that he was going to be unable to hold on any longer.Then he said to Li Xiaohua: "You go up first."

"how about you?"

"I'll look for it again."

"No, let's look for it together." Li Xiaohua insisted.Leave the squad leader here, in case something goes wrong, who am I?Since the squad leader doesn't leave, he can't either.he thought so.

"Go up and open that door wider, so as not to run out of gas." You Ziwu found an excuse.

"Okay!" Since he didn't let himself leave, he went to open the door, and he didn't leave the basement, so he went there.

Li Xiaohua walked out of the basement and walked towards the stairs leading to the first floor.

The torch was in You Ziwu's hand. He was in the basement, so the light on the stairs was very dark.

Li Xiaohua couldn't see anything, so he could only walk while leaning on the wall.

When he reached the junction of the stairs and the basement, his hand touched a slightly protruding ball.

"Squad leader, there seems to be something here." Li Xiaohua stopped and hurriedly called You Ziwu.

You Ziwu came over and held a torch to illuminate the place Li Xiaohua said.

Under the light of the torch, he saw a sphere on the wall similar to the one we use today.

"What is this?" You Ziwu stretched out his hand to touch it.It feels slippery, not at all like the stones that were built here with the stone strips.

"Like an agency," You Ziwu said.As he spoke, he put more strength into his hands, holding the protruding part of the boulder and twisting it back and forth.

Suddenly, there was a sound on a wall next to the stairs.

You Ziwu held a torch and walked towards the sound.As soon as I got here, the torches began to flicker, as if being blown by the wind.

Using the light, You Ziwu saw a gap of two or three centimeters on the wall.

You Ziwu understood that this gap was where he twisted the stone ball.So, You Ziwu ran back to the round stone and twisted it hard.As the boulders rolled, the gaps in the stone walls became wider and wider, until finally the width of two people was parallel.

Li Xiaohua exclaimed: "Squad leader, there is a hole here."

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