soldier rushing forward

413, come back in vain

The swimming Vietnamese army was like a galaxy. Although no one could be seen, it could be seen from the light of the burning torches that these Vietnamese troops had completely blocked the surrounding of the church.

On a piece of grass, Li Zhiming's temporary command post was built, which was out of the reach of bullets fired from the church.For the sake of safety, the Vietnamese troops also built a low wall with soil before the command.Li Zhiming, Peng Shaohui and several other officers of the Vietnamese Army stood behind the low wall.

Li Zhiming looked at the church in the distance, silently.

Peng Shaohui couldn't bear it anymore, and said, "Commander, in my opinion, it's better for us to launch an attack now."

Li Zhiming: "Don't worry, the Beikou has become a turtle in the urn, and we won't be here for a while." Turning to another officer, "Notify the companies, take the time to rest, and start attacking tomorrow morning."

Seeing that his opinion was not adopted, Peng Shaohui said to Li Zhiming embarrassingly: "Leader, I'll go ahead and have a look."

"Hmm" Li Zhiming snorted from his nose.

Li Zhiming was very disappointed by Peng Shaohui's performance in the past few days. Although he did not criticize him severely, he already felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

"He's still an experienced combat staff officer! He can't even keep up with one person. Not only did he let the large army of the Beikou flee, but he also killed so many people himself. There are no immortals in a war, and it doesn't matter if you die. But, don't just kill yourself! The enemy also has to die more. Even if there is no tie, there must be a tail. However, since the war with the Chinese side, let alone wipe out this squadron that crossed the border Drop, until now, not even a single one of them was caught alive."

Li Zhiming put all the responsibility on Peng Shaohui.

Peng Shaohui left Li Zhiming's command post and returned to his small team.Peng Shaohui crouched down in a dark place, staring unwillingly at the tall building of the church.

It was dark outside the church, motionless like a sleeping monster.

Peng Shaohui was thinking, what are the people inside doing now, why there is no movement at all, don't they have any plans to escape.Peng Shaohui had been in the church before, and he also knew that there were not many Chinese Communists there.If it was dark, the Vietnamese soldiers would definitely be able to take him out in one go.But this Li Zhiming refused, and had to wait until dawn.

"Ah!" Thinking of this, he sighed involuntarily.How great it would be if I had this right!

You Ziwu and Li Xiaohua opened the tunnel door, and they entered the tunnel.

Originally, the air in the basement was full of mold, but compared with this place, it was like a small house seeing a big house.

The long-term lack of air circulation has turned this place into a dead pool of filth.

According to common sense, You Ziwu should wait until the air inside communicates with the air outside before he can enter, so that there will be no fatal danger.But, how could You Ziwu wait for this.The enemy is at present, and human life is at stake. Finding a way as soon as possible is the top priority.So, as soon as the door opened, the two walked in.

The torch was shaking in the dark passage, and the figure was illuminated by the light, constantly changing its figure on the wall.

The secret passage is as tall as a person and more than one meter wide.It twists and turns and stretches forward.The walls and roof of the cave are all made of stones. After touching it, it feels slippery, as if touching a kind of animal mucus.Not only that, the kind of heart-warming coolness is simply creepy.

You Ziwu is in front with a torch, and Li Xiaohua is behind.The two walked out of the darkness, and then walked into the darkness again.Except where the torch went, all other places seemed to be terrifying like ghosts.

"Where is the passage?" Li Xiaohua asked unconfidently.

"Just look at it."

"It would be great if I could go out." Li Xiaohua wanted to speak to dispel the fear in his body.

"Keep quiet." You Ziwu stopped Li Xiaohua. On the one hand, the air here is thin, so we should try to save some oxygen.On the other hand, only in the static state can we find out what is abnormal in it in time.

What could be unusual?An underground passage that has been closed for too long, no one will come here.If people don't come, don't there be other animals?This is a question that You Ziwu has been concerned about.

He has experienced the power of that giant python, so don't meet him here.

The two stopped talking, touched the wall, and continued to move forward along the passage.

After the passage turned a corner, there was a sound ahead.

"Attention, there is a situation ahead." You Ziwu reminded Li Xiaohua.

At the same time, the two guns were pointed forward.

The two stood there and waited for a long time, only to hear the constant ding-dong sound ahead.

"It's like the sound of water." Li Xiaohua couldn't help but said.

You Ziwu said nothing, and handed the torch to Li Xiaohua, "You wait here." Then, he walked out of the light and groped towards the direction of the sound in the dark.

As You Ziwu continued to move forward, the ding-dong sound became more and more obvious.

At this time, there was no light around You Ziwu, and the whole person was in darkness.His purpose of doing this is not to make himself a target of anyone.

Gradually, You Ziwu's feet became wet. The further he walked, the more humid it became, and there was a sound of wading.Obviously, You Ziwu walked into the puddle.

As the puddle got deeper, You Ziwu felt water droplets falling from the top of his head again.

You Ziwu dodged away, and the water droplets hit the puddle, making a ding-dong sound.

"Oh" it turned out to be you guy.

After You Ziwu knew what was going on, he called Li Xiaohua: "Come here!".

After Li Xiaohua walked over holding the torch, he saw the puddle on the ground through the light.Then I looked up and saw that on the roof of the shed, the water sooth gathered and was wet and dewed. At this time, another drop of water that had just formed jumped down.

"It seems that there is a river above it." You Ziwu said.

"So, we have already walked out of that grassland." Li Xiaohua looked excited.

"It's possible." You Ziwu said, "Go ahead and see what happens.

The two continued to move forward, waded through the puddle, and arrived at a clean place again.

Walking, walking, You Ziwu felt a feeling of going uphill.

Suddenly, the light was blocked in front, illuminating a wall on the way forward.

"It seems that the secret passage has come to an end." You Ziwu judged that the secret passage might be ahead.With that said, You Ziwu accelerated and walked forward.

"Oh, as expected, there is a hole here." You Ziwu stood on the top in front of the wall, looked up and saw a tall shaft above.

The shaft goes straight up and down, and there is no iron ladder in sight.

You Ziwu estimated that to climb to the top, there must be a distance of at least seven or eight meters.The distance is not far, but there is no place to stay on the shaft.People don't have wings, so they can't fly up!

But he is not reconciled, he does not believe that there is a hole but no place to climb, otherwise, what is the use of this hole.After thinking about it this way, You Ziwu felt that there must be a mystery in it.

"What do you use to push it up!" You Ziwu held up the torch and looked up.

The torches were about to burn out, and the flames flickered on and off.

"The torch is about to go out." Li Xiaohua reminded.

As soon as Li Xiaohua finished speaking, the torch flickered, and it was completely extinguished.Immediately, the cave was as dark as thick ink, and it was almost impossible to see anything.

Li Xiaohua exclaimed: "Squad leader, where are you?" As he spoke, he reached out his hand to touch in the dark.

You Ziwu: "I didn't move, I was right in front of you."

"Then let's go back! Anyway, the entrance to the cave has been found." Li Xiaohua was a little nervous.

"Okay, let's go." After You Ziwu finished speaking, he was about to take a step when he heard someone walking at the top of the shaft.

You Ziwu hurriedly reminded Li Xiaohua softly, "Be careful, there seems to be someone up there."

At this time, most of the movements above are caused by people.So who is it!Of course not my own.

We said in the previous document that Wu Jianglong had already seen the encirclement of the Vietnamese army from a distance on the edge of a jungle.But he weighed the strength of the troops in his hand and felt that it was basically not advisable to rush in to save people.You can get in but how do you get out!If the outsiders can't break through, the result is still the same as You Ziwu and the others, increasing the record of the Vietnamese army in vain.Besides, it was so dark that he didn't know what the Vietnamese army was surrounding with torches. If it wasn't for You Ziwu and the others, wouldn't the consequences of doing so be like eating for nothing.

Wu Jianglong would never make such a mistake.So, after thinking about it, he decided to wait until dawn.

There was no other way, Wu Jianglong had no choice but to take these people and hide in this forest, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.

While waiting, he urged the radio soldiers to call.After not hearing You Ziwu's accurate answer, Wu Jianglong would not just throw them away.

The radio soldiers kept calling, "Mole Mole, please answer... Mole Mole, please answer"

No matter how the radio soldier shouted, the other party just didn't respond at all.

Inside the church, Fang Fangxu and Yi Dongzi are playing with a radio station.

Fang Zixu urged: "How about it, can it be done?"

Dongzi fiddled with the button on the radio, "It should be no problem, it's all 861, but why doesn't he think about it!"

"If you think about it again, there must be something wrong." Fang Zixu comforted.

Dongzi turned the radio over.While fiddling with it, he said, "After all, it's not my own, hands-on."

Fang Zixu: "Forget it! Having it is better than not having it. If the Vietnamese army hadn't come in with it on their backs, I'm afraid we wouldn't even be able to do anything about it."

Dongzi took off the cover of the radio and checked the batteries inside.At this time, he saw that the battery had weakened, and then he understood the reason why the radio did not ring.

"It turns out that the battery is dead."

"Well, it's nothing. Where can I get the battery now?" Fang Zixu was helpless.

"You wait" Dongzi left the radio and ran towards the second floor.

Although there was no fire on the second floor, the light from the fire outside could vaguely shine through the window, forming a faint light on the wall.

As soon as Dongzi came up, he saw another radio station near the window.

This is Dongzi's radio station, which was destroyed by the Vietnamese army, so it can only be left there as a waste product.

After Dongzi went upstairs, he came straight to the radio station.

His figure flickered at the window, and immediately, a gunshot sounded outside the church.

"Ba..." A bullet flew in from the window and hit the opposite wall.

Dongzi stuck his head on the ground.

Another soldier guarding the other window saw it and exclaimed, "Dongzi, Dongzi, what's the matter?"

Dongzi lay on the ground, not daring to move, and said softly, "Don't move, there are snipers outside."

House Xu heard abnormal voices on the second floor, so he also came to the second floor from the first floor, and asked, "What's the matter?" Talking, he walked carelessly towards the second floor.

Dongzi shouted: "Lao Fang, don't come here, it's dangerous."

House Xu stopped and asked. "what happened?"

Dongzi: "Turn back quickly. There are enemy snipers outside."

After Fang Zixu figured it out, he no longer dared to walk upright, so he quickly bent down and touched the window quietly.

House Xu leaned his body against the wall, poked half of his head out to look out the window, just like that, there was still a gunshot outside.

The bullet that flew in, rubbed the tip of the house Xu's nose, and also hit the wall inside the church, creating a spark. .

"Lie down and don't move." Fang Zixu reminded everyone after realizing the danger.

"Damn it, I have to find him. Otherwise, when the enemy attacks tomorrow, he will be the greatest danger." Fang Fangxu secretly made plans.

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