soldier rushing forward

437、Heartache After Losing Comrades

Among the high mountains, a small hill was exposed.On the top of the mountain, You Ziwu and the soldiers waiting here are anxiously looking forward to the return of the three of Shaoke.

They have simply built a fortification here, just in case.

When there was nothing to do, You Ziwu looked up at the sky.

The gray sky made it hard to tell if it was morning or afternoon.You Ziwu's eyes are as empty as the sky.After a while of loneliness, a kind of sadness appeared on his face:

At the end of the day, they broke through the siege of the Vietnamese army, and then turned around to get rid of the enemy's pursuit, but that was the result of the team leader blocking the enemy.After such a long time, there is still no news from the captain, and Shaoke, Du Hai, and Wang Mingjun, who were looking for food, have not returned for a long time.

Thinking of these, can You Ziwu feel better?

"Oh!" Youzi Wu Wangtian sighed.

Li Shaohua, who was lying on the ground, said, "Why don't you go and look for it."

"I want to look for it then, where can I find it!" You Ziwu was helpless.

There are only five of them left in a squad of fighters.He didn't want to take this risk again. If the unexpected happened again, it would be beyond what the five of them could bear.Besides, he and Shaoke have already made an appointment, and they will gather here.If they leave at this time, what if Shao Ke and the three come back and can't find themselves.

After much deliberation, You Ziwu decided to stay here.Now that the matter has come to this, and there is no better way for them, they can only stay here.What's more, the physical strength of the soldiers dropped rapidly, and they didn't have the energy left to travel through the forest.

Secretly planning, if the three of them don't come back after dark, it means something happened to Shaoke and the others.If it really came to this point, he could only take these people to retreat to the border.

While thinking about something, You Ziwu looked towards the dense jungle in the distance.

When Shaoke and the others left, weren't You Ziwu and others in the woods, why did they move here?

It turned out that this was a measure taken by You Ziwu after seeing Shao Ke and others return to the team for a long time.One is to prevent a surprise attack by the Vietnamese army.Not only is the mountain clear and refreshing, but more importantly, it can be effectively defended.Once the Vietnamese army comes over, they can also find out in time, and if they have to, they can rely on the favorable terrain on the top of the mountain to resist for a while.Second, stand tall and look far away.Standing on the top of the hill, no matter where Shaoke and the others appear from, they can be found in time to avoid getting lost or running around in the woods.

Just as You Zi Wu Yi was thinking wildly, a figure appeared in the distant forest.Was seen by Shaoke.

Shaoke squinted his eyes and stared at it seriously, while admonishing the people around him,

"Attention, there are people in the forest."

The special environment of tropical rain is always different from other places.Sometimes the dense forest seems to be able to block the wind.Sometimes it is sparse, allowing wormwood and shrubs to take up a large part.

At this time, in front of You Ziwu's eyes, these two situations appeared almost at the same time.

Gradually, he saw three people walking out of the dense forest.

Seeing these three people, You Ziwu was very excited.Needless to say, these three people must be Shaoke and the others, because Shaoke who walked in the front was recognized by him.However, when he saw the second person, he felt something was wrong. This person was neither Du Hai nor Wang Mingjun, so who could it be.When Wang Mingjun walked out of the forest, You Ziwu was completely astonished. He saw that the person in the middle was not Du Hai, but a woman.

"How could it be a woman? Where is Du Hai?" You Ziwu couldn't help saying.

The others, like him, were looking in that direction.

Shaoke walked out of the forest with a look of panic on his face, and asked Wang Mingjun uneasily, "Where did they go? Didn't they just wait here when they left?"

"Did we go wrong?" Wang Mingjun looked around, "No, when we left, it was this forest, where are they!"

"Will they leave you guys alone?" Ahua interrupted and said.

"Nonsense." Wang Mingjun sternly said, "We are the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and we will never abandon our comrades-in-arms. It's not like you."

"Ah Hua glanced at Wang Mingjun, didn't say anything more, walked quickly, and followed Shaoke to look forward.

"This is weird, where can you go?" Shaoke looked around.

After You Ziwu, who was lying on the top of the mountain, confirmed that the three people who came over were Shaoke and Wang Mingjun, he stopped worrying about anything, stood up, and shouted to Shaoke: "We are here."

Shaoke heard the shout, looked for his reputation, recognized You Ziwu and the others, and happily said to Wang Mingjun, "They are there, go, go."

Afterwards, Shaoke and Wang Mingjun ran forward.

Ahua took two steps and slowed down. She was hesitating, wondering whether she should follow.

After running a few steps forward, Shaoke saw Ahua walking very slowly, so he urged: "They are our people, hurry over."

Hearing what Shaoke said, Ahua speeded up helplessly.

At this time, the flowers in her pocket had already been scattered, and there was nothing left to discard as a road sign.While running forward, Ah Hua reached out and took out a piece of compressed biscuit from his bag and threw it on the ground.Then, he quickly chased after Shaoke.

Soon, Shaoke and Wang Mingjun went to the top of the mountain, and then Ahua followed.

After a warm welcome from You Ziwu and others, Shaoke turned to Ahua,

"Give the food to the comrades."

Hearing what he said, everyone turned their attention to A Hua.

In fact, they had already seen Ahua in their eyes, but You Ziwu didn't ask, and others were too embarrassed to open their mouths.

"Who is she?" You Ziwu asked.

"Her name is Ahua, she is Vietnamese, and she is a good person who helps us." Shaoke explained.

"Oh." You Ziwu pondered for a while, and then asked, "Where is Du Hai?"

He really wanted to hear from Shaoke that Du Hai was with the captain.However, Shaoke didn't open his mouth after waiting for a long time.You Ziwu turned to Wang Mingjun again, "What's wrong, Du Hai is left behind?"

Shaoke still remained silent.Wang Mingjun said impatiently, "Du Hai, Du Hai, died."

"What?" You Ziwu became anxious, and stepped forward to grab Wang Mingjun, "Say it again."

With tears in his eyes, Wang Mingjun said with difficulty, "Du Hai sacrificed himself to protect us."

You Ziwu's face was pale, and he remained silent for a long time.Later, he suddenly turned around and punched Shaoke hard.Curse:

"It's all fucking you, you have to find something to eat."

You Ziwu punched Shaoke on the left side of the face, Shaoke staggered and almost fell.

Shaoke didn't fight back, and turned his head to You Ziwu, "You hit me! If you kill me and get Du Hai back, then you hit me to death."

"What, you fucking dare to talk back." He reached out to grab the gun of a soldier next to him, "Give me the gun, and I'll kill him."

Several soldiers came up to persuade You Ziwu.

Shaoke squatted on the ground and cried loudly, "I'm a fucking bastard, I killed Du Hai. Squad leader, shoot me!"

Wang Mingjun came over to persuade You Ziwu, "Squad leader, there are too many Vietnamese soldiers, and there is nothing we can do."

You Ziwu glared at Wang Mingjun fiercely, then snatched the satchel containing the food from Ahua's hand, and threw it down the mountain vigorously, "I tell you to eat, I tell you to eat."

The satchel rolled into the grass.

Everyone was astonished, some looked at You Ziwu who was crazy, and some looked at the bushes where the satchel was discarded.No one dared to move, and everyone remained silent.

Suddenly, a person stood up in the grass.

As soon as this person appeared, all the soldiers on the top of the mountain were taken aback.When this person walked out of the dense forest, when did he enter this patch of grass, and when did he approach the top of the mountain again, none of them saw it.

Someone hastily raised a gun.

You Ziwu shouted, "Don't move, that's the captain." You Ziwu recognized the person walking out of the grass.

Wu Jianglong walked towards the top of the mountain with a satchel.

"Captain, Captain" several soldiers ran towards Wu Jianglong happily.

Wu Jianglong walked towards the soldiers with a smile, came to You Ziwu, and asked jokingly, "What's the matter, why did you lose this thing?"

You Ziwu sighed, "Hi," squatting on the ground.

Wu Jianglong turned his questioning gaze to other people.The people who were seen all had dignified faces, and the smile that had just appeared disappeared in an instant.

"What's wrong?" Wu Jianglong fixed his eyes on Shaoke's face.

"Du Hai died." Shaoke stammered.

"When did it happen?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"When you go out with us." Shaoke didn't finish talking once.

"Speak clearly, don't hesitate like a girl." Wu Jianglong was a little angry.He was worried about Du Hai's sacrifice.

Only then did Shaoke tell everyone the ins and outs.

While listening, Wu Jianglong turned his gaze to A Hua.

Ah Hua seemed to be listening to Shaoke's statement, and seemed to be waiting for something.When he noticed the way Wu Jianglong looked at her, he smiled sweetly.

Wu Jianglong ignored A Hua and turned to You Ziwu, "Distribute the food in the bag to everyone, and we will have dinner immediately, and we will be on our way in five minutes."

You Ziwu said to a soldier, "Go and distribute it to everyone."

The soldier took out the biscuits in his bag and distributed them to the soldiers. When the soldiers received these biscuits, everyone had tears in their eyes, and no one ate them.

After Wu Jianglong looked back and saw it, he said angrily, "Don't disappoint Du Hai's heart, give me all of it."

Although the soldiers were very hungry, holding the biscuits was as heavy as Du Hai's body.If they could exchange hunger for Du Hai's life, they would be willing to starve for another ten days, rather than endure such torture.

Seeing that the soldiers still hadn't eaten, Wu Jianglong continued to shout, "Hurry up and give me something to eat, there will be battles in a while."

Wang Mingjun threw the biscuit into his mouth and sobbed, "Eat." Tears streamed down his face.

The seven soldiers, including You Ziwu, ate biscuits silently, with tears in their eyes.

Wu Jianglong walked towards A Hua, and said in a cold voice, "Comrade A Hua, we are going back to China, let's bid farewell here!"

Although Wu Jianglong saw Ahua's identity, but because she was a woman, he still wanted to give her a way out, so he persuaded her like this.

"I won't go, I will follow you." Ahua said stubbornly.

These words attracted the attention of everyone present.

Wu Jianglong continued, "The way is different, and we don't conspire with each other. You and our ambitions are not in line. You should go back to where you should go."

"No, I want to be with you," Ah Hua said. "My home is gone, and my relatives are gone. You are my relatives."

Wu Jianglong suppressed his anger, his heart was full of disdain, and he thought to himself, "You are a spy, and you want to play tricks." But something else came out of his mouth, "You can think about it, you are Vietnamese, and we are Chinese. It is very likely that our goals are different and we will never be able to come together."

Ahua looked at Shaoke, "He knows who I am."

Shaoke chimed in and said, "Captain, Ah Hua is a good person."

Wu Jianglong glanced at Shaoke, then turned to Ahua, "If you insist on following us, you can, but I have to tell you one thing. We will treat the enemy as ruthlessly as the cold wind, and we will never be soft."

Ahua looked at Wu Jianglong in astonishment, but didn't speak for a while.

Shaoke looked at A Hua in puzzlement, and then at Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong ignored Shaoke and Ahua, turned to You Ziwu, "Let comrades go."

The team of nine people started to set off again. They turned off from the top of the mountain and walked to the depths of the jungle in the shade of the mountain.

This time, Wu Jianglong was at the back of the team again.

You Ziwu followed Wu Jianglong closely.

Wu Jianglong whispered to You Ziwu, "You look down on A Hua, she is probably an agent of the Vietnamese army."

"Ah" You Ziwu said in surprise.

Wu Jianglong took out a few petals from his pocket, and said to You Ziwu, "This is a road sign she left for the enemy. It is very likely that there are people behind us."

Just as Wu Jianglong and the others disappeared from the top of the mountain, Qu Congwu emerged from the forest.He stood at the edge of the forest and looked around, looking for the target he was looking for.If Wu Jianglong and the others walked a few seconds later, they might be included in Qu Congwu's sight.

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