soldier rushing forward

438、There is such a platoon leader

Qu Congwu found no valuable clues at the edge of the jungle, and then he turned his attention to the not too high mountain opposite.

At a glance, there are several wormwood lodging on the hillside, which seems to have been squeezed by people.So, he walked towards this place.As I was walking, something clicked under my feet.Qu Congwu looked down and saw that it was a compressed biscuit.Bending down to pick it up, and looking it up in front of my eyes, I was pleasantly surprised.

"It seems that Beikou has been here before."

Qu Congwu quickened his pace and walked towards the top of the mountain. When he reached the top of the mountain, he saw the shallow trench built by You Ziwu and the others.Qu Congwu jumped into the shallow ditch, picked up a handful of dirt and inspected it, with a contemptuous smile on his face.Then he threw away the dirt and chased after Wu Jianglong and the others along the route they left.

By the side of a stream, Wu Jianglong led the soldiers to rest here.Some were drinking water, some were nibbling unfinished biscuits, and some were lying on the ground stretching their waists.

You Ziwu approached Wu Jianglong, "Captain, I didn't see any movement from Ah Hua along the way."

Wu Jianglong chewed a straw stick and said confidently, "It's because you stared too closely."

"Then you mean to let me ignore her?" You Ziwu asked tentatively.

"It's the pustule that will grow out of him sooner or later." Wu Jianglong said casually, "You should relax a little bit and see what she does. After you get the evidence, you can get rid of her."

"Okay!" You Ziwu paused, seemed to remember something, and continued to ask, "If she leaves clues for the enemy, it will be bad for us."

"Even if she doesn't leave any clues, the enemy can still find us." Wu Jianglong said confidently.

"Do you know where the enemy is?" You Ziwu was surprised.

"The veteran sniper of the Vietnamese army is following us, and we can't get rid of him." Wu Jianglong confessed to You Ziwu.

"Ah!" You Ziwu exclaimed and stopped talking.

He knew the weight of a sniper and the consequences of his arrival.If there is such a person following behind, the soldiers in front of them may be unlucky at that time.

You Ziwu thought about it and said, "It's so fucking weird. We ran in the woods and didn't go to any positions of the Vietnamese army. Where did the snipers come from?"

"I came here with you." Wu Jianglong said in one sentence.

"Follow us," You Ziwu asked nonchalantly, "When did you follow us?"

"This person followed you in church, don't you think?" Wu Jianglong asked back.

"Church, church." You Ziwu remembered, "Yes, Xiaodong was killed by a Vietnamese army sniper, could it be him?"

Wu Jianglong said with certainty, "That's right, it's him."

"Turtle son," You Ziwu said bitterly, "can't we let him run away, we have to avenge Xiaodong."

"Revenge is fine, but you are not his opponent." Wu Jianglong said.

"It's not that the opponent has to fight, we have a lot of people." You Ziwu gritted his teeth.

"We still have a lot of people at the moment, and if we don't have enough, a large number of enemies will come. By then, will we still have a lot of people?" Wu Jianglong looked at You Ziwu, as if reminding him to pay attention to something.

You Ziwu stopped talking, thinking to himself,

"That's right! If the enemy comes over, the Chinese soldiers on the scene are inferior to the enemy in terms of number of personnel, firepower, and survival ability. Under such circumstances, how can they face the enemy!"

At present, they don't know that Li Zhiming has taken people to Yingji Village, and they really think that the Vietnamese army has been left behind.Even in the back, Wu Jianglong and You Ziwu understood.It won't be long before the Vietnamese army can find this.Therefore, You Ziwu was a little anxious, because he didn't have a good idea at the moment, so he had to wait for Wu Jianglong.

After a while, You Ziwu sneaked a look at Wu Jianglong, and saw Wu Jianglong staring blankly at the river, biting the grass in his mouth.Just about to speak, but stopped again.He knew that Wu Jianglong was thinking about some important issue.

In another place, Shaoke was fiddling with the submachine gun in his hand on the ground.

Ahua walked towards him slowly, and squatted beside Shaoke to watch him play with the gun.After a while, I couldn't help but ask,

"Young comrade, can I ask you a question?"

"Ask!" Shao Ke said without raising his head.

A Hua thought for a while, "Then, your captain said, 'Treat the enemy as cruel as the cold wind' What does that mean?

Shaoke said without thinking, "It's nothing interesting, just kill, kill, kill."

"Do you treat everyone like this?" Ahua asked.

"It's not everyone, it's the enemies who don't surrender." Shaoke said, "You don't count. You have helped us and are our friends."

"Oh," Ah Hua stopped, and said later, "what if I don't help you?"

"It doesn't matter, anyway, you are just a commoner, not a Vietnamese army agent."

"Oh." Ahua stopped again, thinking for a moment, "What is your attitude towards agents?"

"You're not an agent, why are you asking?" Shaoke raised his head to look at A Hua.

"Yes, I'm not an agent, why ask this!" A Hua stood up and walked away after finishing speaking.

Shao Ke looked at A Hua's back and narrowed his eyes.Maybe he was thinking, who is Ah Hua?

At this time, Wu Jianglong and You Ziwu finally broke the silence.

Wu Jianglong took the straw stick from his mouth, slid it on the ground and said to You Ziwu, "It will be like this for a while, I am here, and you bring people here."

"What about Ah Hua?" You Ziwu asked.

"She hasn't acted too much at the moment, just leave her alone for the time being, just watch closely, but remember one thing, tell Shaoke, don't let her touch the gun."

"All right!"

You Ziwu left Wu Jianglong, came to Shaoke, and said to him, "Shaoke, come here."

Shaoke stood up from the ground and followed You Ziwu to the side.

In the distance, A Hua watched You Ziwu and Shaoke talking vigilantly.Due to the distance, she couldn't hear what the two said, but from Shaoke's expression, she could tell what the two were arguing about?

Shaoke said, "If she was an agent, I would kill her right now."

You Ziwu: "It's just a suspicion at the moment, there is no definite evidence yet, so we can't touch her yet."

Shaoke: "Then let others watch, I still want to fight."

"No, at present this woman only believes in you. If it is someone else, I am afraid that she will be suspicious. If it is not good for the action, our situation will be in danger."

"Change to someone else!" Shaoke said angrily, "I won't do this."

"Stop talking nonsense and obey orders." You Ziwu was furious.

Shaoke reluctantly said, "Yes."

"Go!" You Ziwu said.

Shaoke walked towards Ahua.

You Ziwu looked at Shaoke's back for a while, then shouted loudly to everyone,

"Get up, let's go."

For these battle-tested fighters: no matter how difficult the conditions are, they can overcome them.No matter how difficult the situation is, they can survive it.No matter how tired their bodies are, they can resist it.However, what they dread most is this short rest after overwork.

The biological clock that had just rested hadn't been stopped for half an hour, and suddenly it started to run, just like a car that has been left for a long time in the cold winter, he can start and run without turning on the ignition.Instead, it needs to be warmed up and run in.

Therefore, getting up and moving forward at this time is also a big challenge for the soldiers who have just rested.

This is also a matter of no choice, if you don't leave, what should you do if the enemy catches up.

So they all understand this truth, the danger is right in front of them, there is no time to warm up, let you go away, let you fight.

After You Ziwu yelled, the soldiers stood up quickly, straightened their extremely tired bodies, and continued to move forward with You Ziwu.

As for where to go forward, no one asked them, and they couldn't figure it out, so they just followed.

Because now they no longer doubt whether the way forward is correct or not -------- with Captain Wu Jianglong here, they can't go wrong wherever they go.It's not just a matter of organizational discipline, but a great deal of trust in the leader.

As a commander, it is not an easy task to get the soldiers willing to follow you to life and death.Especially in the war years, due to the command mistakes of the commanders, the phenomenon of rebellion is not uncommon.

When I was writing this book, there was such a story in a document I the memoir of a veteran.He narrates:

When our army issued an order for the end of the self-defense counterattack, all participating troops would withdraw to the national border before March 3.All participating troops began to retreat in an organized manner.However, the Vietnamese army did not intend to let the Chinese People's Liberation Army go away like this. They felt that the war was not over yet and they would continue to fight.Therefore, the Vietnamese army organized several divisions to counterattack our army along the way, preventing the Chinese army from retreating.

At that time, there was a company (which army, which division, which regiment company, I will not mention it here, for fear of being suspected of revealing the secret.) Because of going the wrong way, it lost contact with its superiors and was surrounded by the Vietnamese army. the top of a mountain.

Several breakouts were unsuccessful, and they were surrounded by the Vietnamese army, and the two sides exchanged fire continuously.

Casualties are increasing, everyone is struggling, and finally reached the point of running out of ammunition and food.If you continue to fight, there will be only one consequence - the entire army will be wiped out.

At this time, the Vietnamese army stepped up its political offensive and kept shouting to the positions to make these Chinese Communists disarm and surrender.

After there was no hope of breaking through, the company instructor called all the party members of the company to hold a branch committee meeting to discuss the next step.

At this time, some people proposed to surrender to the Vietnamese army to preserve their strength.Some firmly disagreed, saying that surrendering to the Vietnamese army would embarrass the Japanese, and they would never hand over their guns even if they died in battle.

The person who proposed the bloody battle to the end was the platoon leader.His words were quickly echoed by some fighters and party members.

At the meeting, everyone discussed and could not agree.

Since the opinions could not be unified, the instructor asked everyone to show their hands to vote.In the end, it was divided into two factions, some people demanded to surrender, and some people decided to break out.

Since this is the result, they can only go their own way!Whether it is Yangguan Road or a single-plank bridge, it depends on one's own luck.

Not bad, the company commanders and instructors who choose to surrender can be regarded as having a conscience.He summoned the entire company, gathered the remaining bullets, and handed them over to the platoon leader and those soldiers who were about to break out.Then, the two company chiefs took the soldiers who were willing to surrender down the hill to the Vietnamese army position.

Later, the two company commanders and instructors were sent back to China when our army exchanged prisoners with the Vietnamese army.

We don't need to guess, we also know that there is only one ending waiting for them-that is, the two are tried by the military court together, and then they are convicted and put in prison.

After these people left, the platoon leader led the part of the soldiers who were preparing to break out and kept lurking on the mountain.

When the Vietnamese army relaxed its vigilance because most of the company's personnel surrendered.The platoon leader led more than a dozen predators to attack the Vietnamese army suddenly.

After a desperate struggle, they finally opened the gap and rushed out of the enemy's encirclement.

However, the time for their breakthrough has passed on March 3. At this time, China announced to the world its commitment not to send a single shot to Vietnam.

So far, the platoon leader can only rely on his own ability to lead less than ten soldiers to deal with the Vietnamese army in the territory of Vietnam.

The scene is very similar to the army led by Wu Jianglong today.

They dare not take the big road, they can only cross the primeval forest.Even so, they were constantly besieged by the Vietnamese army.Three months later, they finally returned home.

When the border troops rescued them, the platoon leader and the remaining three soldiers who broke out from the siege were almost no different from the savages in the mountains, and even worse than the savages.

The human body disappears and stands.If you put it in today's big cities, if you stop on the street, you must scare away half of the people on the street.

When someone asked about it later, the platoon leader only said one sentence, "I swore to be loyal to the motherland and never betray the enemy, and I did it."

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