soldier rushing forward

441. Identity exposure

Gunshots came from time to time in the distant jungle, which made Ao Hua lose his ability to judge.The gunshots ranged from Qu Congwu to ordinary submachine guns.It is no longer all the voice that Ah Hua likes to hear.

Ah Hua differentiated carefully, with a special hope in his eyes.

For a while there was the sound of "chirping", and for a while it was the sound of fierce firecrackers, and then a strange gunshot was mixed in, which was different from Qu Congwu's sniper rifle.

"What's going on? Could it be him?" Ahua was terrified.

Because she had seen Wu Jianglong's sniper rifle and guessed his identity.

From the title the soldiers called Captain Wu Jianglong, she knew that Wu Jianglong was the leader, and among these people, he was a much higher leader than You Ziwu.According to what she saw in the Vietnam Army, the leaders usually carried a small pistol, and did not rush forward during the battle, waving the pistol to urge others.

Here, it is necessary for me to introduce the function of the pistol to you.

According to the understanding of our normal people, on the battlefield, the pistol in the leader's hand is either used for self-defense or to attack the enemy.At that time, he still had the most important possibility, which was to deal with his own people and play a supervisory role.Once it is found that someone is afraid of death and fleeing, the leader may use this pistol to kill the fleeing person.With such a short weapon in hand, it is very convenient to use without hurting anyone else.This is also one of his functions.

Sometimes, when you meet a leader who loves soldiers like a son and is very brave, you will see that he has an extra submachine gun on his back. This alone can tell that this leader is different.However, she has never seen a leader with a sniper rifle like Wu Jianglong.Therefore, he always thought that Wu Jianglong was nothing more than a show, carrying a gun and showing off.

Hearing the special sound of this gun now, it goes without saying that it was Wu Jianglong's gun that fired it.Ah Hua thought to himself, "Could it be that he is really a sniper?"

Ahua turned his head and asked Shaoke: "Captain Wu is a sniper?"

"Of course, our Wu team played accurately. An egg a thousand meters away is like a football in his eyes."

"Yes, but he is the leader!"

"What's wrong with the leader?" Shaoke said, "We are talking about unity between the officers and soldiers. What the soldiers are required to do, the cadres must do first."

"So, those gunshots just now were shot by Team Wu?"

"How do I know this? There are so many people shooting, and I can still tell who is shooting." Shaoke said, "However, with the Wu team, the sniper of the Vietnamese army can't escape death."

After Shaoke finished speaking, Ahua's face changed abruptly.

Seen by Shaoke, he asked worriedly, "What's wrong with you?"

Ah Hua covered his stomach, pretending to be in pain, "My stomach hurts."

Shaoke was anxious, "I have no medicine, what should I do?"

Ah Hua pointed to the grass, "Where am I going, don't look."

Shaoke's face turned red, and he turned his back, "I don't know how to read, you go!"

"Okay, you are not allowed to look." Ahua walked behind Shaoke, walked a few steps, turned around again, and approached Shaoke quietly.At some point, Ahua had an extra stone in his hand.

Ah Hua tiptoed and sneaked towards Shaoke.

Shaoke suddenly said, "If you don't go to the grass to take over, what are you doing when you come back?"

Ah Hua realized that Shaoke was on guard, so he didn't act in a hurry.In order not to let Shaoke see it, she turned the stone behind her back, made up a reason and said, "I don't have any paper, and I want to ask you for it."

Shaoke turned around, "I'm sorry, I don't have that either, we never use that." He stared at A Hua.

A Hua showed embarrassment, "Oh, forget it, take a few steps back and put on an air of arrogance, "Turn around and don't look. "

Shaoke turned around, "Okay, I won't watch."

Ahua weighed the stone in his hand, and tried to throw it at Shaoke, but at the moment when she was about to throw it, she took it back.

She knew that the result of a not-heavy shot would definitely anger Shaoke.Shaoke had a gun in his hand, but she didn't.

Now, Ah Hua really regretted it, if he brought that shotgun with him, he would not lose his strength, just shoot Shaoke in the back of the head.

But this is impossible, Wu Jianglong will not allow such a woman to point a gun at his soldiers before fully confirming her true identity.Fortunately, her musket was lost somewhere when she fled the village, which allowed her to stay with these Chinese women all the time.

"Forget it, don't want it if you don't have one, play by ear when you get there, if you don't believe me, you won't find a gun." Ahua convinced himself in this way, then turned and entered the grass.

Although Shaoke didn't look at Ahua, his ears were always upright, listening to the movement in the grass.After listening for a while, he felt that Ahua didn't stop in the nearby grass, but ran farther away.The direction he was going was the place where Wu Jianglong and the others besieged Qu Congwu.

Shaoke realizes that the situation is not good, but he has to rule out the bad influence of peeking at the woman.Therefore, instead of chasing after Ahua, he made a detour to meet him from another direction.

After Ahua entered the grass, he walked forward quickly on the half-person-high wormwood.While walking, he turned his head to look in Shaoke's direction from time to time.With tall grass blocking her, she couldn't see Shaoke anyway, but she could tell from the voice whether Shaoke was chasing him or staying where he was.

After she walked a certain distance, she didn't hear the sound of picking grass behind her.Only then did Ah Hua let go of his heart, completely believing that he had gotten rid of Shao Ke.

Although Shaoke and Ahua were not with Wu Jianglong and the others, the distance was not very far, not to mention the sound of gunfire.Soon, Iowa appeared in this area.

The gunfire ahead continued, getting louder.Ah Hua seemed to have seen Wu Jianglong and others fighting Qu Congwu.Ahua was excited and nervous at the same time, wishing to go into battle soon.But she didn't have a gun in her hand, so she couldn't even think about it.

"What should I do? I need to get a gun before I can go there."

A Hua thought about it, and looked around again, she didn't believe that in this place where there were people fighting, she couldn't find a gun that was thrown away.Because she does not believe that no one on the Chinese side was injured or died.In either case, the firearms of the casualties could be set aside.

While thinking about it, Ah Hua sneaked forward.At this time, a man's groan came from behind a big tree.

A Hua was startled, thinking that someone had discovered her.After being shocked, he didn't see what the other party did.So she groped there quietly.

Under the big tree, only the injured Li Xiaohua was alone.Because there has been no medicine.Li Shaohua's wound gradually deteriorated.This groan was made by Li Xiaohua involuntarily enduring the pain.

Ah Hua turned out from behind the tree and stood in front of Li Xiaohua.

Startled by the noise, Li Xiaohua opened his eyes, saw Ahua, and asked warily, "Aren't you with Shaoke? What are you doing here?"

"Shao Ke went to the front to participate in the battle, and he asked me to take care of you." A Hua approached Li Xiaohua.

"No, I can take care of myself." Li Xiaohua held the gun tightly in his arms.

Ahua squatted down, "Can I see your wound?"

Li Xiaohua nodded.

A Hua took off the gauze on Li Xiaohua's leg, and pretended to be concerned, "Oh, it's all rotten, if there is still a change of dressing, it will be dangerous."

Li Xiaohua forced a smile, "Glory is glory, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Stretch your legs a little, and I'll change your dressing." Ahua didn't care about Li Xiaohua any more, and continued.

Li Xiaohua smiled wryly, "We don't have any medicine, so why would you change it?"

"I have it here." She said, putting her hands in her arms.Seeing Li Xiaohua looking at her, she blushed and said to Li Xiaohua, "You can't see with your eyes closed."

"Okay, okay, I won't watch." Li Xiaohua closed his eyes.At this time, standing in front of Li Xiaohua was a young woman.Whether she is good or bad, she is a woman after all.

For those of us young fighters who rarely deal with women, they don't know how to deal with it, and it is easy to be at a loss.So, whatever Ah Hua says, he will do.They are so inexperienced.

The seasoned Ah Hua never gives up her talent as a woman, and she will play it well every time, and it is the same this time.

When he saw that Li Xiaohua had really closed his eyes, he quietly took out the stone from his bosom, and while Li Xiaohua was not paying attention, he smashed it hard on his head.

With just one blow, a hole was punched out of Li Xiaohua's head, and blood flowed out.

Li Xiaohua leaned to one side without saying a word.

Seeing that Li Xiaohua was dead, Ah Hua grabbed the gun from him and ran quickly towards the jungle ahead.

This scene happened to be seen by Shao Ke who rushed over.

Shaoke originally wanted to go and chase A Hua, but he wanted to rescue the murdered Li Xiaohua more, so he shot into the sky.This shot is to warn the comrades who are fighting that there is a situation here, let them pay attention.

Shaoke ran to Li Xiaohua, saw his face was covered with blood, and then probed his nostrils, but Li Xiaohua had no breath, only then did he realize that Li Xiaohua had died.

Shaoke yelled angrily, "Stinky bitch, I must skin you."

Later, Shao Ke frantically chased A Hua from behind.

When Qu Congwu was about to face off with Wu Jianglong, he didn't expect You Ziwu and the others to be reluctant, but shot him from behind.In this way, Qu Congwu's sneak attack function was completely useless, not only that, but he was also exposed to the guns of everyone behind him.

Snipers are best at making small moves, that is, a person hides somewhere and shoots at the target silently.If everyone finds out, his sudden attack will have no effect, not only that, but he may also be beaten into a hornet's nest by others.Therefore, Qu Congwu had no reason to be afraid of You Ziwu and the others shooting.

It's a pity that You Ziwu and the others have too little ammunition, and they don't have a good light machine gun.If both of these are available, one only needs to shoot at the grass where Qu Congwu is hiding, even if he has a thick camouflage like wild boar skin, he must be shot like a cloth.

Not now, they don't have that many bullets, even if they saw Qu Congwu's shadow, they had to aim to shoot.In this way, Qu Congwu seemed to have nine cat lives, no matter how he beat him, he would not die.

Who is Qu Congwu? He is a devil-like sniper who has undergone rigorous training. How could he be shot by You Ziwu and the others so easily.What's more, he is still moving constantly, and there are big trees and wormwood blocking it, so it is difficult to capture him.Let alone one shot, even if a dozen shots are fired at the same time, it is difficult to say that it will hit the target.

You Ziwu and the others also know their level.It doesn't matter if you hit or miss, anyway, there is a captain!However, in this way, Qu Congwu's position was disturbed.He had to deal with it hastily.

Therefore, You Ziwu and others played the role of a rabbit cuddling grass.

You Ziwu and the others beat Qu Congwu mentally in the first place.It is absolutely impossible to confront Wu Jianglong calmly.

Soon, he, a master, realized the danger.Therefore, he is eager to get out of this predicament.But he was stuck by the middle-aged people who were on both sides.This is exactly what Qu Congwu expected.Until now, he has not figured out why Wu Jianglong and the others are not in a hurry to escape, but to ambush him here to attack him.

Time was running out, and he was not allowed to think about it at all.Soon, Qu Congwu calmed down again.

"Forget it, let's get rid of these rookies first." Qu Congwu changed his style of play. He planned to start with the easy and then the difficult. Only by getting rid of You Ziwu and the others first, can Wu Jianglong be dealt with.

Soon, his intention was discovered by Wu Jianglong.

That's why Wu Jianglong shot a shot to protect the soldier.Although Qu Congwu was not hit, he rescued the soldier at his gunpoint.

Qu Congwu realized the danger, so he had to roll to a low-lying place that neither Wu Jianglong nor You Ziwu could see, and wiped his face with his hand.There was blood on his hands, and he cursed angrily.

"Damn it, there are snipers in Beikouli?" Qu Congwu no longer underestimated Wu Jianglong.

Qu Congwu lay on his back, panting heavily.

He couldn't stop breathing heavily.Since he entered the ambush circle set up by Wu Jianglong for him, he has not stopped.Instead of shooting at the front, you have to turn around and shoot at the people behind you.That's not to mention, in order to protect himself, he has to keep looking for the next hiding place.

There is only so much space available in the woods, and he doesn't want to escape, so he has to find ways to avoid being hit by the opponent.

what to do?The only way is to hide.In this way, Qu Congwu was busy in this place.

He wanted to use kung fu, but Wu Jianglong didn't give him a chance, as long as he found out that he was plotting against You Ziwu and the others, Wu Jianglong would shoot him deadly.

Often this shot would hit him in the head just a little bit.

The more Qu Congwu thought about it, the more angry he became, "Damn it, I don't believe it anymore, I will fall on these little bastards who just have hair on their mouths."

After a short rest, Qu Congwu was ready to attack again.This time, he had thought about his goal, and it was still the same plan - to get rid of Wu Jianglong and get rid of the little soldiers on the opposite side first.

Just when he was about to jump out of the mud pit and fight Yu Ziwu desperately, he heard fierce gunshots from Yu Ziwu's position.

"What's going on?" Qu Congwu stopped in surprise.

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