soldier rushing forward

442、The ending of the treacherous woman

Ahua suddenly appeared behind a big tree tens of meters away from Youziwu's position.He quietly looked around, and when he saw that there was no danger, he raised his gun to aim at You Ziwu, and then shot.

It is also You Ziwu's life that should not be lost. At the moment when Ah Hua shot, You Ziwu just avoided the bullet that was shot straight from Wu.

I saw him tumbling aside.With this roll, he not only avoided Qu Congwu's shot, but also avoided the bullet shot by A Hua.

However, You Ziwu felt that the situation behind him was not right, someone was shooting at him, because from the point where he landed, he felt that the shot was not from Qu Congwu.

At this time, there happened to be a ridge between him and Qu Congwu, and it was impossible for the bullet to hit this point from the front.No matter how capable Qu Congwu is, he still can't turn the flying bullets.Therefore, there is only one possibility, that someone is shooting from behind.

You Ziwu turned his head decisively and searched backwards for the target.

Ahua missed a shot, and found You Ziwu looking in his direction, so he quickly retracted his head.Although You Ziwu didn't recognize her face, You Ziwu caught her flickering head.

You Ziwu realized the danger from behind, so he reminded others loudly, "Attention everyone, there are enemies behind us."

This shout surprised the soldiers quite a bit.They were doubting, "Isn't the front very safe? When the enemy came again. If this is the case, how can we fight this ambush. Instead of attacking the enemy ourselves, it is the Vietnamese army attacking us."

It was originally a scene of attacking Qu Congwu twice, what a battlefield, the big guys are fighting well, why is there an enemy behind them!The soldiers were puzzled.

Now that there are enemies and you continue to fight like this, if you don't take precautions, it won't take long for the open back to be penetrated by the enemies one by one.

The soldiers were anxious, but You Ziwu was even more anxious.He didn't wait for Ah Hua to show up again, so he fired several shots at the big tree.Its intention is to suppress Ah Hua not to shoot again.

At this moment, You Ziwu saw Shaoke's figure.

Among the misty trees, Shaoke is passing through, and the direction of running is the hiding place of Ah Hua.

You Ziwu was happy, and thought to himself, "It's all right now, someone will deal with him."

Ah Hua didn't see Shaoke running towards her.Because she was hidden in a low place and behind a tree, not to mention all her attention was on You Ziwu and the soldiers.

At this time, I don't know whether Ah Hua underestimated Shaoke, or simply forgot the existence of Shaoke.She only wanted to rescue Qu Congwu.So in the direction of Shaoke, Ahua has a blind spot. , so no figure swaying in the wormwood bushes was found

As for You Ziwu, it happened to be on a high place, and his eyes were here to scan for the enemy.So, he can see clearly.

Now that Shaoke has come, You Ziwu decided to take killing Qu Congwu as the main task first, and this Ahua will be handed over to Shaoke.After having this idea, You Ziwu hurriedly comforted the soldiers.

"Don't be afraid, Shaoke is responsible behind us. Now, we only need to eliminate the sniper of the Vietnamese army and never let him escape."

You Ziwu no longer cared about what was behind him, and put all his energy on Qu Congwu.Because he understands that in a master's game, any small loophole is a fatal danger.

Ahua secretly went to see the position guarded by You Ziwu and others.When she found out that none of these Chinese people took her seriously, she felt very angry.

As soon as You Ziwu's gunfire stopped, Ah Hua showed his head again.She turned half of her face to look at the Chinese camp.At first glance, I was very puzzled.

"Is it because the other party sees that I am a woman, or thinks that I have been killed," A Hua thought in his heart, and he felt a little resentment, "You look down on Vietnamese women too much, let me show you girls today * Means, even if you can't be killed, I will bite you to death."

After that, Ah Hua raised his gun to aim.Now, she is no longer as flustered as she was when she just arrived. She wants to take a steady shot, or at least have a blast.Then, taking advantage of this favorable terrain, without anyone paying attention to her, she quickly killed a few middle-aged people.

This is what she dreamed of, so A Hua's movements slowed down.

Ahua aimed at You Ziwu again, because she knew that You Ziwu was the leader of these people.

The moment Ah Hua was about to shoot, Shaoke's gun rang out before her.

"Ba..." A bullet landed right on the tree trunk of Ahuatie's gun.

Almost at the same time, the body of Ahua's gun moved, and her gun also rang.But the bullet that was shot went off and flew over You Ziwu's head.

At this time, You Ziwu put all his energy on defending against Qu Congwu, and he didn't take the danger behind him seriously.Therefore, he didn't even glance at the flying bullets.He just cursed in his heart, "Shao Ke, if you hurt me, I must take good care of you when I go back."

This is his trust in his comrades-in-arms, and he gave his back to Shaoke.

Shaoke had seen You Ziwu and others a long time ago.When he saw You Ziwu turned around and ignored A Hua, he knew that he trusted him at this time.

In the battlefield, you may not be afraid of the enemy's bullets, nor the threat of death, but the most unbearable thing is the distrust of your comrades-in-arms.Once you reach this point, not to mention that they want to fight side by side with you, they may have a few eyes open to watch you even when you are sleeping.

For Li Xiaohua's sacrifice, Shaoke's intestines almost came out of regret.

After chasing all the way, he didn't care to think about it. If he thought that his comrades died because of his own reasons, the blow would be too great for him.Now, he clearly felt trust from You Ziwu's actions, so can he not be moved?

Shaoke's tears rolled down, there was both touch and sadness here.The last time it was because of his own negligence that Li Xiaohua was murdered.Now facing the same situation again, he will never let this happen again.

Therefore, when Shaoke discovered that Ah Hua raised his gun to shoot, he was extremely anxious, and he must not be allowed to fire the gun first.

Even though Shaoke hasn't fought against A Hua yet, but from the analysis of her hidden depth, A Hua is by no means an ordinary soldier who is equivalent to the general police station soldiers. There must be more cunning and insidious behind the scenes .

Now I can't take care of anything else, the most urgent thing is to control Ahua, so that she can't hurt any other victims.Otherwise, even if he sacrificed himself, he would be ashamed of those brothers who lived and died.

In desperation, Shaoke raised his gun and shot A Hua.

Since he was still running and was in no hurry to aim, he could only shoot roughly.Therefore, the bullets fired in the past lost their aim and failed to kill Ah Hua in one shot.

It doesn't matter if I didn't shoot Ah Hua, there is still a chance.At the very least, the goal was achieved, so that Ahua did not hurt any Chinese soldiers in the distance.

Ahua turned his head to look in horror, and just saw Shaoke running over.

Ahua was startled immediately, gritted his teeth, and pointed the gun at Shaoke.

Why did Ah Hua grit his teeth?

Even if she has a little bit of conscience, she will recall the scene when Shaoke rescued her when she ran out of that village.Even the masculinity shown by Shao Ke when two police soldiers insulted her.Then, on the way back to the team, Shaoke cared for her meticulously.At that time, everyone could see her feelings for Shaoke, no matter it was true or not, but for someone who cared, helped, and saved her life, she must be too hard-hearted!However, Ah Hua still has a heart of stone.

She raised her gun and shot at Shaoke.

In order to catch this female agent of the Vietnamese army, Ahua, Shaoke is not afraid of anything.What he thinks now is to kill this hateful hypocritical woman, so as to avenge the sacrificed Li Xiaohua.Therefore, he still cares about bullets and bullets, and has long put life and death aside.

Shaoke ran wildly, and Ah Hua's gun kept moving.

Ah Hua aimed his sights at Shaoke, pulled the trigger, and the shot rang out.

However, at the moment of the gunshot, Shaoke jumped over a big tree as if expected.The bullet hit the tree trunk but missed Shaoke.

Shaoke couldn't give Ahua a second chance to shoot, so he changed his running into a slow walk, and fired several shots while approaching Ahua.

Finally, a shot hit the body of Ahua's gun, and the submachine gun was knocked down.

As soon as the submachine gun fell to the ground, Ahua knew what the end would be if she stayed any longer, so she no longer insisted on sneaking here, turned around and ran deep into the jungle.

This time, Shaoke will never let her go.So, when he saw Ah Hua running away, he chased after him desperately.Since Ah Hua didn't have a gun in his hand, Shaoke didn't shoot him anymore.

Shaoke felt that if he pointed a gun at a woman as a big man, even if he eliminated her, he would be invincible.So he kept silent, drew a saber and gave chase.

Ahua ran away frantically in the grass, and Shaoke chased after him.One man and one woman, one Chinese and one Vietnamese, one Chinese Communist, one Vietnamese female agent, and a female agent with Chinese blood on her hands.

The two are chasing in the tree space, among the wormwood bushes.

Soon, the two came to a slightly flat boundary.

Ah Hua took the lead and ran over.After running a few steps forward, she found herself at a dead end.Here is a cliff, below is a deep canyon.

Ah Hua stopped, turned around and waited for Shaoke.

When Shaoke came, he stared at Ah Hua with blood-red eyes.

Neither of them spoke, and they were in a stalemate for a while.It was Ah Hua who broke the silence first.She roared in a woman's thin voice, and rushed towards Shaoke.

Seeing Ah Hua's bare hands, Shaoke also put away the knife and charged towards Ah Hua.The two faced each other with fists and feet.

Since Ah Hua was born as an agent, needless to say about his boxing skills.She can have these two skills, it is hard to say whether Shaoke can make some money in martial arts.

After a few rounds, both sides suffered injuries.

A Hua wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.Shaoke touched the winning lottery face.They all looked at each other with life-and-death eyes.The two were deadlocked again.

Shaoke yelled and scolded: "Son of a son of a bitch, he is a wounded person, you don't even let him go, you have the guts to come at me."

Ahua didn't make a sound, just looked at Shaoke with resentful eyes.

"Come on, I want to avenge Li Xiaohua today." Shaoke continued to shout.

I don't know if Ahua knew she was wrong, or she was not physically strong enough, anyway, no matter how Shaoke scolded her, she just kept silent.Just when Shaoke didn't pay attention, she yelled, "Ah!" and rushed forward again.

"You son of a bitch, you still want to sneak attack." Shaoke cursed, his hands and feet were not relaxed at all, and he went up to A Hua.After avoiding Ahua's blow, he raised his leg and kicked Ahua to the ground.

Seeing Ahua fell to the ground, Shaoke didn't immediately rush forward, he still wanted to save face for the woman, and pointed at Ahua, "Today I want to avenge my comrades in arms, you must die. You said, you died by yourself , or I will kill you, it's up to you to choose."

Ahua still didn't answer, suddenly yelled, jumped up from the ground, and rushed towards Shaoke again.

This time Shaoke didn't use his hands, but raised his foot and kicked towards A Hua.

Next, no matter how A Hua attacked, he didn't use his hands, he just raised his leg and kicked fiercely.After a few rounds, Ahua really had nothing to fight back.However, this woman is still determined to fight to the end with blood.He neither surrendered nor committed suicide, and kept entangled with Shaoke.

As the two fought hard, they gradually approached the edge of the cliff.

At this time, Shaoke hadn't thought of Ah Hua's conspiracy, he only thought that his own force had defeated Ah Hua.He never thought that Ah Hua already had the idea of ​​dying with him.

Suddenly, Ah Hua rushed towards Shaoke again.

This time she dodged Shaoke's feet, turned around and pulled out Shaoke's clothes, and threw Shaoke to the ground.The two rolled on the ground together again.

When he was approaching the edge of the cliff, Shaoke felt Ah Hua's intention.

Shaoke slashed fiercely, and chopped off the palm of A Hua's hand holding his clothes with his hand.Then, kick the ground with both feet to stop the rolling body.

But Ah Hua is different, in order to pull Shao Ke off the cliff, she almost used all her strength to suck her milk.It can be said to go all out.Unexpectedly, Shaoke got rid of her entanglement at the critical moment.

After losing the heavy burden of Shaoke, A Hua suddenly became much lighter, and the speed of his impact on the cliff accelerated a lot.

At this time, even if she wanted to stop here, it was impossible.Immediately afterwards, Ahua's whole body quickly slid towards the cliff.

After Shaoke got rid of Ah Hua, he didn't want her to die like this.Then he reached out to grab A Hua, and wanted to save her life.

As for why Shaoke made this move at this time, is it because he wanted to save Ahua, or he wanted to save her and then kill her himself to avenge his comrades.This is impossible.

There is only a tiny difference between Shaoke's extended hand and Ahua's raised hand. If you measure it carefully, the distance may be an inch.

Ahua turned his desperate eyes to Shaoke, and his outstretched hand seemed to save his life.

However, Shao Ke did not catch Ah Hua's hand.

Ahua's body quickly fell off the cliff.

When Shaoke eagerly went over to look, Ahua was already like a leaf, swaying in the sky under the cliff.Later, Shaoke heard a muffled sound coming from the bottom of the cliff.

Shaoke didn't leave immediately, and stood on the cliff for a while, then turned and ran towards the gunshot.

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