soldier rushing forward

491.502. Set up an ambush for the Vietnamese army

Wu Jianglong's hidden location is a deep grass area, which is convenient for concealment but not conducive to observation, especially for a sniper, if he can't hide, it's okay, but if he wants to destroy the enemy, it's a bit difficult, he can hit one, two or three But it is not easy.At the beginning, Wu Jianglong didn't realize this problem. He just wanted to fight, but forgot to hide. I said hiding is the problem of dodging after being discovered by the enemy.

The Vietnamese army is very cunning, maybe they suffered a disadvantage in this regard, or they have rich combat experience.Therefore, as soon as they entered this area, they suddenly increased the distance between them, which created an illusion for Wu Jianglong. He could only see clearly what was in front, how many people were behind, and what type of guy he was holding. Know.

The Vietnamese army walked forward along the path. When walking in a straight line, the people in front blocked the sight of the people behind.Therefore, Wu Jianglong only saw two or three Vietnamese troops coming in for a while.

Seeing this situation, Wu Jianglong secretly rejoiced, just a few Vietnamese soldiers were not enough for him and Hong Zhi.Two people with two guns, as long as one shot is fired, two Vietnamese soldiers will fall to the ground, and the remaining one will block them from front to back, and it will not take much effort to capture this Vietnamese soldier alive.

At that time, there were very few radio stations in our army, and there were even fewer walkie-talkies. It was almost impossible to distribute them to the front-line companies. (Speaking of this, some people may challenge me. This has happened before. Now let me explain that each army has its own situation, and its equipment is also very different. We don’t need to be serious about this issue.)

This time, Wu Jianglong and Hong Zhi came out to hunt, and they couldn't have a radio station for each of them. From this point of view, once the two separated, it would be difficult to get in touch again, unless they got together.

Wu Jianglong aimed his gun at the approaching Vietnamese army, waiting for Hong Zhi to fire the first shot.As long as the ambition gun is fired, the Vietnamese army walking in the front must be the ghost of his own gun.

But, I waited and waited, and after waiting for a long time, there was no signal from Hong Zhi.Wu Jianglong couldn't bear it anymore, complaining in his heart, "What are you doing! Instructor, I still miss such a good opportunity."

Seeing that the Vietnamese army was about to arrive, Wu Jianglong couldn't wait any longer, thinking, maybe Hong Zhi didn't see it, or there was something wrong with his gun.Forget it, aren't they just three Vietnamese devils?I can clean it up by myself.I killed two with two shots, and we will capture the remaining one alive.

How did Wu Jianglong know that Hong Zhi saw these Vietnamese troops clearly on the hillside.He did the math, even if he and Wu Jianglong shot at the same time, the maximum effect would only be two shots each, what about the remaining three!What he and Wu Jianglong brought out were all sniper rifles, which were fine for long-distance combat, but they were definitely no match for the Vietnamese army in close combat.What's more, wormwood is everywhere here, and the jungle is not far away. As long as the Vietnamese army drills there, the sniper rifle will be completely useless.On the contrary, it must be the two of them who were passively beaten.Therefore, Hong Zhi didn't intend to intercept this group of Vietnamese troops, he was going to let them go first, and wait for more suitable people to come to him, so he didn't shoot.He and Wu Jianglong had made an appointment in advance, if he didn't fire the first shot, Wu Jianglong would not shoot, so he must not be exposed.

Therefore, he thought that Wu Jianglong would definitely reach a tacit understanding with himself if he let these Vietnamese troops go.However, he was wrong, and he estimated wrongly. Wu Jianglong was exactly the opposite of what he thought.

Seeing that the Vietnamese army was getting closer and closer, Wu Jianglong complained about Hong Zhi in his heart, while aiming at the approaching Vietnamese army.

"Instructor, if you can't fire the first shot, then I will do it, just wait and see!"

While meditating in his heart, he pulled the trigger with his fingers.A gunshot that was different from a submachine gun immediately sounded in the wilderness.


Before the gunfire fell, the Vietnamese army in the front fell to the ground.

As soon as the Vietnamese army in front fell, the Vietnamese army in the back panicked. Although they panicked, they didn't run around, but found a good place to hide in the grass to find who shot at them.

Wu Jianglong was not satisfied with defeating the Vietnamese army in front of him, because his purpose was to fight a gourd.As a result, only one fell, and Wu Jianglong was of course dissatisfied.

"Damn the Vietnamese army, it's better if you don't take sides, lest I have to fire a second shot."

After Wu Jianglong loaded the second bullet with a bang, the Vietnamese soldier behind had disappeared into the grass.Regarding this point, Wu Jianglong was prepared in advance, and he was not afraid.Because I am in the dark, the Vietnamese army is in the light.I came prepared, and the Vietnamese army was unprepared.In this way, the Vietnamese army who did not believe in hiding could not come out.

Wu Jianglong zoomed in on the sniper rifle scope, panned, and searched for targets in the grass little by little.When his scope moved over three or four meters, he found grass shaking there.Shaking is shaking, but I just can't see the people behind the bushes.

Now, these Vietnamese soldiers are all panicked. Because the opponent's attack was too sudden, and the Vietnamese soldiers were a little careless, they didn't find out where the bullet came from for a while.The Vietnamese army did not dare to move around until they discovered the trajectory of the bullet.As long as one moves, it is inevitable that people will not be fired a second time.

That's the reason, but the Vietnamese army is still in the clear after all, and every move is under the control of the opponent. It's okay to stay still for a short time, but after a long time, they still can't find you!

Perhaps one of the Vietnamese soldiers was too nervous, or his leader made him a target.Whatever the reason, suddenly, the Vietnamese soldier stood up from the grass, and was covered by Wu Jianglong's crosshairs.

"Damn it, let's see where you're going." Wu Jianglong said in his mouth, and operated his fingers underneath. Unexpectedly, when his gun fired, the Vietnamese soldier suddenly rushed forward and rushed to another place. .

Wu Jianglong's bullet went empty.

"Damn it, the ghost son is really cunning." Wu Jianglong was a little careless and didn't take the Vietnamese army seriously.

Just as he was about to pull the gun and load it, and was about to fire the third shot, the Vietnamese army on the opposite side found him.

At the beginning, this group of Vietnamese troops was attacked.One of them died, but in order to prevent others from being exposed to each other's guns, no one dared to check the wound, so they didn't know what gun the other party used.Although the gunshots are different, if you don't pay attention, it will often cause mistakes in judgment.Well now, Wu Jianglong fired the second shot, and the Vietnamese army understood, "Oh, it turns out that the opponent used a sniper rifle."

China and Vietnam have been fighting for so long, who is using what kind of gun, both sides know it well.Regarding the characteristics of the gun, the velocity of the bullet's ejection is also clear.Therefore, as soon as they guessed that Wu Jianglong was using a sniper rifle, they thought of his faults. It was slow to reload and difficult to find targets.

I heard a Vietnamese soldier shout, "There."

At the same time, all the Vietnamese troops shot at Wu Jianglong with their guns.

One Vietnamese soldier died, and there were six left.If six submachine guns are combined, their bullet density will never be lower than three light machine guns.

"Da da da"

Immediately, pieces of bullets swept over, and in an instant, a large piece of wormwood in front of Wu Jianglong's eyes was cut down, and a bullet net was woven into the top of his head.If the fight continues like this, Wu Jianglong's body will be under the gunpoint of the Vietnamese army in less than a minute, and there will be no chance of escape.If you want to fight back, it is even more impossible.The sniper rifle is okay for long-distance combat, but if you use it for close combat, it is far worse than the submachine gun.

Immediately, Wu Jianglong's novice weakness in sniping immediately appeared.Not only can't fight, but also can't hide.I can only lie on the ground and lower my body as low as possible, so as not to let the bullets touch me.

The Vietnamese army was overjoyed to see their opponents being suppressed by firepower, and everyone stood up from the grass.Now that they discovered where Wu Jianglong was, and his weapons were suppressed, what were they afraid of.So, the six guns shot towards Wu Jianglong's hiding place alternately, moving forward while shooting.

Hong Zhi, who was halfway up the mountain, couldn't bear it any longer. He estimated the situation and decided to take action now, first using gunshots to lure the Vietnamese army over. As for the future situation, let nature take its course.

Hong Zhi attached the body of the gun to a big tree, aimed at the front Vietnamese army and fired.

The gunshots rang out, and the Vietnamese army stormed their heads.As soon as the Vietnamese soldier's head exploded, the spurted plasma immediately sprayed half of the face around him.

The Vietnamese army is fighting vigorously, all their energy is concentrated in the direction of Wu Jianglong, who knows what is spraying from the side.

Plasma covered his eyes.Yue Jun cursed angrily, "What the hell are you doing?"

He didn't know what his companion was doing, and he thought that liquid like water or urine was playing a joke on him.If you think about it carefully, how is this possible.Everyone was concentrating on beating that Wu Jianglong, and the two sides had already entered a life-and-death situation. How could this situation happen.

He didn't think much about it, and while cursing, he stretched out his hand to wipe his face, and he felt a fishy smell.Looking up, the Vietnamese army was shocked, "Oh my god! Whose blood is this?" When he turned around to look again, his companion had already fallen to the ground.

For a while, he didn't understand that the bullet was fired from the hillside, or that Wu Jianglong took the time to fire it.As a result, the Vietnamese army became even more furious. While shooting wildly, they shouted, "Hit me, kill the CCP."

Just two steps away, Hong Zhi's second shot fired again.

At this moment, it was none other than the most vicious and fastest Vietnamese army who was shot.

In order to save Wu Jianglong, Hong Zhi could not let the Vietnamese army approach.Nothing else works. The best way is to prevent the Vietnamese army from moving forward.

No.2 After the Vietnamese army was defeated, the other Vietnamese soldiers realized that the dead comrade in front of them was not beaten by the man in front, but someone on the mountain was doing the trick.When they turned around to look, they saw Hong Zhi leaning against the tree.

In order to cover Wu Jianglong and attract the Vietnamese army as soon as possible, Hong Zhi deliberately did not hide himself, just to shoot openly and blatantly provoke the Vietnamese army,

"Damn it, it's Lao Tzu who is beating you, if you have the guts, let him come here."

Some Vietnamese soldiers started to shoot at Hongzhi, but the distance was far away, and it was useless to fight, so they were not afraid.Only then did the Vietnamese army begin to realize that they were under two attacks at this time.

Although the man in front of him was suppressed by the firepower, he was covered by the man on the hillside, and even if the Vietnamese army wanted to move forward, they couldn't make it for a while.If you want to pass, you have to exchange your life.If you divide your troops to attack the man on the mountain, the remaining four Vietnamese troops will divide their troops. Once they are separated, it will be two to one.What's more, people are in the dark, and I am in the light, so the odds of winning are not sure.what to do?

The Vietnamese soldiers here are all veterans on the battlefield, otherwise, they would not be so indifferent to Wu Jianglong.But after Hongzhi's two shots, the Vietnamese army had to consider that the one on the hillside was more difficult to deal with than the CCP in front of them.

A Vietnamese army shouted, "Hidden, hide quickly."

He can't do without shouting.Because the two Vietnamese soldiers who died in an instant frightened the others, and they were stunned for a while, neither knowing to run nor hiding.After he shouted, the Vietnamese army knew that the situation on the battlefield had changed, and the balance of victory was not on their side.

Suddenly, the four Vietnamese soldiers jumped into the grass again.

The Yue army is hidden, but Hong Zhi can't leave, he knows Wu Jianglong is still trapped there.So, he shouted loudly to Wu Jianglong, "Xiao Wu, retreat quickly,"

After shouting, but seeing no movement in the grass, Hong Zhi continued to shout: "Don't be afraid, I'm here to watch!"

Could it be that Hong Zhi was not afraid of the Vietnamese army hearing him shouting so loudly?not afraid.

Hong Zhi had stayed in Vietnam a long time ago, and he knew a lot about the habits of Vietnamese people.Except for the Vietnamese people in the border areas, they know very little Chinese. Even if you shout loudly with a loudspeaker, they don't know what you are talking about, just like we don't know English. , you don't know what he's talking about.

The more Hong Zhi shouted, the more scared the Yue army became. Seeing that their own number of people was getting smaller and smaller, and they didn't know how many people they had, what their background was, and what they were going to do next, they were of course afraid.People are actively ambushing, and I am passively beaten.If the fight continues like this, the Vietnamese army can only respond, and can't come up with a better solution, unless it is close combat with the opponent.However, when they heard Hong Zhi yelling here, they didn't dare to accept this plan of the Vietnamese army. They thought that Hong Zhi was calling people.

A Vietnamese soldier said to his accomplices, "Forget it, let's withdraw! In case the CCP army gets too many, we won't be able to escape in time.

As soon as the Vietnamese army finished speaking, the others immediately agreed.So, the four of them found a direction at random, and ducked in.

Wu Jianglong could understand Hong Zhi's words, but he didn't do what Hong Zhi said.After Hong Zhi killed two Vietnamese soldiers, Wu Jianglong suddenly cheered up and cursed in his heart, "You son of a bitch, if you want to plot against me, there is no way, I will kill one of you to earn money, and another one will count as my profit. "

Thinking of this, he raised the loaded gun again.However, looking forward, all the Vietnamese troops were gone.

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