soldier rushing forward

492.503 Fathers and Folks

"Whose car is this?"

With a yell, Wu Jianglong was brought back to reality from the old battlefield.He raised his head and looked towards the shout.I saw a man driving a carriage parked behind the jeep.Wu Jianglong understood that it was his own car parked on a simple road blocking the way of others.

He threw the cigarette butt on the ground, said back to the other party, "Mine, wait a minute" and then hurried to the jeep.

When the driver saw Wu Jianglong coming, he didn't blame him, but asked with concern, "Comrade, is the car broken down? If you can't go, I can still take you with this car."

Wu Jianglong smiled, "No, I'll go to the river to wash my face."

"It's fine," said the driver. "Our road is narrow, and we can usually pass two carriages. Your car is big. If you stop this way, no one else will pass."

"I'm sorry, I didn't think about it, and I delayed your journey." Wu Jianglong said apologetically.

"It's okay, it's okay." The driver looked conciliatory, "I thought you couldn't go because of something wrong with your car, otherwise, I'll be able to pass by the side of the road."

Wu Jianglong opened the door and got into the driver's cab, ready to start, but after hitting it a few times, the ignition didn't start.

Wu Jiang shouted angrily, "Let's go, let's go!" Repeatedly lighting the fire several times and still not igniting, he yelled angrily, "What a broken car, the chain fell off at a critical moment, isn't it shameful!"

While he was in a hurry, the driver came over and said, holding the car window open, "You little comrade, you are not telling the truth. If I say that there is a problem with your car, you are still lying. Come down! Let me take you One ride."

A car is not a trolley. If it is not in use, it will not be in use. It is useless to rush, and it will not go away even if it is pushed.In desperation, Wu Jianglong had no choice but to jump out of the car, and said to the driver in embarrassment, "I have to trouble you to drive."

The driver said, "That's what I said. We're a family of soldiers and civilians!"

The driver circled back to the jeep again, drove the carriage, and half of the wheels rolled around the slope to the front of the jeep.

Wu Jianglong took out a silk rope from the carriage to connect the jeep to the carriage, and then he jumped into the cab.

The driver shouted in front of the car, "Let's go!"

Wu Jianglong waved his hands in the car.

The driver yelled, and waved his long whip in his hand, "Drive".

The three horses pulling the cart screamed, and the carriage drove the jeep forward.

After walking for a while, the driver said while driving the car, "Don't be embarrassed. A few years ago, when we supported the front line, we used this car to transport supplies to the PLA. Then, this road will be more It's hard to walk, and there are many cars that can't walk. Don't talk about your small car, even the big car, we have helped.

"Old man, what year are you talking about?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"What year?" said the driver, "since the year of the Vietnam War, I haven't stopped.

"Oh" Wu Jianglong sighed, "So, you are an old hero."

"What?" the driver was a little annoyed, "Am I getting old?"

Wu Jianglong knew he had made a mistake, so he quickly changed his words and said, "Not old, not old."

The old man was speechless for a long time, and after walking away for a while, he said, "If my son is still alive and around your age, he may be able to become a cadre in the People's Liberation Army."

Wu Jianglong was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "I take the liberty to ask you, what happened to your son?"

The driver sighed, "In [-], he entered Vietnam with the army and died."

"Which unit is he from?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"I can't say which army is in it. Anyway, he came from Yunnan, and he had joined the army for less than a year at that time."

"What's your son's name?"

"Liu Yue."

"Liu Yue." Wu Jianglong blurted out.

"Yes, he was less than 20 years old when he entered that year. After the war broke out, his mother was very worried. I persuaded her, let's not be afraid. There are so many young people in China who have gone. They are not afraid, and we are too. Don't be afraid. Although life is very precious, you should take it out. Later, it really happened. Our family received a death notice from the army. At the beginning, I didn't believe it. I didn't believe it. Yueer just disappeared. So, I waited and waited until the big troops withdrew from Vietnam, and I didn’t see my Yueer.”

"Why don't you go to the army to have a look." Wu Jianglong said.

"Since the organization says he's gone, then he's gone. We don't believe in the organization yet! Besides, we went to the army to cause trouble for the leaders." The old man said it very easily. It can be seen that he I got used to it in the middle of the year.

"That's right, there are detailed records of the victims on the front line, and there are generally no mistakes." Wu Jianglong said.

The driver looked back at Wu Jianglong, and then approached the driver's cab, "You comrade, what do you understand? Could it be that you have also fought in war?"

Wu Jianglong told the truth, "I have fought, and I was also one of the first to go in."

"Yes, yes, my Yue'er was also the first to dial in." The driver sighed, if only you recognized my Yue'er. "

"A lot of people went there, and there were quite a few people with the same name. If you can tell which unit you belong to, you won't be wrong."

"Oh, look at my memory." The driver was about to continue, when he suddenly found that the leading horse had gone in the wrong direction, so he hurried over, and corrected the direction while drinking.

A wagon pulls a jeep ahead.

The sun turned from east to due south.Wu Jianglong looked at his watch, the hour hand was already pointing to noon, and he was extremely anxious. If he walked like this, let alone go to see Hong Zhi, even if he returned to the regiment headquarters, it would be dark.So, he stuck his head out of the window and asked the driver, "Uncle Liu, is there a village or town ahead?"

"There is a village, it is our Liujia Village. However, it is far away from the town!" The driver said, "Don't worry, someone in our village can repair it."

"Then go to your village."

After walking for another half an hour, the carriage pulled the jeep and approached the entrance of the village.As soon as the two cars came in, they immediately attracted a large group of onlookers.The crowd gathered around the jeep to gossip.

"Look, this is a PLA car."

These people looked at the green sign and the military plate on the car, and pointed.Wu Jianglong, who was steering the steering wheel, blushed, regretting why he didn't learn how to repair cars in the first place.What's the use of being able to turn on the light, it runs so fast, once something goes wrong, you can only stare blankly.

While drinking the horse, the driver was dealing with the crowd watching, "Don't look, don't look, what's so interesting, when people are still peeing, this big guy can't go wrong?" Seeing the crowd A child shouted loudly: "Niu San, where is your father?"

The child named Niu San said, "Going to the ground."

Driver: "Go, call him back, and show this car to the People's Liberation Army."

Niu Sanfudong: "The team leader won't let me in. Work points will be deducted for delay in work."

Driver: "Tell the captain, this is for the People's Liberation Army to repair the car, if he dares to detain it, give mine to your father."

"Oh!" Niu San turned and ran away.

The driver led the horse to the spacious yard, went to the driver's cab and said to Wu Jianglong, "Comrade, get out of the car!"

Wu Jianglong got out of the car and went around the jeep, but found nothing wrong with it, and looked anxious.

The driver said, "Let's go, go to my house to drink some water first, and meet Niu Zhiguo later."

"All right!"

Wu Jianglong didn't take a sip of water for a long time, and he felt thirsty only after the driver mentioned it.

Wu Jianglong followed the driver into a yard.Saw an elderly woman feeding chickens in the yard.The driver said, "Mother Yue, look who's coming?"

The old woman raised her head and saw Wu Jianglong in green military uniform, her eyes stared straight away, and she didn't speak for a long time.

The driver said, "This is from our Yueer army."

Hearing this, Wu Jianglong suddenly felt unhappy, thinking, "Aren't you making up nonsense! When did I say that I and your son are in the same army."

The driver knew that something was wrong, so he whispered to Wu Jianglong, "After Yueer disappeared, his mother often went crazy. She would be happy only if she said it was from Yueer's army."

"Oh." Wu Jianglong understood, and stepped forward to comfort the old woman, "Hi, ma'am."

"Okay, okay" the old woman was no longer in a daze, and politely let Wu Jianglong into the room.

When Wu Jianglong entered the house, the driver said to the old woman, "Go and boil some water, comrades in the People's Liberation Army are thirsty."

"Ah!" The old woman went to fetch firewood on the pile.

Along the way, the driver finished what he needed to say, so the two of them had nothing to say after they entered the house.Sitting was uncomfortable, so the driver said, "You rest first, and I will help light the fire."

"Okay, you are busy first." Wu Jianglong said politely.

After the old man left the house, Wu Jianglong began to look around the house.

The inside of the house is very simple, with a kang covered with straw mats, the floor is a dirt floor, and a long red board cabinet stands on the north wall.On the board cabinet, there are some scattered items, and there are many photos hanging on it.

Wu Jianglong got up from the edge of the kang and approached the photo.At this time, a photo of a young soldier stood out, smiling towards him.

Wu Jianglong didn't look at it, but when he looked at it, he suddenly felt his head buzzing.He blurted out, "Liu Yue, it's you. It turns out that the person uncle said was you, Liu Yue."

When the driver heard someone calling Liu Yue's name, he lifted the curtain and broke in from the outer room.When he saw Wu Jianglong's eyes filled with tears, the old man understood that the PLA comrade in front of him must have recognized Liu Yue.

"You are, you are" Before the driver finished speaking, Wu Jianglong knelt down in front of the driver with a plop.

"Uncle, I am Liu Yue's former comrade-in-arms."

"Ah!" The old man was at a loss for a moment.

"I have been looking for Liu Yue's family all these years. Due to the reorganization of the army, all the acquaintances I used to know were scattered. Later, I inquired about many people and couldn't find them. I didn't expect to see you here today."

The driver finally understood and stepped forward to support Wu Jianglong, "Get up, get up."

From then on, tears appeared in the old man's eyes. This was the first time Wu Jianglong shed tears after he talked so much about his son after seeing the driver.

As soon as they heard that Liu Yue's old army was coming, all the old and young people in the village crowded in, and the kangs and kangs in the back room were full of people.

An elder said, "We all know that Liu Yue died, but how he died, we have always wanted to hear, but no one told us. You are his comrade-in-arms, can you tell us about it? "

Wu Jianglong nodded, took a deep breath, tried his best to suppress his excitement, and slowly said to everyone, "Liu Yue is a good guy, he is the deputy squad leader of our platoon. We attacked Height 628 that day, and the battle was very good. bitter………"

There was light rain scattered in the sky, no matter how the human beings on the ground were torn apart, they still went their own way to complete the mission of heaven.The rain came at an inopportune time, and the road that was already difficult to walk was soaked in such a way that it was muddy everywhere.Not to mention these, he not only drenched the human body, but also hit the upper teeth of the frozen warrior.In order to keep the ammunition from getting wet, almost everyone covered the ammunition box with raincoats.Suddenly, many bare backs appeared under the ridge.

It's okay if it's raining like this.But the battle continues.A death order has been issued from above, and Height 628 must be taken down before dark.

You say you can win it if you win it!The Vietnamese troops above were not vegetarians either, not to mention that they guarded the solid fortifications and kept shooting out with machine guns. As long as anyone showed their heads, they would be hit hard.

Li Sen squatted next to the radio station, shouting loudly, "Yes, yes!" After 10 minutes, he promised to win the high ground. "

Li Sen threw the microphone to the communicator and shouted, "Class Six, follow me."

As soon as the voice fell, seven barebacked men stood up from the ground with a "wow".

"Go," Li Sen was about to climb up the ridge as soon as he lifted the submachine gun.

Liu Yue stepped forward and grabbed Li Sen, "Platoon Leader, you can't go."

Li Sen stared at a pair of red eyes, "If I don't go, can you take the high ground?"

Liu Yue resolutely said, "Yes."

The others followed suit, "We can."

Li Sen looked up, then at the other squad soldiers waiting to attack at the bottom of the ridge, and said, "Okay! Come here."

After Liu Yue and others came over, Li Sen gestured to them and said, "When you get to the hurdle, don't go straight, go around, and kill the machine gun on the left first."

Liu Yue: "Yes."

"Let's go," Li Sen said.

As soon as Liu Yue waved his hand, six soldiers followed him up the ridge.

Leeson then shouted to the covering machine gunner, "Machine gun cover."

Suddenly, fierce gunshots rang out from the second row.

As soon as the gunshots rang out, the Vietnamese army on the high ground did not show any weakness, followed by bunches of fire snakes spraying out from the three bunkers.

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