soldier rushing forward

64. Secret passage

Wu Jianglong approached the wagon and touched it quietly from one side. 【 】

I saw two enemies with a machine gun firing wildly.The gun barrel protruded out of the wagon about half a foot, and the half-meter-long tongue of flame was pushing the raindrops of bullets out like a gushing stream.

When Wu Jianglong saw it, he couldn't care less. He jumped over, grabbed the barrel of the gun and pushed down hard. He pulled down the machine gun and an enemy forcefully.Before the enemy could react, Wu Jianglong picked up the machine gun he had seized and slammed it down on the enemy's head.


The shot butt hit the enemy's head like a watermelon, blood splashed everywhere, red and white mixed together, splashing Wu Jianglong's body and face.

The other enemy, after being stunned by the sudden appearance for a few seconds, immediately reacted and flew towards Wu Jianglong from the car.The gravity of the volley caught Wu Jianglong by surprise, and he fell to the ground with a "poof".This enemy was pressing on Wu Jianglong's body, and he drew out a sharp knife and was about to stab it down.Wu Jianglong was almost knocked unconscious, but he was still aware of the danger he was facing.Hastily stretched out both hands, firmly grasping the enemy's wrist.Both of them were struggling, fighting and rolling.

At this time, Niu Qiang also ran over and found that Wu Jianglong was rolling with the enemy, aiming at the enemy with his gun, but he was afraid of hurting Wu Jianglong, so he followed the two of them and never dared to pull the trigger.

After seeing Niu Qiang from the corner of Wu Jianglong's eyes, he shouted loudly: "Shoot, shoot."

Although Wu Jianglong kept shouting, Niu Qiang waited for the opportunity.

In an instant, the enemy pressed Wu Jianglong under him, and finally had the opportunity to raise his knife to stab him.The moment he swung his arm and was about to fall, Niu Qiang's gun rang out.

"clap clap"

There were three clear gunshots, and three bullets passed from the enemy's back through his chest. He leaned over and landed on Wu Jianglong's body.

Wu Jianglong pushed the enemy's corpse off his body in disgust, stood up, spat on the ground again, and then turned around and aimed at Niu Qiang.Not only did he not thank you, but he also blamed, "You kid, you want to kill me! Why didn't you shoot earlier?"

"I, I'm afraid of hurting you."

"Hmph, you're afraid of hurting me. If it's later, I'll be stabbed to death by this guy. Then, what's the use of shooting."

"Hey, isn't it true!" Niu Qiang said with a smile, "Hey, team leader, you are quite good at fighting! Why did this guy get the upper hand today?"

Wu Jianglong squinted at Niu Qiang: "Didn't you see that I'm tired? What eyes. Look at how big that guy is. Fuck, suddenly a sack is thrown from above, try to hit you!"

Niu Qiang turned his head and glanced at the enemy on the ground.The body of this enemy is indeed beyond that of ordinary Vietnamese, and he looks very tall.Niu Qiang turned his head and said to Wu Jianglong, "Could this guy have European blood, is he a mixed race?"

"Fucking nonsense. A Vietnamese is a Vietnamese. What about European blood? Don't miss the whole word." Wu Jianglong said, turning his head, seeing Li Sen and the others rushing into the waiting room from a distance, and then said, "Okay , It’s almost the same over there, let’s go get Peng Guangrong!”

Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang supported Peng Guangrong and limped towards the waiting room.

At this time, the battle in the waiting room was over.There were six or seven enemy corpses lying in disorder in the room.A soldier checked on the roof, and there were only four enemies on the house, plus the two enemies who were killed by Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang on the water tower and the train skin.There are no more than a dozen enemies guarding the train station.

"Platoon leader, there are only so few enemies." Xiao Yong came over and said to Li Sen.

"Yes! It seems that the enemy's focus is on the fort." Li Sen looked in the direction of the fort.

"Turtle son, there are not many people, and the beating is quite fierce." A soldier scolded.

"Squad leader, count the number of people." Li Sen said to Xiao Yong.

"Count the number of people in each class." Xiao Yong walked away and notified each class.

After a while, each squad counted the number of casualties and reported up. A total of five people were injured and six died.

Li Sen frowned, "Damn it, it's just such a small station, I have lost so much." Turning to Xiao Yong, "Organize the lightly wounded, and carry back the seriously injured comrades and those who died. The others followed me to attack the fort .”

"In that case, our combat effectiveness will be less. It is better to leave the lightly wounded and take care of the comrades who died first, and wait until we take down the fort." A squad leader suggested.

"Okay." Li Sen agreed, and then said: "All squads count their weapons and prepare to go."

After a brief tidying up, Li Sen led the rest of the people towards the fort.

As soon as they walked out, they heard gunshots in the waiting room.Immediately afterwards, a bullet was fired at them from the waiting room.

The team that was moving forward was messed up from behind by someone, and they all fell to the ground. They turned their heads and stared at the waiting room, not understanding what was going on.

Li Sen was also confused, and thought to himself: "The enemies in the waiting room have been wiped out, why are there still enemies appearing?"

Wu Jianglong noticed the enemy's hat shaking on the window, and at a glance he saw that it was a Vietnamese soldier, and shouted: "Platoon leader, the waiting room is occupied by the enemy again."

"Okay," Li Sen cried out inwardly.He clearly realized that if an enemy appeared there, the wounded soldiers placed there would definitely encounter accidents.Thinking of this, he shouted: "Comrades, call me back."

The soldiers turned around and attacked the waiting room again.

In this attack, for fear of hurting the wounded inside, they dared not use grenades and artillery.In this way, the enemy hiding in the waiting room has brought an opportunity.While firing wildly, they threw grenades outward, preventing the soldiers in the second row from taking a step forward for a long time.

"Wu Jianglong, aren't you fucking accurate! Knock out that machine gunner for me." Li Sen was in a hurry, and ordered Wu Jianglong repeatedly.

Wu Jianglong didn't talk to him either, thinking, "Are you sure? Just wait and see. I'm not bragging. It's not something you sealed." Wu Jianglong climbed behind a sleeper, put his half-moving rifle on it, A shot was fired through the flaming window.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the machine gun immediately fell silent.

"Hey, it's not a bad fight," Li Sen praised, "kill me another one."

Wu Jianglong turned the muzzle of the gun, and then aimed at the place where the submachine gun exploded, and hit it, the enemy at that window also stopped shooting.

"Just fight like this," Li Sen said, "Wu Jianglong, you are here to cover." After speaking, he stood up and shouted, "Comrades, go!"

Hearing Li Sen's order to charge, the soldiers stood up like a surge of wind from every foot, and rushed to the waiting room with all their brains.

The fierce exchange of fire and the frantic killing broke the tranquility of the station again.

Wu Jianglong was lying on the sleepers, his eyes fixed on the waiting room, as long as he found a window with continuous fire, he would shoot there.After a few shots, the enemies inside did not dare to show their heads.Until Li Sen led people into the waiting room and wiped out all the enemies here.

As soon as they entered the waiting room, the soldiers were all stunned.

None of the five remaining wounded was spared, and each of them was perforated by the bullets of the crows.The five wounded fell to the ground side by side with the six soldiers who had died.

When Niu Qiang saw Peng Guangrong, he hurried over, hugged his head and shouted: "Peng Guangrong, Peng Guangrong." While crying, he blamed himself, "I wish I could take you with me! That's how it works."

Suddenly, Peng Guangrong opened his eyes, narrowed his eyes and looked at Niu Qiang. He couldn't open his mouth when he wanted to say something, but raised his hand with difficulty and pointed forward.

Peng Guangrong's subtle movements caught Li Sen's attention.Li Sen felt that there might be something wrong here.So, he followed Peng Guangrong's finger and looked over, only to see a large iron cabinet lying in the corner.

"Move it away." Li Sen walked over and ordered several soldiers.

The tin cabinet was moved away, revealing the dark hole below.

"You son of a bitch, so you are hiding here." Li Sen cursed, and then ordered, "Blow me up."

Then several soldiers kept throwing grenades inside "Kang Bang Bang".

After a blast, there was no sound inside.

"Xiao Yong, go down and see what kind of guy it is." Li Sen instructed.

Xiao Yong lit a torch and led a few soldiers down the entrance of the cave.

Go down the steps at the entrance of the cave, getting deeper and deeper.The walls are made of cement, and the entire hole is in the shape of a corridor, extending deeper into it.

After walking for about ten minutes, Xiao Yong felt that this was very dangerous, so he returned with a few soldiers.

"Platoon leader, this is a secret passage. If it's too long, it may lead all the way to the fort." Xiao Yong reported to Li Sen.

Li Sen thought for a while, "Okay! Since there is a secret channel, why don't we use it to surprise the enemy."

"Okay! Okay! Hitting him is a bitch." Several soldiers echoed.

"Bundle the torches and go down the hole."

The soldiers found usable rags and rotten cotton in the waiting room, tied them into torches, poured gasoline on them, and carried them down the cave.

Illuminated by torches, the dark passageway looked gloomy, cold, and chilling.After walking for a while, Li Sen asked people to put out the torch and walked forward in the dark.

Although everyone lowered their footsteps, the random sound of landing still formed an empty sound in the secret passage.

Suddenly, there was a voice of questioning in front of them. It was obvious that the enemy had discovered them and was asking for the password.I searched twice, but there was no response here, because no one here could understand the enemy's accent, so of course they didn't know how to answer.

The enemy begins to pull the bolt.

After Li Sen heard it, he realized that the enemy had spotted them.Before the enemy could shoot, he shouted, "Hit."

The soldiers pulled the trigger, and all kinds of weapons fired at the enemy.

Soon, the other party also responded, and also responded with dense bullets.

The two sides had been in a stalemate for a long time, and Li Sen felt that it would be very unfavorable for him to continue fighting like this.On the one hand, the terrain is unfamiliar, and on the other hand, the enemy's firepower is unknown.It is very difficult to attack with these people under his command, otherwise the whole army will be wiped out.Then, the retreat order was issued.

Li Sen led the people back to the ground, thinking about how to block this secret passage and prevent the enemy from attacking from behind.

At this time, Wu Jianglong had an idea, "Platoon leader, let's blow up the secret passage for him, don't even think about getting out of it."

"That's right! That's a good idea." Li Sen called the three squad leaders to him, "Everyone split up to find the secret passage, and when we found it, we dug it open and blew it up.

The soldiers began to search for secret passages from the direction of the waiting room of the railway station.Dig this for a while, dig that for a while.

After Wu Jianglong dug a deep hole on the ground, he got an empty bucket from somewhere, put it in it, and tapped it slowly.After knocking for a while, I happily shouted: "Platoon leader, I found it, here it is."

Li Sen asked, "How are you sure you're here?"

"I learned it from "Tunnel Warfare." Wu Jianglong smiled, imitating the Commander Gao in the movie and said: "Gaojiazhuang, Majiahezi area."

Everyone was amused by him.

"Okay, try, dig here first." Li Sen ordered.

The soldiers started to dig one after another, and after digging for a while, they really dug the cement roof here.

"Haha, it's really here." Li Sen was happy, and turned to the artilleryman, "Cannonballer, bring your cannonballs."

Everyone put shells on the top of the cement cover, piled up grenades, and after binding them, pulled the grenade ring.

With a loud bang, the tunnel collapsed.

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