soldier rushing forward

65. Fort Lost Track

"Report to the company commander, our platoon has occupied the train station. 【 】" Li Sen reported to Shi Zhuguo via the radio.

"Okay, not bad. Are there too many casualties?" Shi Zhuguo asked.

Li Sen pondered for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "Sacrifice 11 people."

Shi Zhuguo paused at the other end, and said after a long time, "Can you still fight?"

"Yes." Li Sen was very firm.

"Okay, let's take your platoon to attack the fort now."


Li Sen organized his team and began to move towards the fort.

Viewed from the southwest, although the terrain is slightly higher than that of the northeast, it is still in an open land.The location of this fort is so special that its extension almost occupies the entire top of the mountain.Except for this mountaintop, the surrounding area is all open land, not even a hill.Even if this is not a solid concrete fortress, as long as a few trenches are simply built on it, with its condescending and invisible advantage, it is really a bit arrogant.

The second row formed a skirmish line, lined up, kept silent, and gradually approached the fort without firing a single shot.

Li Sen estimated that the troops were close to the enemy's firepower, and suddenly issued an order to the troops to stop the attack.

Everyone got down on the spot, concealed their bodies, and waited for the charge.

Li Sen wanted to wait for the moment when it got dark.

He looked back at the sun in the west. Although the big fireball hanging in the sky was no longer scorching hot, its last few rays of light were still dazzling when it hit the concrete fortress.The golden markings, covering the old marks on the concrete wall, give birth to ferocity and ridicule.As if challenging him, "I am the master here, no one can touch me."

Yes, since the day the French built this fort, they have dominated everything here and have enslaved the Vietnamese people for decades.

The fort is a symbol, a representative of a colony, and an imperialist hegemony.Far from destroying it, the nascent Vietnamese government took full advantage of its darkness and its intransigence.What are they up to?Only they know!

The Chinese people in front of them hated this fort so much that they couldn't stand it.Therefore, it is urgent to end the life of this fort.

"Don't wait, let's fight now." After Li Sen made this decision, he ordered the mortars assigned to the platoon, and the [-] recoilless guns to attack the fort.

Three [-] mortars and two recoilless guns bombarded the fort at the same time.

Li Sen knew very well that these small cannons would not be able to blow up the fort at all, but he had his own plan.He ordered the mortars to focus on the lookout post atop the platform.Eighty-two recoilless guns aimed at the perforation and fired.

After a burst of shelling, more than a dozen enemies hidden on the top of the fort were drilled back into the fort by shells, and recoilless artillery shells occasionally penetrated into the perforation, causing a lot of panic to the enemy.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Sen gave the order to charge.

The soldiers jumped up and rushed towards the fort with a shout of killing.

"Da da da"

The enemy in the fort opened fire, and the light and heavy machine guns immediately formed a powerful firepower on the second row's attack route.

"Knock off the machine gun for me." Li Sen ordered the [-] recoilless gunner.

After an [-] recoilless gun fired a shot, it only exploded on the edge of the perforation.

The enemy machine guns were still roaring.

An anti-aircraft machine gun inside the turret spotted the [-] recoilless gun, turned its muzzle, and swiped at the [-] recoilless gun.

The gunner did not come to hide and was shot by a bullet.

The soldiers in the second row were pressed on the offensive line and could not advance.

"Reporting to the company commander, our platoon's attack has been blocked, and we request artillery support." Li Sen asked Shi Zhuguo for help.

"Retreat. Wait for the order to attack." Shi Zhuguo asked the second row to retreat first in order to reduce casualties.

The second platoon retreated while fighting, until it was out of the enemy's firepower.

At this time, in the northeast direction, two tractors of our army came over with two 122 howitzers.

After the 122 howitzers were in position, Shi Zhuguo assigned tasks to Li Sen through the radio.

"The shelling will start right away. As soon as the shelling stops, you will charge upwards. You are from the southwest, and I am from the northeast. We will form a two-sided attack on the enemy."

"Yes." Li Sen happily conveyed the company commander's intention to the soldiers.

In less than 5 minutes, shelling sounded from the northeast direction of the fort.Two 122 howitzers began to bombard the fort.

One row and three rows went into battle, covering the 85 cannon artillery and regaining the artillery position. With the cover of smoke after the explosion of the 122 howitzer shell, the gun body was pushed forward by more than ten meters.

The artillerymen of the 85 cannon knew that this kind of shell could not destroy the concrete wall, so they simply did not blow it up, and aimed at the perforation and fired.

"Boom, boom" one round of shells drilled through the perforation, and all the enemies on the top floor were bombed down to the second floor.For a while, the sound of enemy machine gun fire stopped.

As soon as the cannon sounded, Li Sen rushed forward with the soldiers without waiting for Shi Zhuguo to give the order to attack the second platoon.

Since there was no machine gun fire, the soldiers charged smoothly this time, and they approached the enemy's fort in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, someone pierced the vent hole of the turret, and then shot a string of bullets from it.

Several soldiers were shot by bullets that appeared suddenly and fell to the ground.

As soon as a soldier beside Wu Jianglong fell down, Wu Jianglong realized the potential danger.Jumping up and down, he ran under the concrete wall.After he took a closer look, he discovered that the bullets were shot from several black holes.

"Turtle son, this small hole can also be shot." Wu Jianglong cursed, and quietly approached the vent hole.

Because the air outlet is too small, it forms a big blind spot. If you stand next to it, as long as you don't expose yourself consciously, the enemies inside can't see the outside situation at all.

Wu Jianglong stretched out the grenade, pulled the tab, and stuffed it in.

There was only a bang, the grenade exploded, and the gunshots inside disappeared.

After blowing up one, Wu Jianglong seemed to have found a clever way.Then he went to find the second one, and stuffed another grenade in the same way as it was.

The few soldiers who rushed up also saw the doorway, imitating his appearance, and stuffing grenades into the vent holes.After a while, all the air vents about one meter above the ground were controlled by the soldiers.

After blowing up the vent, Wu Jianglong and several soldiers surrounded the concrete wall to find the entrance.Turning to the northwest, a closed iron gate appeared in front of you.

Wu Jianglong judged, "Needless to say, there must be an exit." Looking at the steps he descended down the mountain, he was sure, and then shouted:

"Explode, explode."

The soldiers untied the grenades one after another and handed them all over to Wu Jianglong.

Wu Jianglong tied the grenade with a belt and put it at the door. After fastening the pull ring, he shouted to the crowd, "Everyone back off."

Everyone retreated and took cover, Wu Jianglong fired a grenade.

The air wave after the grenade exploded knocked open the iron door, revealing the dark room.

Before the soldiers rushed in, there was a bang of gunshots inside, and the entrance was immediately crowded.

The enemies inside had finished resisting in the corner, machine guns and submachine gun bullets weaving an impenetrable curtain at the entrance.

The soldiers retreated quickly, even so, two soldiers still died.

Afterwards, the gunmen outside also began to fight back inside, throwing grenades in one after another.After playing for half a day, none of this worked.You hit yours, you blow yours.The enemy's gunshots sounded unmistakably, and the bullets still blocked the entrance.

It seemed that the enemy was hiding in a blind spot where guns couldn't shoot and grenades couldn't blow up.It is also a waste of bullets to fight.

As soon as the enemy's machine guns stopped, two soldiers rushed in recklessly, but Wu Jianglong grabbed him, "Hey, what are you doing?"

"The enemy's guns have stopped firing, rush in."

"Silly x, that's a trick of the enemy. As soon as you show your head, the enemy will shoot."

The soldier didn't believe it.

"You wait." After speaking, Wu Jianglong suddenly jumped from one side to the other.His jump drew a burst of enemy fire.

Seeing that the soldier was silent, Wu Jianglong said in a reprimanding tone, "You see!"

"Then what to do?" asked one of the soldiers.

"They're being cheap, there's no need to pay them a funeral. Don't come out, right? Let's burn his son of a bitch." Wu Jianglong said while flicking his eyes around.

At this time, the second and third platoons attacking from the northeast had rushed to the top of the fort, completely controlling the upper entrance and exit and the air outlet in the same direction, and the perforations close to the upper level were also under the control of our army.

There are two flamethrowers running non-stop, spraying here twice for a while, and spraying there a few times for a while.

When Wu Jianglong saw it, he called the two of them over, and then said to the people around him, "Go, get some grass."

I saw a soldier carrying back several large bags of wormwood.Wu Jianglong let them step on it firmly, and took advantage of the enemy's shooting gap to throw the straw bales into it.Then he said to the ** soldiers, "*** inward."

Two policemen sprayed gasoline with flames into it.

Soon, flames and smoke rose in the dark room.But after only a short while, the fire was over, and thick smoke came out from those vent holes.This smoking method doesn't work at all.

Wu Jianglong and the others thought of ways to keep messing around here.But it didn't work much after making trouble for a long time.The enemies inside would shoot as soon as they saw a figure, making the soldiers unable to fight or get in.

At this time, Shi Zhuguo and his men began to speak to the enemy through an interpreter at an entrance and exit to the south.Let the enemies inside come out, but after shouting for a long time, the enemies here refuse to surrender.

The interpreter said, "I'll go in and negotiate with them."

Shi Zhuguo stared, "What if the enemy doesn't talk about it! Can you come back alive?"

The translator was stunned for a moment, and said: "If you don't let me out, it will be considered a sacrifice, and you will avenge me."

"Bullshit. There's still more to do. There's no need to tell the truth to these enemies." Shi Zhuguo said, "Keep shouting at me, give them another 10 minutes, and if they still don't surrender, they will be resolutely eliminated.

The translator then shouted to the enemy to persuade them to surrender.

At this time, the correspondent ran over to Shi Zhuguo and said, "Company Commander, the second platoon has started."

"What hand?" Shi Zhuguo asked puzzled.

"Wu Jianglong and the others are making explosives to blow up the fort."

Upon hearing this, Shi Zhuguo frowned, "Go, get Wu Jianglong here."

The correspondent ran to look for Wu Jianglong.

After a while, Wu Jianglong followed the correspondent to Shi Zhuguo.

"Wu Jianglong, what's your idea, kid?" Shi Zhuguo asked with a stern face.

Wu Jianglong didn't know what the company commander meant by looking for him, he was really confused when he heard this question, and he didn't speak for a long time.

"I'm asking you, what are you doing with explosives?" Shi Zhuguo explained.

"Oh, the company commander asked this!" Wu Jianglong said, "Guizi resisted to the end, and we couldn't get in. Everyone wanted to blow him up."

"What kind of bombing method?"

"Pile the explosives inside, then pour in gasoline, and with a bang, all the enemies will be wiped out."

"It's a bit cruel!" Shi Zhuguo said slowly.

"Company commander, the enemy killed so many of us, aren't they cruel?" Wu Jianglong said almost with tears.

The soldiers around him also helped Wu Jianglong speak.

"If the enemy does not surrender, he must be destroyed."

"We have killed so many people, we want revenge."

All of a sudden, there were shouts, shouts, and shouts.

"Okay, okay, wait until I ask my superiors for instructions." Shi Zhuguo persuaded the soldiers.

Shi Zhuguo asked for an interpreter to ask, "How about it, is the enemy surrendering?"

"Surrender, you bird! As soon as I shouted, they shot outside." The interpreter said angrily.

"In this case, let's not be polite." Shi Zhuguo turned to the radio soldier and said, "Get me the regiment headquarters."

The enemy does not surrender, but is still resisting.If the enemies here are not cleared, it will obviously be very unfavorable for the next battle.

Shi Zhuguo's request for instructions was finally agreed by his superiors.After a while, several trucks brought 12 tons of explosives and 12 tons of gasoline.

The soldiers are happy, with these, they no longer have to risk their lives to rush in and fight the enemy.A victor's aura, a heroic spirit of beating a dog in the water, dyed the entire field at this time.

Soldiers ran up and down busy delivering explosives and gasoline.

After everything was ready, Shi Zhuguo ordered people to shout to the enemies inside the fort to persuade them to surrender.But the enemy still responded with bullets.In desperation, Shi Zhuguo issued an order to blast.

With a loud bang, many fireballs drilled out from the perforations, vent holes, entrances and exits, and all places that ventilate to the outside.Immediately afterwards, the huge fort collapsed, and the bouncing rubble flew around.

With this loud bang, the remnants of the imperialist colonization of Vietnam turned into wreckage and ruins, finally ending a period of history.

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