soldier rushing forward

66. Life and Death 1 Battle

The Seventh Company paid a heavy price for the attack on Guitun Fort, and the troops had to enter a state of repair and temporarily stop moving forward. Therefore, the Seventh Company took on the task of guarding and investigating. 【 】

As we said before, Guitun Fortress, Tanmou, and Highland 339 have become a triumvirate on the important passage leading to Lang Son. The powerful firepower formed by the three has controlled the Tongtai Highway, Tonglang Highway and Railway.

After these three strongholds were taken by our army, it was like putting a walnut on the throat of Lang Son, which was uncomfortably blocked. Therefore, the enemy desperately cut off this obstacle when they were surrounded by our army.

Thus, a new fierce battle was launched in the Tanmou area.

The enemy came quickly and ferociously beyond the superiors' expectation, otherwise, they wouldn't have put the incomplete Seventh Company here, and let one company withstand the enemy's battalion's attack in turn.

Tanmou is surrounded by high and low hills on all sides, with a depression in the middle.The railway and road leading to Lang Son intersect here, and it is the only way to go north and south between Dong Daeng and Lang Son.

After the siege of Tongdeng was closed, our army made various offensive preparations, and only waited for the coming day to launch a full-scale attack on the besieged enemy.

The enemies guarding Lang Son saw our army's intentions, and in a hurry, gathered a large number of reinforcements, rushing over quickly.Their purpose is to rescue the "Flying Tiger Regiment" and a battalion of the Vietnamese Army who were besieged by our army in the Tongdang area.

It was very late in the evening, and the setting sun was hanging on the top of the mountain, squinting at the half-bright light obliquely, as if it was nostalgic for all kinds of things in the world, and refused to leave for a long time.After struggling for a while, the last ray of light flashed out and disappeared into the invisible darkness.It has finally escaped a tragic slaughter in the world, without being painted with a drop of blood, and it still maintains a pure and flawless fiery red.

Shi Zhuguo led a few people around Tanmou Highland, and more or less deployed troops on every hilltop.Although there are not enough troops, there are brother troops around.What's more, the enemies on the same board are surrounded at the core, even if they are given wings, they will not be able to fly out of the heavy encirclement.Except for the same enemy, there are no major enemies now.Therefore, he regarded the guard Tanmou as the head of the regiment taking care of them.Now that the war was at hand, he felt very uncomfortable with this particularity.

In order to preserve the strength of the Seventh Company, the head of the group, Chi Yongjie, did not let the Seventh Company participate in the siege of Tongdeng, but put them in Tanmou for repairs.For this reason, Shi Zhuguo made a special trip to the regiment headquarters to challenge the regiment leader, insisting on going up to fight this battle.

Chi Yongjie was in a hurry, and called him Lao Shi for the first time; "Old Shi, don't you have to kill the Seventh Company? Let me tell you, if the Seventh Company is gone, you will be the company commander. Go to the logistics for me."

"It's light, it's light, and the logistics are also done by people!" Shi Zhuguo really dared to say.

"I don't want to destroy a glorious company because of this battle. I don't want to give away the red flags of the seventh company." Chi Yongjie almost shouted.

"If there is one person, Qilian is here." Shi Zhuguo was rather stubborn.

"Okay," Chi Yongjie said with restraint, "Let me tell you, let Qilian go to Tanmou to rest up, not to let you sleep, but also to take on the task of blocking Lang Son and Tongdeng's enemies. Your task is heavier than anyone else, and you may be attacked from both sides."

"That's impossible. Tongdeng is surrounded by us, and the enemy can't escape." Shi Zhuguo said.

"What if the enemy of Lang Son comes over!" Chi Yongjie stared at Shi Zhuguo and asked.

Shi Zhuguo was stunned, thought for a while and said, "Isn't that bold! We are going to hit Lang Son soon, and they dare to come here."

"Comrade Shi Zhuguo, war is not just a house game. Anything can happen." Chi Yongjie paused and said, "Not only do you have to repair there, but you also need to be the front guard. Right now, I have only these troops in my hand. I won’t put you there. If the enemy doesn’t come, you should give me a good rest. When it comes, stop it, and I will send someone to support it.”

As soon as Shi Zhuguo heard that there was a battle to be fought, he stopped arguing whether to fight or not, so he said: "I will obey the regiment leader's arrangement."

"Let's not do this," Chi Yongjie said with a sullen face, "If there is something wrong with Tanmou and let the enemy come in, it is not a trivial matter. Not only will the enemy be let go, but we may also be attacked on both sides. At that time, I'll put you to the test."

"Yes, the task is guaranteed to be completed."

"Come here, take a look at the terrain here." Chi Yongjie walked to the big map.

Shi Zhuguo deployed troops on various hills after he returned from the task.

With this arrangement, he realized that the troops at hand were really insignificant.With this kind of people, how can they fight with the same board? If they really want to get in, it is really incomparable with Brotherhood.So I counted and counted with my fingers, fiddling with a few stones, moving them back and forth.In the end, the second row still has the most people, so let the second row guard the southernmost side.He judged that this is probably the most likely direction for the enemies of Lang Son to break through, and it is also the most difficult battlefield.

The second row is divided into two hilltops, and a ridge passes through the two hilltops. The most concave part of the mountainside is the highway pass from Lang Son to Tongdang.

Along the ridge line, the soldiers began to dig bunkers clangingly, making pre-war preparations.

Wu Jianglong took Niu Qiang to dig the soil while building the soil edge.

Niu Qiang worked for a while, put the shovel aside, sat on the ground, and asked, "Team leader, do you think the enemy will come?"

Wu Jianglong carried a large clod of soil upside down to the outside of the bunker, "That's still possible! It doesn't matter whether you come or not, you just have to prepare well. This is called sweating more in peacetime and bleeding less in wartime."

Niu Qiang turned his head and looked north, "We have so many troops coming, the enemy is also scared away, and dare to come north to seek death."

"Whether you seek death or not is the enemy's business. Now do your job well, as long as you don't seek death." Wu Jianglong said while working.

"Team leader," Niu Qiang said to Wu Jianglong, pointing to the unit bunker that had just been dug, "If the enemy really comes, can this small pit of ours be able to withstand it?"

"Recruit boy, this is called a small pit! This is called a single-soldier bunker. It's only been a few days since I came out, and I've forgotten all about it because of the bullets." Wu Jianglong lectured.

"Hey, team leader, you are right. Ever since we came out, we have been beating others, and we have never been beaten by others!"

"So! You also have to try the feeling of being beaten." Wu Jianglong looked up at the sky, "It's getting dark, hurry up."

Niu Qiang jumped down and followed Wu Jianglong to continue digging the bunker.

The sky gradually came to a close, whether it was dark or not, and whether it was bright or not, the mountains and the world were all in a haze.Grab a handful and it will be dusky, throw a pinch and it will be dusk.

Suddenly, the sound of a car motor came from the south of Tanmou.Immediately afterwards, the landmines buried on the road also exploded.

The front sentry reported that a large number of enemies were coming here.

Not long after, Shi Zhuguo ran over hissing and panting.

At the foot of the mountain, the enemy swarmed.Among the cars, there are also motorcycles, tricycles and other unnamed vehicles.

Seeing more and more enemies gathered down the mountain, Shi Zhuguo said to Li Sen worriedly, "Li Sen, you must persevere."

"Don't worry, company commander, don't even think about going there." Li Sen said to Shi Zhuguo, and then loudly ordered the soldiers on the hill, "Fight."

Gunshots exploded from the two hilltops, and the dense bullets flew towards the enemy group with [-] mortars and [-] recoilless shells.

In an instant, several cars were set on fire.

When the enemy suddenly encountered our army's attack, they were confused for a while, and then retreated.Soon, the enemy organized an attack formation and began to attack the two hills.

More than a dozen enemy mortar shells exploded in the second row of positions.The individual bunkers that had just been built were blown up as the shells flew down, and human bodies flew out from time to time.

After a burst of shelling, the enemy felt that it was almost done, so he stopped the artillery fire and began to charge towards the top of the mountain.

Swarms of enemies roared and rushed towards the top of the mountain.

Several mortars assigned to the Seventh Company also began to intercept fire, and shells exploded in the enemy group.

The charging enemies flew up with the bursts of shells, and the blown up stumps flew all over the sky.However, the shells did not stop the enemy from attacking.The enemy is very good at listening to the sound and judging the direction of the shells flying, and when they see the shells coming, they will lie down and dodge immediately.Gradually, the target bombed by the shells became smaller and smaller.

The enemy who escaped the bombardment continued to roar forward and approached our army's position on the top of the hill.

Many soldiers, including Niu Qiang, have never seen such a violent charge from the enemy since they entered the war.Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, he was a little overwhelmed.After firing the bullets in the magazine, I forgot to change the magazine in a hurry.When I pulled the trigger and saw that the gun stopped firing, I remembered that there was no bullet in the chamber.So, they appear to be in a hurry.

Wu Jianglong was in a hurry, and shouted loudly: "Don't panic, hit the target. Hurry up and change. Look at me." While talking, he aimed at the enemy rushing to the front,

"Papapa" kept shooting at the enemy group.

Several enemies fell under his gun.

"What are you afraid of, just come up and beat him hard." Wu Jianglong said while beating.The few soldiers around him were infected by him, and their panic gradually disappeared, and they began to shoot fiercely at the enemy.

After Niu Qiang put on a magazine, he fired and said to Wu Jianglong, "Squad leader, can I shoot correctly?"


Two sounds passed, and an enemy really fell in response.

"That's right, just fight like this, don't panic." Wu Jianglong encouraged.

The enemy's first charge in the direction of the second row was repulsed.

After a while, gunshots came from the third row of defense.

"Did you see that, the enemy couldn't get through here, and ran over there again." Wu Jianglong said to Niu Qiang while pressing the bullet into the magazine. "

"Team leader, I don't see anything wrong with the enemy, so just run away if you can't beat them."

"What do you know! This is the enemy trying to find a weak point in defense. When they find it, they will launch a strong attack." Wu Jianglong said, "This is the only way for the enemy to pass, don't worry! It won't take long. They're still coming back."

Wu Jianglong was really right.After the enemy was blocked in the direction of the second row, they wanted to touch it from the other side, and after taking down those hills, they attacked the second row from that direction.If you can't make the second row, it means you can't get through the road.How could they get to Tongdeng without a road?Therefore, the enemy still focuses on the second row position.

The enemy invested some troops in the direction of the third row and launched a tentative attack.After rushing for a while, he couldn't rush over.

After some probing, the enemy put the focus of seizing Tanmou on the second row.

As soon as the gunshot rang out in Tan's direction, Chi Yongjie asked Shi Zhuguo about the situation through the radio.When he heard that a large number of enemies were pouring in, he realized that this was the arrival of enemy reinforcements.To be on the safe side, Zhu Lisheng, the deputy head of the regiment, was specially sent to support the Seventh Company with the Eighth Company.He also allocated an artillery company assigned to the regiment to Shi Zhuguo.

After Zhu Lisheng, the deputy head of the regiment, took over the task, he rushed to Tanmou with the reinforcement company.

After some artillery preparations, the enemy launched a new round of charge on the second row.

Enemies all over the mountains rushed up.

When Shi Zhuguo saw it, the enemy had spent a lot of money this time, and in terms of strength alone, they were far more than the second platoon.If you don't use artillery, you will really have trouble, and the light weapons of the second platoon alone will not be able to withstand the enemy's attack at all.So Shi Zhuguo called for artillery fire from the regiment.

After the artillery calibrated their bearings, they immediately carried out blocking fire.

After a burst of bombardment, the difference between the howitzer and the [-] mortar was clearly exposed.Large-caliber artillery not only has dense shells, but also covers a large area of ​​impact.Only the first round of shells flew over, and the enemy's corpses were scattered all over the field, howling like wolves.Using the method of listening to the sound to change the direction is no longer effective.Therefore, the remnants of the enemy who were bombed by the shells had to flee back.

The second platoon repelled the enemy almost without firing a single shot.

The soldiers jumped up and cheered happily: "Good fight, come again, come again!"

There was another burst of shells, and the enemies who rushed in the second group were beaten back again.

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