soldier rushing forward

67. Attacking Tanmou

In the fierce battle that took place in Tanmou, finally the stimulated enemy of the same board jumped out. [ ] They gave up the fantasy of defending the same board and fighting our army desperately, and adopted sudden attack tactics, which caught our army's besieging troops by surprise.After this group of enemies stood out from the same board, they went straight to Tanmou, and all of a sudden, the Qilian who guarded Tanmou were attacked.

Zhu Lisheng, the deputy head of the team who had just arrived in Tanmou, assumed full command responsibility.The two companies made simple adjustments.The eighth company was responsible for blocking the enemies who were climbing together, and the seventh company shrank its troops and continued to hold on to more than a dozen hills.

The disparity in military strength has completely increased the arrogance of the enemy.Enemies from two directions began to attack like crazy in order to join forces.

On the second row of positions, the enemy rushed up roaring after firing another volley of artillery.

Our army continued to block and shoot, and the corpses of the enemy bombed by the shells flew across the sky, but they could not stop the enemy's attack speed, and some enemies still rushed up.

The soldiers in the second row swept with guns, bombed with grenades, and used all the weapons that fit their hands.Even so, the enemy rushed to the trenches.

Li Sen shouted, "Get the bayonet."

After a crackling sound, the soldiers put on their bayonets.

Seeing the enemy rushing in, Li Sen yelled: "Kill," and was the first to jump out of the bunker and rush towards the enemy.

All the soldiers in the second row jumped out, no matter how tall or short they were, they all greeted the enemy with their bayonets straightened out.

The sudden hand-to-hand combat caught the enemy by surprise.

On the Vietnam battlefield, the Vietnamese army has always won with firepower.Most of the firearms they use are submachine guns, and many of them are folding short-handled submachine guns.Due to the wild hope and arrogance of the enemy, most of the time they took off the bayonet and used it as a dagger in their waist.Or it can be used for cutting and cooking, killing a chicken, chopping grass, digging a hole, etc., changing the nature of the bayonet.This is also not wished for them, who will let them have a surplus of weapons!No need, no need, no use, anyway, someone will give it away unconditionally.

Facing the swarming enemies with gleaming bayonets, the first enemy to attack couldn't think of any way to deal with it in an instant.

The distance was too close, the speed was too fast, the situation was too sudden.Before the enemy had decided on a move, Li Sen had already stabbed the bayonet into an enemy's chest.

Wu Jianglong followed closely behind, yelling and jumping in front of another enemy, before that enemy figured out what was going on, he also stabbed the bayonet into the stomach of this enemy.

The enemy who followed quickly realized that it was too late to install the bayonet, and they were afraid of hurting their own people when they fired, so they took turns to fight with the soldiers.

Regardless of the fact that these young Chinese soldiers have not joined the army for a long time, they are not very proficient in using guns, and their shooting is not accurate enough, but they are relatively familiar with assassination tactics.

In the infantry company, the subjects in spare time are spent most of the time wielding wooden guns, stabbing each other.Don't forget, assassination is a family heirloom of our army.No company executive officer would dare to take this as a joke.Moreover, there is a military competition every year, making the subject of assassination even higher.

Now it is replaced with a real one, although it is heavier than the wooden gun, but the operation essentials are the same.Therefore, after several times of slashing, the fighters gradually got used to it.

At this time, no one still cherishes life, whether it has its own or the enemy's.The law of the battlefield, win or lose.Only when the enemy dies can one live in exchange for one's own life.The soldiers screamed, further enhancing the terrifying atmosphere on the battlefield.

The soldiers are desperate, and the enemy is also desperate.But winning or losing is not based on luck, it depends on the strength of the opponent.

Wu Jianglong rushed left and right, and Niu Qiang cooperated behind him.The two changed their attack formations from time to time.When there are many enemies, the two will stand back to back;After a lot of fighting, the Vietnamese soldiers no longer dared to underestimate these Chinese soldiers.What can I do if I pay attention to it, or after being stabbed violently by the Japanese, there are not many enemies who rushed up, and the remaining enemies had to retreat down the hill in a hurry.

After fighting hand-to-hand, the enemy's third charge was repulsed.

In the other direction of Tanmou, the same enemy is also desperately attacking.The impact became more intense every time.Zhu Lisheng, deputy head of the regiment, had to move the command post to the Eighth Company position.

In the distance, the enemy's three machine guns were mounted behind the soil bag, but they fired vigorously at our army's position.The dense bullets made the soldiers unable to raise their heads.With the cover of machine guns, the enemy howled and rushed up.

"[-] recoilless gun, kill the machine gun for me." Zhu Lisheng shouted from the bunker pointing to the distance.

The [-] recoilless gunner squatted down, shouldered the barrel, and fired a shot at a machine gun.After one shot, the machine gun was blown up and disappeared.

"Yes, just fight like this." Zhu Lisheng shouted, killing the second one.

The [-] recoilless gun fired again.The second machine gun also flew up with the gunpowder smoke from the shell explosion, and fell to nowhere.

Before Zhu Lisheng gave the order to blow up the third machine gun, the enemy fired a rocket.Rocket shrapnel pierced the gunner in the neck.The gunner tilted his head, dropped the barrel and fell to the ground.

"Hygienist, hygienist" Zhu Lisheng jumped out of the bunker, and ran to this side, calling the hygienist.

Zhu Lisheng ran to the gunner, picked up the recoilless gun, and loudly reminded the stunned loader to load the shells quickly.

The loader loaded the shells, and Zhu Lisheng aimed at the enemy rocketer.

The opponent is also loading rockets, and it seems that they are preparing to launch at Zhu Lisheng.Zhu Lisheng quickly pulled the trigger, and the recoilless gun flew past the enemy first.

The enemy bazooka soldiers, seeing the smoke of gunpowder in Zhu Lisheng, dropped the bazooka and ran away.Just two steps away, the recoilless gun exploded behind the enemy.The air wave after the explosion swelled up the enemy, and slammed into a big tree fiercely.

After blowing up the rocket launcher, Zhu Lisheng continued to shout, "Reload".

Immediately afterwards, Zhu Lisheng threw shells at the third machine gun.

The enemy holding the machine gun only cared about shooting at our army's position. Looking at our soldiers suppressed by it, the enemy's machine gunner yelled abnormally while shooting.


The recoilless gun flew on time, and the enemy and the machine gun were blown away in one shot.

Without machine gun suppression, the soldiers raised their heads and fired fiercely at the enemy.

The swarming enemies were finally beaten back.

Just as the battlefield in the north subsided, gunshots rang out again in the south.The enemy launched a fourth charge to the second platoon.

This time, the enemy concentrated all their artillery, intending to take down Tanmou's southern position in one fell swoop.

The enemy will no longer be desperate like this.Because behind the enemy on the same board, our army's large troops have followed and chased them, and once again surrounded the "Flying Tiger Regiment" in front of the Eighth Company's position.

The head of the "Flying Tiger Regiment" has already sent a distress signal to the Lang Son reinforcements, "Brother, take one more step forward, and I will pass."

The reinforcements also sent out a signal, instructing the "Flying Tigers" to try to move forward one step further, and the two sides could close together.

However, after two hours of fighting between the two groups of enemies, none of them could move half a step forward, and they were all blocked by the hillocks on both sides of Tanmou.

Except for Tanmou, which is a passable open land, surrounded by mountains, there is no way to go.

The sky was completely dark, and its thick colors did not stop the sound of gunfire.In the flashing fire, the soldiers can be seen fighting.

The enemy's shelling took a very long time this time, and he didn't mean to stop at all.

Wu Jianglong lay in the bunker, hugged his head, squatted down and waited for the shells to subside.But after waiting for a long time, there was still non-stop ringing on the battlefield.Wu Jianglong felt that the atmosphere was not right, so he boldly stuck his head out of the trench.It didn't matter what he saw, and he was shocked.

With the light of the fire, Wu Jianglong saw a large number of enemies approaching.These enemies are really not afraid of death. They follow closely behind the shells and move forward step by step.Several enemies were hit by artillery shells and disappeared with the sound of artillery.Even so, the enemy did not stop advancing.

Wu Jianglong was in a hurry and shouted: "Get up, the enemy is coming up." While shouting, he grabbed a machine gun and fired at the enemy.

The artillery shells were still exploding on the position, some of them hit our army, and some of them hit the enemy himself.

The soldiers bit the bullet, raised their heads and started shooting at the enemy.

Too late, the soldiers came out too late.Despite fighting hard, the position of the fifth squad was broken by the enemy.

The enemy who broke through the position of the fifth squad did not expand the results to the two sides, but ran desperately down the hill.Looking at the intention, the task of expanding the fighting position was handed over to the follow-up personnel, and they all wanted to rush to the north to join hands with the enemy.

After Wu Jianglong saw this situation, he became anxious. He jumped out of the trench, held a light machine gun, and swept towards the breakthrough.

The four enemies who had just approached the breach were killed by him.The enemy behind immediately fell to the ground.

Wu Jianglong didn't care how many bullets were still in the chamber, and fired again at the lying enemy.

There was a "click", and the firing pin made a crisp sound when it hit the barrel of the gun.Wu Jianglong hurriedly took off the magazine and took a look. He was dumbfounded, there was no bullet in the magazine.

It is impossible for Wu Jianglong to go back and reload.The few enemies lying on the ground saw that Wu Jianglong's gun had stopped firing, and guessed that he was out of bullets.So they swarmed up.

When Wu Jianglong saw the enemy coming up, he swung his machine gun and shot at the rushing enemy.One enemy was knocked down by him, another enemy came up again, and then was hit on the chest by his rounded machine gun, and one fell to the ground.

Seeing more and more enemies rushing towards him, Wu Jianglong waved his machine gun to stop them, and shouted, "Hurry up and throw bombs at me, drop bombs at me."

The four enemies rushed towards Wu Jianglong almost at the same time, forcing him to the ground.

At this time, behind the enemy, Niu Qiang rushed up with several soldiers.They didn't dare to shoot, they just slammed the butts of their guns at the four enemies pressing on Wu Jianglong.

The four enemies let go of Wu Jianglong, turned around and fought with the soldiers who came up.

Before the enemy could fight back quickly, a few bayonets pierced through.These four enemies, some half kneeling, some lying down, were stabbed to death.

It was Wu Jianglong's tossing here that the gap opened by the enemy was finally blocked.

Wu Jianglong stood up, grabbed the machine gun on the ground, picked up a magazine and loaded it, and said to Niu Qiang, "There are a few more rushing in. Follow me."

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