soldier rushing forward

72. Difficult to Overcome Thunder Pond

The 101 tanks advanced against the enemy's artillery fire, and the bravery of bombarding the bridge stunned a general of the Vietnamese army on the opposite side. 【 】This general is a China hand and has been trained in a Chinese infantry school.Therefore, I have some understanding of the history of China.When he saw Chen Feng driving a trembling tank, swaying from side to side and drilling through the gunfire, he held up the binoculars and said to the people around him, "This, this is China's 'parachutist'"

After the bridge was bombed, there was a moment of tranquility in the enemy's position.The guns fell silent, and the firing on the north bank ceased.

The deputy chief of staff judged that the enemy might be preparing and would never retreat because of the bombing of the bridge.Therefore, the troops were ordered to hurry up and build fortifications.

Immediately, the troops shifted from offense to defense, and re-deployed troops and firepower.

The six tanks retreated behind the infantry, simply chose a position, tried to hide most of their bodies, and pointed their gun barrels at the enemy.

The Type 62 tanks used by our army to fight Vietnam this time are light tanks.Its front armor is slightly thicker, and it can also withstand the enemy's general weapon attacks.But its flanks are very thin, which is a very weak link.Once exposed to the opponent, after encountering anti-tank weapons such as enemy rocket launchers, they will be destroyed in one shot.

What's more, there are several heavy tanks mixed in the enemy's tank camp opposite.In the situation where the enemy is outnumbered and the enemy is strong and we are weak, if Chen Feng hadn't blown up the bridge in time, if those heavy tanks came, it would be difficult to say whether they could resist with the existing equipment.Even the Type 62 tanks can't deal with it, so these infantry have no better way.Therefore, blocking the enemy on the other side of the river is the best policy.

According to the theory of defensive operations, tanks generally serve as artillery to support infantry in defensive operations.So the six tanks are separated as much as possible.On the one hand, it is to prevent the enemy from suffering less losses when they concentrate fire and attack, and on the other hand, it is also good to support these infantry who are drawn into a line.

Facing countless enemies on the south bank.The deputy chief of staff felt that he had too few troops on hand.If interspersed, occupying a favorable terrain can still be completely dealt with.Now, it is too weak to be used as a blocking force in a hurry.Arranging the team of hundreds of people on the north bank is like sprinkling pepper noodles, dotted around.Moreover, in any case, a certain number of reserve teams must be set aside.

In order to expand the defensive area, the deputy chief of staff deployed the troops in a line.Take the 20 people of each company as a unit, and defend in points.That is, it is convenient to command, and they are familiar with each other's combat characteristics, so it is easy to cooperate well and effectively improve combat effectiveness.

The deputy chief of staff realized that the enemy would desperately seize the North Shore before the large troops arrived, so he made the worst plan, even if he killed the last man left, he could not let the enemy go one step further.

"boom boom"

A series of shell explosions sounded, which heralded the beginning of the enemy's offensive.

There were more shells falling than expected.It can be seen that the enemy general who commands the battle understands the squadron's combat principles very well, and has also used our army's combat theory of covering with artillery fire, killing a large number of people, and destroying defensive positions.The density of shells is no less than any battle since our army launched a self-defense counterattack.

The dense shells blasted large and small craters on our army's position that was just built.The positions that were hit suffered heavy casualties, and large gaps were exposed everywhere.

After a few minutes, the artillery fire finally ceased and the enemy infantry began to attack.

They were naked, guns in hand, and rushed down the river bank.Some sat on bamboo rafts, some took small boats, and some simply threw themselves into the river.Like flies falling into the river, the black crows flocked to the opposite bank.

The enemy saw that our army guarding the north bank was not only small in number, but also weak in firepower.Therefore, they not only want to regain control of the bridge, but also want to wipe out the squadron in one fell swoop.

Seeing that the enemy had reached the center of the river, the deputy chief of staff ordered the troops to open fire.

Six tanks fired at the enemy in the river from all angles.

The light and heavy machine guns of these infantrymen fired at the enemy in the river at the same time.

A round of tank shells exploded in the river, and the splashes from the explosion pushed the enemies in the river to salivate in all directions, surged and surged, and floated to the side with fluctuations.

The bullets screamed piercingly in the river, and "Puff Puff Puff" scurry among the enemy crowd, poking the surface of the water and diving into the water.The enemies who were hit did not have time to howl, they sank to the bottom like a log, and then floated up again, and together with the bodies hit by the shells, they went down with the waves.

Under a fierce attack from our army, the enemy left dozens of corpses and retreated.

The first attack failed completely.

The sky is getting darker and more humid, as if you are in a stuffy jar.After the rising mist is cooled, it returns to its tangible state.

Wu Jianglong moved on the ground, only to feel that the wet coat was clinging to his back, sticky and condensed into several large pieces of saline-alkali ground, constantly rubbing against his buttocks, causing itching and burning pain.I don't feel anything when the battle is tense.All hunger, weariness, fatigue and pain are all swept away.Once there was a break in the battle, these unstoppable calls came out again.

"Damn it, what the hell is the weather. It's not hot like it's hot, and it's not like it's cold. It doesn't even see the sun all day long." Wu Jianglong scratched his body and muttered to himself.

Niu Qiang, who was next to him, also echoed, "It's better than our house, the sun is shining brightly, and even the air is pure and quiet."

"Ah, ah, I said you two, just bear with it! Didn't you see that you are about to hit Lang Son!" Xiao Yong interjected. "When you reach Hanoi, the first surrender, you want to stay here, the superior will not let you!"

"It's just this broken place. After walking all the way, there isn't even a plain with a big buttock. I won't stay here for an extra day when I was carried by a sedan chair eight times." Wu Jianglong slapped a mosquito that flew to his face to death with a wave of his hand. "Damn, what the hell, there are mosquitoes in broad daylight."

"Team leader, why are their mosquitoes so big, they have caught up with flies." Niu Qiang gestured, "It looks like they were fed by humans."

"The turtles can't keep up with the mosquitoes!" Wu Jianglong said angrily, "We often feed them, but what happened! It's not that they are brought up, and we bite us even harder."

At this time, the sky became darker, and the sparse raindrops fell on the river, smashing thousands of small flowers.

Thick fog began to rise from the surface of the water, white and gray, and the sky turned into a chaotic world.I couldn't see anything tens of meters away, it was all a cloud of turbidity.

"Pay attention to the river surface." Li Sen reminded the soldiers loudly.

All the people on the shore held their breath and listened quietly to the movement on the river.

"Platoon leader, this won't work." Wu Jianglong climbed up to Li Sen and said, "When we find the enemy, the enemy must have gone ashore."

"Then what do you say?" Li Sen asked.

"Niu Qiang and I will go to the river and send a signal to you as soon as the enemy crosses the river. This way everyone can be prepared," Wu Jianglong said.

"I'll ask the deputy chief of staff for instructions." After Li Sen finished speaking, he left the position and ran to the deputy chief of staff's command post.After a while, Li Sen broke through the thick fog and returned to the battlefield. As soon as he lay down, Wu Jianglong came over and asked, "How is it?"

"The deputy chief of staff agreed, but I just want you to bring a few more people. Be sure to pay attention to safety."

"Too many people won't work. If the enemy comes up, there is no rush to retreat." Wu Jianglong said, "Just Niu Qiang and the two of us will do."

Li Sen thought for a while and said, "Okay! But, what do you use to signal?"

Wu Jianglong didn't think about it for a while, and suddenly saw a frog jumping in front of him, and suddenly had an idea and said, "Like a frog."

"Call first and try." Xiao Yong suggested.

"Wow, wow" Wu Jianglong really learned it, and he learned it very similarly.

"Okay, that's it," Li Sen said, "Change your weapons to submachine guns! If you can't run away, you can also resist for a while."

"it is good"

Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang each carried a submachine gun and prepared enough grenades, and then they jumped under the ridge and approached the river quietly.

Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang went down into the water, looking at each other with their probes, feeling the fluctuation of the water pattern.

After a while, the ripples of the water gradually increased, and a slight splashing sound could be heard.

"Here we come." Wu Jianglong said to Niu Qiang.

This is the second attack launched by the enemy.In this attack, the enemy changed their tactics and wanted to use the cover of thick fog to launch a surprise attack.

The enemy was too cunning, they did not launch shelling directly at our army's position.The opposite side and the river bank were all silent, with no signs of attack at all.

In order not to attract the attention of our army, they put the mortars on bamboo rafts, trying to smuggle them to the river, and then directly bombard them with small artillery, so as to get rid of the adverse effects of the fog.

And those infantrymen sank and floated into the river, dived their bodies, and slowly swam to the other side of the river, trying not to make any noise.

There is a vanguard of more than a dozen people who are even more concealed.They all submerged their heads in the water, and each had a bamboo tube in his mouth, with one end sticking out, through which he breathed.When sneaking forward, there is no sound at all.

When Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang heard that the sound of the water was wrong and found that the enemy was starting to advance here, these dozen or so enemies had already arrived at their side.

Wu Jianglong discovered that a dozen or so bamboo tubes were neatly erected near the water and were moving forward.This is too abnormal, there must be a problem, there may be enemies below.He didn't dare to touch it lightly, but whispered to Niu Qiang, "Run, don't touch the bamboo pipe."

The two immediately stood up from the water, turned around and ran to the shore.

Wu Jianglong knew that he and Niu Qiang's water skills could not be compared with these Vietnamese troops.If there is a water battle in the water, I will definitely be drowned, or I will be captured by others.We can't fight water fights, so let's compete on the road.So he took Niu Qiang and ran away.

As he was running, Wu Jianglong suddenly thought that he could just run forward, if the enemy came out and shot him from behind, he would be finished as well.I thought to myself, it would be better for me to strike first.

While paddling towards the shore, Wu Jianglong freed his hand, took out the grenade, lifted the cover, and threw it into the water behind him with a wave.Before the first grenade exploded, a second grenade was thrown.


The power of the shrapnel from the grenade explosion is much stronger than the impact of the bullet when it penetrates into the water.Not long after the two grenades exploded, two bodies floated out of the water.

At this time, Wu Jianglong and Niu Qiang had already run up to the river bank.

After being attacked, the remaining enemies all emerged from the water.They know they have been exposed and there is no need to hide anymore.

Through the fog, the dozen or so enemies found two people running on the bank, so they guessed that the grenade just now must have been done by the two of them.So they raised their guns and shot at the two of them.

"Puff puff"

A burst of dense bullets flew from behind, almost passing by the bodies of the two of them.

Niu Qiang was so frightened that he stomped his back, he could only dodge there, but ran forward vigorously.

Wu Jianglong saw that it was impossible to run like this, and if he ran again, these enemies would definitely be beaten into two pierced gourds.

"Get down, get down." Wu Jianglong shouted to Niu Qiang.

Niu Qiang pounced forward, lay down on the ground, turned his head and said to Wu Jianglong, "Team leader, do you want to notify the platoon leader?"

"What else is there to tell?" Wu Jianglong said, "If you didn't hear the grenade explode, unless you are deaf."

"Then how do we go back!" Niu Qiang asked.

"Go back! If you can't go back, just fight here!" Wu Jianglong said, turned around, raised his submachine gun and shot at the enemy in the water.

When Niu Qiang heard this, since he couldn't go back, let's fight!Turn around and follow Wu Jianglong to shoot at the enemy.

Two submachine guns formed a group of firepower and fired at the dozen or so enemies.

The bullet "crackling" sparked a series of splashes in the water.Two more enemies were hit on the spot and fell into the river.The rest of the enemy saw the two men on the shore fighting fiercely, showing a desperate posture.So he quickly retracted his head and dived into the water, not knowing where to swim.

Seeing that the enemy had disappeared, Wu Jianglong shouted, "Run." Picking up Niu Qiang from the ground, the two of them jumped up to the ridge.

Before approaching our army's position, Wu Jianglong shouted, "Platoon leader, fire quickly, the enemy has reached the shore."

While organizing firepower to shoot at the river, Li Sen reported the situation to the deputy chief of staff through the radio.

Due to the heavy fog, visibility was very low.If you wait until you can distinguish the enemy before fighting, the enemy may be close at hand.

Tank fire calibrated the width of the river, extending to the opposite bank layer by layer like peeling oranges.

These light and heavy weapons on our army's positions also adopted the same method, firing continuously towards places where the concentration of fog increased.

As soon as the enemy saw that the sneak attack failed, they changed the secret crossing to an open attack.All of a sudden, artillery fire flew over.

At this time, several mortars on the bamboo raft also opened fire.

"dong dong dong"

Several shells flew towards our army's position in a row.

Li Sen saw that our army's firepower could not hit the enemy and destroy the enemy's artillery, so he asked the deputy chief of staff for instructions.

"Visibility is too low to hit the target, please move forward."

"Okay, as long as you can block the enemy, you can use tactics flexibly." The deputy chief of staff agreed and relaxed the order.

"Comrades, move forward." Li Sen issued an order to the entire platoon.

Under the turbid thick fog, the position has lost much of its effect.Because we can't see the enemy, and the enemy can't see us, both sides are shooting blindly, and both are wasting ammunition in vain.

Li Sen led the soldiers to jump off the ridge and quickly fought for favorable terrain on the river beach.

At this time, the two bamboo rafts of the enemy had been dragged ashore, and several enemies were rushing down to transport mortars.

It's a coincidence that it's better to come sooner than later.When Li Sen saw it, he ordered to fire.

More than a dozen guns fired at the same time, aiming at the enemy and shooting the bullets over.The five or six enemies who had just come down from the bamboo raft were knocked down to the ground before they could figure out what was going on, and died.

After eliminating these enemies, Li Sen led the soldiers forward for more than ten meters.If you take another big step forward, your feet will be able to reach into the water.

Li Sen gave an order to tell the soldiers to stop advancing and fire on the spot.

Regardless of how many enemies there were in the water, these soldiers all squatted down and swiped into the river in a kneeling position.

The originally calm river surface was just foggy and swampy, and no one could be seen.After a burst of shooting from the soldiers, suddenly there was a scream like howling ghosts and wolves in the middle of the river.

Suddenly, gunshots, howls, and calls for help rang out in the fog.

Wu Jianglong didn't care about this, he just listened to the sound and shot.Wherever the sound was loud, he would shoot fiercely there.After playing one shuttle bullet, replace it with another shuttle.Anyway, when we set off, the tank had already helped to bring enough ammunition.As long as the enemy can eat enough, he can manage here.

After about twenty minutes, the shouting on the river gradually stopped, and no bullets flew out of the river.

Li Sen guessed that the enemy had withdrawn, so the soldiers stopped shooting.

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