soldier rushing forward

73. Flying Centipede

The light rain gradually stopped, and the fog began to disappear slowly. The hazy sun's rays came out from the clouds and hit the river in bunches along the gaps, speeding up the clearing of the riverbed. 【 】

On the other side of the river, the enemy's profile was gradually revealed in front of his eyes.

A row of tanks lined up, pointing their barrels high to the north bank.Crowds of enemies crowded around the tank, shuttled in the air between the two mountains in a disorderly manner.

The southern end of the bridge is relatively narrow, except that the bridge head occupies a relatively large area of ​​flat land, and there are steep mountains on both sides of it.Restricted by the surrounding terrain, the only access to the north bank of the Great River is the bridge and the not-so-spacious riverbeds on both sides.Otherwise, the Vietnamese army would not have invested all its forces in this place and desperately attacked the north bank.

Qiaobei is very relaxed.After crossing the bridge, there is a feeling of coming out of the valley and entering the plain at once.The surrounding mountains are far away from the river, and the tops of the mountains are relatively low. The peaks on the opposite side of the river are almost two mountain ranges, separated by a big river, forming a semi-plain plain.

Otherwise, the deputy chief of staff would not be so stretched to guard Ruoda's open land.If you change positions with the enemy on the opposite side, and use this team of one hundred people to defend there, it will be much more compact than that on the north shore.

However, God often makes fun of people like this.The enemy has many troops, but they cannot spread out in a narrow valley, so that their long troops cannot be pulled out of this valley.On the other hand, the Chinese soldiers on the opposite side deployed all their limited troops, and had to be exhausted in attacking everywhere to prevent the enemy from rushing up from the river by surprise.

After another unbearable calm, the enemy launched a third attack.

The enemy began to shell the north bank of the river, still in the same old way of firepower preparation.

This style of play has been used since the advent of artillery.The attacking side wants to destroy the opponent with fierce artillery fire in the first time, so as to reduce the infantry's impact resistance as much as possible.

When the Americans were in Vietnam, they rarely used artillery. They usually used armed helicopters to bombard them in the air, moving forward like shock waves, as if to sweep away all the firepower on the ground.The condescending air superiority can indeed panic the Vietnamese army on the ground.Just the deafening roar of the helicopter can make the people on the ground tremble and their ability to resist is greatly weakened.By the time he wanted to resist it, the target had already passed by in a flash.Therefore, in the Vietnam-US War, the Americans occupied all the time and the sky, showing their strong military and national power.

The national strength and military strength of our country cannot be compared with that of the Americans, but we have something that the Americans do not have, that is, the fearlessness of the soldiers and the inexhaustible source of combat troops.Although our air force and navy are still weak, we still have an army that has not been reached by any country in the world.A strong army of 500 million, plus the vast militia of all the people, is not a golden and iron horse, but also a broken mountain and river.

In the 70s, in many families in China, there were almost three to five brothers and sisters.There are even quite a few families that can reach seven to nine.Therefore, what is so terrible about imperialism? We cannot fight technological wars, but we have manpower and tactics.One person from each family will account for a considerable proportion of the population in whichever country they are placed.If you don't believe me, let's compare one by one to see who can compare.Therefore, a great man proudly said: "Let's see who can be the enemy in the world."

The Vietnamese army also came to bombard this action, but it was far worse than our army.Although it is a skill, there is still a significant difference between a master and an apprentice.What's more, this apprentice came and went in a hurry.Before I learned a few tricks, I was busy making gestures with others. If I didn't have a solid foundation, I fumbled with the master.It may be possible to gain the upper hand against outsiders.Now that he actually confronts the master, that's another matter, he's not looking for death or disability.

In terms of individual tactics and individual qualities of the Vietnamese army, in the war of [-], our soldiers were really incomparable.In terms of artillery strikes, we have always maintained a strong ground artillery.Although we can't go to the sky, we can't suppress from the air, but our artillery coverage is even better than the air strikes of armed helicopters.Rows of artillery, rounds of attacks, and the cooperation of large and small calibers constitute a dense firepower.Coupled with the long enough bombing time, the effectiveness of artillery fire extension, and the accuracy of close-in shooting, it is possible to transform the hills guarded by the enemy into artificial terraces, spreading layer by layer to the top of the mountain, without wasting any usable land.

The artillery fire of the Vietnamese army in front of us is limited by the terrain, and our troops on the other side are scattered, so its power is obviously insufficient, and the damage is not very great.

After the enemy attacked with artillery fire for a period of time, they launched a third round of attack again.

Two tanks followed the bombed bridge and approached the north bank from the bridge deck.

The deputy chief of staff held up his binoculars to observe the enemy.

I saw two heavy tanks coming rumblingly, rampaging on the bridge, rushing to the broken bridge.He didn't think about it for a while, not knowing what the enemy wanted to do.

The broken bridge had a cross-section nearly ten meters wide at the north and south ends.Naturally, it is impossible for tanks to survive, and it is impossible for infantry to survive.Could it be that the enemy wants to build a bridge here.But there were no enemy engineering vehicles to build the bridge, nor were there any wooden boards, iron beams, etc. How did the enemy build the bridge with empty hands.The deputy chief of staff thought so.Although I don't understand it, I still make full preparations just in case.So he transferred Li Sen to the platoon.In addition, two tanks were transferred over, dedicated to the bridgehead defense.And said to Li Sen:

"Li Sen, keep an eye on the enemy. You must not let the enemy come over and attack you."

"Don't worry! Deputy Chief of Staff, if we are here, the enemy will never come over." Li Sen seemed very confident.

"Okay, young man, let's do it like this." The deputy chief of staff was also confident.

Two enemy tanks rushed over.Dozens of infantry followed closely behind it.From a distance, these infantrymen seemed to be carrying something on their backs.

The infantry followed the tanks in a calm and unhurried manner, as if they had put all their lives on the two tanks, and they were sure to be foolproof.

When these infantry arrived at the broken bridge, they were not busy preparing for battle, and organized fire to our army.Instead, he squatted on the ground and kept fiddling with the rope, waiting for the rope to be spread out.

Suddenly, two enemies rushed out from behind the tank, galloped, and threw long ropes to the opposite railing of the broken bridge.With a few bang bang bang bang bang sound.There were several iron hooks caught on the bridge railing.

After the two enemies completed this action, a few more enemies came up and fixed the rope on the tank, and then the Vietnamese army climbed up the rope and slid towards the north bank.

Li Sen understood that the enemy wanted to use the rope to climb over.I felt funny in my heart, "You fucker, you don't take us seriously. Can we stay here and watch you play the rope climbing game!"

Seeing that several enemies got on the rope and slid halfway down, Li Sen ordered to fire.

For a moment, the soldiers guarding the north bank opened fire together, knocking down the enemies on the rope into the river.

Only then did the enemy's two heavy tanks wake up and fire.

The artillery and machine guns on the tank fired at Li Sen's platoon.The violent machine gun bullets and tank shells immediately flooded the platoon.The two enemy tanks acted [-]% as a bridgehead.

The soldiers were suppressed by the firepower of the tanks and had to bury their bodies to escape. All of a sudden, the firepower on the north bank weakened.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, three enemies "swiped" and really slipped over this rope like a flying centipede.

As soon as they crossed the bridge, they rushed and swept with submachine guns, and they just launched a fierce attack on our army's position.

At the same time, the enemy's armed swimming in the river also started at the same time.On both sides of the river, at both ends of the broken bridge, bombs and flames were flying immediately, and the smoke was thick.

The three enemies who rushed across the bridge were really horizontal, rushing towards our army's position as if entering no one's land.The submachine gun bullets fired were extremely accurate, almost hitting the edge of the ditch and flying down the top of the head. The screech of the bullets flying overhead and the muffled sound of "puff puff" falling towards the position complement each other, creating a heart-piercing terror.

The enemy's method of using firepower to suppress and form a strong attack is very effective.In a blink of an eye, more than a dozen enemies rushed to the North Bridge and approached our army's position.Li Sen saw that he couldn't do without fighting, and if he hid like this, he would have to be dumped by the enemy.Li Sen yelled,

"Drop the bomb. Drop the bomb"

After his reminder, the soldiers in the trench threw more than a dozen grenades in unison towards the approaching enemy.

"Boom boom boom" a series of explosions exploded in the enemy group.

With the help of the gunpowder smoke after the grenade exploded, the soldiers finally raised their heads, clasped the light and heavy weapons in their hands and fired at the enemy together.

The enemies who crossed the bridge were bombarded by unexpected grenades, and then they were knocked down several times after violent strafing.The remaining enemies no longer dared to rush forward, retreated to the broken bridge, lay down on the ground, and used obstacles to resist.

The two tanks of our army who were in charge of defending the bridge did not show any weakness, and began to fire two shots at the enemy tanks.Both shells accurately hit the front armor of the enemy tank.However, after seeing two puffs of thick smoke rising from the enemy tank, they continued to shoot and fire, and flexibly rotated the turret as if they were not hit at all, and began to bombard our tank.

An enemy tank slowly turned its barrel, looking very calm, looking for our tank as if browsing leisurely.

Chen Feng found that the enemy tank was not destroyed after being hit hard, and turned the barrel to aim at them.So realize that the enemy may want to retaliate.

So Chen Feng ordered the 101 tank to "back three" to avoid it.

The light features of the 101 tank were immediately revealed.The driver slammed on the accelerator, and the tank howled, jumped out of a pit, and rumbled backwards.

As soon as it left its original position, the heavy shells fired from the enemy tanks exploded on it, blasting dust and gravel all over the sky.

If you want to blow up enemy tanks, you can't use ordinary shells.After Chen Feng thought of this, he ordered a gunner to switch to bombs.

The 101 tank no longer dared to stop at a certain point.Because the enemy tank stared at it.As long as 101 makes a slight mistake, it is possible to be hit by the enemy.Once hit, it must be a car crash.

In order to avoid heavy attacks from the enemy, the 101 tank kept moving its body.Chen Feng held the binoculars in his hand and stared at the enemy's barrel.Whenever he saw a turn of the barrel, a flash of fire, he ordered the tank to jump back and forth.After dismantling for a while, 101 just avoided two enemy shells.

Taking advantage of the opportunity for the enemy to load shells, Chen Feng ordered to fire.

As soon as a bomb passed, a tank was shot.With the flash of fire, there was a dull sound.Looking from the opposite bank, the gun barrel of the enemy tank drooped after it caught fire.

In order to avenge the same fire, another tank chased 101 and opened fire.

Although the enemy tanks kept firing, it really stayed in place.However, the 101 tank shuttled back and forth in enough space, forming a stalemate and live sparring situation.

After the enemy tank took the first shot, it just rubbed it and continued to bear the opponent's second attack. 101 is not like that, it flickers and stops like Taijiquan, making the opponent uncertain of the exact direction.Therefore, the fists hit by the enemy often form empty punches.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the opponent's fist going empty, the 101 tank fired another bomb.The bomb body flew vertically and wedged directly into the right front armor of this tank.In an instant, the high-temperature metal jet produced after the explosion of the shell immediately triggered the shells in the tank.A loud bang sounded from inside the tank.Immediately, the flames came out along the various gaps in the tank.

When the flames came together, two tankers jumped off the tank and rolled to the ground to beat the flames.After the two rolled a few times, they failed to extinguish the fire on their bodies.Long flames still burn on the body.In desperation, the two jumped into the water from a bridge nearly ten meters high.

After the enemies who rushed across the north bank of the bridge lost the cover of tank fire, they knew that they could no longer conquer our army's position, so they wanted to climb the rope again and return to the south of the bridge by using the flying centipede again.

How is that possible!How could our soldiers on the ground give them this opportunity.

Wu Jianglong was the first to jump up from the position, and rushed up with the assault bridge, "You son of a turtle, I want to run after the fight, but there is no door." Cursing, his body seemed to be wrapped in the wind, and he reached the enemy in an instant. in front of you.

The bullets shot by Wu Jianglong flew randomly in front of several enemies.There were two enemies who had just climbed the rope and walked halfway, knowing that if they climbed one step further, Wu Jianglong's bullets would definitely shoot their ass.The two shouted to each other, then jumped into the river with a plop, making two huge splashes in the water.

The remaining enemy rolled on the ground and wanted to jump into the river to escape like the two accomplices.

This time, Wu Jianglong didn't give him a chance to escape, and he shot the submachine gun bullets.

The bullet hit the bridge, sending out sparks before the enemy's eyes.

All of a sudden, the enemy was stopped by the bullet, and if he wanted to take half a step forward, he would be beaten into a sieve with holes by the bullet.

Therefore, the enemy didn't dare to move anymore, he huddled in place, and was caught alive by Wu Jianglong.

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