soldier rushing forward

79. The Vanishing Tank

The news that the tank troops entered the urban area of ​​Gaoping brought great panic to Huang Bianshan. 【 】He raised his left hand and looked at the watch on his wrist, thinking to himself, "It's less than four hours, damn it, it came in so fast."

"Call me the tank commander." Huang Bianshan, as the commander-in-chief of the Gaoping theater, controls all the military forces here.

Soon, a Vietnamese officer in the shape of an axle man stood in front of Huang Bianshan.

"Send your tank to find Beikou." Huang Bianshan added in passing, "Bring the guard battalion and help you find it together."

At the command of the division commander, the enemies guarding the urban area of ​​Gaoping began to look for Chinese tanks everywhere.

Many enemy tanks began to cross the streets of the city with the cooperation of infantry, searching back and forth for traces of Chinese tanks.Combed two back and forth in the urban area like a castor.However, they found nothing.Not only did we not find our tanks, but we didn't even see a shadow.

After Huang Bianshan got the report, he began to have doubts about the situation reported by his subordinates, and then he searched downwards to find the source of the information.

The part of the enemy who saw our tanks rushing through the defensive positions and breaking into the urban area killed them. It is true that six Chinese tanks attacked in.That's right, if it weren't for the Chinese Communists rushing in, then who did those enemy fortifications that were bombed and the Vietnamese soldiers who were killed in disorder on the block!Naturally, he is not one of us, but must be Chinese.So, how did these Chinese people get in!In addition to tanks, there is no other possibility.

Therefore, all signs indicate that Chinese tanks are hidden in urban areas.

After some analysis, the division commander Huang Bianshan finally believed the words of his subordinates and recognized this fact.But he was puzzled by the strange phenomenon that the tanks that came in suddenly disappeared without a trace.Where did they hide?

Although Gaoping is called a city, the urban area is only as big as a palm.A country dominated by agriculture did not engage in any economic construction after the founding of the People's Republic of China.In addition to firmly grasping the red regime with a terrorist nature, he devoted all his energy to fighting.Begging for food from others and reaching out for things have become commonplace and old habits of parents.Wanting to eat is better than bending over and working hard.Therefore, if the industrial economy does not develop, the construction of its urban area will naturally be slow. What it used to be is still what it is now, basically unchanged, maintaining the old style of the French.

"This is weird. The six tanks are quite a target. Where can they hide?" Huang Bianshan was thinking. If he didn't find the six tanks, it would be like putting a few time bombs around him. From time to time, they will make a mess of the division headquarters.That's fine, and at that time, if the enemy is not in chaos, you will be in chaos first.Therefore, he made up his mind to find these six tanks and destroy them, so as to eliminate future troubles.

One order after another was quickly launched within the urban defense force.All these Vietnamese troops were wide-eyed and their eyes widened. They must find these six tanks in the urban area of ​​Gaoping.

All of a sudden, the rumble of cars and shouts in the urban area of ​​Gaoping completely broke the original calm.In addition to the artillery fire from our army's attack from outside, there was also the shock of smashing pots and bowls here.

Fang Zhen took the six tanks that rushed into the urban area of ​​Gaoping, and after almost running out of ammunition in the urban area, he headed north along the highway.

In the north of Gaoping City, there are also heavy enemy guards, and the defensive positions are layer upon layer.Don't look at Fang Zhen directing the tanks to run in that direction, but he didn't dare to let these tanks without iron fists go deep into the tiger's mouth, so he had to go tentatively, hiding for a while.

Fortunately, the enemy's attention here is not on Fang Zhen and the others, but on the north. They never expected that our tanks would rush out of the city.Moreover, Huang Bianshan's order did not reach here, so there was a big gap for Fang Zhen and the others to retreat northward.

After the six tanks moved forward for a while, Fang Zhen worried that sooner or later they would be discovered by the enemy.Once besieged and head-to-head with the enemy, these few steel shells alone will not take much trouble, and may be wiped out.He didn't want his brothers to die in vain.So, after observing a new location, he commanded the tank to insert diagonally into a sidewalk and advance towards a village.

At this time, the villagers in the village had already run away, leaving only the empty village.

As soon as the tank entered the village, it went straight to the threshing floor.

Six tanks stopped beside the haystack.After Fang Zhen briefly stated his plan, he commanded the tank crews to act urgently according to the pre-war plan, and was mentally prepared to fight the enemy with bare hands.

The tank soldiers unloaded the parallel machine guns, unloaded the heading machine guns, and took off all the weapons and ammunition that could be used on the tanks.Then, the tanks were disguised as six large haystacks with straw, and the traces of the tank tracks along the way were removed.

After doing all this, Fang Zhen entered the village with tank personnel and weapons.

They had just finished all this when they heard the sound of enemy tanks on the road not far from the village.

A large group of enemies drove north along the road.

Wu Xiongyi, the battalion commander of the Vietnamese Army Tank Battalion, personally led a dozen tanks and chased them all the way from the urban area.Ruan Zhina also took a company of troops, and followed closely behind in several large trucks.

The enemy chased and chased on the highway, but the ruts of the Chinese tanks disappeared.After they rushed forward for more than ten miles, they still did not see the shadow of the Chinese tank.Moreover, the Vietnamese army who inquired about the defense of this area also confirmed that no tanks came.So Takeo guessed that Fang Zhen and the others hadn't come out, and they were probably still in the direction of the city.

This search force, consisting of enemy tanks and infantry, returned to the road and looked around for the broken tracks of our tanks.

Takeo stood on the tank and observed the village with a binoculars.

At this time, not only did he hold up his binoculars to inquire into the village, but Fang Zhen also hid behind the wall of a cottage and watched the enemy.

Takeo looked at it for a while, jumped out of the tank, walked down the road, squatted on the side of the road, and carefully checked at the junction of the road and the sidewalk.I saw him grab a handful of soil from the ground, push it hard in the palm of his hand, then raised the corner of his mouth, with a sneer on his face, and said to himself, "Hmph, let's see where you can run!"

Ruan Zhina got out of the car, walked over and asked, "Martial Commander Wu, what did you see?"

"Bei Kou is in the village, let's go." Wu Xiong opened his hand one by one, and a handful of loose soil fell out of his palm.

Thus, the enemy began to search the village.

With the tanks in front and the infantry in the back, they spread out a semicircle around the village and slowly approached.

When Fang Zhen saw them, he guessed that the enemy had discovered them.I thought to myself, with these personnel and weapons and equipment under my command, whether I can't beat the enemy hard, or take the best policy.

So he ordered the tank soldiers to retreat to the hillside behind the village.

The west side of the village is close to the slopes of the mountains.Shrubs and wormwood grow everywhere on the hill.Not far away, there are steep peaks and canyons.Therefore, Fang Zhen adopted this method.As long as the team goes up the mountain, the chasing enemies will have nothing to do with them.

Fang Zhen led the people, quickly withdrew from the village under the cover of the house, and went up the hillside.After they lay in ambush on a hillside, they nervously looked back at the enemies behind them.

The enemy was getting closer and closer to the village, they spread out in all directions, and surrounded the village without a trace.

In the direction of the threshing field, a dozen enemy infantrymen saw the haystacks and moved forward slowly.

Fang Zhen observed through the binoculars that the enemy was getting closer and closer to the haystack, and his heart was pounding anxiously, "We must not let the enemy approach those tanks."

Thinking of this, Fang Zhen took out a pistol from his body and fired two shots into the sky.

As soon as the pistol was fired, this lonely village suddenly became noisy.Some enemies thought they were being attacked, so they opened fire indiscriminately.There are also enemies who quickly lie on the ground.It took Ruan Zhina a long time to calm down the enemy.

At this time, the enemy's attention was attracted by Fang Zhen, and even the dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers who were walking towards the haystack also changed direction, and rushed towards the hillside like a swarm under Ruan Zhina's shout.

A dozen or so enemy tanks began to fix their targets. After locking on to the hillside, they galloped away along the dirt road of the village, raising a large amount of yellow dust on the dirt road.In order to erase the sight in front of them, these tanks did not hesitate to push away the villagers' houses, and then rushed out of the destroyed houses, rumbling, and started attacking in the direction of the gunshots on the hillside with full horsepower.

In order to attract all the enemies and protect the six tanks, Fang Zhen ordered a gunner to sweep down the mountain with parallel machine guns.

As soon as Takeo heard the sound of machine guns, he became more certain that the Chinese tank troops were here.So he gave this force an order to attack the hillside.

Fang Zhen and the others walked a few steps and fired a few shots, gradually attracting the enemy out of the village, and they all surrounded the hillside.

In order not to be entangled by enemy tanks, Fang Zhen and the others walked towards the steep place.After chasing for a while, the tanks were finally stopped by the hillside.

As a last resort, Takeo stopped the tanks at the foot of the hill, watching Fang Zhen and the others go farther and higher.

Takeo greeted Ruan Zhina who had been rushing over: "Battle Commander Ruan, this time it's up to you. Find a way to catch him alive."

Without the threat of enemy tanks, Fang Zhen decided to give these infantry a head-on blow and beat the enemy's spirit.

Ruan Zhina knew that the Chinese tank soldiers were in front of him.The tank soldiers have no tanks. Compared with their own guard battalion, these men are not like tigers like tigers.Moreover, it was not a single tiger, but nearly a hundred tigers.Use these wolf-like soldiers to deal with Chinese tank soldiers, so what's the problem!

Ruan Zhina and his men began to rush up the hillside recklessly. The enemy shouted and fired at him.

Fang Zhen saw the enemy coming up, so he moved the troops in front of him.Although the tank soldiers have never fought against soldiers, who would lie on the ground and shoot at the enemy.Moreover, in terms of machine gun shooting, he has unique conditions, and he has been very familiar with it for a long time.

They hid in various places, stared at the enemy, and waited quietly for Fang Zhen to give an order.

Seeing the enemy getting closer, Fang Zhen shouted, "Hit."

Several gunners fired parallel machine gun bullets and heading machine gun bullets at the enemy in one go.Although there are not many bullets, this is the first shot at the enemy, so it must be fought with awe.Therefore, these tank soldiers fought very bravely.Shoot with a pistol if you don't have a machine gun.

All kinds of weapons fired at the same time, forming a strong firepower in the enemy's attack area.

The sudden gunshots and these very violent firepower seemed to be shot out of the tank armor.All of a sudden knocked down the front of several enemies.

Seeing that the opponent's firepower is so fierce, the enemy behind had to consider avoiding the problem.Enemies no longer rush upwards, and start to stay close and dodge.

There are still a few enemies, who are afraid of the wind and madness of parallel machine guns.As soon as I heard this sound, I felt like a tank was rushing towards me, so I couldn't help but retreated in a panic.

Ruan Zhina yelled for a while before suppressing the formation.Then he asked Takeoichi for help through the telephone.

After a while, tank fire began to bombard Fang Zhen and the others.A tank shell exploded on the hillside.

Fang Zhen's team of more than 20 people now has too little ammunition.After making a call just now, I have to start calculating now.Every time a bullet is fired, it is almost necessary to calculate carefully.

Facing the powerful firepower of the enemy, they dare not fight back.In case the bullets run out, what else can we use to negotiate with the enemy.They neither leave nor attack. They have only one purpose, which is to attract the enemy and cover those tanks from being discovered by the enemy.

Takeo saw that the artillery fire was almost gone, and the gunshots on the mountain had quieted down, so he rose to his seat and watched the battle on the mountain with his eyes wide open.

The Vietnamese troops who saw two consecutive attacks were repelled.Takeoichi thought, "These Chinese tank soldiers don't have any infantry weapons! What are they fighting with? Could it be those tanks? No, no. Since my tanks can't go up, theirs can't go up either. They are all made in China, there can be no difference." Takeoichi frowned suddenly, "No! Since they are not tanks, where are their tanks?" Thinking of this, Takeoichi realized that he had been deceived. When entering the village, there was a big mistake, that is, the houses were not checked.

"Go, return to the village." Takeo gave the order to the soldiers to return to the village.

More than a dozen tanks turned around at the foot of the hill and rumbled towards the village.

Seeing the enemy tanks returning to the village, Fang Zhen realized that this would never be a retreat, and the enemy might have discovered something.Most likely those tanks of his own.If that was the case, he would have to lead these soldiers down the mountain and fight the enemy to the death.

Enemy tanks started rampaging through the village.They don't care if it's the house of their own people.As long as it is beneficial to the war, they are willing to do anything.

The tank tossed about in the village, almost flattening all the buildings in the village.However, no tank was found.

Once the houses in the village collapsed, there was nothing around them.The few haystacks outside the village were lonely and exposed on the empty ground.

As soon as Wu Xiong saw these haystacks, he nodded silently and counted them, then burst into laughter, grabbed the walkie-talkie and said to Ruan Zhina, "Battle Commander Ruan, the tank has been found."

"Where is it?" Ruan Zhina asked.

"Look back at the haystacks down the mountain." Takeoichi reminded.

Ruan Zhina hid behind a rock, raised his binoculars to look in the direction of the yard, and then laughed into the walkie-talkie, "Mr. Wu, those tanks are handed over to you, and the Beikou on the mountain are handed over to me."

Ruan Zhina watched Wuxiongyi command the tank to rush towards the haystack, and he was very happy, but he was not lacking in jealousy.

They are all battalion commanders, and they are all popular with Master Huang.He didn't want to be left behind at a critical moment.He thought that as soon as Takeo seized the tank, he would also destroy the Chinese soldiers on the mountain.Not only to eliminate, but also to capture a few alive and bring them back for interrogation.

After thinking about this, Ruan Zhina put a gun to the heads of several Vietnamese soldiers, forcing them to charge up the mountain again.This Vietnamese army launched an attack on the mountain again.

Now that the tank was found, Ruan Zhina reckoned that Fang Zhen and the others on the mountain were almost at the end of their rope.How capable can a tank soldier be.Therefore, when he was supervising the battle, he was very excited.

"Soldiers, don't be afraid, the Beikou on the mountain is almost out of bullets, rush up to catch them alive."

Dozens of enemies swarmed again and rushed up again.

Takeoichi commanded the tank to create an encirclement circle around the haystack.

Since the Chinese Communists are all on the hillside, these tanks have become dead objects.Whoever gets it is their master.He was able to get these tanks right before the battle, and it was the first batch of trophies since the start of the war. Not only would he be rewarded in the division, but he would also be a great hero in the eyes of the people of the whole country.

Before the haystack was removed, whether it was a tank inside or not, Takeoichi was ready for the thrill of capturing a large number of enemy tanks.

After the enemy tanks surrounded the yard, many tank soldiers began to get out of the vehicles and walked towards the haystacks. They wanted to remove the hay bales above and reveal the true colors of the tanks.

As soon as an enemy touched the haystack, the haystack suddenly came to life, and the sound of rumbling machinery sounded from inside.

Before the soldier knew what had happened.I saw a tank, covered in straw, rushing out of it, and instantly crushed the enemy into a pile of mud.

As soon as this haystack rang, the other haystacks seemed to wake up as well, roaring and rushing out of the haystack, rolling towards the enemies in the valley.

Taking advantage of the panic of the enemy, six tanks rushed out along a gap.

The sudden abnormal situation stunned Takeoichi all of a sudden.By the time he reacted, the six tanks had already gone a long way.

At that time, some of the people who got off the enemy tanks were gunners and some were drivers.After a while of these people were crushed by our tanks, there were not many left.

A tank is fine without a gunner, but how can it move without a driver.

As a result, the enemy's tank formation became chaotic.The active tank hastily restarted and began to chase from behind.A tank without a driver can only stop in place, waiting for someone to redeploy a new driver.

As soon as Takeo looked at our army tank running away, he said harshly, "I still want to run! Chase me, if you can't catch up, just bomb me."

As a result, several enemy tanks chased from behind in a column.

Takeoichi learned the lesson just now, and no longer thought about getting our tanks completely.Now he understood that these tanks would not be given to him.Not to bleed, definitely not.So he gave the tank troops an order to shell.

The enemy tanks chasing behind fired while marching.Shells exploded in front of and behind our tanks from time to time.

With a "boom",

A tank of our army was hit, smoking, and plunged into the road ditch.

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