soldier rushing forward

81. Golden Ge Iron Horse

"bang, bang"

The two bullets were separated by a distance and embedded in the ground in front of Wu Jianglong's feet. 【 】

Wu Jianglong was startled, unexpectedly someone would shoot him from behind.So he stopped and immediately turned around to look back, wanting to see who was so bold as to shoot him.Because he knew that those behind him were all his own people.When he looked back, he saw that Li Sen was glaring at him. He was still holding the rifle that had just finished firing, and continued to aim at Wu Jianglong.Look at that posture, if Wu Jianglong runs one step forward, Li Sen will break his leg.

Wu Jianglong saw that the platoon leader was angry and had to stop.But I still feel unwilling, there is no way, who calls someone a platoon leader!Don't listen to the leader, listen to anyone.Then he turned his head and glanced at the grass with regret, then turned back and walked towards the high ground helplessly.

As soon as he came to Li Sen, Li Sen raised his fist and stepped forward to punch him hard on the chest.

"You're a fucking hero, you don't want to die," Li Sen scolded and yelled, "Do you know that there is an ambush inside, if the enemy sets up an ambush, your life will be gone, you know!"

Wu Jianglong didn't say a word, just stood there and scolded Li Sen.

"Okay, okay," Xiao Yong came over to persuade Li Sen, "This kid is always like this, I will discipline him more in the future."

Upon hearing this, Li Sen turned his anger on Xiao Yong again, "And you, how did you become the class monitor? When did you discipline this daredevil." Li Sen said, as if he was moved, " Look at the fighters around you, how many are there when we first came out?" Xiao Yong was touched by these words, and he also lowered his head.Li Sen continued, "At this point in the war, let's not make unnecessary sacrifices. It's not worth dying like this. You need to know that you are not easy to mess with." He turned his face to Wu Jianglong again, "Just you just now In that situation, once you enter the bushes and the enemy shoots you in the dark, you don’t even know how you died.” Suddenly raising his voice, he shouted at Wu Jianglong, “Did you hear clearly?”

"Understood." Wu Jianglong replied weakly.

"From now on, you will follow behind me, and you are not allowed to act recklessly." Li Sen stared at Wu Jianglong and said.

"Yes." Wu Jianglong raised his voice this time.

Because their main task this time is to intersperse and divide Gaoping.As for how to annihilate the scattered enemies, the superiors have not yet given clear instructions.Therefore, the troops that came in all focused on how to solve the Gaoping problem.

It was by chance that they encountered this group of enemies here.In the absence of orders from superiors, there can be no blind behavior.Therefore, this was the main reason Li Sen prevented Wu Jianglong from chasing the enemy who fled into the woods.

Ruan Zhina fled into the woods with his men.They wanted to ambush their opponents, but they didn't think they wouldn't be fooled.If the squadron doesn't pursue, and goes out to fight with others by itself, if there are more opponents than others, if you forcibly ram them with guns, that's not courting death.Therefore, Ruan Zhina chose to escape, and he wanted to "keep the green hills alive".As a result, this group of enemies passed through the woods, entered the mountains, and began to retreat towards Gaoping City.

As soon as they left, the fighting on the hillside stopped immediately.

The gunfire has stopped here, and the tank battle on the road is still not over.

A dozen enemy tanks fled forward, and dozens of tanks from our army followed closely behind.Although both were rumbling forward, the two sides still kept a distance and shelled each other.

Wu Xiongyi learned through the radio that Gaoping has been occupied by our army, and the remnants of the 346th Division withdrew from Gaoping City, and have now transferred to the mountains for guerrilla warfare.

This news is more painful to Takeoichi than the death of his parents.As an iron-blooded soldier, he couldn't bear such a blow.He has indeed fought many battles in his life, and there are many tough battles. When did he lose so badly.

Takeoichi was about to cry, but he still controlled the tears from flowing out.After thinking about it, he made a decision to do everything he could to fight the Chinese army to the end.

As soon as Wu Xiong felt wronged, he was still a little angry!Don't admit defeat to defeat!

What about our 41st Army!From top to bottom, he was wronged even more.So much so that after the war, he was pointed at by many Chinese people.If they hadn't been one step late and came too late, the enemy's 346th Division would not have fled into Dashan, and the division commander Huang Bianshan would not have fled to Hanoi to dictate, nor would the soldiers of the 41st Army march around Dashan. Pulling back and forth to clear and suppress, there will not be so many enemies suddenly appearing to intercept when our army retreats.

Our army's consistent tactics are never to care about the gains and losses of a city or a place. The key is to eliminate the enemy's vital forces.This time it didn't work out.Who is at fault!Let's leave it to history!Don't wrong good people, the 41st Army is not easy to fight.

In the Battle of Gaoping, it was this tank regiment that could earn some face back for the 41st Army.

After Takeo thought about it, he suddenly made a big turn in his thinking.

The enemy tank that was rushing forward suddenly stopped running, and "Boom" turned around and made a posture of facing our army.Not only did they raise their gun barrels high, but they also set up a combat formation facing the tanks that our army was chasing over.

Takeo arranged the tanks in a two-four-three formation, and he himself stood at the end, like the goalkeeper of a football team, and also like the chief director, preparing to stage a film of tank battles.

The third company of the tank regiment of the 41st Army rushed to the forefront.

The company commander Han Songtao felt that the situation was abnormal, and hurriedly issued an order to the tank to stop the pursuit, and retreated to meet the enemy.

The order was issued, but the tank soldiers of our army lacked combat experience.As soon as they see the enemy fleeing, they think that the enemy is a frightened bird, and it is enough to chase and fight fiercely, and there is no need to talk about combat skills.

Just when Han Songtao gave the order to stop the pursuit and retreat to meet the enemy, two tanks had rushed into the enemy's formation.

Now the enemy is no longer behind, but has turned to the front and is ready for battle.How many pairs of eyes stare!How many gun barrels are aiming.At this time, you are simply ignorant of the practice when you come in.

As soon as the two tanks rushed into the enemy's position, four enemy tank guns fired at them.

"dong dong dong dong"

After four shots, the two tanks of our army were shot and caught fire, and they all fell to one side.As soon as several tankers came out with fire, they were strafed by enemy anti-aircraft machine guns. They were almost beaten up one by one, and fell backwards to the ground.

Han Songtao, who was on the opposite side, saw his lungs explode after seeing it through the binoculars, and shouted to order the tank company to line up to meet the enemy.

This is a real tank battle between the enemy and the enemy since the beginning of the counterattack.

After a "booming boom" sound from the machine, the three-company attack sequence was adjusted.

Five tanks lined up, and three tanks filled the gap behind, forming an airtight and powerful firepower.At the same time, another six tanks were divided into two groups, outflanking the past from both sides, encircling the enemy.

"Fire" Han Songtao gave the order, and the eight tanks opened fire together.The shells with red tails "swish" and flew towards the enemy.

Seeing our army firing, the enemy's shells flew over in an instant.

After the first round of shelling, four enemy tanks caught fire.

Before the smoke cleared, Han Songtao gave an order, "Attack." The eight tanks of our army rushed straight towards the enemy.

Han Songtao's command car rushed to the front.He dared to raise his seat, put his head out of the car, and command the gunner to fire at the enemy tank.

The red flag on the 710 command vehicle was flying left and right in the gunpowder smoke, as if entering a land of no one, stopping and going, stopping and beating. (Because none of the Type 62 tanks of this period had balance devices, the tanks had to stop and aim when firing, and they could not shoot while moving.)

In the open space on both sides of the road, our tanks and enemy tanks got mixed up.

Judging from the thick smoke emitted by the tank, when it is advancing and when it is slamming on the brakes.The continuous sprinting and dodging made the tank driver steal the show.See the fire to avoid the ballistic, see the smoke and dust to shoot and aim.Everyone knows that if you are not careful, you will be in danger of being shot.

The brisk and flexible characteristics of the Type 62 light tank were fully revealed in this battle.It starts suddenly and stops quickly.Although the caliber of the gun is not as good as that of the enemy, his evasion ability is stronger than that of the opponent.

In a scuffle, four enemy tanks were destroyed, and two tanks of our army were injured and withdrew from the battle.Both sides retreated to the area where the attack was initiated.

In the first fight, Takeoichi lost four tanks.To him, the loss of four cars was like adding salt to the wound.Looking at the few remaining tanks that are in a weak position in front of him, can he not feel distressed!Can he be in a hurry!

After this battle, Takeoichi completely lost the arrogance he had at the beginning.

At that time, he still wanted to use his dozen tanks to fight against dozens of tanks of the Japanese.He wanted to create a brilliant record in the history of tanks, to achieve a reputation of winning more with less, and to win back the honor for the Gaoping Battle.However, he didn't dare to think about it now, he knew that these opponent's tanks were not easy to mess with.Even though they had never participated in a real war before, the bloody blood taught them how to defeat their opponents, especially the kind of strength that was not afraid of death made him afraid.At this time, he thought of the five tanks that were about to perish with him in the valley.

Takeo weighed himself secretly, and said in his heart, "No, let's go!"

It was too late to think of leaving at this time.It's not that I didn't give you a chance, I just had it!As long as you run faster, if the Chinese tanks can't catch up, you can run away!Learn from that Ruan Zhina.But he doesn't, it's easy to pick something.Is Pianyi the one to pick?Just now I had the opportunity to let you go, but you didn't go, now there is no way, the six tanks surrounding him have blocked his back.

When Takeo saw that there was no way forward and no way back, he was completely desperate.Only now did he begin to truly have the determination to fight to the end.He knew that whether he fought hard or not, he could not escape death.

After figuring it out, Takeo began to give orders to the remaining tanks using the radio.After a while of tossing, Takeoichi rearranged his formation, ready to attack our army.

Han Songtao estimated the situation on the battlefield. With the absolute certainty that our army would win with more, he didn't want the tank soldiers to take risks anymore, and decided to use artillery fire to destroy the enemy.So he ordered all tanks to only approach the enemy, but not to approach the enemy, as long as the artillery fire can hit it.

"Forward three", "Five near five", Han Songtao kept giving instructions to the tank company.

After a while, the eighteen tanks surrounding the enemy formed a large circle and stopped moving.

Suddenly, Han Songtao saw through the binoculars that the enemy was showing signs of advancing.He ordered, "Fire." He could not give the enemy any more chances.

At the beginning, Takeo found that the Chinese tanks were only moving forward and did not fire. He didn't understand what was going on for a while.When he found that these tanks only walked within the effective range of firepower, they would not move forward for more than one step.Only then did I realize that the Chinese may have to use artillery fire to cover them.Thinking of this, he broke into a cold sweat immediately, and hurriedly issued an attack command to his tank troops.

Unfortunately, his order was late.

As soon as the enemy tanks started, our artillery shells flew over.

This time it was rapid fire, and each tank had to fire ten shells within 3 minutes.Eighteen tanks multiplied by ten is 180 rounds.The shells that flew over exploded repeatedly within a range of less than 50 meters.

The enemy only wanted to attack forward, and hadn't reached the point of launching artillery shells to counterattack.Then in a burst of artillery fire from our army, the fire broke out and the explosion exploded.

This time, Takeoichi's command vehicle was not spared, and it caught fire after being shot.

His driver howled and jumped out of the cab with fire, and ran away from the command vehicle.

Takeo took out his pistol, aimed at the driver and fired twice, "I'm afraid of death."

After killing the driver, Wu Xiong jumped into the cab and drove the tank towards Han Songtao himself.

He didn't know Han Songtao, but he knew that the tank with the red flag must be our command vehicle.Even if he is defeated, he must win a general in the army of thousands of horses.With that in mind, he stepped up his horsepower and ran wildly.

The galloping tanks dragged long flames, whistling in the wind.

Han Songtao saw Takeoichi's plan, left the command position, walked over, pushed away a gunner, "I'll do it." He manipulated the scope to aim at Takeoichi.

"100 meters, 90 meters..." Han Songtao counted.

When Takeoichi drove the tank to nearly 60 meters, Han Songtao suddenly fired.

A shell passed and hit the front deck of Takeo Ichi's tank.With a bang, the tank stopped completely.

"Drive over and see what kind of person it is." Han Songtao ordered the driver.

The 710 tank stopped in front of Takeoichi's command vehicle with a bang.

Holding a pistol, Han Songtao jumped over the tank.He was just about to reach out to lift the lid, but unexpectedly, the lid was pushed open from the inside.

Han Songtao backed away in surprise, held the man who came out with his gun, and shouted, "Don't move, raise your hands."

What came out was a tank soldier, his whole body was black and smelled like meat.The tank soldier slowly climbed off the tank, raised his hands above his head, and was escorted away by the soldiers.

Han Songtao still has to enter the tank.A gunner, sensing danger, stopped him and went down to the tank room first.

After a while, a gunner shouted from inside, "Company commander, there is a lieutenant colonel here, he is dead."

Only then did Han Songtao know that they had killed a school officer in this battle.

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