soldier rushing forward

91. Battle of Lang Son

91. Always Remember

The Qiqiong River Bridge is divided into upper and lower floors. 【 】The upper floor is a highway bridge, and the lower floor is a railway bridge. The railway bridge deck is very narrow and belongs to the special line for trains.It's like the interlayer of two drawers, it's hard to see its true colors without sticking your head in.

At this time, the two stretching rails stretching forward seem to be forgotten, quietly lying in the middle of the bridge.Although the uppermost layer of the bridge was hot and dark, it seemed to be covered with a protective film and received special treatment. Any noise passed by it without disturbing or being shot. gun.

Mistake, serious mistake.

Our army did not expect it because the situation was unknown.His northern entrance was too far away, on the other side of the mountain, through a cave.So not considered.And the enemy, as a local household, doesn't care too much!

no.The enemy is not stupid, each of them can be described as a masterpiece of war.When did they abandon the fortress of the railway bridge?It's just because this exit is too far away. Once they are attacked by our army, it is not convenient for them to deploy troops from other areas to support them, and they will lose their defense sooner or later.Especially after the fall of Samsung Cave, the enemy felt that it was meaningless to fortify here, so they abandoned the defense.Although they abandoned this place, they placed a platoon of troops on the south side of the bridge, next to the cave on the other side of the bridge.Moreover, they also intentionally blocked the exit of the train with gravel.

The entrance of the cave is blocked, and there are soldiers watching at the mountain pass, so what are you afraid of!Therefore, the Vietnamese army underestimated the defense of the railway bridge, thinking that it was just a dead end.Even if the squadron knocks down here, the road ahead will be blocked, and it is better to go back and start again.

With such a plan, the Vietnamese army invested all its troops and main forces on the top floor of the bridge.

Wu Jianglong climbed to the edge of the bridge and looked down, then backed up and said to Li Sen, "Platoon leader, help me find some ropes."

A soldier handed the rope to Wu Jianglong.Then, he selected five fighters from the commando, each with enough grenades, and descended from the top floor of the bridge to the railway bridge along the rope.

As soon as the six people got off, they ran forward along the rails.

Mortar shells exploded on the bridge deck, and the dust from the shaking of the bridge fell on the faces and bodies of several people.The roar above his head was like a thunderbolt in the clear sky.With every explosion, every tremor, there was a feeling that the sky was about to fall and hit the body, and immediately formed a kind of suffocation in everyone's heart.

The five soldiers ran forward along with Wu Jianglong.

Suddenly, Wu Jianglong saw several Vietnamese troops descending from the bridge not far from the bridge, as if they had agreed with them, and the method was similar.

"Damn, what's going on with me, and what's going on with you." Wu Jianglong cursed secretly.

At this time, the first Vietnamese army to come down had already touched the ground.

"There are enemies, get down quickly." Wu Jianglong shouted softly to the soldiers.

One after another, another seven or eight Vietnamese soldiers came down from the bridge.As soon as these Vietnamese soldiers came down, they raised their heads and shouted upwards.After the shouting, someone passed the rope down from above.There is also a big bag tied to the rope.

"Dynamite?" Wu Jianglong blurted out.

A soldier helped analyze and said, "Could it be that the enemy is going to blow up the bridge."

"It seems to me that the tortoise sons can no longer guard, so they want to blow up the bridge." Wu Jianglong continued, "No, we must not let them succeed."

"Comrades, kill a few turtle sons." Wu Jianglong said, raising his gun to aim at the enemy.

"Hit" gave the order.The six soldiers shot at the enemy together, and instantly wiped out the enemy who descended on the railway bridge.

The Vietnamese army who was transporting explosives down the bridge heard the gunshots, looked down, and found that all of their own people had been killed by the gunmen, so they became anxious and threw grenades down one after another.

Wu Jianglong led five soldiers to shoot at the enemies on the bridge while climbing up the ropes.When climbing halfway, Wu Jianglong threw a grenade on it.With a bang, the two Vietnamese troops who were transporting explosives down immediately reported the incident.

Under the cover of other fighters, Wu Jianglong was the first to get on the bridge.

As soon as the six climbed onto the bridge, they found themselves among the enemies.In front is the enemy's fortress, and behind it is the enemy's artillery.

The Vietnamese troops guarding here are busy blocking Li Sen and the others in the middle of the bridge.

Although there were gunshots under the bridge, the battle above was too fierce. There were explosions and gunshots everywhere. Who still has the time to tell where the guns came from.What's more, the enemy didn't expect Chinese soldiers to rush here from under the bridge.

Therefore, they only cared about filling the barrel with shells, raised their guns and fired at the opposite side, but gave Wu Jianglong and the others their backs.

On the enemy's artillery position, four mortars were flying shells outward.

The smoke rising from the bridge has attracted many people's eyes.In addition, many people in the Vietnamese army wore green military uniforms similar to those of the squadron, and it was difficult to distinguish the enemy from a distance.

The Vietnamese army guarding the mortar, although they saw someone on the bridge, they thought it was their own people who had returned, so they didn't care, and continued to work hard.

"The three of you go to blow up those cannons, and the two of you will follow me." After Wu Jianglong assigned the task, he led two soldiers to slowly touch the enemy's fortress.

With their backs to Wu Jianglong and the others, the Vietnamese troops only shot forward, not realizing the imminent danger to their lives.When Wu Jianglong threw a few grenade bombs, and the enemy's corpses flew across the sky, the Vietnamese soldiers were willing to spend some time and turned their heads to look behind them.It's a pity, no matter what to think about it at this time, everything is in a hurry.

After Wu Jianglong and the two soldiers finished throwing grenades, they swept with submachine guns.

The torrential rain of bullets almost wiped out the enemies guarding here in an instant.

The three soldiers who went to attack the enemy artillery were also unambiguous.They used the grenades as artillery shells, threw them one by one, and blasted the barrels and people into the sky together.

The enemy's artillery was gone, and the gunshots were also less, which created great convenience for Li Sen and the others to charge.

"Comrades, go!"

With a loud shout from Li Sen, the more than 30 soldiers all jumped up from the ground one by one, and desperately attacked the enemy with their guns in hand.With just one charge, the fortress blocking the front was completely breached.

The two Vietnamese soldiers lying on the ground saw the Chinese Communists rushing up, got up and ran.It's a pity that they didn't take a few steps, but they met Wu Jianglong who came round from behind.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, the two Vietnamese soldiers had to turn around and run back again.

At this time, Li Sen led the people closer and closer, sandwiching the two Vietnamese soldiers in the middle.Seeing that there was no way out, the two Vietnamese troops stopped discussing. One took the lead and the other followed closely.The two turned over and jumped from the bridge towards the river.

There were two soft "plop, plop" sounds from the river.After two Vietnamese soldiers fell into the billowing Qiqiong River, they were swept away by the river without a single wave rising.

After the bridge was taken by our army, the more than 30 soldiers led by Li Sen did not stop.They saw that the brother troops who had crossed the river were chasing southward, and they rushed forward, not to be outdone, until they rushed into the southern city of Lang Son City.

As soon as they entered the urban area, the 30 people divided into groups and searched for the enemy along the narrow streets.

Li Sen led a squad, including Wu Jianglong, and there were only seven people left after fighting all the way.They were running forward, when suddenly a group of Vietnamese troops rushed out from a mustache and slanted stabs.

This Vietnamese army lost its organization after being disrupted by our army, and was randomly put together.They didn't dare to take the wide streets, but only took the dark alleys, trying to escape from Lang Son City after escaping our army's pursuit.Unexpectedly, they just took a few detours and encountered these people led by Li Sen here.

"Enemy." Someone shouted, and the soldiers dispersed.

After Li Sen recognized that it was the enemy, he gave an order, "Hit!"

The soldiers fired at the enemy in unison.

Under a burst of random shooting, more than 20 Vietnamese soldiers were knocked down by six or seven.When the rest of the Vietnamese army saw that this place was blocked by Chinese soldiers, they swarmed and fled to another alley while fighting.

These enemies ran in front, followed by seven warriors in pursuit.

Seeing the Chinese Communists biting them to death, the Vietnamese army who fled forward did not give in a single step.Hiding in a corner, after persisting for a while, he was bombed by a Japanese grenade and had no place to stand.If you fight again, you won't be able to continue, so you have to keep going.

The remaining dozen or so Vietnamese troops split into two at a fork in the road and ran towards both ends.

"Chase separately." Li Sen shouted, and the soldiers automatically divided into two groups and chased in two directions.

Wu Jianglong, Niu Qiang and another soldier ran together and went south along an alley.

The eight Vietnamese soldiers running in the front noticed that the number of Chinese soldiers in the back was gradually decreasing, and they immediately regained their energy.After only hearing one of the Vietnamese soldiers yelling "Wow, wow" twice, these Vietnamese soldiers turned around the corner and disappeared.

The three of Wu Jianglong chased to the corner, and suddenly there was no trace of the Vietnamese army.

"Hey! You son of a bitch, where did you go?" Niu Qiang blurted out after he turned the corner and couldn't see the Vietnamese army.

Wu Jianglong felt that the situation was not good, and hurriedly called Niu Qiang, "Niu Qiang, come back quickly."

Niu Qiang heard Wu Jianglong calling him, and was about to withdraw and retreat.At this juncture, a burst of bullets was suddenly shot from a house opposite.Thanks to the flying bullets that deviated from the direction, otherwise, Niu Qiang would have been pierced several times.Only then did Niu Qiang realize the danger, so he ran a few steps and hid in the alley.

"Team leader, the tortoises are not running away, but want to resist."

"Resistance is resistance, and none of them will try to run away." Wu Jianglong and the others chased the enemy to this place, and they were already red-eyed.These enemies not only stopped running, but also wanted to fight to the death.Seeing that we have a small number of people, we want to take advantage of it, which is too underestimating people.Wu Jianglong thought of this and asked Niu Qiang, "Are there any grenades?"

Niu Qiang shook his head, "It's gone."

"Do you have any?" Wu Jianglong asked another soldier.

The soldier also shook his head, "I lost it long ago."

"Damn, how can you fight Guizi without grenades?" Wu Jianglong seemed to be talking about himself, but also seemed to be blaming someone.After closing and opening his eyes, he came up with another idea.Turning to Niu Qiang and the soldier, he said, "Come here, both of you."

Niu Qiang and the soldier approached Wu Jianglong.Wu Jianglong whispered his plan to the two of them.As soon as he finished speaking, Niu Qiang was the first to object, "No, it's too dangerous!"

"No, no." The soldier also shook his head in disagreement.

Wu Jianglong became anxious, and said loudly to the two of them, "I said, why are you two such mother-in-laws? Fighting is not risky, so why do you call it a war? Come on, listen to me and stop talking nonsense." After finishing speaking, he did not wait for Niu Qiang and What opinion does that soldier make again?He jumped out of the corner and ran towards an empty house on the north side of the street.

As soon as Wu Jianglong jumped out from here, he was immediately surrounded by bullets fired by those Vietnamese soldiers.

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't care how many bullets were in front of him and behind him, he just kept running forward.The flying bullets hit the ground, sweeping up bunches of dust.

Seeing that Wu Jianglong didn't fight back and just ran for his life, these Vietnamese soldiers really thought he was the only one here.So they jumped out of the house one after another and chased after them, trying to catch a Chinese prisoner when they escaped, or when they evacuated Lang Son.

Five or six Vietnamese troops put away their guns, yelling and chasing along the road Wu Jianglong ran past.

Suddenly, Wu Jianglong dodged, jumped into a house on the side of the street, set up his gun, and shot at the chasing enemy.

Only then did the Vietnamese soldiers realize that they had been tricked by Wu Jianglong and exclaimed that they had been fooled.It was too late to understand anything at this time, they were all in the middle of the surrounding open blocks.

If you can't beat it, just fight.Several Vietnamese soldiers howled and charged at Wu Jianglong once but failed, and then turned around at that time, trying to hide in the original room again.

It's too late, everything is too late.When they turned around, they found that Niu Qiang and another soldier had already blocked the retreat with guns.

"Hand in your gun and don't kill, hand in your gun and don't kill"

Immediately, the shouts of the Chinese Communists resounded from the empty streets.

A Vietnamese soldier refused to give in and raised his gun to resist, but Niu Qiang used his gun to "chug".After drilling several holes all over his body, he fell to the ground with his body stunned.

The few remaining Vietnamese soldiers saw that they were flanked back and forth, and there was only a dead end if they wanted to resist.If you don't feel complacent, you have no choice but to obediently raise your hands and surrender.

At the same time that Qilian captured the Qiqiong River Bridge.The gunfire on the three high grounds on the south side of the city also completely subsided.

After more than two hours of fierce fighting, [-], [-] and Confucian Temple Heights all fell into the hands of our army.

The loss of the three highlands marked the collapse of the "Lang Son Fortress".It also marked that the main force of the third division of the "ace" of the Vietnamese army was basically wiped out.

The Battle of Lang Son is now over.

Calculated according to Hanoi time, the pointer stuck at [-]:[-] on March [-], [-] AD.

History will forever engrave this immortal engraving.

Although the Battle of Lang Son is over, the self-defense counterattack is far from over.Hundreds of thousands of Chinese Communists are still stranded in the mountains of northern Vietnam.

When the Communist Party announced the end of the self-defense counterattack in a telegram and ordered our army to return to the border, could these hundreds of thousands of Chinese Communists leave as soon as they said it!

The fighting has not stopped, and the blood of the soldiers is still flowing in the mountainous mountains of Vietnam.There are enemies as well as us.When retreating, the soldiers still paid a bloody price.

Therefore, people who have experienced this war said with lingering fear, "The big retreat is very difficult, very difficult. The time it takes to retreat is almost equal to the time it takes to capture Lang Son. The number of casualties is almost the same as that during the offensive. Casualties."

Although it is terrible, even though it is unspeakable, I still want to write it down so that future generations can fully understand this war.

Next, please continue watching, "The Tragic Retreat"

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