soldier rushing forward

92. Desperate Blocking

A big country at the center, if it is not angry, its power is there; if it does not fight, its strength will remain. 【】In anger, you will overturn the river and smash the sea; if you fight, you will dominate the world.However, as a big country, China has never bullied the weak by the strong, and never used the big to suppress the small. The established policy of the "Five Principles of Peace" has always been China's main diplomatic means.

The gang of etiquette also has to follow the rules, benevolent lovers also have to look at their counterparts, and modest gentlemen also have limits of modesty.If you are in a hurry, no one will bother you, even a sheep will bump into a corner, let alone a lion that has opened its eyes.

The sudden appearance of the little bully caused smoke to rise in Southeast Asia, and the neighbors were uneasy.Be bully!Who hasn't done anything out of the ordinary!What's more, I've just grown up, after all, I'm still very young, and I don't have much experience, so it's inevitable to make some mistakes, and it's estimated that it will be corrected after a long time.However, the fault was that he expanded endlessly again and again, and even stabbed the knife down the lion's nose.

One cannot be too greedy, one cannot act without principles, and the most hateful thing is ingratitude.

Since the little brother has gone too far, so as not to cause trouble in the future, let's teach him a lesson!Otherwise he will go further and further down the wrong path

After our army captured Lang Son, the purpose of teaching lessons was basically achieved.On March [-], the Military Commission issued an order to withdraw all frontier troops fighting in self-defense and counterattack to the border.

Order it and amaze the world.Even the Hanoi regime at the time couldn't believe it was true!

A victorious army is already a powerful army with soldiers approaching the city and the odds of winning, but it suddenly stops fighting, which is beyond the expectations of the world.

Now, our army has attacked Lang Son, and there is a flat river in front of us. The 20 troops are ready to go, and the horses are neighing.As long as the Military Commission gives an order, the torrent formed by thousands of armored vehicles will break through the enemy's defense line in an instant.However, China did not do this.

"Dig deep, accumulate food widely, and not seek hegemony" was the strategic thinking at that time, and we have always been in the state of thinking of defending our home and country.China will never seize an inch of land from other countries, nor will it plunder every plant or tree in any country.What we want is development and what we want is peace.

Our purpose is to teach the enemy enough.Let the enemy stop and understand the truth of "tolerable, but not tolerable".Don't have nothing to do, always make fun of Big Brother.

However, the Vietnamese army at that time did not think so.They still think that they are the boss in Southeast Asia, they still think that the big brother of the Soviet Union will lend a helping hand, and they still think that they have the ability to stand upright.Although I was frightened by the squadron, I ran away.But their guerrilla tactics have also been learned.The most distinctive feature is the comeback.

As soon as the retreat order of our army was announced, the Vietnamese army reacted very quickly. They came out of various caves in a short period of time and used various methods to harass our army by destroying roads, searching mountains and encircling them, pretending to be deceiving, etc. , blocking, containment.

Clausewitz once said in "On War": "Retreat is the most difficult military operation"

As a result, how to withdraw our more than 20 troops from the mountains in northern Vietnam has become a big problem.

Retreat must not be organized in a swarm. When retreating, you must keep in mind a concept. During the retreat, you must constantly annihilate the enemy's vital forces and make the enemy lose the power to fight back. Otherwise, you will be surrounded by the enemy instead of being stuck by the enemy. There is danger of being overwhelmed.There are many, many such examples.

The principle of retreat at that time was to cover each other alternately.The front team retreats, and the rear team organizes powerful weapons and firepower to cover the front team on the established position, kills and injures the pursuing enemy, and pays attention to keeping in touch with friendly and neighboring troops to prevent the enemy from turning around and blocking our retreat.

In the vast mountains, the companies that pulled out one after another pulled out their camps and returned.However, the seventh company guarding the [-] high ground has not received the retreat order for a long time.

Xu Xin, the new instructor who was sent to the Seventh Company not long ago, finally couldn't bear it anymore, walked up to Shi Guozhu and asked, "Company Commander Shi, did the superior forget us?"

"Nonsense," Shi Zhuguo looked at the soldiers of the Seventh Company who were lying in the fortifications, and then said, "The [-]th man is guarding here, can you forget it! The division can't remember us, the regiment leader can't remember us, the regiment commander Can’t remember, could it be that the battalion commander still can’t remember!”

Xu Xin looked back at the troops passing by down the mountain one after another, and said, "Everyone has left and the position is empty. Why are we still here?"

Shi Zhuguo glanced at Xu Xin, lowered his head, and said without looking, "We are soldiers, and we must obey orders at any time. It depends on what they are doing! Naturally, when we retreat, we will retreat first, and then we will retreat."

As soon as Xu Xin, the only son from a cadre family, came to Qilian, Shi Zhuguo felt that he was not pleasing to the eyes.Don't talk about not being brave in war, always speak in Wenjue's words, and you are still a mother-in-law!Don't expect him to do any ideological work for the soldiers!As long as you don't talk ironically, if you don't pull the company back, you will be very incensed.If it's not equal, Shi Zhuguo really wants to ask the battalion commander to send this instructor back.After working together for a few days, Shi Zhuguo never asked which unit he was transferred from, let alone how he became an instructor?I just feel that this person is unreliable.Shi Zhuguo didn't like Xu Xin. Although he didn't say it, the platoon leaders could tell from his expression.

"In case the Vietnamese army comes up, we won't be able to withdraw even if we want to." Xu Xin expressed her thoughts regardless of Shi Zhuguo's attitude.

"Call if you can't leave." Li Sen interrupted suddenly.

After this war, the relationship between Li Sen and Shi Zhuguo couldn't be any tighter.Shi Zhuguo didn't like people, so of course he didn't like them either.It doesn't matter if you are a leader or not!What's more, Xu Xin's words made him feel very uncomfortable.The soldiers fought so many battles, and so many people died. Anyone who is alive now is qualified to say a strong word.

What's wrong with the company leader, he has no real skills, no qualifications accumulated in the war, and it's really useless to speak in front of these blood-soaked soldiers.It's okay if it's pleasing to the ear, but if it's not pleasing to the ear, no one will listen to it at all. It's already good if you don't hit you with a few words.

Xu Xin turned her head and glanced at Li Sen, intending to reprimand him as an instructor.But when he saw Li Sen's fierce red eyes and long beard.Xu Xin felt timid, so she breathed a sigh of relief, but her tone was still stiff, "I'm talking about work with the company commander."

"I'm going to check the position." Shi Zhuguo stood up, left the two of them behind, and walked forward alone.

"Instructor, we all know that the Vietnamese army is fighting fiercely, but we can't be afraid of them. Haven't we already reached this point! Withdrawing, it's easier than fighting!" Li Sen insisted.

"Of course, you are very brave in battle. However, it is difficult to attack, and it is also difficult to retreat. If we are slow and the enemy surrounds us, our entire company will not be able to escape." Seeing that Shi Zhuguo ignored him, Xu Xin wanted to Tell Li Sen about your plan.After all, Li Sen is the acting deputy company commander and a member of the branch.

"That's right, but when the troops retreat, someone has to hold the line." Li Sen said stiffly.

Xu Xin looked up into the distance, "Look, there are no other troops in the south."

"Without an order from your superior, you can't take a step back even if you're stuck." Li Sen deliberately loudly said.

"We can't get in touch now!" Xu Xin tried hard to persuade, "If the superior allows us to retreat, and there is a communication error, why don't we just wait here!"

"What do you mean?" Li Sen asked with sideways eyes.

"You should also do the work of the company commander and prepare for the retreat as soon as possible. If it doesn't work, we will retreat by ourselves."

"There is no door, you are violating military discipline." Li Sen narrowed his eyes.

"Okay, if you don't tell me, I'll talk about it myself." Xu Xin still refused to give up, and walked to find Shi Zhuguo.

There are three hills in the [-] Highland, which are stuck next to a road from Lang Son to the northern mountainous area.

As long as there are Chinese troops guarding this place, it is impossible for the large Vietnamese army to pass through, let alone implement an anti-encirclement against our army.

The task of the Seventh Company is to act as a blocker.

Sunset on the western mountain, the night is getting thicker.I watched helplessly as the entire day was spent in silence, with no fighting happening on the battlefield.

When it was almost midnight, a soldier came to the side of the trench and shouted, "Wu Jianglong, it's your turn to go to work."

Wu Jianglong crawled out of the cat's ear hole, yawned, and looked at the starry sky.

Standing on the high hill and looking far away, the mountains and the sky are clearly divided into two layers.Above the top of the mountain, the bright starlight reflects the crystal clear sky, and the gray-white world surrounds the vast sky, which is hazy and boundless.Only starlight, no moon.

Below the top of the mountain, the thick black mountain is gloomy and dense, and the world is filled with strange and weird things.Like people, like beasts, like hell, like the abyss, like all kinds of scary souls that have never been seen in the bright time.Everything is there, but it is absolutely not as beautiful and magical as a fairyland.

Wu Jianglong lay in the trench and looked out.There was still silence all around, and there was no sound.

Once people calm down, they will always involuntarily think of some old things.The memory ledger will be opened automatically. Whether it is what you owe others or what they owe you, you have to go back and forth several times before giving up.

Wu Jianglong was homesick, and the first thing he thought of was his father.

The retreat of the troops means that the war is coming to an end.He, the son who had fallen out with his father, still wanted to go home and meet his father.Think about the scene when you fell out with your father, and the figure of your father leaving in a huff.Wu Jianglong understood everything now.Although Dad did it out of selfishness, it was still based on the relationship between father and son.The war was so cruel and so many people died.If he is also on the death notice, what will happen to my father in the face of such a result!He will scold and cry bitterly!

Then he thought of Liu Yue, a veteran who was a year earlier than him.They crossed the border and fought together, went through life and death together, and formed a life-and-death friendship on the battlefield.

"Liu Yue, you must survive, and I will go back to see you in a few days." Wu Jianglong uttered these words in his heart rarely.

During the seventeen-day war, Wu Jianglong calmed down for the first time and had the mood to recall.Maybe it's going home, maybe it's the end of the war, maybe it's no more dead people.All kinds of daydreams filled his brain at once.

"Damn it, mother-in-law is up!" Wu Jianglong scolded himself secretly, trying to return to reality.

The comrades around him fell one by one, and he always felt that their revenge was not over yet.The war ended like this, and there were no more turtle sons to fight.The promise can't be fulfilled, why should I face my dead brothers, what should I tell them!

Looking at those disabled comrades, looking at those burnt ashes, looking at those new faces who are constantly changing, Wu Jianglong always feels depressed, and always feels that the war should not end like this. "Our blood cannot be shed in vain! Our soldiers cannot die in vain! I want to take revenge." He even said what was in his heart.

A footstep came from the other end of the trench, Wu Jianglong pointed his gun vigilantly, and asked loudly, "Password."

"Beijing." The other party answered the password correctly.

"Platoon leader, you haven't slept." Wu Jianglong recognized Li Sen's voice, so he asked.

"It's time for me to check the sentry. How is it? Is there anything wrong?" Li Sen came up and asked.

"No, the turtle sons are very quiet, maybe they are scared!"

"No." Li Sen said, "Maybe they didn't realize it. Once they catch up, the battle will still be fought."

"Then shall we withdraw?"

"Of course we have to withdraw. We will leave as soon as the order from the superior arrives."

"Oh!" Wu Jianglong stopped talking.

Li Sen walked along the trench and looked into the distance, "Wu Jianglong, do you miss home?"

"I don't want to." Wu Jianglong blurted out.

"Hmph, you are afraid that your father will punish you!" Li Sen said bluntly.

Wu Jianglong pondered for a while, and said, "Just clean it up, anyway, I'm back intact."

"On this point, you are better than your father. The needs of the country are always the first. How can you disregard the interests of the country for some selfishness! Whose children are not children! Whose children, parents don't feel bad. So, I admire you very much on this point." Li Sen said, and patted Wu Jianglong on the shoulder, "Work hard, just relying on this, you will have a bright future when you go back!"

"Platoon leader, I didn't come here because of my future!" Wu Jianglong said while thinking, "I think, since I am here to serve as a soldier, I shouldn't be afraid of fighting. If a soldier doesn't fight, why should he still be a soldier?"

"Okay, this is so true." Li Sen became interested, "When I was promoted, our company commander also said the same, 'Wars may not be fought, but the country cannot be without soldiers for a day, and soldiers cannot be without training for a day.' We've been pretty good this time, and we've finally caught up with a battle, which shows that our soldiers were not in vain."

"Haha," Wu Jianglong laughed softly, "I think so too. It's fun to fight. A soldier who hasn't fought a war is nothing like a soldier!"

"Hmph, you kid, you're a natural soldier," Li Sen also said with a smile, "When the bullets see you, you always walk around."

Wu Jianglong laughed.

"Okay, watch carefully, I'll go over there and have a look again." After Li Sen finished speaking, he walked along the trench again.

As soon as Li Sen left, Wu Jianglong noticed a few dark shadows at the bottom of the hillside slowly groping towards the top of the hillside.

"The enemy is coming up." Wu Jianglong shouted loudly.

Those black shadows heard someone shouting from the top of the slope, and knew that they had been exposed, so they threw a few grenades over.

A grenade thrown over rolled into the trench.

Hearing the sound, Wu Jianglong rushed to one side in a hurry. As soon as he fell down, the grenade exploded in the trench.

A puff of thick smoke, together with soil debris, filled the air.

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