soldier rushing forward

93. Vietnam Army Agent

The ones who came to sneak attack this time were enemy agents. To put it bluntly, they were the same as our scouts. 【 】

When the enemy knows that our army has issued a retreat order, they want to find out the situation and find out whether it is true or not.

The [-] Highland guarded by the Seventh Company is at the forefront of the enemy, so it is the first thing the enemy thinks of.

Throughout the day, enemy agents saw our troops retreating northward on the highway.But the [-] Highland was extremely quiet, and there was no sign of troops moving.So they sent people to investigate.This time, a squad of the Vietnamese army came here to find out the situation.

The Vietnamese army that came up saw the Chinese soldiers swaying on the top of the mountain, so they hid in the grass and did not dare to come out.It was really dark, and in the middle of the night, it is estimated that all the Chinese soldiers guarding the [-] highland fell asleep, and the sentinels were probably sleepy, and their upper and lower eyelids were also closed.Their purpose was to grab a tongue and go back after the sentry was relaxed.

The action that was full of confidence, without thinking, was discovered by Wu Jianglong as soon as he came up, and he yelled so loudly that everyone on the hillside knew about it.

This sneak attacking Vietnamese army was immediately choked with anger, "Let you yell, I'm all in your hands. If you can't catch you, then you don't even want to live." They knew that capturing alive was no longer an option. Possibly, he still thought about taking revenge on the person who yelled first.But they didn't dare to shoot, fearing that the fire would reveal their position, so they threw the grenade over.

It is not easy for a cat to throw a grenade on the top of the mountain.After the two grenades were thrown, they both fell outside the trench.Only one was rolling toward the ditch.It is very likely that the quality of this grenade is not good enough, or it may be affected by damp, and it did not make any sound after rolling for a long time.

But as soon as Wu Jianglong found out that a grenade had fallen in, he didn't dare to be careless in the slightest, and leaped vertically towards the cat's ear hole.

Thanks to Wu Jianglong who discovered it early, the grenade exploded late.After a lot of tossing forward and lying on the side, Wu Jianglong finally got his upper body in, and before his body had time to retract, the grenade rang.

The grenade was stuck by something, and it landed on a slightly higher position and did not roll down again.The cat ear holes are generally at a lower position. If the grenade continues to fall, it is likely that it will directly contact Wu Jianglong's body.

Although the explosion point was very close to Wu Jianglong, the explosion location was slightly higher, and all the shrapnel flew upwards, and none of them flew towards him obliquely, but the blast wave still pushed him hard into the hole, and his head was hard. Hit hard on the ridge.

As soon as the explosion sounded, Wu Jianglong quickly pulled out of the hole, ignoring the pain of his head, grabbed his gun, lay on the edge of the trench, and hurriedly shot at the shadow.

Several explosions, followed by gunshots, spread rapidly across the high ground.

All the sentries on the high ground were alarmed, and they turned their attention in an instant.Soon, the enemy agents were found under the starlight, and the sentries attacked the enemy without any explanation.As long as it can be seen and the bullets can hit, they all fired.In an instant, the fire lines on the three hilltops concentrated at one point and shot at the dozen or so agents.

The agents were beaten by fire from all directions, coupled with Wu Jianglong's counterattack, they completely lost the advantage of sneak attack.They were planning to retreat down the mountain, but they found that there were very few gunshots nearby, only one from Wu Jianglong.

So the enemy changed his mind and wanted to bite the bullet and charge upwards.With more than a dozen people, it is still impossible to deal with a Chinese sentinel.As long as you get the tongue, it doesn't matter if everyone dies.

When the agents thought about it, they quickly let go and attacked towards the top of the mountain.

Li Sen had just walked not far away, when he heard the explosion, he thought Wu Jianglong had nothing to do with playing with a grenade.When he was furious, he found bullets shooting down the hillside here from the other two hills, and then he heard the sound of returning fire from Wu Jianglong's place.I thought it was a surprise attack by the enemy.Thinking of this, Li Sen drew out his pistol and rushed towards Wu Jianglong.

The Vietnamese agents were completely wrong.Although there was only one sentry, there were more than a dozen soldiers sleeping in the trench.

As soon as the gunshot rang out, the soldiers were awakened, and without anyone giving orders, they drilled out of the cat's ear hole with their guns in hand.After discovering that there was an enemy attack, they all took their positions, lying in the trench and shooting at the Vietnamese agents.

As soon as the soldiers joined, the Vietnamese agents would be miserable. The force shot from above suddenly became stronger, and it became a lot of firepower.Coupled with the cold guns flying from both sides, it was really enough for them.

The purpose of this group of agents is for reconnaissance, and they will go back after finding out the situation.Unexpectedly, the Chinese Communists fought with them.The agents did not have heavy firepower, so they were naturally not opponents. After leaving behind a few corpses, they took advantage of the dark night to retreat back down the mountain.

As soon as the agents disappeared, the gunfire from the hilltop stopped.

Li Sen ran towards Wu Jianglong and shouted, "Wu Jianglong, Wu Jianglong." He was really afraid that Wu Jianglong might make a mistake.

"Here." Wu Jianglong retreated from the shooting position, turned around and answered.

Li Sen was relieved when he heard the answer, knowing that the kid was still alive, he ran a few steps, came up to him and asked, "Are you hurt?"

"No, the bullet that hit me hasn't been made yet!" Wu Jianglong still boasted.

"Don't be careless." Li Sen instructed, and then asked, "How many enemies do you see?"

"I didn't see it too clearly," Wu Jianglong said, "Anyway, it's a whole area, and there are probably a dozen to twenty people!"

"Yeah." Li Sen thought for a while, then shouted to one side, "Machine gun, machine gun, come here."

After Li Sen shouted, two soldiers ran towards here.One is carrying a machine gun and the other is carrying an ammunition box.

Li Sen waited for them to approach, and said to them, "Follow me."

"Platoon leader, what are you doing?" Wu Jianglong asked.

"Did you see the foot of the mountain?" Li Sen pointed to the foot of the mountain and asked.

At a distance of 50 meters below the top of the mountain, there are tall grasses as tall as a person, which looks deep and terrifying in the dark.

"The enemy came up from there, maybe they haven't left yet." Li Sen continued, "Wu Jianglong, let's go down three, you should keep an eye on the high place, don't let the enemy snipe at us."

"Yes." After Wu Jianglong answered, he stretched the sniper rifle from his side.

Since Wu Jianglong had this sniper rifle, he has become a double gunner.One is the submachine gun assigned to him by the company, and the other is the sniper rifle.At the beginning, the company commander Shi Zhuguo wanted to take back the submachine gun and let Wu Jianglong specialize in being a sniper.However, considering mountainous combat, there are many close combat situations, and it is difficult to deal with emergencies with sniper rifles alone. After all, they are a frontier company.Shi Zhuguo was reluctant to send Wu Jianglong to the reconnaissance company in the regiment, so he gave him special treatment.So Wu Jianglong carried a submachine gun on his back and a sniper rifle in his hand. He looked so arrogant that he really became a special unit in the company.

Wu Jianglong replaced the submachine gun with a sniper rifle, and aimed towards the grass through the scope to prevent the enemy from suddenly coming out to attack Li Sen and the others.

Li Sen took the machine gunner, climbed out of the trench, and slowly approached the grass.After checking that the distance was about the same, Li Sen rolled into a crater.Let the machine gunner mount the gun and shoot deep into the grass.

"Da da, da da"

The machine gun moved its muzzle up and down, left and right, aiming at the grass.The bullets are like drawing on straw paper, drawing diagonal lines around.The wormwood was broken and crackled after being beaten.After a while of sweeping, there was a mouse hidden in the grass, and it was probably pierced into a hornet's nest.

After fighting for a while, Li Sen analyzed that there would be no more living enemies in the grass, so he took two machine gunners back to the ditch on the top of the mountain.

"Platoon leader, the company commander asked you what's going on." The communicator with Radio 761 on his back ran over and asked.

When the battle broke out here, Shi Zhuguo was in the company command post behind the mountain.

The company command post is located in a low-lying place on the back hill of the [-] Highland.In order to prevent enemy shelling, a ridge was cut along the mountain, and two slightly larger caves were dug on the ridge, one for sleeping and the other for a command post.

Shi Zhuguo was contemplating on the map the issue of covering the retreat of the Seventh Company after the retreat of the large troops.Instructor Xu Xin also stood aside, helping Shi Zhuguo analyze the current situation.Still the same sentence, Xu Xin was still urging Shi Zhuguo to send a telegram to the regiment, asking about the retreat.But Shi Zhuguo just didn't open his mouth, and when he was in a hurry, he said to Xu Xin, "I think so, anyway, we have a lot of wounded in our company, so you should take the wounded and go with the regiment first!"

Hearing what Shi Zhuguo said, Xu Xin also became anxious, "What do you think of me? Am I afraid of death! I'm afraid that we, number one hundred and ten, will be left here for nothing."

"Without orders from superiors, troops cannot withdraw."

"I didn't say withdraw, I just asked you to ask again."

"Is it annoying?" Shi Zhuguo became angry, "It's not that I didn't ask, the regiment ordered us to stick to it."

"But we have stayed for a day and a night, the retreat should begin!"

"Old Xu, it is the bounden duty of a soldier to obey orders." Shi Zhuguo suppressed his anger and said emphatically, "The superiors have their own reasons for making such arrangements. Mother-in-laws, mothers-in-law, don't look like soldiers."

"You..." Before Xu Xin could say the following, there were explosions and shooting sounds on the top of the mountain.

Shi Zhuguo threw away his pencil and ran out of the command post, looking towards the top of the mountain.

"Damn it, we always attack the enemy. This time, the enemy started to attack us," Shi Zhuguo turned around and shouted, "Commissioner, go ask what's going on?"

After a while, the correspondent informed Shi Zhuguo of the surprise attack on the second platoon by the enemy.

"Damn it, why did you come here, let me wait all day for nothing!" Shi Zhuguo said cursingly, "Notify all platoons, pay attention to defense, and don't take half a step back."

After dawn, Li Sen was still worried about the enemies in the grass, so he led a squad down the hillside and sneaked into the grass to search.

At the edge of the grass, Li Sen didn't dare to let the soldiers go in directly. Instead, he shouted outside first, and then threw a few grenades in.When there was no sound at all inside, he led the people forward step by step.

In the grass, the half-person tall wormwood was torn to pieces by bullets.The ground where the grenade was blown was turned up into a deep pit.The flames ignited after the explosion of the explosives reflected black marks like alopecia areata. If it hadn’t been for the subsequent grenade that extinguished the fire, it is very likely that this place would have been a sea of ​​flames long ago, and then the scars after the prairie fire.

A soldier shouted: "Platoon leader, there are enemies here."

With a wave of Li Sen's hand, several soldiers lay down on the ground and put their guns forward to get ready to shoot.Then, Li Sen hinted to Wu Jianglong to outflank the past.The two walked slowly towards the direction of the shout, one left and one right.

After approaching quietly, through the gap, I saw three Vietnamese soldiers lying on an open space, and there was a radio station beside them.The station was pierced several times by bullets.

One soldier aimed his gun at the dead body, while the other squatted on the ground looking for something.

Li Sen pushed through the grass and appeared in front of the two soldiers, "Ask, what are you looking for?"

One fighter replied, "We are afraid there are landmines here."

"Well, you did the right thing." Li Sen affirmed the two fighters.

The Vietnamese army is very cunning, they often make a fuss about the dead.Either playing unmanned tactics, or setting up some minefields, our army suffered a lot in this regard, and it also put a lot of pressure on our hearts.

Sometimes, a platoon or even a company of our army attacked a hill.When the battle was fierce, bullets were flying all over the sky, and various gunshots rang out on the enemy's position.At this time, anyone can tell that there are many enemies resisting here.After our army captured the top of the mountain, they couldn't find a few corpses.There are weapons discarded by the enemy everywhere, but there are not many people who can operate them.Sometimes, the red barrels are still hot, but there is no one around.When surrounded by our army, the enemy suddenly disappeared. Isn't this haunted?

He clearly saw many enemies on the mountain, but when he finally took the mountain, there were not even a few dead bodies.At the beginning, the soldiers all thought that the Vietnamese army had strong skills and that one person could handle many kinds of weapons. It was not until a soldier found an arm of the dead body of the Vietnamese army sticking out of the ground in the woods that this doubt was solved.

While cleaning the battlefield, the soldier tripped over something.When I stood up, I saw that it was an arm protruding from the ground.The soldier was quite bold, and kicked his arm angrily.Unexpectedly, the kicked arm just shook and did not fly away.The soldier felt strange, why is there still a corpse underneath?So he called the squad leader, and after reporting to the higher level, the superior was also surprised.

In such a tense situation, the Vietnamese army still has time to bury the corpse?

Questions arose, and the decision of the superior was made. "Dig, dig up all of them." The superior realized what tricks the Vietnamese army was playing and decided to figure it out.

After digging this place, in a shallow pit, there were more than a dozen corpses of Vietnamese soldiers stacked up.Only then did everyone understand that it was no wonder that after a battle, there were not many enemies. It turned out that they had hidden the corpses.

Another way to play is to tie a mine under the dead body.

After our army has seized a position, it always has to clean up the battlefield.The battlefield is given to you, you can't just watch the corpses of the Vietnamese army lying here!Out of humanitarianism, these dead people must also be buried.So the Vietnamese army made a fuss about the corpses of their companions.Either get a grenade, or get a landmine hanging under your body.As long as someone moves it, it will ring.There are always two or three soldiers to be buried with an explosion.On many fronts, the number of such casualties was high.Later, when the soldiers came across the dead body of the Vietnamese army, they dared not move it easily, even if they walked around, they were suffocated by the stench.

It's okay if you're passing by, but it's not okay if you stay here.No way, I have to think of a new trick.Therefore, when encountering the corpses of the Vietnamese army, the soldiers always took demining actions.

Only when the soldier had completely figured out that there was nothing under the corpse did he stand up with confidence.

Judging from the black clothes of several corpses, this is not the main force of the Vietnamese army, but a small reconnaissance force sent by the local armed forces or the Vietnamese army.This radio station is also used by them to report to the enemy after ascertaining the situation of our army.Unexpected, but was killed here by our army.

"Guizi must be those who came last night!" Wu Jianglong said bitterly.

"Why are there three, where are the others!" Li Sen said to himself.

The enemy who came yesterday originally wanted to go up the mountain to catch his tongue, but he was discovered by Wu Jianglong.Later, he was attacked by our army and had to retreat into the grass.

Seeing that they could not go up the mountain here for a long time, and they couldn't find out the situation for a while, they left a radio station and three Vietnamese troops to continue reconnaissance, and the others withdrew immediately.After the three Vietnamese troops lurked, they were busy tinkering with the radio station, but they didn't notice Li Sen and the others coming down.They only wanted to find out the situation, send the information through the radio, and then evacuate from the high ground at dawn.

Unexpectedly, Li Sen didn't leave the enemy a chance.Not long after the three enemies crouched in the grass, he approached with a machine gun.After a burst of shooting, these enemies were caught off guard, and they didn't even have a chance to escape.The bullets flying up and down, left and right were rampant in the grass. These enemies couldn't hide from the left or run from the right. After a while, they all died under the machine gun.

Li Sen always felt that things were not that simple.The enemy not only wants to conduct reconnaissance, but also must have other actions. This radio station alone can explain the problem.Could it be an observation post placed by the enemy here?With the gunfire yesterday, the enemy must know that there are our troops here, so can they let go?

After thinking about it, Li Sen realized something was wrong, and blurted out, "No, run."

Li Sen yelled, and a dozen soldiers followed and ran out of the grass in one go.As soon as they left the grass and before they reached the hillside, they found that the hillside was full of enemy shells flying over.

A round of shells roared towards the [-] Highland, covering the sky and covering the sky.

There were explosions and smoke.

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