soldier rushing forward

96. Who Blows the Assembly Call?

Although the enemy who rushed into the trench was knocked down, Wu Jianglong and Liu Xuegang still didn't dare to go over easily. Who knows if the enemy is really dead!If they suspended animation and counterattacked in the dark, it would be a disaster for both of them. [ ] Therefore, the two lay on the ground without moving for a long time.

"Leader, let's go and have a look." Liu Xuegang couldn't bear it anymore.

"Wait a second, Guizi is too cunning." Wu Jianglong stopped him.Seeing that the war is coming to an end, he doesn't want to sacrifice for nothing at the last moment, it's better to be safe.

Wu Jianglong touched a stone on the ground and threw it in the direction of the fallen enemy.After flying out of Wu Jianglong's hand, a stone half the size of a brick looked like a grenade, rolling and jumping in the trench.As soon as the stone fell to the ground, it touched the body of a Vietnamese soldier.In the darkness, a Vietnamese soldier suddenly jumped up from the ditch, screaming and climbing up the edge of the ditch.

It really made Wu Jianglong guess right.A total of four enemies entered the trench this time.After Wu Jianglong shot, he only hit the front three.In the end, due to his short stature, the bullet was blocked by the people in front of the Vietnamese soldier, and his life was checked.He watched his companion being knocked down, and found that he had fallen into an ambush by the opponent. He knew that he would not be able to run away, so he simply feigned death, waited for the opportunity, or eliminated the opponent, or took the time to run away.Unexpectedly, the opponent neither rushed over nor fired to expose the target.It made him have to lie on the ground and couldn't move.Just when he didn't know what to do, he found a dark thing flying over, and it landed right beside him.

"Grenade", the Vietnamese soldier's first reaction, was that the other party was going to blow him up.If you still pretend to be dead and the grenade explodes, you are really dead.No, I have to run.So, the Vietnamese army couldn't help but jumped up and turned to the outside of the trench.

When a person is in a hurry, it can be said that his intelligence drops to zero in an instant.No matter how rich your combat experience is, as long as you don't think through your brain, the body reactions that happen in a hurry are all mechanical movements.The more flexible a person is, the quicker his response will be.It's okay to do it right, but if it's wrong, the degree of damage will be greater.This Vietnamese soldier is fully equipped with this.If he endured for another half a minute or so, Wu Jianglong and Liu Xuegang might be in danger.Because Wu Jianglong didn't want to waste ammunition, he didn't throw a real grenade, but tried it with a stone.This time he tried, he really tried to find a living Vietnamese soldier.

Wu Jianglong saw the black shadow jumping up from the ground and climbing up the edge of the trench.He guessed that this must be the last enemy.So, the end gun rushed forward two steps, and pulled the trigger again.

"Da da, da da" two bursts of fire swept the Vietnamese soldier off the trench wall.

After the Vietnamese soldier rolled down the ditch, he groaned twice, and then remained silent.

Wu Jianglong and Liu Xuegang were still worried, holding guns, one behind the other, alternately covering the dead body of the enemy.When I came to the corpses of the four Vietnamese soldiers, I checked carefully and found that the enemy was really dead.Only then can I continue to search forward with confidence.

The two of them tossed back and forth in the ditch, and found no living enemies, so they returned boldly and threw the four enemy corpses out of the ditch.

The night is not clear or dark, and it is in a state of being vaguely visible.If it is impenetrable and integrated with the earth, it will be just an extra stone or soil edge to anyone who looks at it.But if you stand up or exercise, you will be easily spotted by the other party.

The two groups of enemies who rushed over in the dark were all wiped out, and the other enemies did not dare to come over easily.

Ten people were eliminated in a row, and the Vietnamese army was terrified.Since it was impossible to judge how many Japanese were shot here, they no longer dared to be reckless and had to wait for new artillery support.

After the enemy stopped attacking, Houshan's tense form temporarily eased.Taking advantage of this gap, Wu Jianglong and Liu Xuegang rebuilt six bunkers in the trench.Three per person, put grenades, submachine guns, and machine guns in advance, and when the enemy comes, they can shoot back and forth in motion.Not only is the enemy unable to figure out how many people are here, but also saves the time wasted in moving weapons when fighting.

"Liu Xuegang, lower the brim of your hat." Under the faint night light, Wu Long saw the light reflected from Liu Xuegang's face.

After Liu Xuegang understood what Wu Jianglong meant, she squatted down and reshaped the brim of her hat into a duck-tongue shape.Put it back on your head.At this time, he saw a glimmer of light shooting from Wu Jianglong's face.

"You can't even talk about me." Liu Xuegang said with a Hu Nan accent.

Wu Jianglong didn't talk to him, he just touched a handful of wet soil on the ditch, wiped it on his face, and asked, "Is it okay this time?"

With this swipe, his complexion immediately faded away, almost absorbing all the night light.

"Okay, okay." Liu Xuegang said two good times in a row, and then he followed Wu Jianglong's example, grabbed a handful of wet soil, and wiped his face, turning into a big painted face.

"Boom" the enemy shelling began.

I don't know where the Vietnamese army who attacked here got the mortars, and the response was fast enough.It was during the time when Wu Jianglong and Liu Xuegang were preparing.It should be said that it was not considered a high level, but after only a short while, they organized a new round of attacks.

Mortar shells were aimed at the edge of the trench, and after a "boom" shell, there was a ball of fire, and then there was a cloud of dust.This time, Wu Jianglong and Liu Xuegang didn't smear their faces with mud.The dust blown up by the shells also smeared half a cent of dust on the faces of the two.

The bombardment hadn't stopped yet, and behind the smoke and dust, the Vietnamese army rushed over.They rushed, shot, and shouted.The formation of dozens of people formed three or four battle groups, buzzing and rushing towards the trench.

"The enemy is coming up, ready to open fire." After touching his face a few times, Wu Jianglong could finally see the target clearly, and reminded Liu Xuegang loudly.

The Vietnamese army rushed up, getting closer and closer.

30 meters, 25 meters, 20 meters...

As the figure approached, bullets rained down. "PuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuPuP" screamed strangely on the edge of the ditch, and the kicked-up soil dust bounced on his face, which hurt like being severely pinched by someone.

"Hit." Wu Jianglong shouted, and his machine gun fired first.There is no need to aim, that place is thick with people and black, so he will shoot there.

"Da da da" the machine gun in Wu Jianglong's hand roared wildly, and he kept cursing, "You son of a bitch, come up if you have the guts." Regardless of the number of people on the other side, he didn't know what it meant to be afraid, and felt that I had a good time playing myself, "Don't you guys know how to fight more with less! Today I also come to one. Don't say that guarding the top of the mountain is your patent, today I will also guard it for you to see. What is condescending, what is imposing. What is it? One man guards the gate. Now let Guizi pay for it."

While shooting, Wu Jianglong was beeping non-stop.No one listened to what he had to say.In fact, what he said, I am afraid he himself does not know, this is just a war reaction.That's basically what brave people are.Only cowardly people, those who are afraid of death, will throw away their guns and call their parents and mothers.Most of the images of heroes are like this. It is also a kind of courage to scold the enemy while talking to yourself.

The Vietnamese troops rushing up fell down in pieces, but they just didn't retreat, and continued to rush up howling.

Now Wu Jianglong was in a hurry, if the enemy rushed for a while, he didn't even have time to change the magazine.I wanted to call Liu Xuegang to come over to help, but when I tilted my head, I saw that he was not enjoying the beating.

With a "click", the machine gun in Wu Jianglong's hand stopped firing.

Out of bullets.After Wu Jianglong realized this, he dropped his gun, grabbed the grenade that had been uncovered and threw it at the enemy.Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the explosion among the enemy crowd, he ran to the second hidden point, picked up the submachine gun and continued to shoot at the enemy.

"Da da, da da" The sudden gunshot from the other direction disrupted the enemy.The enemy couldn't figure out how many Chinese soldiers were in the position.Wu Jianglong fought here, constantly changing positions, giving the enemy the false impression that there are many Chinese soldiers on the ground.

Amidst the gunfire, a Vietnamese officer shouted loudly.As soon as he finished shouting, he saw all the Vietnamese troops lying on the ground with a "wow".Suddenly, from halfway up the mountain, enemy machine gun bullets blew over like a storm.All of a sudden, Wu Jianglong was covered under the trench, and his head could not be exposed for a long time.

Immediately afterwards, the machine gun turned its muzzle to Liu Xuegang, and Liu Xuegang was also suppressed by enemy bullets.

Wu Jianglong felt that the storm on his head had subsided, and he looked up to see that the machine gun was sweeping around Liu Xuegang non-stop. He hurriedly picked up a grenade, gestured for it, and roughly tested the distance before throwing it towards the machine gun.

Although the enemy's machine gun is five to sixty meters away from Wujianglong, it is on the mountainside.The grenade that flew over fell down the mountain, falling far away.Therefore, Wu Jianglong accurately threw the grenade onto the enemy's machine gun positions without much effort.

Before the grenade hit the ground, it exploded at a height of half a foot.With the sound of "boom", seeing the parts of the machine gun being blown to pieces, the two machine gunners were also thrown aside.

As soon as the enemy's machine guns stopped, Liu Xue just emerged from the trench, just in time to see this sight, and shouted, "Good bombing, good bombing."

Wu Jianglong didn't like it, so he yelled "Get down." Shouting, his body flew over.Dodging and jumping in front of Liu Xuegang, he pulled him down hard, and the two of them rolled down in the ditch.That is, in such an instant, the enemy's bullets shot over.If Liu Xuegang shot a little slower for half a second, how many bullets would have hit his head.

The bullets stuck tightly to the top of Liu Xuegang's head, hitting the trench wall one after another.

"Damn it, why did you do that!" Wu Jianglong punched Liu Xuegang.

Liu Xue just stuck out her tongue, but didn't dare to make a sound.He knew that his life was saved by Wu Jianglong.Don't say it's a punch, it should be kicked ten times.

The enemy attacking on the mountain saw that they could not attack for a while, so they stopped fighting.Since the target could not be found, all kinds of gunfire also stopped, no longer wasting bullets in vain.

Before the trench, there was a moment of calm.

After a while, someone shouted in the grass under the mountain:

"Brothers in China, you are surrounded, come out and surrender quickly, and don't kill if you hand in your guns."

"You son of a bitch, how did you speak Chinese?" Wu Jianglong scolded against the wall of the ditch.He listened and felt something was wrong.How can the Vietnamese army speak Chinese?

"No, this is the secret service team." After Wu Jianglong realized this, he quickly put his head out of the trench and looked out.

I saw a figure swaying in a small piece of woods not far away, and the grass nearby was also swaying.

The special service team has a deep impression on the consciousness of Chinese people, even among themselves, it is also a species with a bad reputation.Everyone in the organization is ruthless, has strong organizational discipline, and is good at sabotage, reconnaissance, and sneak attacks.

Before China's self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, such people often ran across the border, burned Chinese villages, and killed countless Chinese villagers.After the war started, they were also the ones who cleaned up the Vietnamese villagers and severely persecuted pro-China elements.As long as they have Chinese ancestry, or are related to the Chinese, regardless of whether they are overseas Chinese or their own people, those who can be taken away will be taken away, and those who cannot be taken away will be subject to villager control.Simply put, it means guarding or arresting.Their killing methods and torture techniques are no less than that of the Kuomintang's military command.Therefore, some Vietnamese regular troops are also in awe of them.

Although the secret service team yelled fiercely, they didn't dare to bite the bullet and charge upwards for a while.Just bluffing in the woods and grass, trying to suppress the Chinese Communists mentally.

The loud and noisy shouts put a lot of pressure on the instructor Xu Xin.On the one hand, he was afraid that the soldiers would not be able to resist the enemy's spiritual tactics.On the other hand, I am also worried that a trench will be broken by the enemy. If it is broken, the consequences will be disastrous.So he sent another soldier to help.

"Wang Shun, you go to support Wu Jianglong and the others. Tell Wu Jianglong that the enemy is bluffing and must hold on. No matter what the enemy shouts, it is a scary trick. Don't be fooled by the enemy."

"Yes" the new soldier Wang Shun agreed, and then he carried an ammunition box and made a detour from the second ditch to the first ditch.

"Squad Leader Wu, the instructor asked me to come and support you." Wang Shun introduced himself as soon as he approached Wu Jianglong.

"I'm fine, I don't need so many people." Wu Jianglong was talking, and saw the box Wang Shun was carrying, "What did you bring?"


"Okay, okay," Wu Jianglong said, "Leave this here, go back and support the instructor!"

"The instructor asked me to tell you, don't be fooled by the enemy." Before Wang Shun finished speaking, Wu Jianglong stopped him because he guessed what Wang Shun was going to say when he came down, "Okay, okay, You go back and tell the instructor that my people are here. Don’t worry, unless I die, the son of a turtle can’t get close to me.”

Just as he was talking, Wu Jianglong noticed that the enemy was coming up, and started shooting at the enemy unceremoniously, while shooting, he shouted, "Xiao Wang, press the bullet quickly."

After Wu Jianglong finished firing a box of bullets, he threw it to the side, and then urged Wang Shun to ask for it.Wang Shun kept pressing and handing.The gunfire in the trench was completely connected.No matter how experienced a veteran is, he can't figure out how many guns are on the position at this time.

A whole company of Vietnamese troops fought for almost an hour, but they couldn't get through a line of defense.The enemy is on fire, completely anxious.Therefore, all the firepower, including the small artillery, was concentrated and stormed towards a trench.Rocks splashed and dust flew in front of the bunker.

Suddenly, Liu Xuegang ceased fire.

Wu Jianglong didn't have time to think about it, he just wanted to tell Wang Shun to go over and have a look.I saw Liu Xuegang leaning forward and rubbing against Wu Jianglong, "Squad Leader Wu, I'm out of bullets, give me some."

"Give him some bullets." Wu Jianglong shook his head and said to Wang Shun.

Wang Shun shook the ammunition box, "I just brought 150 rounds of ammunition, and you shot them all."

It was only then that Wu Jianglong realized that he hadn't considered the issue of ammunition when he started fighting just now.There are only [-] shots in front of me, which is obviously not enough to face the upward charging enemy.It is also impossible to let Wang Shun go back to luck.This is how to do?I had no choice but to stop and wait.

As soon as the gunfire in the trench stopped, the enemy down the mountain realized that there must be something wrong in the position.So mercilessly launched the seventh charge.

The nest of enemies roared and charged desperately up the hill.

Liu Xue just grabbed a grenade, unscrewed the cover, and was about to throw it down.

"Don't throw it, keep it first." Wu Jianglong reached out to stop it.

Both of them understood what Wu Jianglong meant.

Three young people under the age of 20 prepared the last grenade for themselves. They wanted to survive and die with the position when they had to.For the honor of the motherland, I would rather die than be captured by the enemy.They turned their attention to the grenade in unison.

Under the light of the fire, the three young faces that were still childlike looked so solemn, solemn, and looked at death as home!There is absolutely no sadness, no regret, no love for the world.It's not that they don't like life, don't love their relatives, and don't want to return to the embrace of the motherland.Because they have a military mission.Soldier, his other name is sacrifice.Therefore, at the last moment of their lives, these three young Chinese Communists were determined to throw away everything in the world for the high hopes of the people of the motherland and for the dignity of the Chinese Communists.Although there is only one life, even though they come for a short time.But they don't regret it, as long as they go gloriously and greatly, they are worthy of coming here.This is the real Chinese.

At this time, on the front line, the walkie-talkie in front of Shi Zhuguo finally received an order from his superior:

The blocking mission has been completed, immediately withdraw to the border!

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