soldier rushing forward

97. One person perseveres

The gunshots from the [-] Highland gradually faded away. 【 】Occasionally, there were a few sporadic gunshots, and there were no other sounds.The humid air is mixed with the smell of gunpowder, which is blown by the monsoon and blows around.Except for the whirring sound of the mountain wind cruising and blowing the grass, there is extraordinarily quiet up and down the mountain.For unknown reasons, the enemy stopped attacking the frontal high ground.

Shi Zhuguo issued retreat orders to all positions.

After a while, a soldier who went to the back mountain to notify brought a message from Xu Xin: "Let the company commander lead the others to withdraw first, and they will hold on for a while."

Shi Zhuguo hesitated. It is impossible for the entire company to withdraw all at once, and someone must act as a blocker.When retreating, do not leave too many troops behind.In case of being entangled by the enemy, the more you keep, the more you will lose.

Seeing that Shi Zhuguo didn't speak for a long time, the soldier continued to convey Xu Xin's opinion, "The instructor said that they found a large number of enemies there. If they retreat now, they may be surrounded by the enemy. Let the company commander break through here first, and he will lead the cooking squad to stop the enemy .”

At this time, the three sides of the cooking squad's position were cut off by the enemy, and only the road leading to the top of the mountain was still open.If the cooking squad is withdrawn, the enemy will rush up along this passage, and the entire Seventh Company will be hit from top to bottom.Xu Xin's opinion is undoubtedly correct in terms of life and death for the officers and soldiers of the Seventh Company.

Shi Zhuguo decided to follow Xu Xin's opinion.

Therefore, two more soldiers were sent to transport all the heavy firearms that could not be taken away to the cooking squad, and two more machine guns were added to them.

Xu Xin's analysis was correct.The Vietnamese army's attacks on the cooking squad were ineffective several times, and the casualties were heavy, so it was determined that this was the main force of the squadron guarding the [-] highland.Therefore, it was decided to invest a heavy force, besiege the back mountain, wipe out the squadron, and fight a battle of annihilation that has never been achieved since the start of the war.

The head of the Vietnam Army was very happy, although many people died, but compared with the annihilation of the Squadron, whether it is the results of the battle or the political influence, the gains far outweigh the losses.Therefore, he also transferred the troops on the frontal position, leaving only a few personnel to defend.As long as the Chinese troops on the mountain are blocked and they are not allowed to come down, sooner or later they will be cooked meat in their own pots.What's more, the main force of the squadron is in the back mountain, so it won't be affected too much if there are any accidents in the front.

The commander of the Vietnamese army made such a plan, which gave Shi Zhuguo the opportunity to retreat.This is also the main reason why the gunfire in front of the frontal position is getting rarer and rarer.

"Retreat." Shi Zhuguo finally made a decision.

It is said to be a retreat, but it is actually a breakthrough.At this time, the three mountain legs of the [-] Highland, including the back mountain, were all surrounded by the enemy.If you want to withdraw, you can only pass through by killing a bloody path within the enemy's encirclement.

All fighters are lightly armed, except for the light weapons and bullets in their hands, all other equipment are discarded and destroyed.Shi Zhuguo gave an order, and there was a sound of smashing objects on the battlefield immediately. No pots, pans, pans, or even small mortars that were difficult to move.The soldiers knew very well that even though they were retreating, what awaited them was still a fight.

The most important thing in retreat is speed.

The enemy stopped attacking, but Shi Zhuguo wanted to launch a fierce attack on the enemy when retreating.His purpose is not only to attack the enemy, but more importantly, to attract the enemy's attention to the front and reduce the pressure on the back mountain.

There was silence down the mountain, apparently the enemy had switched from offense to defense.Before the two sides fought, the battlefield environment was like this.

Shi Zhuguo quietly sneaked all the way to the enemy's position with his men.

Under the long corner of the mountain, the Vietnamese army lit countless bonfires, both for courage and illumination, and more importantly, to prevent the Chinese troops on the mountain from sneaking away in the dark.

Although there are many fires, the Vietnamese troops defending here are sparse.There were only one or two sentries guarding each fire, and some of them were already sitting on the ground and taking a nap.This is no wonder the enemy.As soon as they came up, they attacked the [-] highland intermittently.As a result, these Vietnamese troops were not allowed to rest during the day, and they had to come all night at night.The gunfire finally quieted down, so of course they had to seize this opportunity for a while.

Shi Zhuguo told the soldiers not to make a sound, and touched them quietly.

When they set out encirclement circles from under the enemy's eyelids one by one, they realized that there were no enemies in the dark.Shi Zhuguo was dumbfounded, not knowing why.Random guesses, the enemy is really going to be taken advantage of.Could it be that they all went to the back mountain.If they all went, it would be enough for Xu Xin and the others.

As soon as this thought came out, Shi Zhuguo broke out in a cold sweat.If the enemy throws all their heavy troops over, it will be difficult for Xu Xin and the others.

"What should I do? If they slipped away without anyone noticing, the Vietnamese army wouldn't even expect that there would be a middle-aged soldier protruding out. It wouldn't cause unnecessary trouble. However, what to do in Houshan, just relying on those few people, How can we deal with so many enemies? No, before leaving, I have to help Xu Xin."

Before Shi Zhuguo could make a decision, fierce gunfire erupted from the back mountain.

Li Sen rushed to Shi Zhuguo, "Company Commander, let me take the second row up!"

Shi Zhuguo looked towards the back mountain and shook his head, "No, there are enemies everywhere now, if you go, you will leave there in vain."

"Then what about the instructor?"

Shi Zhuguo didn't speak, and said after a long time, "I believe the instructor will have a way to break through." Speaking of this, Shi Zhuguo's eyes welled up with tears, and he gritted his teeth before saying this.Although he and Xu Xin couldn't agree on each other, they still had a little disagreement from time to time.But that's a job problem after all.Seeing that Xu Xin was about to fall into the encirclement of the enemy, it was really uncertain whether she could get out alive.Shi Zhuguo felt very sad.If it wasn't for the dozens of people following him, he might have rushed over and fought side by side with Xu Xin.

"Instructor, I'm sorry, let's go first." Shi Zhuguo said softly.

"Oh!" At this moment, Li Sen also let out a long sigh.

"Li Sen, order everyone to shout and shoot at the enemy, make the biggest noise, let the enemy understand that we are the main force here." Shi Zhuguo suddenly said to Li Sen.


"After shouting, the troops immediately retreated and could not stay for a moment." Shi Zhuguo added.

Suddenly, at the foot of the [-] Highland, behind the enemy's defense line, there was a chorus of Chinese soldiers shouting and killing, and at the same time, various gunshots also rang out.

The Vietnamese army guarding the fire was awakened and immediately blew up their nests. They thought it was the arrival of reinforcements from the Chinese Army.He hurriedly turned his gun and shot at the grass and woods that made the sound.

All of a sudden, there was another sound of fierce fighting at the front of the [-] Highland.


Shi Zhuguo once again issued an order to retreat.

The goal was achieved, and the Seventh Company quickly turned into a three-way column and retreated northward with alternate cover.

Originally, Qilian left quietly, but it turned into earth-shattering.If the enemy finds this retreating force, can they let it go easily!The location at this time is still a hundred and ten kilometers away from the national border. Now that it has been exposed, can the Vietnamese military places along the way pretend to let this army go and let them return to the country calmly?Certainly not, the enemy has never conceded defeat, they finally seized the opportunity to counterattack, even if they caught a toad, they would have to urinate, not to mention a lone Chinese army without reinforcements!

The Seventh Company quickly sank into the mountains, but behind them was also followed by a strange armed force-the enemy's special agent team.

They were attracted by the last gunfire of the Seventh Company.

The constant fighting is still chasing this Chinese Communist.

Behind the mountain, in the first ditch.Wu Jianglong, Liu Xuegang, and Wang Shun piled up a lot of stones in the trench again, and they wanted to kill a few more enemies with stones at the last moment when the bullets ran out.Regardless of their young age, the revolutionary movies they have seen have given them a lot of inspiration, especially the heroic image of "Five Heroes of Langya Mountain", which makes them feel emotional when they think about it.

"Liu Xuegang, Wang Shun, you two, come here." I don't know what new idea Wu Jianglong had, and he even called the two of them over during the battle.Liu Xuegang and Wang Shun hurried over.

"Liu Xuegang, Wang Shun, are you afraid of death?" Wu Jianglong asked.

Although the two of them didn't speak, they must be thinking that Wu Jianglong is either stupid or mentally ill. Who is not afraid of death, it is better to live lazy than to die.

"Oh, why don't you two talk?" When he asked, Wang Shun suddenly cried.Although the cry was not loud, the sound of grief was still heart-pounding.

"Ah, ah, Wang Shun, why are you crying?"

"It's not you who recruited me. I'm just looking for trouble. Why do you ask that!" Liu Xuegang counterattacked Wu Jianglong angrily.

Wu Jianglong touched his head, and said as if talking to himself, "I, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to talk to you two."

"Hurry up, hurry up, we are still waiting for the war!" Liu Xuegang showed a strong look.

At this time, Wu Jianglong also hardened his heart, and suddenly shouted at Wang Shun, "Wang Shun, grandma is a ball, she will die! There is nothing to cry about." Seeing that Wang Shun's mourning had not stopped, he continued to reprimand Say, "I'm telling you to die a hero. Twenty years from now you'll be a hero."

Wu Jianglong made such a noise, Wang Shun stopped crying.

"Let's make a long story short," Wu Jianglong asked, "Have you seen the movie of The Five Heroes of Langya Mountain?"

Liu Xuegang and Wang Shun nodded.

"Since we've seen it, it's easy to handle." Wu Jianglong is full of confidence, "It seems that we can't escape. If we can't escape, we can't be prisoners." As he spoke, Wu Jianglong's eyes were burning fiercely, "We Before dying, I have to kill a few more turtle sons."

"Yeah," the two agreed.

"We don't have a cliff here, and there is no place to jump if we want to. After a while, when the bullets run out, we will hit them with stones. When the stones are gone, you all run to me." Wu Jianglong said, holding up the grenade, "I This and this, I guess, it can make us a hero."

As soon as he said this, Liu Xuegang and Wang Shun stopped talking.

"Don't be afraid, didn't I say it! After 20 years, we will still be a good man." Wu Jianglong stretched out his hand, "Come on, comrades, before we leave, let's say goodbye!"

The hands of the three young warriors clasped tightly together.

"Hey, why are they still alive?" Liu Xuegang heard someone humming again at the front of the trench.

One sentence reminded Wu Jianglong, "Yes, Liu Xuegang, you cover me, I'll get some bullets."

"You don't need to go." Liu Xuegang said, jumped out of the ditch, and crawled over to the pile of dead bodies of the enemy.

As soon as Liu Xue came to the enemy's corpse, he saw six enemies laying in a mess, one of them was still humming.Liu Xuegang's purpose was to check for bullets, so he didn't have time to talk to him.He only glanced at the humming enemy, seeing that he could no longer move, so he took no precautions and focused on finding ammunition among the dead.After a while, Liu Xuegang put several magazines and grenades in his arms.

The Vietnamese soldier who fell to the ground could only breathe out but not breathe in. He wanted to call Liu Xuegang to save him, but he didn't have the guts.I could only bear it, and turned my eyes, watching Liu Xuegang flip through things.

After Liu Xuegang picked up two more grain bags, he kicked the Vietnamese army on the body, "You son of a bitch, we don't kill the wounded, this time it's your fate. When we meet next time, it won't be such a good thing." It's gone." After speaking, he jumped over the enemy's corpse and ran to a ditch.

Liu Xuegang handed over the bullets and food bags to Wu Jianglong. The three of them had just prepared the ammunition when the enemy attacked again down the mountain.

"You son of a bitch, as long as I have something to eat, feel free to come, and you'll have enough." Wu Jianglong aimed his eyes at the charging enemy, and kept nagging in his mouth.

"Wujianglong, Wujianglong," a soldier from the cooking squad jumped into the trench and shouted out of breath, "the instructor told you to evacuate to Erdaogou."

"What about a trench?"

"No, the instructor told you to hurry up."

"I can't go now, haven't you seen the enemy coming up!"

Dozens of enemies bent over and rushed towards a trench.

The enemy divided into three groups, howled, and charged upwards together.

Not far from the enemy's head, shells flew down and exploded one by one on the front.Two of the bombs fell close to the trench, blowing up two sections of the trench.The thick smoke was mixed with dust, making the position gray and dark. Under the reflection of the fire, it formed a sharp contrast with the pure sky in the distance.

The shells extend forward a little bit, and the enemy gets closer and closer.Suddenly, the attacking enemy stopped.Since they didn't hear someone shooting in a trench, they couldn't figure out what the Chinese Communists were doing.So they lay down on the ground and fired blindly into the trench.

In order to save ammunition, Wu Jianglong and the others endured all the time, trying to bring the enemy closer before fighting.

Seeing that there was no movement in the trench, the three groups of enemies really thought that there was no one here.So they all stood up and approached a ditch while shooting.

Suddenly, bullets shot from all four directions in the trench.Machine guns sandwiched submachine guns, and grenades exploded in the enemy group from time to time.

"Be careful to change positions, don't shoot in one place." Wu Jianglong ran around shooting, and reminded others from time to time.

In this way, the attacking Vietnamese army couldn't figure out how many Japanese were killed in a trench.

Seeing that there are several enemies huddling together and about to rush into the trench.Suddenly a shell fell,

"Boom", one of their own shells exploded at the front. In the flames and dust, it was clear that these enemies were blown up without a trace in an instant.

The enemies behind did not dare to charge any more, fearing that they would be bombed by their own artillery again, so they scurried away, yelling and cursing, and retreated down the mountain.

The Vietnamese army retreated this time, and I don't know which artillerymen will be reprimanded again.

The attacking Vietnamese army had to stop the eighth attack after suffering such beatings and bombings, leaving behind more than a dozen corpses.

Wu Jianglong spat down the mountain and said, "You son of a bitch, it's easy for you." Turning back to the others, he said, "Retreat and go to the second ditch."

The four jumped out of the bunker and ran towards the second trench guarded by Xu Xin.

"Instructor, why don't you need a trench?" Wu Jianglong asked impatiently as soon as he approached Xu Xin.

"The company commander and the others have already evacuated, and we have to evacuate immediately." Xu Xin explained.

Although it was two or three o'clock in the middle of the night, the attacking Vietnamese army did not relax their plans to capture Houshan at all.Maybe they guessed it, or feared that the Chinese had escaped.Therefore, we must take the high ground before dawn without stopping.

The grass under the hillside on the left is shaking, and there are enemy shadows in the woods on the hillside on the right.Not to mention Yamashita.If you want to withdraw, you can only break out along the mountain ridge to the north.Breaking through the encirclement in a big way under the eyes of the enemy under the bright starlight is [-]% foolishness.

After Wu Jianglong realized this, he said to Xu Xin, "Instructor, let's go together, neither of us can escape."

"What do you mean?" Xu Xin asked in confusion.

"You retreat first, I will cover."

Xu Xin immediately objected, "You alone cannot deal with so many enemies."

"Losing me alone is better than everyone staying here." Wu Jianglong said decisively, "You try to save me as many guns and ammunition as possible. I can hold on for a while by myself."

Xu Xin looked down at the watch, and estimated that Shi Zhuguo and the others had almost withdrawn, so he agreed with Wu Jianglong's opinion:

"Okay! Don't love to fight, just retreat when you get a chance, we will wait for you in the north."

"Don't worry! I'll be able to catch up with you after a while." Wu Jianglong said confidently.

Xu Xin withdrew with the last five people.

At night, half-light and half-darkness covered the entire Erdaogou.In the gloomy trench, apart from the scattered bullet casings and shrapnel, there is only Wu Jianglong, a lonely figure left.

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