soldier rushing forward

98. The modern version of Wang Cheng

At this time, Wu Jianglong didn't know that the position he was guarding now was already the last blocking position of the squadron on the Vietnam battlefield. 【】As for the number of enemies encountered and how many battles fought by the Yunnan and Guangxi retreating troops during their retreat, it is difficult to count without a special organization.But as a battlefield on the Eastern Front, the Seventh Company was indeed the company that took on the blocking mission and finally received the order to retreat.

Due to the restrictions of various terrains, it is difficult to form a horizontal defensive front to block the enemy at the front.In most cases, they are all around important traffic arteries, and guard points on the top of the hill to form a multi-point defense, using firepower to strike and restrain the enemy's advance.This makes it extremely easy for the opponent to use terrain and features to intersperse, surround the guarding troops, and then pull out the points one by one.

At the beginning of the self-defense counterattack, our army adopted this tactic and advanced to Lang Son step by step, causing the Vietnamese army to be beaten from time to time, passive everywhere, with no focus on defense and no direction to support.Almost everywhere on the Vietnam North battlefield, there were the sounds of the squadron's attacking footsteps.

After the squadron issued the retreat order, the Vietnamese army also adopted this tactic in time, and continuously attacked our army as a blocking force.Most of them used the tactics of dividing and encircling, chasing and intercepting, causing the Chinese blocking forces to be hit from the front and back, and paid a huge price.

Under such circumstances, with only one Seventh Company, it is impossible to form an east-west line of defense to confront the enemy head-on on the vast [-] Highland.Not long after the battle on the [-] Highland, the Vietnamese army discovered the weakness of the Seventh Company's lack of troops, and sent some troops to the back mountain, forming a three-sided encirclement of the Seventh Company.If it wasn't for Hou Shan's tenacity to stop this wave of enemies, Qilian might not be able to escape by himself by this time.

The starlight gradually faded, and the distant sky had already appeared pale, and the sky brightened only in an instant.

Wu Jianglong hurriedly placed weapons and ammunition sparsely on the edge of the trench.

Five minutes have passed, and the enemy has not yet launched a new round of attacks.

Wu Jianglong looked in the direction where Xu Xin and the others disappeared.Extending to the northern sky, the mist mixed with the night that has not completely receded, is still blurry.There was no one to be seen, nothing to see.

"Hurry up, hurry up." Wu Jianglong prayed secretly in his heart.He didn't know how long he could last, whether he could withstand the enemy's next attack.In case the enemy breaks through this last line of defense and finds Xu Xin and the others breaking through.With the strength of the enemy's feet, it won't take long to catch up to Xu Xin and the others.At that time, it is likely to be a tragic massacre.Therefore, he urged Xu Xin and the others to run fast, the farther they ran, the better.

After watching for a while, Wu Jianglong turned around, took out a cigarette that Niu Qiang handed him before leaving, and put it on his nose to smell.

The moist shredded tobacco has exhausted the pungentness of the tobacco leaves, but there are still some tobacco components in the body of the cigarette.This is much stronger than cigarettes rolled with leaves and grass leaves.It doesn't matter how much the soldiers are addicted to cigarettes, because it can dissolve the tense bowstring in the heart in lonely and tense moments, relax the tense nerves slightly, and sometimes convey a kind of confidence and encouragement.Therefore, these seventeen or eighteen-year-old Chinese soldiers, during these more than ten days of fighting, many of them have learned to smoke.However, they only took a few temporary puffs, and exhaling a few smoke rings was enough.

Wu Jianglong wanted to light the cigarette very much, take two puffs vigorously, then exhale a smoke ring, and then watch the smoke take off and disperse.When it spreads gradually, let go of life with leisure and concentration, throw away all the burdens of the world, lighten the body, and let it freely blend into the boundless sky.

At this time, Wu Jianglong thought of death.He realized that facing the charge of the Vietnamese army group, a person might not be able to fight a round, and he might be defeated by the enemy's dense bullets.But he wanted to delay, as much as possible, even if it took tens of seconds in the end, to give Xu Xin and the others the last chance to get into the forest.Eliminate the traces, let the enemy not find the target, and return to the country safely.As for whether he can go back, he has no idea now.Empty, as big as a battlefield behind the mountain.A Chinese soldier, in the face of hundreds of regular Vietnamese troops, still wants to block and survive, unless he has the ability of a god, or Sun Dasheng's 72 changes.And he didn't have any of these. All he had was one thing—death.After a desperate battle, I was able to yell the last sentence in the direction of the motherland-"Farewell, dear ones." It is very likely that I will not even have this opportunity.As soon as the battle started, maybe when a shell would blow over, or a machine gun bullet would sweep over, he would return the gun to the earth without even making a sound.

"Never mind him! There is no one who survives a war. I died, and a dozen people survived. It's worth it." Wu Jianglong thought wildly for a while during the battle.Suddenly, he felt something was wrong, "Why hasn't the enemy launched an attack after so long. No, I have to see."

Wu Jianglong quietly poked his head out of a depression in the trench and looked down the mountain.At the foot of the hillside, the gray Vietnamese army was climbing up silently.

"My god! Why are there so many fucking people!" Wu Jianglong exclaimed secretly.

This time, the Vietnamese army changed their tactics. They stopped shelling and prepared to use the most primitive spiritual tactics for a surprise attack.Now, they also estimated that there were not many Japanese people on the mountain, and they were worried that the artillery fire would wipe them all out.In any case, they will catch a few alive and go back.Foreign reporters from countless countries are waiting for them to show the captured Chinese Communists.To show that they have recovered their lost ground victoriously, and publicize their brilliant achievements.Therefore, they have to use this tactic to scare their opponents first, and then capture them alive.

The attacking Vietnamese army jumped over a ditch and was getting closer and closer to the second ditch.

The distance was getting closer and closer, and suddenly, the Vietnamese army was no longer silent.I only heard someone in the team yell, and immediately, the zombie-like enemies all over the hillside suddenly woke up and began to howl like ghosts.These absolute buzzing noises are like the roar of the pines and the roar of the waves.If people with poor mental qualities stay here, if they don't tremble with fear, they will be confused, and they will not shoot.

Wu Jianglong was also scared, he had never seen the Vietnamese army play like this.He saw these Vietnamese soldiers as if he had seen a ghost. If they really came over and everyone gnawed on him, he might not even have a bone left.

At the beginning, Wu Jianglong touched his upper and lower teeth a few times trembling.However, he soon came back to his senses, "Isn't it just death! You are not afraid of death, and I am not afraid of death." Wu Jianglong recovered from his panic when he thought about it.He grabbed a machine gun and put it under his body, staring at the enemy down the mountain, counting "100 meters, 90 meters, 80 meters".When the enemy approached 60 meters, Wu Jianglong finally opened fire.

"Da da da" machine gun bullets fired at a fire snake, cutting sideways towards the enemy's formation.

As soon as the machine gun fired, he looked at the row of enemies rushing forward, and a dozen or so fell down.But these enemies did not retreat, and the vacancies that fell were quickly filled by the people behind.

In order to give the enemy the false impression that there are many gunshots on the ground, Wu Jianglong used a machine gun to shoot for a while, then quickly dropped it, ran to one side and threw two grenades, then went to another place to pick up the submachine gun and fired again. Shot.

Wu Jianglong changed seven shooting points in a row.

The bullets fired from seven directions and the thrown grenades immediately disrupted the attacking enemy's position.These enemies who had crossed the first ditch saw that the Japanese in the second ditch were beating so fiercely, and began to be timid, and had to retreat to the first ditch to hide.

This mental tactic was broken by Wu Jianglong in just ten minutes.

Since there was more than one Chinese gunner on the ground, the enemy unceremoniously used mortars and machine guns again.

The Vietnamese army began to fight back.

The artillery shells fired by the Vietnamese army flew into the sky with a "swoosh", and within a short while, the Erdao trench guarded by Wu Jianglong was blown out of his wits, and the smoke flew up.

Wu Jianglong got into a kitten's ear hole dug temporarily, and shrank his body.No matter how much you blow up the world, no matter how much you blast, as long as the shells don't land on time, I won't be afraid.

It seems that there is something covering Wu Jianglong in the dark.Although the dozens of shells sent by the enemy almost all landed in the Erdao trench accurately.Some of those ridges and earthen walls were blown up, and some were blown up without a trace.The original high ridge turned into a deep pit, and a large bag bulged in the low-lying place.Only the soil layer on the dragon's head in Wujiang was not hit directly by a shell.If it was a real hit, Wu Jianglong might be buried deep in this trench.

After shelling for a period of time, the Vietnamese army stopped.They don't want to blow up too hard. If they blow up all the Chinese Communists on the battlefield, then what else can they use to show off their capital? Why do they test shots in front of foreign reporters? is the third in the world.

By this time, the Vietnamese army had been beaten like this by the squadron, and they didn't want to lose their honorable title of No. [-] in Asia and No. [-] in the world.The title is hard-won, and they still want to maintain and carry forward it.Therefore, they have to make a fuss about the retreat of the squadron.

Put the victorious faces of the Vietnamese army on the positions where the Chinese Communists withdrew, and use these photos as a testimony of their desperate efforts to regain their lost ground.Now, everything is ready, only the living Chinese prisoners are missing.Therefore, the Vietnamese army must earn this capital no matter what, and come to a real close-up of the war.

The gunfire stopped, but there was no sound in the Erdao trench.

The commander of the Vietnamese army who organized the attack was in a hurry.If he really wiped out all the Chinese soldiers on the ground, even if he took the high ground, he would not have completed his mission.

"Go, go up and have a look."

The Vietnamese army officers sent a squad to slowly approach Erdaohao.

After the gunfire stopped, Wu Jianglong didn't dare to be negligent, and hurried out of the cat's ear hole, holding the loaded machine gun and checking his preset seven firing positions one by one.

The seven shooting positions were all bombarded by the enemy, and the grenades that had been set up disappeared.

Seeing these, Wu Jianglong was really anxious.Without a weapon, why fight the enemy?

Wu Jianglong began to scurry around in the trench, running from east to west.As long as he saw a dirt bag, he would turn it over, thinking about finding something out of it.After dismantling for a while, it was not bad. I finally dug out ten grenades and a hundred bullets.Wu Donglong put all these things in a broken box with a single brain, and dragged them to the highest point of Erdaohao with his hands.

While he was looking for bullets, more than a dozen enemies fell from Erdaohao.

Since the enemies of this squad were not hit by a single shot during the approach, it was determined that there were no survivors alive here.

A Vietnamese soldier reported to his superiors on a walkie-talkie.The Vietnamese army commander then emphasized, "Find me, as long as there are people who can breathe, if it doesn't work, just get a few dead."

Upon hearing this instruction, more than a dozen Vietnamese troops did not dare to neglect, and searched the ground along the trenches.

However, all the way down, they didn't even meet a corpse, let alone panting.After walking for more than ten meters, these Vietnamese soldiers began to feel nervous, "What about the people, where are they going! If there is no life, there must be death! No matter how dead they are, they will not be seen."

A dozen or so Vietnamese soldiers just looked forward with their heads down, never expecting that there was a machine gun waiting for them on a high ridge not far above their heads.

The enemy is getting closer and closer, less than eight meters away from Wu Jianglong.

Ever since Wu Jianglong discovered that the Vietnamese army had jumped off the trench, he hadn't dared to show his face.If the enemy finds out that he is the only one here, the enemy will become more courageous.More than a dozen guns fought against one of his guns, one against ten, that was no joke.Therefore, he hid himself a few meters away from the corner and waited for the Vietnamese army to come.

The sound is getting closer and closer, due to the limitation of octagon, the enemy can't see Wu Jianglong, and Wu Jianglong can't see the enemy either.However, the enemy has not found Wu Jianglong so far, so they moved forward very casually and carelessly, only focusing all their attention on the ground.Maybe the Viet Cong were too trusting of their gunfire.This can't be blamed on them, whoever looked at the trench that was almost turned upside down by the bombing would still think that there are people alive!

But Wu Jianglong is different. He knows the enemy is close at hand. Although he can't show his head, he can judge the distance of the enemy by his voice.

The sound is getting louder and the enemy is getting closer.An enemy walking at the back still showed his head from time to time, indicating to the mountain that they were searching.

An enemy abducts, and another.

Wu Jianglong held his breath, aimed his gun at the enemy, and put his finger on the pre-shooting position of the plank strike.As long as you move lightly, a piece of bullet will fly past.

But he didn't shoot, he was waiting, waiting for all these enemies to appear within his sight.In a situation where the enemy is outnumbered, he doesn't want to be stuck by this enemy and play some shooting competition in the trench.He wanted to use the machine gun to wipe out this group of enemies in ten seconds, and end the trench battle as soon as possible.

The enemy walking in the front didn't look up to look in the direction of Wu Jianglong.In fact, even if he raised his head, it would be difficult to find Wu Jianglong if he didn't search carefully.Because Wu Jianglong had been blasted into a native by shells long ago, and his whole body was covered with thick soil from top to bottom.Coupled with deliberate camouflage, man and trench become one.

The Vietnamese army took a few steps forward.

At this time, the Vietnamese army at the front saw a soil bag in front of them and yelled at their companions, showing a very happy look.It was he who saw Wu Jianglong's man-made soil bag, and thought that the corpse of a Chinese Communist must be buried here, so he hurriedly greeted his companions.

If you don't fight, you can't do it. If you don't fight, the Vietnamese army will step on your body.

Wu Jianglong moved his finger, and the crisp sound of "da da, da da" machine gun bursts immediately sounded in the trench.Before the second enemy could react, the first enemy was defeated.Immediately afterwards, the enemies behind fell to the ground one after another.Wu Jianglong used the machine gun to hit a high level like bowling. These enemies did not fall all at once, but fell one by one.

The last enemy who was still on the other side of the corner felt something was wrong, so he stretched out his head to look this way. It didn't matter what he saw, and he found that his companion was knocked down in an instant.Then he looked into the distance and found Wu Jianglong.At the same time, Wu Jianglong also spotted him and shot a few bullets at him.But this enemy reacted quickly enough, shrank his head, and avoided them all.

Only then did the Vietnamese soldier realize that they had been ambushed by Chinese soldiers.

Therefore, the Vietnamese soldier hurriedly shouted into the walkie-talkie, "There are a large number of Chinese soldiers in the trench."

After Wu Jianglong found that the Vietnamese soldier was not killed, he jumped up from the ground, and his body, like a cloud of smoke, rushed towards the Vietnamese soldier.

The Vietnamese soldier didn't dare to neglect, jumped out of the trench and ran down the mountain, yelling into the walkie-talkie while running.

Although Wu Jianglong couldn't hear what he was shouting?But one thing, he never wanted the Vietnamese soldier to report the situation of Erdaohao.He thought the Vietnamese soldier said he was the only one on the battlefield!If that was the case, he would really be unable to stop the enemy from attacking.

Wu Jianglong didn't dare to jump out of the ditch to chase after him, but quickly put his gun on the edge of the ditch, and fired two bursts at the Vietnamese soldier's back.

"Da da, da da"

After two shots, the Vietnamese soldier fell headlong only five meters away from a trench.

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