As the monk fell to the ground and died, Lin Xiaotang and the others in the hall were stunned for a moment, Huo Yan quickly ran to the open window.A black shadow quickly flashed across the ridge on the opposite side, and when Huoyan took aim, the shadow was gone, and Huoyan slapped the window frame bitterly, "It's him again!"

The room was filled with a strong smell of blood, and the red and white things on the floor were really dazzling. Lin Xiaotang clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.This is the second time, and this is the second time the same killer killed in front of him.The monk is just Zhang Xiaolin's dog leg, so he should not have anything to do with Nie Shangyun, Lin Xiaotang is very sure of this.The only possible explanation is that the monk knew the killer.

There was already a commotion outside the courtyard. The Japanese soldiers in charge of guarding the street rushed in aggressively and surrounded the entire hotel.The hotel owner and clerk were detained separately, and the guests were also ordered to stay in the room.Not long after, Mukai also rushed over, seeing the situation in the yard, he couldn't help being furious.

"Baga, you dare to carry out assassination activities in my jurisdiction, and the target is still my guest! This is a declaration of war on the imperial army!" Mukai immediately ordered his subordinates to seal the city gate, and at the same time ordered the puppet army to cooperate with the Japanese soldiers to launch a full-scale search. Be sure to find the killer.

Lin Xiaotang had gradually calmed down at this time, looked at Huoyan, Huoyan winked at him, and quietly spread his palm, in his hand was the hidden weapon that just stabbed the monk's wrist, Lin Xiaotang nodded, Huoyan immediately put it away.

Seeing that Mukai had a tendency to bring back the owner, clerks and guests of the hotel for interrogation one by one, Lin Xiaotang hurried forward to persuade him, claiming that the cause of the incident was nothing more than his gang grievances in Shanghai and had nothing to do with other people, and Mukai really couldn't do that It took a lot of trouble not to disturb the tranquility of the entire Lin'an because of myself, which would also damage the governance of the Japanese army in this area.

Mukai was very satisfied with Lin Xiaotang's attitude. To be honest, he didn't want such a mobilizing search, causing panic in the whole city. If it wasn't for the face of the gift from Lin Xiaotang, he wouldn't bother to care about these Chinese people's so-called infighting. .So, Ken Mukai backed off, and at Lin Xiaotang's insistence, revoked the previous order.Out of safety considerations, Mukai invited Lin Xiaotang to rest at the garrison camp, but Lin Xiaotang politely declined.

Afterwards, Mukai ordered the hotel to prepare a few more clean rooms for Lin Xiaotang and others, and then he led his men to set up a sentry post, cleaned up the scene, and notified the local charity to transport the corpse away.Only then did the soldiers of the brigade leave.

After settling in, the hotel owner who was terrified rushed over to express his gratitude. Lin Xiaotang comforted him with apology, and tipped some money, and the whole hotel slowly returned to calm.

Looking at his watch, it was already one o'clock in the morning, Lin Xiaotang asked Huoyan to meet Jason.Huoyan was ashamed, having been successfully sniped twice by the killer in front of everyone, Huoyan also felt disgraced, so he specifically asked Lin Xiaotang for punishment, Lin Xiaotang smiled and waved his hand, "This killer is a long-distance sniper, Is it possible that we set up the cordon a hundred meters away? Besides, his target is clearly not me, he just wants to cut off all clues that may expose him and the mastermind behind him, so it is worth our deep thinking!"

After Huoyan left, Jiao Da walked in hastily, "Boss, there was one alive just now, I hid him, he should still be able to ask questions, go and have a look, it won't last long, he insists on seeing him I won't speak until you!"

Immediately, Lin Xiaotang regained his energy, and followed Jiao Da to a trot all the way to the woodshed in the backyard.

Behind the woodpile, Qiang Yihu had simply stopped the bleeding and bandaged the wound for that man, but the place where he was stabbed was in the lower abdomen, the incision was deep, and he lost too much blood. dying.

Lin Xiaotang knelt down and leaned into his ear, "What conditions do you need to tell me what you know?"

The injured barely opened his eyes, "Boss Lin's love for his subordinates is known throughout Shanghai. I only ask for a sum of money, so that my family can live comfortably!"

Lin Xiaotang nodded, "I promise, if I can't do it, I, Lin Xiaotang, will be punished by heaven!"

The wounded gathered the remaining strength and quickly said an address and name. Lin Xiaotang told Jiao Da, "Notify the Shanghai side that the 1 French currency must be sent to this address tomorrow, and handed over to this person!"

Hearing this, the wounded man finally showed a smile, "I believe you. Listen well, we are here to kill you today. Everything was planned by the monk and Wan Lilang, and Boss Zhang didn't know about it. That day in Hangzhou, the monk met Alone, it’s nothing at all, but when we arrived in Lin’an, we saw him again, and the monk suspected that that person came for you too, that person’s name was Xiao Yang, with a long spear...!"

The sound stopped abruptly, Lin Xiaotang turned his head, the injured man's eyes were wide open, and he had stopped breathing.

But what he revealed is enough.

Lin Xiaotang closed his eyes lightly, and said: "Find a chance, contact the local yizhuang, spend more money, be sure to keep it secret, and send the body or ashes back to Shanghai and give them to his family. Remember, Don't reveal our identities."

After Qiang Yihu and others moved the corpse away, Jiao Da leaned over to Lin Xiaotang's side, "Boss, this Xiao Yang, isn't he the spearman Yang from the Thirteen Taibao?"


It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that Huoyan brought Jason back, and the two quietly jumped in from the back wall and went directly to Lin Xiaotang's room.

It seems that Jensen didn't take advantage of it. His coat was full of cuts. Fortunately, he was not injured. He took the tea that Lin Xiaotang handed over and drank it. Taking advantage of this time, Lin Xiaotang told him the news he had just obtained. and Huoyan.

Huo Yan frowned, "If it's really him, then there will be trouble!"

"How?" Lin Xiaotang stared at Huoyan.

"This little spearman Yang is a lone killer. He became famous only in the last few years. Because he rarely appeared, he was ranked last among the thirteen Taibao. But since his debut, he has never Missed. A long spear, piercing Yang with a hundred steps, coupled with his low-key behavior, no one in the Thirteenth Taibao knew his true face. It was a year ago that this person made a shot last time, but this time he suddenly appeared to spy on him. What is the purpose of killing Nie Shangyun and the monk?"

"I judge," Lin Xiaotang stretched out two fingers, "Killing Nie Shangyun is to cut off the clues I'm pursuing; killing the monk is to silence the story, because the monk recognizes him!"

Huoyan nodded, "That makes sense!"

Lin Xiaotang turned to Jason, "Where are you?"

Jason put down the teacup quietly, with a calm expression on his face, "I'm sure he's Japanese, and he's a Japanese ninja!"

"Ninja!" Lin Xiaotang was taken aback, while Huoyan and Jiao Da exclaimed.

This trip to Hangzhou and Lin'an would actually involve the Japanese, which Lin Xiaotang never expected. The first thought in his mind was that his identity had been exposed, but after thinking about it carefully, Lin Xiaotang felt that it was impossible. Everyone knows his identity, including his experience of participating in the severe pain training class. When he came to the training session, Shen Zui had already destroyed his original file and replaced it with a new file. This file is true and perfect. If the Japanese Doubting yourself in this way seems unreasonable. The only possibility is doubt, just doubt.

But is doubt worth the Japanese using ninjas?This is too much to justify.You must know that although ninjas shined brilliantly in Japan during the Southern and Northern Dynasties and the Warring States Period, since the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate, they have dealt a devastating blow to various ninja tribes, leaving only a small part, and they are absolutely loyal to the Ninja clan. The ninja style of the shogunate.Since the Meiji Restoration, Japan has accepted various new technologies and knowledge from the West, and the ninja genre has gradually disappeared from people's vision. In addition, the cost of cultivating excellent ninjas is huge, so ninjas have gradually become the favorites of major families, wealthy families and even royal families. Private guards and other idle forces simply don't have the strength to support these fighting machines.

So, having said that, who is this force that is willing to send out ninjas?Ren Lin Xiaotang thought about it, but couldn't come up with an answer.

"His skill is very good. Although he was injured, his strength has not been affected. He can't shoot in the county town. I chased him to a river, and he used the river to escape!" Jason said lightly.

"A ninja and a sniper! It seems that they are two-sided people. They really look up to me, Lin Xiaotang!" Lin Xiaotang rubbed his chin and smiled wryly.

"Is the agreement with the police rescue going to be implemented? Otherwise, I'll contact the other side and postpone it for now!" Qiang Yihu asked tentatively.

"No", Lin Xiaotang shook his head, "Since you've been targeted, there's no point in giving up now. Everything will be carried out according to the original plan, Brother Hu, please inform the rescue department that I will go to the mountain tomorrow afternoon and ask them to send someone to respond .This time, use me as bait to lure that ninja and Xiao Yang with the spear to show up, and try to kill them all!"

A strange look flashed in Jason's eyes, "Mr. Lin, I advise you to be more careful. We only know about these two people at present. I don't know how much is hidden underwater. With all due respect, your plan is a bit too much." Adventure!"

Huoyan and Qiang Yihu also persuaded: "Boss, it's not worth taking such a risk!"

Lin Xiaotang shook his head, "When we meet with Lao Quan, they probably have already been eyeing them. The most urgent thing is that there is no other way but to make mistakes and lure them out. Try to catch them alive and find out the true face of the mastermind behind the scenes. It's dangerous, if we can't capture it alive, we can only kill it, we have no other choice!"

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