Agents of the Republic of China

Chapter 103 The world is so small

"The target entered Lin'an, had contact with people of unknown origin before, suspected to be an anti-Japanese armed member on the border of Zhejiang and Anhui, and is continuing to follow up, waiting for an opportunity to strike."

Yazawa Shinichi repeatedly looked at the message sent back by the ninja Hirasuke in his hand, and a cruel smile gradually appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Lin Xiaotang, you do have a problem!"

Yazawa Shinichi lightly stroked the simple pattern on the katana scabbard on the knife holder, and put the note into the brazier beside him. A beam of bright flame burst out from the note, which instantly turned into ashes.

Yazawa Shin turned around, leaned over the desk, picked up the brush, and wrote the three characters "Lin Xiaotang" on the snow-white rice paper, put down the pen, folded his arms around his chest, knit his brows together, and meditated hard.

Suddenly, Yazawa Shinichi seemed to have thought of something, and immediately picked up the brush again, and wrote the three characters "Lin Xiaojun" directly below the three characters "Lin Xiaotang".Afterwards, he took out a file on the desk, found Lin Xiaotang's file, and read it carefully. After a long time, he took out a slightly yellowed photo from the drawer, and placed it side by side with the photo of Lin Xiaotang in the file. Together, the eyes suddenly lit up.

"Yoxi, it turns out that he is Mr. Lin's younger brother!" Yazawa Shinichi compared the photos carefully, and it seemed that the figure of the same age as himself appeared in front of his eyes, with that resolute expression and his wife's love and inseparability. The unyielding loyalty made Yazawa Shinichi's eye sockets a little moist.

Yazawa Shinichi put the photo on the desk, moved his body back a step, then bowed down respectfully, and bowed deeply.After raising his head, his eyes gradually turned cold, "This world is really too small! Lin Jun, although you are the person I admire the most, but I'm sorry, in order to fulfill the emperor's entrustment, I have to do what I have to do What's more, your brother took away the heart of the woman I love so much, which I absolutely cannot allow to happen. Please rest assured, I will let him leave this world without pain and meet you !"

Yazawa Shinichi picked up a pen, wrote a row of small characters on a thin piece of silk cloth, then put it into a small bamboo tube, stood up and walked into the courtyard.A few homing pigeons scattered in the yard "Cuckoo" flew to him with joyful calls.

A carrier pigeon landed directly in his open palm. Yazawa Shinichi tied the bamboo tube to the carrier pigeon's leg and threw it into the sky with his hands.


Tianmu Mountain is located in the north of Lin'an County. It got its name because the two peaks on the east and west each have a natural pool on the top, which looks like the eyes of a person.Although the Mid-Autumn Festival has passed and autumn is getting stronger, the plants in the mountains seem to have not been rendered by autumn, and they are still green and tall.

Lin Xiaotang, Huoyan, and Qiang Yihu were walking on the trail in the mountains. The trees on both sides of the road almost covered the sky, and there was a faint mist that exuded a damp smell. It didn't take long to walk, and the clothes on their bodies were all Soggy.

One day before, Lin Xiaotang pretended to leave Lin'an, and Mukai personally led people to send Lin Xiaotang and others to the train.But halfway through the train, Lin Xiaotang left Jiao Da and a few veterans behind, and he, Huo Yan and others sneaked out of the train, shot back and headed straight for Tianmu Mountain.Jason, on the other hand, was cruising behind the crowd, keeping an eye on Xiao Yang with the spear and the Japanese at all times.

Along the way, everyone made simple disguises, disguised themselves as traveling businessmen who bought mountain goods, sneaked around, and finally escaped the Japanese and puppet army's checkpoints and entered the mountain.

Huoyan took out a compass and a map. This map was left by Lao Quan when he left. It is more accurate than the maps on the market or even military maps. It marked the safe route into the mountain and the meeting place in detail. With this map in hand, Lin Xiaotang and the others were able to approach their destination so smoothly and quickly.

Huoyan compared it, calculated the current distance, turned back and said to Lin Xiaotang: "Seventh brother, according to our speed, we should be able to reach the meeting place before the sun goes down in the afternoon. It's almost noon now, why don't we take a break! "

Next to the road is a small stream, the water is crystal clear, occasionally you can see cheerful little fish swimming in it, Lin Xiaotang put some in a water bottle, tasted it, it was sweet and delicious.

Lin Xiaotang sat on a dark bluestone, drank water slowly, and kept looking around. The three of Huoyan stared in one direction, keeping a distance of five to six meters from each other.After entering the mountain for such a long time, the Japanese ninja and Xiao Yang with the spear have not moved at all. Even the fallen Jason did not find anything unusual.Lin Xiaotang reckoned that the people sent by Lao Quan's support should not be far away. If Ninja and Xiao Yang wanted to make a move, it would only be the shortest distance. Once Lin Xiaotang and the support people reunited, their chances of success would be greatly reduced.

Lin Xiaotang lit a cigarette, and lay down on the bluestone. The sky above his head was surrounded by branches and leaves of trees. The sun finally broke free from the shackles of the clouds, and quietly poked his head out, casting dappled sunlight.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the quiet woods, Lin Xiaotang responded to the sound, Huo Yan and the others suddenly became nervous, but the sound disappeared out of nowhere.The people did not dare to take it lightly, they drew out their short knives and pistols one after another, and stood ready.

After a while, the sound of a small animal crawling against the ground came again, and it was getting closer. Lin Xiaotang and others couldn't help but cast their eyes on the ground.

Suddenly something appeared on the ground full of old fallen leaves. When everyone looked carefully, they turned out to be four or five small mounds of dirt, but they seemed to have life suddenly, and they rushed towards them quickly.

When everyone was stunned, the mound was already approaching. Huoyan yelled, and poked the short knife in his hand at a mound. The mound exploded, and a black figure jumped out. A sickle with an iron chain in his hand It happened to withstand the blow of Huoyan.

At this time, the four ninjas who jumped out of the mound were already fighting with Qiang Yihu and Huoyan.Lin Xiaotang was still sitting on the big bluestone, watching their fierce fight with cold eyes. It was obvious that the ninja from that night hadn't appeared until now. He must be hiding in the dark, waiting to give himself a fatal blow.

The cold wind blew through the woods, except for the sound of weapons intersecting, there was the rustling of leaves, and a gunshot, it was Qiang Yihu who shot and knocked down a ninja, while the other ninja saw that the situation was not good, and then jumped again. After entering the soil, the mound moved again, rushing towards Lin Xiaotang on the bluestone.

Lin Xiaotang stared at the movement of the mound, and suddenly his figure rose violently, leaping down from the bluestone, stepping on the moving mound with one foot, firmly stomping the ninja in the soil, a sharp blade followed It drilled out of the soil and pierced Lin Xiaotang's legs.Lin Xiaotang turned sideways, grabbed the ninja's wrist, and with a "click", the ninja's arm twisted at an incredible angle, and the dagger fell into Lin Xiaotang's hand.Lin Xiaotang stabbed the ninja with his backhand, nailing the ninja to the ground, and the soil was immediately stained red.

At this time, Huoyan had already killed a ninja in front of him, turned around, and nailed a ninja holding a steel knife to a big tree.

As soon as Huoyan turned around, Lin Xiaotang's sharp eyes shouted loudly: "Be careful".

Suddenly a big hole appeared out of nowhere in the big tree, and even the corpse of the ninja was split into two halves in an instant. A black shadow came out of it, and a cold light went straight to Huoyan's vest.

Huo Yan couldn't dodge in time, he was stabbed straight, and his body involuntarily threw himself forward.But the tip of the knife pierced Huoyan's back, but it couldn't penetrate it no matter what. Due to the excessive force, the steel knife blade of the ninja was bent.The ninja couldn't help being taken aback.

At the moment when he was stunned, Jason rushed to the bushes, and a brand new steel knife as thin as a cicada's wings whizzed across the ninja's waist.The ninja's movements suddenly stopped, and after a while, blood spurted from his waist and abdomen, and then he fell down and died.

Only then did Lin Xiaotang heave a sigh of relief. It seemed that the bulletproof vest still played a role.Just as he was about to greet everyone, a murderous aura suddenly came from behind him. Lin Xiaotang had no time to look back at this time, so he could only jump forward. He could only hear tinkling in his ears, and Qiang Yihu shouted: "It's a hidden weapon. Be careful, boss!"

Even so, Lin Xiaotang was hit hard on the back a few times, but because he had a bulletproof vest, he was not injured, but there were so many hidden weapons, and one was still stuck on his arm.

Lin Xiaotang's left arm felt sore and numb, "Toxic!" The thought was fleeting.

At this time, several black shadows jumped down from the tree, blocking the way for Huoyan and others to come to support.

Lin Xiaotang turned around, and the ninja leader who had appeared in Lin'an was right behind him, and the ribs in his hands stabbed like poisonous snakes.

Lin Xiaotang waved his knife to fight, but immediately felt that his left arm could no longer exert all his strength, and this tingling feeling was likely to spread further, Lin Xiaotang felt a chill in his heart, "Careless!"

Lin Xiaotang's face turned pale and his head felt dizzy as he blocked the stormy attacks of the ninja leader one after another. He supported his precarious body by himself. The eyes of the ninja leader in front of him narrowed. Once approached.

Lin Xiaotang couldn't use any strength in his whole body, he could only bite the tip of his tongue fiercely, spewing out a mouthful of blood, and went straight to the face of the ninja leader.The ninja leader was startled, and quickly covered it with his hands. At this moment, Lin Xiaotang gathered all the strength in his body, and slammed into the ninja leader, the short knife in his hand pierced directly into his lower abdomen.

The leader of the ninja let out a groan, and held the handle of the knife tightly with one hand, and tightly grabbed Lin Xiaotang's neck with the other hand. The two of them fell backwards together and rolled down the hillside.

Along the way, the two hugged each other tightly, Lin Xiaotang's body was scratched by branches, leaves and stones from time to time, the sky and the earth kept turning upside down like this, but the short knife in his hand could not move forward an inch.until it falls to the bottom.

Lin Xiaotang was lying on his back, the scene in his eyes was a bit blurred, his limbs seemed to be out of his control, he didn't feel a bit, his whole body was numb.He could only slightly turn his head to look at the ninja leader beside him.

The leader of the ninja lay on the ground, a series of violent coughs made him bow his waist, the short knife that had been pierced into his lower abdomen had long since disappeared, leaving only a shocking wound.

The ninja leader spat out blood, and after a while, he stood up slowly, the black scarf on his face was blown off by the wind, revealing a pale, expressionless face.

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