Agents of the Republic of China

Chapter 104 1 man 1 wolf

"You are the first opponent who can seriously injure me!" Hirasuke stood up straight, looked up at the hillside, and slowly walked towards Lin Xiaotang, "But you will die by my hands in the end!" His voice was somewhat Stiff, an unstoppable murderous aura radiated out.

Lin Xiaotang raised his head with difficulty, feeling powerless for the second time in his life, the first time was that bloody day in Nanjing, and now he felt that helpless feeling again.

"Who is it?" Lin Xiaotang felt that his tongue was a little numb, and it was difficult for him to say this sentence in Japanese.

Hirasuke seemed to be smiling, but perhaps he had never seen such an expression on his face, and his smile looked extraordinarily blunt and ugly.

"You don't need to know, and I will never tell you, you can only go to hell with doubts!" ​​Hirasuke pulled out a sharp dagger, licked the edge with his bright red tongue, and the pleasure in his eyes became more intense .

"The master ordered me to let you end your life happily and not to torture you. But now, I have changed my mind. All my wounds are thanks to you. If I don't clean you up properly, I am so sorry for myself!" Ping Zhujie Jie smiled, and stretched the dagger towards Lin Xiaotang's eyes, "I hate your eyes, let's start with your eyes!"

Without any warning, a black figure suddenly appeared in the bushes, panting heavily, and threw Hirasuke to the ground. Hirasuke was caught off guard, and the dagger in his hand fell to the ground, and he quickly blocked it with his hand, but was caught by the Kurokage bit his arm, and Hirasuke let out a scream.

Heisuke took a closer look, only to find that he was thrown down by a black-haired beast, like a dog or a wolf, with faint green light shining in its two eyes, and it was more than three feet long.

Under the pain, Hirasuke kicked the beast away, then backed up a few steps and squatted on the ground, the clothes on his arms were bitten, exposing several bloody wounds.

The beast rolled, quickly got up, arched its body, still staring at Hirasuke, ready to attack again at any time.

"Bageya Road!" Pingzhu cursed in a low voice, looking at Lin Xiaotang who was lying flat not far away, his eyes showed unwillingness, he was on guard while trying to get close to Lin Xiaotang, but every time he moved, the beast Intentionally or unintentionally, he always blocked his way forward.

One person and one beast are in a stalemate like this.

Big drops of sweat dripped down from Hirasuke's forehead, and the wound on his body was still bleeding. He could even feel his own strength slipping away little by little, and the desire to retreat gradually sprouted.

Suddenly, Hirasuke picked up a large piece of soil with his toe, and the beast retreated backwards.

Hirasuke took this opportunity and jumped back into the bushes.

The beast took two steps back, not in a hurry to catch up, but squatted down leisurely, staring quietly at the bush where Hirasuke was hiding.

With a scream, Hirasuke staggered back from the bushes, limped, and there was a huge animal trap on his right foot.

Hirasuke sat down on the flat ground, while struggling to break open the trap and let his injured right foot back out, while guarding against the attack of wild animals.

But the beast didn't seem to plan to attack again, it just stuck out its long tongue and looked at Hirasuke warily.

A man slowly stood up from the bushes behind the beast. He was covered with an unknown animal skin, his long hair covered his cheeks, and only his eyes were exposed. In his hand was an old Hanyang-made rifle, the muzzle of which was pointed at Hirasuke. .

Hirasuke obviously didn't expect that there was a person hidden in such a short distance, so startled, he dragged his broken leg and took two steps back.

Hirasuke looked at the man, who aimed at him without moving, and didn't speak. It seems that it is impossible to kill Lin Xiaotang today.

With a flick of his wrist, Pingbu threw an object under his feet, and a thick golden smoke suddenly rose up. He gathered his strength and jumped up a big tree, trying to escape under the cover of the smoke.

Hirasuke slapped the tree trunk hard, and leaped towards the depths of the woods. Just as he jumped into the air, he felt a gust of wind blowing towards him. Before he could see what it was, his body was already caught by a row of sharp Incomparably thick branches run through.

The row of branches hung in mid-air, Hirasuke's feet were shaking constantly, his eyes were wide open, as if he didn't believe that his life would be ended in this way.

The man in the animal skin shot casually, the rope was broken, and the wooden raft Heisuke fell to the ground. The beast let out a low growl, and quickly pounced on it, biting off Heisuke's neck.

The animal-hide man put the gun behind his back, walked to Heisuke's body, groped for a long time, found a small blue porcelain bottle, turned around and came to Lin Xiaotang.

The long hair hung down in front of the man's forehead, and a gust of wind blew it up, revealing a face full of dirt. The two criss-crossing scars on the face looked hideous and terrifying.He unscrewed the lid of the porcelain bottle, smelled it, and put it in front of Lin Xiaotang's nose.

Lin Xiaotang only felt a trace of coolness coming in from his nostrils, quickly repelling the dizziness in his head, his eyes gradually became clear, he squeezed his eyes hard, and a figure came into view.

The man quickly brushed his hair in front of his face, and looked at Lin Xiaotang with concern.

Lin Xiaotang only felt that those eyes were very familiar, but he couldn't remember where he saw them.

The man noticed that Lin Xiaotang had gradually recovered, so he stood up, waved his hands at the black beast, and made a "ahoo, aahoo" sound from his throat, as if there was something wrong with his vocal cords.

The black beast pretended to run over, but suddenly turned its head and howled towards the woods not far away. Its long fur stood upright, its front paws protruded, and its eyes showed hostility.

The animal-skinned man stopped in his tracks and turned to look in the warning direction of the beast.

A man with a peaked cap slowly walked out from behind the bushes, holding a Springfield rifle with a scope in his hand, and locked on the animal skin man firmly.

The beast roared, and rushed at the man in the peaked cap viciously, but the man in the animal skin couldn't stop him.

The man in the peaked cap staggered his feet and nailed them in place like nails. With his body turned slightly, he aimed a shot in the direction of the beast, and a piece of mud splashed on the path of the beast.

"You'd better keep an eye on your pet, I won't be so polite in the next shot!" The peaked cap kept aiming and said coldly.


"Someone has been looking for you for a long time, come back with me!" the peaked cap said flatly.

The fur man shook his head.

Lin Xiaotang's hands and feet were still limp, and he couldn't use any strength, but his head could move. He tilted his head and looked at the man in the peaked cap, and a name came to his mind instantly, "Xiao Yang with a long spear!"

Xiao Yang with the spear seemed a little impatient, "I don't have time to chat with you, if you don't leave, I'll kill him!" As he said, the muzzle of the gun moved down and aimed at Lin Xiaotang who was on the ground.

The animal skin man remained indifferent, slowly raised his hands, and pointed to the foot of the mountain in the distance.

Xiao Yang glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help being taken aback.On a boulder at the foot of the mountain, Huoyan stood facing the wind, holding a rifle that was also equipped with a scope, and the black muzzle was facing him.

When looking at the animal skin man again, he and the beast had disappeared.

Xiao Yang stomped his feet resentfully, and moved his feet, the muzzle of the gun was still aimed at Lin Xiaotang, but retreated step by step towards the depths of the jungle, and finally disappeared.

Huoyan let out a long breath, and shouted towards the hillside, "The boss is here!"

Huoyan ran up to him, put down the rifle, and helped Lin Xiaotang up, "Seventh Brother, Seventh Brother, are you alright?"

Lin Xiaotang felt that the numb feeling was finally subsiding bit by bit, and the sensation of his hands and feet was slowly recovering. Apart from some scratches on his body, they were the wounds of hidden weapons on his arms. Huoyan checked, "It's not poisonous, it should be just Some narcotics!"

What happened just now resurfaced in his mind bit by bit. The familiar eyes and the appearance of Xiao Yang with the spear seemed to pull out another small clue inadvertently, but Lin Xiaotang couldn't tell what it was.

Qiang Yihu and Jason also came in a hurry. They also brought Lao Quan and a few strong men. They came to meet Lin Xiaotang and others, and they came immediately when they heard the gunshots.

"Wearing animal skins, and a black long-haired beast?" After listening to Lin Xiaotang's narration, Lao Quan looked back at one of his subordinates, "You are a local, have you seen this man?"

The subordinate recalled for a while, his eyes lit up, "There is such a person, a hunter, who appeared here about a year ago, he lives in a cave on the mountainside, and he got a black wolf cub from somewhere. One man and one wolf, hunting for a living, usually have no contact with the mountain people, only occasionally exchange the game for some salt and cloth, never heard him speak, seems to be a mute."

Lin Xiaotang stood up, moved his hands and feet, Fire Eye helped him treat the wound on his body, Lin Xiaotang walked slowly to Heisuke's body, and asked, "Have you checked the corpses of those ninjas just now?"

Qiang Yihu was stunned, "Time is running out, not yet!"

"Go and see!"

"Yes", Qiang Yihu took the order and ran away.

"Those ninjas just now should have arrived later. When I found the ninja leader, he was alone and had no contact with others. Those people may have received orders and came to meet him!" Zhan Sen added.

Lin Xiaotang didn't answer, but squatted down and searched Hirasuke's body, but found nothing except some hidden weapons, gauze and dry food.

After a while, Qiang Yihu came back and handed a small piece of dark cloth to Lin Xiaotang, "It should be theirs. It seems that they are going to destroy it, but they didn't burn it. There is a little bit left, but the words on it I agree with." can't read."

Lin Xiaotang took it over and took a look, it seemed to be a line of dense text, it was in Japanese, only a few words could be discerned in it, "strike and kill" and "will help peace".

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