The campus is so cute

1 Pick up a conversation

In August, the city of Nanhai is in the hottest season, and this place is close to the sea, the air is humid and hot, making it almost impossible to breathe.

At the bus stop, the people waiting for the bus looked anxiously at the side of the road, holding a small fan in their hands to keep fanning the air to dispel the heat, while cursing and complaining that the bus was too slow.

Han Zixuan was in the crowd waiting for the bus. He was dressed casually, but a little plain. He was wearing a white shirt that was popular several years ago, a pair of washed white jeans, and a pair of white sneakers of no name. , although his clothes are average, but the expression on his face is very indifferent, especially when others are busy wiping sweat, his face is not greasy at all, it is as smooth as the skin of a newborn baby.

His skin is fair and clear. Although his face is not as handsome as a male movie star, his eyes are bright, his nose is straight and his mouth is square, especially his lips are very thin. Sometimes there is a childlike naughty expression at the corner of his mouth, and the overall feeling is sunny Cheerful, but I just feel a little rustic, like a migrant worker from the countryside.

Indeed, Han Zixuan came down from the mountain, if he is a rural person according to the standards of city people, he still feels a little unbelievable when talking about his trip to the South China Sea this time. Well, imperial concubine is also a profound knowledge, not just lip service or books can be learned, everything has to be honed in practice.

Han Zixuan didn't refute either, anyway, he had stayed on the mountain for a long time, and it was a good choice to go down the mountain and come to the city to feel a new life.Speaking of the tricks of picking up girls, the master didn't teach him, let him realize it by himself.

Speaking of the life on the mountain, Han Zixuan was filled with emotions. It is not that he has never seen a woman in his life, but there are only a handful of girls, and they are all his friends who play with him, but he looks down on those girls because their skin is rough , talking rustic, and more importantly, the master does not allow him to have excessive contact with these girls.The master told him that your future wife is not here, but in a big city, where there are countless beautiful girls.

Nanhai should be considered a big city, you can tell by looking at the crowds waiting for the bus.Because it was the first time he came to Nanhai, Han Zixuan was not familiar with the geography here, so he took out a note from his trouser pocket. It was a note left by his master, with the bus route on it, as well as Mr. He's contact address and phone number.This time I go down the mountain and report to Mr. He first, and everything must follow his arrangement.

Looking along the flow of people waiting for the bus, Han Zixuan's eyes were a bit treacherous, and he wanted to ask people how to take the bus, but he didn't know how to start.Although the quality of the people is very high now, it is not guaranteed that anyone will see him as a deceitful person and take the opportunity to kidnap and sell him, so he will have to pay for it.

It is very important to choose the right target. You must choose the one who looks kinder. Middle-aged women are the best choice, but Han Zixuan has a small mind in his heart. His master arranged for him to pick up girls. Why should he choose a girl to ask for directions? You have to show your skills in everything, and you can't embarrass the master.Picking up girls is something you can learn without a teacher, the key depends on whether you have the capital.Han Zixuan thinks he looks pretty good, at least better than the fat boy next to him wearing big glasses.

So he started to search for the target, and he found it.There were two girls in the corner of the crowd that caught his attention. They didn't seem to be in a hurry to wait for the bus, they were just chatting on the sidelines, the expressions on their faces seemed to be very happy, and their laughter could be heard occasionally.

Han Zixuan paid attention to the two girls, both of them were very beautiful, at least much prettier than the girl he played with.But it is obvious that one of the girls is tall, nearly 1.7 meters tall, without looking at her face, her slender white and tender legs alone are enough to fascinate her, and the pig brother next to him has been drooling and staring at the girl He pushed his glasses and blinked vigorously from time to time, as if trying to see through, Han Zixuan secretly smiled.It is estimated that this pig brother is also thinking about how to strike up a conversation with him, but he dare not operate.

Han Zixuan played tricks and gently pushed the boy.The man with glasses seemed to be frightened, his body trembled, he turned around to look at Han Zixuan, his face was dripping with sweat, and his expression was quite nervous, for fear that others would see through his dirty thoughts.

"Bro, what are you looking at?" Han Zixuan asked in a low voice.

"It's nothing, I'm watching the car." The boy turned his face and looked at the side of the road, wiping his sweat beads with his hands.

"Really, don't lie, I know you peeked at those two beauties." Han Zixuan said with a smile, thinking it was quite interesting to play with people.

How could the man with glasses admit it after being told the truth.Looking at Han Zixuan's rural attire again, he felt a little relieved, and asked casually, "Look at the beauties again, I'm not as boring as you."

Seeing that he didn't admit it, Han Zixuan didn't mind, instead he nodded consciously: "That's right, I really look at beautiful women. These two girls look good, especially that long-legged beauty." Han Zixuan said, looking at the girl's legs, and then Looking up slowly, you can see the willow waist and hips, exquisite and translucent.Then look up, because the girl is facing Han Zixuan from the side, so Han Zixuan can see the curve of the girl's body very clearly, he curled his lips slightly, unfortunately, the girl's bust is not as impressive as her lower body.

Seeing Han Zixuan looking at the beautiful woman unscrupulously, the man with glasses was a little incredulous.I said in my heart that the rural people are really courageous, and their eyes are thieves.

Han Zixuan felt a little regretful, and his gaze was already fixed on the girl's face. Although he only looked at the side, Han Zixuan was quite surprised. The girl's chin is very sharp. If you look at it from the front, it is guaranteed to be a beautiful melon-seeded face with full lips and light pink lipstick. The breath is full of temptation, the nose is small and straight, the pearl is round and jade-like, which cannot be described too much, the eyelashes are very long, I don’t know if it is natural or the effect of mascara, anyway, it is very exciting when I speak, the forehead is plump, smooth and delicate, and the black shawl is long Hair, typical characteristics of oriental beauty.

Yes, except the boobs are a pity, everything else is perfect.Looking at the girl next to her, Han Zixuan felt that it was a bit boring. Although she was considered decent, there was a big difference.

Han Zixuan sized him up unscrupulously, and was obviously noticed by the girl who was less handsome. She gave him a hard look, as if warning him not to look around.

Han Zixuan turned his head and asked the man with glasses, "Do you want to date them?"

The man with glasses looked at the rural wretch in astonishment, but he still shook his head and said, "Boy, are you crazy? That long-legged beauty is a school belle, and she is also a famous woman next to her. You are really brave."

Han Zixuan continued to question and found out that they were from the same university, and they were from the same department, but this kid only knew them, and the two of them didn't remember his silent crush at all.

"It's okay, try Bubbles, you won't fail. What's the point of just staring like you." After Han Zixuan said, he walked towards the two girls.

The man with glasses snorted, looking like he was watching a good show.

Han Zixuan knew in his heart that this school girl was obviously a bit difficult, so he might as well attack the one next to her first, even if he had the master, it's not against the law to pick up girls.

Han Zixuan went straight to the two girls, but he didn't look at the long-legged beauty, but just stared at the girl with a few freckles on her face, flattering her face: "Beauty, let me ask you, is the No. 111 bus waiting here. "

Yu Xiaolin had long noticed that this man was special, she just stared at He Lizi with a hungry wolf expression, but she didn't care, they were used to being watched.Although she doesn't look like Lizi, she still feels that her face is radiant next to the school belle.

Originally, she wanted to answer in a friendly manner, but she felt that this boy was quite annoying. She naturally understood in her heart that the purpose of these boys who came to strike up a conversation was to ask for directions, but to pick up girls.

"Isn't it written on the road sign? Read it yourself." Yu Xiaolin said angrily.

"Sorry, I'm not a local and I'm not familiar with this place." Han Zixuan scratched his head with an ignorant expression on his face.

Yu Xiaolin looked him up and down, smiled secretly, and said unforgivingly: "Look at your clothes, you just came from the countryside."

Han Zixuan didn't deny it, nodded and praised: "Beauty, you really have good eyesight, you can see it all. I came from a remote village to visit relatives and friends, and I got lost here. I want to open my mouth to ask Lu, I’m sorry, I’m afraid I’ll be cheated, but seeing how beautiful and generous you are, you’re sure you won’t lie to me, so you have the cheek to ask for directions.”

Han Zixuan's sloppy beard made Yu Xiaolin laugh. He Lizi curled her lips slightly, but she had a sneer full of disdain.

Yu Xiaolin turned her eyes to look at He Lizi and said, "I'm not a beauty, she is the beauty." She knew in her heart that this kid probably came for He Lizi, deliberately breaking through from me.Simply bored, play with this idiot from the countryside.

He Lizi was immediately displeased, thinking that Yu Xiaolin was just messing around, she had nothing to do with this rascal, she wanted to get angry and say something, but she heard the man she hated said: "She is not as beautiful as you, and there are tall women in our village, It looks like a hemp stick. Men don’t like it. They say they have no flesh on their body, and they don’t feel it when they touch it. They all like a plump and fleshy woman like you, and a woman like you specializes in giving birth to sons. A typical candidate for the best wife .”

Yu Xiaolin was indeed very plump. After hearing what Han Zixuan said, she held her belly and laughed. This country boy dares to say anything, so fucking interesting.

He Lizi was slightly angry, but felt that there was no need to argue with a rural hooligan, as she was too immature.

Han Zixuan has seen long-legged beauties long ago. As he thought, beauty is beautiful, but he is a little arrogant. He said this on purpose. Obviously, he has other motives. If the beautiful women take the bait and bicker, he will achieve his goal.If there is no bickering, it is also reasonable, how can a proud woman quarrel with a man in full view.

Seeing that Yu Xiaolin was still smiling, He Lizi said angrily, "Xiaolin, that's enough, the car is coming soon." Obviously she hoped that Yu Xiaolin would ignore this blind talk.

But Yu Xiaolin became interested, ignored He Lizi, stood up and rubbed her belly, looked at Han Zixuan and asked, "Hey, rural people, I heard that marriages are very early in rural areas, do you have a wife?"

"No, the girls in our village are not good-looking. They say that there are beauties in the city. I want to marry a big beauty in the city and return to the village to have a good time." Han Zixuan said with a look of longing.

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